Marijuana Overdoses Kill 37 in Colorado On First Day of Legalization

Jan 02, 2014

893242-drugs-overdoseColorado is reconsidering its decision to legalize recreational pot following the deaths of dozens due to marijuana overdoses.

According to a report in the Rocky Mountain News, 37 people were killed across the state on Jan. 1, the first day the drug became legal for all adults to purchase. Several more are clinging onto life in local emergency rooms and are not expected to survive.

"It's complete chaos here," says Dr. Jack Shepard, chief of surgery at St. Luke's Medical Center in Denver. "I've put five college students in body bags since breakfast and more are arriving every minute.

"We are seeing cardiac arrests, hypospadias, acquired trimethylaminuria and multiple organ failures. By next week the death toll could go as high as 200, maybe 300. Someone needs to step in and stop this madness. My god, why did we legalize marijuana? What were we thinking?"

Rainin' Fire in the Sky

Colorado and Washington state approved the sale of marijuana for recreational use in November though statewide ballot measures. Under the new policies pot is legal for adult use, regulated like alcohol and heavily taxed.

One of the principal arguments of legalization advocates was that cannabis has long been considered safer than alcohol and tobacco and was not thought not to cause overdose. But a brave minority tried to warn Coloradans of the drug's dangers.

"We told everyone this would happen," says Peter Swindon, president and CEO of local brewer MolsonCoors. "Marijuana is a deadly hardcore drug that causes addiction and destroys lives.

"When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer? All these pro-marijuana groups should be ashamed of themselves. The victims' blood is on their hands."

One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary.

Pinkman was partying with friends when he suffered several seizures and a massive heart attack which ultimately proved to be fatal. Toxicology reports revealed that marijuana was the only drug present in his system.

"This is just a terrible tragedy," says his friend Peter. "Jesse was trying to go legit and now this happens? I guess drugs really are as dangerous as they say."

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who opposed the ballot initiative that legalized the drug, says he will call a special legislative session to try and overturn the new law.

"We can't sit idly by and allow this slaughter to continue," he said during a press conference Thursday.

  • Mark Reeser

    I hope this article/page is a joke page or something because if not you have no proof of the BS you are spewing.

  • justsayingfacts

    You must be new to the internet

  • ANONymous

    If it’s on the internet it HAS to be true…this is total BS

  • Nathan Vaughn

    I wonder how much research it would take to find out if this was a satire web site or not? Apparently too much for this guy.

  • Ari Kirschbaum

    Morons….it’s SATIRE!!!!!!!

  • Mark Reeser

    Didn’t feel like researching it, that’s why I worded my post the way I did. Sorry for not being up to your intellectual capabilities.

  • Mark Reeser

    Thanks, didn’t really need to be called a moron though. I was hoping it was satire, but with the idiots in the world these days you never know what people will try to pass off as fact/truth. My wife had someone send this to her and tell her how bad MJ is for her, so that’s why I was checking to see what this page/article really was.

  • Mark Reeser

    Not new to the internet, just never seen this page before so I asked. If you didn’t like my question you could have just refrained my replying, but I’m guessing that would be way above you.

  • Stevie


  • Audrey

    Don’t criticize Mark..cmon. So many people still believe the April fool joke that Obama was a foreign exchange student.

  • ZPT205

    Instead of leaving a comment you could have….

    1. Looked at the Daily Currant’s own About page
    2. Typed “The Daily Currant” into google and clicked any of a billion links explaining that it is satire.
    3. Assuming you linked to this from Facebook, looked at any of the billion comments on Facebook pointing out that this is indeed satire.

    So yes, you are clearly very new to the internet.

  • Nathan Vaughn

    It’s OK bro. Just read some books and do some and you’ll get there too.

  • Mark Reeser

    Gotcha, so because my wife sent the link to me after it was sent to her, and all did was click the link and comment I am new to the internet. I’m glad you know so much about me and my life, or is it that you just know everything. New to the internet would be kind of odd though for a network engineer don’t you think?

  • Nathan Vaughn

    You’ve spent more time replying to why you didn’t research than it would have taken to do the research. You need to cut your losses.

  • Mark Reeser

    Criticism doesn’t bother me if its actual criticism and not just a bunch of little smart A punks who think they know everything because they spend all day on the internet from the comfy room at their moms house.

  • Mark Reeser

    Last I checked Natahan I was free to do with my time whatever I wanted. If I feel like wasting my day replying to a bunch a idiots I will. seeing as how I am an idiot too for asking a question instead of searching I feel right at home here replying to you.

  • Julia Burns

    Abuse of anything can kill and that is common sense. If a person abuses water they will die. If they abuses soda they will die. If the abuse alcohol they will die. Are you investigating the source of the marijuana? I should hope so. If this being a case, then how come there was not this problem in other states? It just happened in Colorado? Something is not right?



  • whydopeoplereadfakenewssites

    At best, this is LAZY satire on a site with an empty masthead and an ‘about’ link buried at the bottom of the page. But you know, as long as the ads display, and their post goes viral…



  • Leroy Veritas

    Turn the caps lock off crackhead.

  • Leroy Veritas

    I didn’t know your kind of stupid still existed.

  • Andrew

    Sorry, but if a bunch of idiots want to prove Darwin correct and kill themselves off through stupidity, how is that a reason to reverse progress?

  • Leroy Veritas

    You might want to grow an inquisitive side and spend the necessary 8-10 seconds reading the “about” section of this website.

  • Leroy Veritas

    How about those who are PhD students who think it’s time for stupid people like you to actually think before replying to something on the internet?

  • Mark Reeser

    How about if I thought it was just easier to ask than to do the research. Again if you don’t like my question do waste your precious time replying to stupid people like me. You confirmed you are student though so you are probably replying from your moms basement since you moved out of your room.

  • Becca

    According to a 1988 United States administrative law hearing:

    “Drugs used in medicine are routinely given what is called an LD-50. The LD-50 rating indicates at what dosage fifty percent of test animals receiving a drug will die as a result of drug induced toxicity. A number of researchers have attempted to determine marijuana’s LD-50 rating in test animals, without success. Simply stated, researchers have been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce death.

    At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.”

  • Tyler Stanley

    How could you do anything other than laugh after reading the title on this? Anyone with a brain knows it is impossible to OD by smoking marijuana.

  • JanetMermaid

    All of you know this is a satirical publication, right?

    “The Daily Currant is an American satirical news blog that focuses on politics, technology, and entertainment.[1] A number of its satirical stories have been taken for true news reports by press. The Daily Currant is a competitor to The Onion.”

  • pragmastist

    If pot is outlawed only outlaws will smoke pot, if it’s legal every geek moron on the planet is going to smoke pot, I prefer the former.

  • Hannah

    The article references a breaking bad character lol.

  • Dave

    Your question was totally valid and its sad, but the responses you’ve received are pretty typical of the abuse that gets dished out in comments.

  • Mark Reeser

    Thanks Dave, typical of pretty much any websites comments page. Should have expected it I guess.

  • Mark Reeser

    If you are not joking then you are an idiot. I guess every moron smoking pot is worse than every moron drinking alcohol. How about all the morons that are high on prescribed chemicals that will probably addict/kill them is that better too?

  • Leroy Veritas

    The irony of the guy who couldn’t figure out the site is satire calling someone else an idiot is outstanding.

  • ZPT205

    That explains 3. That does not explain 1 or 2.

    I don’t think the original poster meant that you were _literally_ new to the internet, only that posting a comment to ask a question when you could find the answer yourself in 5 seconds is incredibly lazy.

  • Mark Reeser

    Well Leroy, I guess I can spend all day everyday here with the rest of you morons a be right at home. I asked if it was a joke, what about that says I couldn’t figure it out. I actually said I hope this is a joke, then I asked, but yeah I’m the big idiot in a room full of scholars.

  • ZPT205

    It seems obviously comical to people with sufficient braincells to turn off caps lock.

  • pragmastist

    I would rather see a smaller number of the fringes of society smoking pot than to see society in general being wasted which I think I stated very plainly in my first post. Morons are morons, they’ll do something wrong drunk, sober, or stoned.

  • Mark Reeser

    I’m American can’t I at least be lazy like I am suppose to be. Lazy or not it seemed like the simplest thing to do was ask, didn’t know that asking was bad, but then I forgot we are not suppose to question anything just conform.

  • ZPT205

    Jesse Pinkman is supposed to live in New Mexico, not Colorado, but it was nonetheless hilarious.

  • Mark Reeser

    Please tell me all these wrong things that stoners do besides smoking pot illegally. You do know that cannabis has many medical uses right including curing cancer and helping people stop seizures. How about all the uses of hemp. Do you even know the reason behind prohibition in the first place? Besides that in a truly free country prohibition would not exist. You think the founding fathers believed in prohibition?

  • Adam K Bice

    Not to pretend to tell you what to do, but you may want to stop and think about the way it looks when:

    A) The main thrust of your counter-insults to people who insult you is “you spend all day at your mom’s house insulting people on the internet, so you’re a loser,” and

    B) you’ve responded to literally every comment which mentioned your name.

  • william

    article is a complete hoax. hypospadias, acquired trimethylaminuria are
    things that could not possibly be caused by marijuana use.
    2. hypospadias is a birth defect of the urethra in the male that involves
    an abnormally placed urinary meatus (the opening, or male external
    urethral orifice)
    3. trimethylaminuria is a metobolic disfunction that causes you to

    Daily Currant is a “funny” page. Look at some of the other stories
    linked on the same page, such as Obama introducing a new flag for the

  • Garlont

    Curing Cancer..? Wow, you ARE stoned..!

  • Mark Reeser

    It is a slow day/week at work due to the holiday so yes I am goofing off on the internet. Not all my responses are that way just the ones I figure are smart A little punks that have nothing better to do than sit on this site all day and make smart A comments to anyone thats dares ask a question.

    B) as I said slow day/week at work due to the holidays so I have nothing better to do at the moment, but pass my time on the internet showing how stupid I am (not directed at you, just had to add that in there).

  • Mike Halem

    I do not think people started to smoke Marijuana because it became legal.
    It is unfortunate, but this is the best advertising against Marijuana use.
    People hardly smoke cigarettes because they learned it is not good for them. I am sure this will be the case for the marijuana too. Let people decide. even if some had to die because they are stupid enough to over dose on drugs of any type.

  • spongeO

    Where do you think Jesse went after he escaped?

  • Mike Stratacaster

    Why are you making this about you? Your response to this is making you look like a massive tool. Just move on and get over it and you look like less of an idiot.

  • River News

    The Daily Currant is a pathetic excuse for a humor page.

  • Mark Reeser

    Stoned huh, well you keep being a sheep and believing everything your government tells you to believe. I have seen it with my own eyes, and know it to be true. Do a little research of your own you can start here or here

  • Mike Stratacaster

    I find it hysterical that you had to point this out. And that Dr. Jack Shepard (Jack, from the show Lost), and Jesse Pinkman (Jesse, from Breaking Bad) as well as other references didn’t give this away in 10 seconds flat. Hahaha.

  • pragmastist

    I don’t have a problem with legal pot, I’m just stating my opinion which is based on being around people who smoked and those who didn’t for over forty years. This is going to make for some really entertaining news stories.

  • Eric Lugo

    Did you read the entire thing?

  • Mike Stratacaster

    Or grown men who are web developers and just happened to have a fully developed brain? Just because you’re too stupid to understand satire, or too lazy to take 30 seconds to investigate whether or not an article is real or is satire, doesn’t mean anyone else is a punk or a know it all. It means you’re a lazy moron who is lashing out instead of simply moving on with life.

  • Mike Stratacaster

    Plus a character from Lost (Dr. Jack Shepard)

  • duhh

    ” …a former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary…”

  • Mark Reeser

    Thanks for the advice Mike, but I really don’t care what anyone here thinks of me, and as I already stated I have nothing better to do at the moment but kill time. Plus arguing with idiots on the net is easy and free entertainment. I will take your advice now that sine it’s time for me to get out of here and go spend the rest of the day with my wife and son. I’m sure tomorrow will be another easy day at work though, so I’ll probably come back so I can be the only idiot in the room.

  • Tebow3:16

    After looking over some of the comments, I have serious doubts about the collective intelligence of the United States.

  • 1982bitchs

    Your all a bunch of idiots if you believed this for a second.. Read the About section of the site it clearly state all the stories are fictional END OF STORY !!

    Q. Are your news stories real?

    A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to
    address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to
    real events happening in the world”

  • Mark Reeser

    Once again Mike you got me, I don’t have a fully developed brain that is why I hang out on sites like this talking with intellectually superior people like yourself in my hope to get better.

  • Tebow3:16

    I hope that Mark and his wife don’t have kids.

  • Tebow3:16


  • chungasrevenge


  • aghazy

    Laziness is not an excuse. You refer to others as losers living in their parents basements. Too much Fox will give you the impression that no one is worthy unless they run a fortune 500 company. But that just means you are stealing wages from others not really working for what you have.

  • Brucey

    Shhhhhhh, it’s ok, you’re safe now.

  • aghazy

    And again you call others idiots but you are too lazy to do your own research.

  • aghazy

    So that’s why networks keep breaking down, you engineered them.

  • Shorty

    The only way to OD on MJ is to lace it. And, since cops like to use coke because its untracable on a drug test I am pretty damn sure that is what those buds were laced with…..Alcohol does way way more damage and deaths than MJ ever will or ever has.

  • sinrise


  • Tebow3:16

    Really? That’s your takeaway from this article?

  • Mark Reeser

    Sorry no Fox for me, don’t watch any TV news that will certainly rot your brain. I can be lazy if I want and call others idiot if I want all part of being on the net,

  • James

    dude just quit with the butt hurt already.

  • D

    OMG this is complete Bullshit, I want to drive down to CO and beat the fuck out of these trash talkers, for shame they should take something as harmless as MJ and use it because they themselves are aganist it, Im so pissed off right now I want to scream, how dare they?

  • Kevin Wright

    It would be a waste if the dope smoker were to die young. It is better for liberals when pot just makes the citizens stupid. Stupid people are the mother’s milk of liberal politicians. They do not die, they just consume. Dope smokers are easy to flatter, and they are easily driven to vote with the politics of envy.

  • Tebow3:16

    The public education system has failed so many.

  • 6Milk6Man6

    i cant believe they tricked you into believing this website was satirical. lol you really are dumb.

  • Tebow3:16

    It’s hilarious that you’re commenting on this story and using terms like “stupid people”.


  • ZPT205

    Yes, you have the “right” to ask a question and be lazy, and everyone else has the “right” to point out that you’re lazy for doing it, especially when it clutters up the comments sections.

    How on earth does the expectation that you should spend 5 seconds searching for something before asking someone else have anything do with being “not suppose[d] to question anything just conform?” You’re not helping your case by appealing to a meaningless platitude which also happens to be a non-sequitur.

  • Lie Hater

    Horseshit! Quit to make up stories.

  • Pete McDonald

    Ya, the problem is that there are a bunch of morons that will pick it up and think its real support for their own personal beliefs that cannabis *is* evil. In the end its likely it will contribute mainly to misinformation. Still I like the satire personally.

  • Solararis

    Obviously he doesn’t waste his time watching television all day. Either that or he smokes too much weed to remember.

  • TisSheilah

    For those that think this is a real news story, The Rocky Mountain News went out of business in 2006.

  • BoostedSRT

    well it actually goes to show the ignorance of most anti marijuana people when they would think this article is true….

  • Defending our children

    I agree, you did not need to be called a Moron.

  • Defending our children

    Bwahhahha, I didn’t notice that! I knew it was all lies but didn’t notice. Thanks :)

  • aghazy

    You almost had me on your side and then you had to say sheep. It’s such a Fox thing to say. Garlont, yes it has many medical uses that are much less harmful to the body than chemicals. It reduces tumor size without chemo therapy. It halts seizures in grand mal patients. And hemp cleans heavy metals from the ground. We all know that our earth has been abused for so long and here is natures clean all and Dupont has made it illegal. Yes they and a few others bought the congress, you know just like the corps are doing now, and made it illegal. All doctors carried cannabis in their bags for ailments but now a doctor doesn’t even know how to fix you unless it’s through pharmacology.

  • Shorty

    When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer? …..Yes really that is my take on this article. And only a portion of my take on the topic itself…..I seen first hand just what the differences are of the two and the way they can affect someone’s life. Both the ups and the downs and I have weighed my choices constantly….I fully support the fact that they should legalize MJ and actually make alcohol illegal.
    It does way more damage!!!

  • Al

    Of course you do understand that it is possible to die from smoke inhalation, like if you were locked in a room with a burning bale of the stuff. So you can dire from smoking MJ just not an overdose.

  • Disquietus

    This just in, a legislative quorum could not be formed, as the entire state body is simply too stoned, chilled and laidback to care. The apocalypse is expected to arrive shortly.

  • Tebow3:16

    It’s satire. Do you know what satire is?

  • Pyrate

    It took you this long? I think you may have just cleared up any lingering doubt. ;)

  • Annon

    Dr Jack Shepard – Jack from Lost
    Jesse Bruce Pinkman – Jesse from Braking Bad

    Should have been a bit of a clue…

  • Al Wolf

    funny. lets hope the people i share things with read it before they kill me.

  • me

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaa.. who wrote this? the NSA or the DEA???

  • Nick

    So fake it isn’t even funny. There is NO way you can OD on it!

  • Steve

    This is that spice crap they are dealing with. It is not marijuana causing this. People have been going to hospitals with the same symptoms and dying for several years now because of that spice. Marijuana does not do anything even close as what has been reported in this article. Whoever wrote this should be ashamed of themselves and go get the facts straight on what is causing this to happen. It is that man made spice junk doing this to people. Get a clue.

  • Ric Canova

    Arguing on the internet is like running at the special olympics. Even if you win, you’re still retarded.

  • Dustin

    I knew this could not be true based on all the evidence to the contrary but where does it say on this website that it is satire? What if some ignorant person reads this?

  • Johannes Bjarmarsson

    It is Physical impossibility to die from Cannabis use – Reasons; 0% None Poison or Toxins are to be found what so ever in Cannabis…. Many times 37 people Die every day in Colorado, No relation to Cannabis.

  • OLO101

    Jesse Pinkman? A former meth dealer from Albuquerque? Is this the Breaking Bad sequil?

  • Jason Eckhardt

    I have a friend who was huffing the pot and now he’s GAY!!

  • Joe Smith

    Its stupid fake articles like this that spread lies because some people will believe it

  • Nicholas V. Leftwich

    Wow…this really shows the ignorance of people whom fail to do the due
    diligence to realize that NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN KILLED FROM THE USE OF
    CANNIBUS! NOT EVER….You would have to like smoke your body weight in
    cannibus within 15 minutes to OD…which is couldn’t
    ROLL your body weight in 15 mintues much less smoke might die in
    a room filled with smoke because of asfixiation but NOT FROM OVERDOSE
    OF THC!!! Please people..educate yourself and DO NOT LISTEN TO BULLSHIT!

  • Mark Whittington

    ha never fear, i am here.

  • Guest

    cut. your. losses.

  • Mark Whittington

    um, o. k…doesn’t address being a superior asshole, but what the heck.

  • Mike

    All the good expensive, quality stuff must be going to Washington….State AND D.C.

  • Steve


  • Better Call Saul

    Well it does have Jesse Pinkman in it…

  • Ben

    Why did the names even matter? The fact that someone believes people die from overdosing on weed shows how brainwashed these children are from our government.

  • Guest

    Mark. You effed up. No biggie if you just learn and move on. OR you can keep doubling down.

  • The Rest Is Silence

    Reasons to legalize.
    Michael Phelps, Morgan Freeman, Carl Sagan, Bob Marley, Steve Jobbs, Bill Gates, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Most great musicians, artists and philosophers.

    Regulated and taxed means more money for government to spend back on its people. Decrease crime by removing trade from black market. Paranoia does not stem from drug, but from illegality of substance.

    Helps fight cancer, decreases nausea and depression, boosts appetite.

    Can be made into many industrial products, including oil.

    It’s a plant, which undergoes photosynthesis, lowering levels of CO2 and adding lovely oxygen to our atmosphere. Move indoor operations outdoors, to cut back on energy wastage from electricity.

    Space Exploration:
    See above uses for oxygen.

    Getting High:
    See space exploration.

    Why is this a debate anymore? If you are still against cannabis, you’re against mankind.

  • javier

    haha i almost got hooked into it……its all a lie.

  • Pinkie pie

    Wow. Totally thought this was the onion for a sec.

  • Pinkie pie

    Also, I think the picture is that guy from the musical “Hair”.

  • Guest


  • Aaron Glanny Glanville

    It’s already been scientifically proven that you’d have to smoke over 1,000 joints in ONE day to OD from marijuana…ofc it’s satire…

  • dudebroman

    Challenge Accepted.

  • LanaC

    Obama was awarded a Fullbright Scholarship at Occidental – that is only given to Foreign students….

  • Matt Robison

    wait! People actually believed this? lol Only in Amurica! lol

  • perogi
  • Chris Campbell

    don’t believe ya they do it every time we try to make it legal

  • Oldswitcheroo

    Ha ha ha! This is funny stuff. Irresponsible, but funny.

  • Juan Nightstand

    Oh crap, my friend was injecting pot and now he’s gay too!

  • Iwontbefooledagain

    This has to be a satire. What’s the point? This is idiotic. People don’t “overdose” on marijuana. They might get a little too high, then they just have some munchies and sleep it off.

  • Popsicleman

    This is fuckin bullshit lies

  • Guest

    You have been going back and forth with others and being all defensive and stuff. The only thing I have to offer you is my first experience with The Daily Currant where I saw a headline that was so unbelievable I had to check if it was satire first. You chose a different path, then vehemently defend your position to not do so. These are all facts. Some objective folks can decide who is the intellectual superior. I’m comfortable in accepting their decision.



  • Centerfold Skye

    You won’t fool me again with your Ha Ha stuff Currant…

  • heteroxalstalker

    More proof that shooting the pot will kill you. It also causes people to try and run between the headlights of cars.


    thats a bunch of bullshit

  • anna cooties

    this has to be fake. one, they used the name of a breaking bad character, jesse pinkman (i mean it could be someones real name, but come on). on top of that, although it is possible to be addicted to weed mentally, you cannot overdose, die, or be physically addicted to it. it actually has alot of healing properties and helps with asthma and prevents cancer!

  • bob

    This is a joke. I am
    positive that THC was not the only contributing factor in these tragedies. This reeks of federal disapproval and ignorant influence.

  • Anon

    I’ve never heard of anyone dying from hypospadias either!

  • anna cooties

    if it is true, i am 99.99999% sure it was laced or something. possible stench of government sabotage????

  • Jethro

    See I’m all for MJ, but those claims are always stupid. No-one’s died from MJ? Not directly, but take DUI’s and such into account.

  • Steve

    One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a
    former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to
    Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary.

    Pinkman was partying with friends when he suffered several seizures
    and a massive heart attack which ultimately proved to be fatal.
    Toxicology reports revealed that marijuana was the only drug present in
    his system. (copy/paste from article) Ok that is funny.

  • Johnny Cirrito

    You have a bit of a over inflated sense of self importance!

  • ToolBag69


  • joe


  • ToolBag69

    Only just now? Jesus Christ….. Americans are moron’s! ha ha ha

  • Edwin Alexander

    personal experience?

  • ToolBag69

    He wasn’t O.o????

  • ToolBag69

    Mark I like you!

  • Cecelia Phoenix

    Oh man, this is stupid. Excuse but I have come across alcohol poisoning from drinking beer. It like anything..all in moderation if there is any truth. I have been smoking pot for more than 20 years and I am still alive

  • Cecelia Phoenix

    oh my goodness! Dammit you got me!

  • Jess

    That’s impossible. He attended Occidental as an undergrad, and Fulbright Scholarships only go to Master’s and PhD candidates.

  • Mama T

    You can’t overdose on pot you stupid assholes, the guy abused other drugs and his body took the toll because of it, you should really work on those scare tactics. Everyone knows how safe pot is and that it is not addicting, so really!! Trying to control people by scaring them in to believing bullshit is not the way!!! lol

  • George

    Not buying it been smoking most my life nothing like i used to when young and a 33 year run with tons of friend smoking with me those 33 yrs never once have i seen or even heard of such a thing.for this to be true these people that have passed have some other issue’s that are leading to there deaths get the facts strait.

  • princess_rogue

    … LOL.

  • sdp1980icp

    now here what i have to say YOU CAN NOT OVERDOSE FROM POT IF YOU DO YOU ARE A MORON AND A WEAK PERSON it is inpossible to over dose from thc except if you eat a cake size of resin so this is bull schit its all a lie becouse i smoked a lot and i should of overdosed a long time ago this is to funny

  • Where Da Gold At?

    Good lord a lot of you are retarded.

  • J Roy

    Oh It’ll happen. when all these stoned idiots start driving down the wrong side of the freeway, etc

  • Amber

    Or how about the fact that it came from a report in the “Rocky Mountain News”, which was an old newspaper here in Colorado that has since gone out of business.

  • Seb Astion

    You guys know this is satire, right? It’s a joke.

  • George

    lol guess i should have read every ones postings before posTing but i was calling bullshit!

  • JoAnna Mundschau

    Calm down, please:


    The Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media. It is accessible from over 190 countries worldwide – now including South Sudan.

    Our mission is to ridicule the timid ignorance which obstructs our progress, and promote intelligence – which presses forward.

    Q. Are your news stories real?

    A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world

  • Goodjob-not

    Really? This is what you put your intelligence towards? Somebody must be lonely.

  • Amber

    I don’t think the “moron” comment was aimed at you anyways. It was aimed at the people who commented before being all upset about someone touting this article. They believed it.

  • Facebook User

    OH MY GOSH EVERYONE!!!!! This is a fake news site, as they state in their about us section!!!

  • Voop

    More like 2…. I’m sure his friend, “Peter” is Skinny Pete…

  • Frank Knight

    Heh heh…. never heard of the daily currant before. I was going to classify it with a group that I originally thought was satire on facebook… turns out the group on facebook was serious! Glad I read on to find you are satirical!
    I don’t watch TV so… the names didn’t ring a bell with me.
    Check these bozo’s out:

  • Heather

    How many bindles?

  • RFTC

    Or the reference to Jesse Pinkman.

  • jackace

    what a load of crap.

  • RFTC

    Cannabis kills cancer! That much is not satire. And please google it before you make a fool of yourself.

  • Garlont

    You tell me not to believe the government then send me to a .gov website..? WOW reeeeaaaally high…

  • Marianne Jacobsen

    “This is just a terrible tragedy,” says his friend Peter, “Jesse was trying to go legit and now this happens? I guess drugs really are as dangerous as they say.”
    His friend peter would be skinny pete from BB
    Loved the quote from the MolsonCoors people as well :)

  • danp5648

    Pilots for 9/11 crap does not like drone photos haha

    Post a 9/11 drone on any “Truth” website and watch the red X show up in seconds.

  • ctomlin

    you cant die from it. its impossible! this just means a lot of people were hit with bad weed and it was laced with something leathal!!

  • BifBud

    They were weeding out the bad ones.

  • RaDonna Marshall

    This is more bogus crap….Just like the SANDY HOOK HOAX.

    …”Governor John Hickenlooper, who opposed the ballot initiative that legalized the drug, says he will call a special legislative session to try and overturn the new law”

  • jake

    LMAO that’s funny ive been smoking for years and have never seen or herd about anyone dieing from it…. lol the gov. must use GMO as firtalizer haha

  • Roy James

    The very scary thing about this satire is that it will probably be reported on Fox news as fact and lots of idiots will believe it.

  • MsSmith

    Satire .

  • Tor Iver Wilhelmsen

    No it’s a sarcastic post. But, you can die of overdoses of anyhing, e.g. some die from excessive water drinking (the brain swells up but has nowhere to expand, what with the skull and all that)… but for smoking weed you would probably lose all interest in it long before reaching a lethal dose of THC… :)

  • jh


  • pump dat boombox

    Marijuana is good for you in many ways and…
    I love tacos!!

  • Dan Gutscher

    what a bunch of crap

  • Blair

    I didn’t watch Lost or Breaking Bad, so the names meant nothing to me, and it’s funny how people will consider me stupid for not knowing the names. Those people will likely be on the same intellectual plane as the people who wrote this moronic article and thought it was funny.

    This is classified as satire, but it was rather irresponsible of the people who wrote it to publish it. There are enough people out there who aren’t marijuana experts to actually spread this as actual news. Refer Madness was the video that ruined marijuana for decades because people believed the hype put forth by that movie without ever looking into actual facts.

    The fight for legalization has had a hard enough time without people writing “news” articles like this one. It isn’t even funny. Not one funny comment in it. People are believing it because people want to believe that weed has the potential to kill. These are the people that will never, no matter how much info is thrown at them, believe they could be wrong.

    Don’t make fun of the people who think this is a true story. Call out the morons who wrote this trash.

    The Internet has really ruined legitimate news.

  • Leroy Veritas

    Oh you poor, stupid lunatic.

  • Edward Porter Alexander

    Nullification of the Federal tyrants’ edicts is a good thing despite these casualties. Eventually these sort of things will level off, and unless the Union begins poisoning the marijuana supply like they did with aerial spraying of paraquat in the late 70s, which caused pneumonia, bleeding lungs, and death, then the worst that could happen is that there will be a rush on pastries, chips, and other such sundries.

  • Kristen

    These satire pages are annoying. And look, I HAVE seen marijuana addicts ruin their lives. Will they binge smoke and overdose? Maybe not. But they can become irritable addicts who burn their time away. Not all, but some. And now it is time for everyone to bash me for stating my experiences with seeing people use marijuana every day.

  • justanothersubscriber

    This report is so wrong, you would think you are reading or thedailykos.

  • Ramey

    Yeah remember when they said Chumlee from Pawn Stars OD’d on pot?? HaHa…, people are going to take this seriously which is the sad part… PEOPLE, YOU CAN’T OD on marijuana… and even if you could you’d still never catch up with the deaths involved from numerous legal drugs… oh yeah, and marijuana isn’t a drug. tyvm.

  • 420guru

    Oh yeah, heres the kicker, you gotta do it in just a few hours.

  • Tokin Chokin

    Articles like this should be taken down. There are too many gullible people out there that will believe this. It may be funny but all it does is hurt marijuana legalization and rights.

  • T. Jensen

    Hypospadias? lmao smh

  • Ramey

    don’t be an idiot, there were no casualties.

  • Leroy Veritas

    Yes, you are stupid. It’s a SATIRE site.

  • Me Just Me

    lies just pure lies they just need it to be bad

  • js1985

    it is proven you need to smoke your body weight to OD on pot. they really need to test what is in it because its the laced pot people die from. regulate and test the pot that are in shops. DUH!!!! stupid officials who think they know it all. get a grip and return to reality and stop trying to banish pot. worry about the actual drugs that kill people or something.


    fuck you. this was something to expect. weed is so dangerous man, yo! just fuck you. nobody ever died becouse of weed. the change doesn’t happen in night. this is bullshit and we saw it coming. pure propaganda.

  • Amber

    I would’ve mentioned Jesse Pinkman, but that was already referenced in the post I responded to.

  • clayt

    yeah okay this is just a bunch of lies if some one died on weed then it was laced with a foriegn drug which reacted too the weed! Maybe they where dying and just happened to smoke a joint its too funny that these left wing idiots come out and have to say a bunch of lies cause they are not getting a piece of the pie!

  • Leroy Veritas

    Oh dear. Just read the about page and then hang your head in shame.

  • William Keiser

    Dibs on the roach!

  • William Keiser

    Roll him over girl, that’s how Jimi died.

  • Leroy Veritas

    You with your damned reality check.

  • Scotster

    No, people have a right to be lied to, the main stream media does it every day.

  • Steven Roberts

    I never heard of Jesse Pinkman,

  • rascaltherat

    Uh…or “Rocky Mountain News” is very close to Joe Walsh’s “Rocky Mountain Way”??? Don’t get me wrong, I completely dis-agree with the legalization of pot sales. I think it sends a very wrong message to children. I feel the same way with alcohol too, which is much worse to the children. And, from what I heard, these pot stores are charging the black market prices. $4-600.00 per oz.?? What fools. Adults, grow your own. But KEEP IT AWAY FROM THE CHILDREN!!!!

  • Leroy Veritas

    The internet has called legitimate news to task and improved the quality greatly if, and only if, you aren’t too stupid/lazy to do some legwork.

  • Scotster

    Hahha. People have a right to be lied to, the main stream media does this kinda thing everyday.

  • Kristin Hardison

    calm down guys, satirical website….from their about section….

    Q. Are your news stories real?

    A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world

  • Benjamin Heien

    I like how it’s his friend “Peter” that said something about him hahah

  • Bill


  • Where Da Gold At?

    My cousin died from injecting three marijuanas. RIP

  • gmart

    So now you tell me. That explains a few things….

  • gmart

    Especially ones who use apostrophes inappropriately.

  • PKDame

    Thank you :) *hugs* I’m still laughing over this article…and some of the comments I’ve seen :) Good stuff :) Go Colorado!

  • danielv

    Satire like this isn’t very funny for the people whom are using cannabis to save lives. 90% of the readers of this article do not understand that this is a satirical news site.

  • Greg Shea

    Jesse Pinkman…ha.

  • Stephen Rogers, Esq.

    Former meth user dies from marijuana use. Also NASA finds message from God on Mars, because God wanted to make it hard for us to find. Too bad he left all those marijuana plants out growing in the open like that. He could’ve put them on Mars!

  • Johnny Goldwater

    At this point, probably put the entire Colorado legislature in prison for life. It’s their fault this made it to the voters.

    Also, let the stuff stay legal, but users should have to wear some sort of green colored symbol on their clothing if they smoke it. Honor system, of course.

  • Rework Oh Ryan

    The pot kills. Michelle Bachman’s people have already told us this.

  • Louie

    Someone should send this to that Sarah lady in Alaska. She’ll run with it as real news.

  • Saul Teelode

    Perhaps you meant John Denver’s ”Rocky Mountain High”.

  • Saul Teelode

    I am not accepting any calls at this time, but thank you anyway.

  • hesido

    A good deal of people can’t see thickest of satire, and even when they may be able to, they may not care to read the article (these aren’t few either). You may have the most obvious jokes in there to make it apparent, you may have Santa Claus chime in on the subject, it doesn’t matter. The overall effect of this article is a worse image for Marijuana, whether you like it or not.

  • Chris Riot

    The CHEF of surgery says there’s going to be a delicious operation today!

  • Santa Claus

    for all the people who believe this satire bull..

    It is estimated that marijuana’s [median lethal dose] is around 1:20,000
    or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a
    marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much
    marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. [National
    Institute on Drug Abuse]-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh
    approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume
    nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a
    lethal response.

  • ZPT205

    Omg you pointed out my mistake. I shall now spend the rest of my day bullshiting reason why you are wrong and arguing with everyone who backs you up, rather than admit my minor memory error.

  • bunny

    hahahahaha! pot use causes a genetic foul smell in women and a mans urethra to be on the underside of his penis. Great satire and people should look up what the diseases really are. They are both genetic and nothing creates them overnight.

    Great article and would love to see all the Republicans and Democrats alike that got duped by this one!

  • TJ

    lol, Jesse Pinkman. Breaking Bad. Fail.

  • hesido

    Not solely morons, but people who are neutral-slightly negative on the subject who won’t take time to read the article, but the headline will stick to their minds somehow. People may not even know death from marijuana overdose is so unlikely that even the title is dubious, so they may not be as shocked to want to read the rest of it. From a PR perspective, this is an overall loss for Marijuana.

  • Ihavenouseforaname

    I did hear about someone who actually died from pot. A whole bunch fell on him and killed him.

  • Adam Assenberg

    This news site is as much of a joke as cnn or abc, no one dies from cannabis.

  • Carinjks

    Reefer Madness Redux?

  • justanothersubscriber

    You have smoked a lot of pot in your day, haven’t you? It kind of shows.

  • yoyo

    hahahah NO KIDDING!!!!

    Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque

  • melody

    The medical conditions cracked me up. Trimethylaminuria…hehehe

  • Cannabis lover

    wow what a bunch of bullshat!!! nice try pointing finger at marijuana! Alcohol KILLS more and that statement by COORS is all scam to destroy the facts! read and do research again you morons!! geez this is unbelievable!!

  • John Spurgeon

    that’s cause your a sheeple! Marijuana is plant not a drug moron and no one is giving it to children unless prescribed by a doctor/ you are
    the only fool

  • bigbeeinthebuilding

    For someone against legalization, you sure are hip to street prices…

  • cowie_cat

    15 minutes*

  • Me23

    I can make fun of the people that believe this and AND of the people that wrote it.

  • willfixit

    Yes it is unbelievable…or satire. :-)

  • Brom Bones

    H’a H’a H’a

  • Rock Sadler

    mmm there is some good that come from it

  • Guest

    This whole story is Bullshit!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have used it for 25 years of my life and have never heard of anyone dying from its direct use! I CALL BULLSHIT ON THIS ONE

  • Perplexico


  • KMWiltsey

    I never watched Lost! I had no clue … I feel like a knucklehead :(

  • Perplexico

    Or.. you’re an idiot.

  • Guest

    Yep if you think any of this is true thats what you are an IDIOT

  • So Mile High

    Mike, the article is satire. It’s not real. The Meth dealer from New Mexico “Jesse Pinkman” is from breaking bad… simmer down.

  • milehisnk

    No, it’s a drug.

  • Julia

    Someone is going to believe this. Ugh.

  • milehisnk

    Well, it’s rare but people have in fact died from pot. But this was still obviously satire, especially since Hickenlooper rallied FOR the law.

  • milehisnk

    I didn’t get the name references, but the rest was way too obvious it was satire.

  • ChainUp

    Your looking at the next Fox News Breaking report.

  • Bert Johnson

    In the fall of 1976 I took Psychology 101. In that class we learned in order to OD on ganja you’d need to eat an overflowing pickup truck load in one sitting. Ingesting rather than inhaling is a much more efficient method of putting THC in your system. More efficient, but a lot less fun without that immediate euphoria. With the potency of today’s pot the amount leading to OD is much less, but still in the range of a very large bale (hundreds of pounds and more). It is literally impossible to OD on weed without exploding first. Just knowing this fact renders this article as harmless fun. The Jesse Pinkman reference makes it even more so.

  • Iryshmyst

    I didn’t watch any of those shows either. BUT I was wondering how marijuana could cause hypospadius. I was thinking “man they must have smoked a lot of pot to cause organ failure.” Glad I read the comments LOL

  • Maritimer1

    Honey, anyone with a brain who reads knows you can’t OD on marijuana…not fatally. I had to laugh at the list of things they were seeing in ER: “cardiac arrests, hypospadias (, acquired trimethylanimuria (” Look the last two up……

  • Bert Johnson

    I’m assuming my very large bale of pot would include only the most primo of buds covered with crystals.

  • PlunkforHOF

    How have you managed to live to the age you’ve achieved?

  • Jas

    Yeah, that hypospadia is the worst, leaves ya having to come up with excuses. I don’t know about the trimethyl stuff, the only Ethyl was not Trim

  • Christopher Donaldson

    I blame Pinkman for starting this…damn Prankster…hahaha

  • JAck Jack
  • PlunkforHOF

    Ever had cancer Kristen? And Chemo and radiation? I have. I am a medical marijuana card holder. Pot helped save my life. You might as well say we should ban automobiles because there are bad drivers.

  • Barney IronBear Shannon

    They should have studied all the autopsy results first! :-) lmfao!

  • Ronnie Wolf

    Biggest load of bullshit ive ever heard….if people are dying….dont blame the weed ya better check for other drugs dummies

  • Kirschwasser

    “One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary.”

    Yo….Pinkman? (LOL!)

  • Barney IronBear Shannon


  • Dustin Thomas

    That MJ had to have had something else in it, you cannot overdose unless you smoke 3 times your body weight!!!!

  • pgeller

    Very true. What’s really funny is the early scientific ‘tests’ stating that cannabis kills and how they even ‘proved’ this using lab animals. What they forgot to mention is that in order to attempt an overdose on the animals they actually asphyxiated the poor critters with the smoking machines…..

  • B

    noooooooo people are unbelievably gullible

  • Somebody

    Hmm, no idiots Synthetic marijuana kills people, not the real deal.

  • Matthew Force

    Dude… quite simply: Shut up. Lighten up! And light up, you sound like you need to.

  • commonslug

    What would Willie Nelson say about this?

  • Michael Mayo

    People actually think this is real? Come on. Jesse Pinkman a meth dealer from Albuquerque? Anyone that knows anything about marijuana knows that there has never been a single case of a person over dosing on marijuana. Before you start believing this kind of garbage you need to contemplate the facts. The facts in the article are absurd and ridiculous. I don’t understand how anyone with half an education could believe this.

  • pgeller

    That’s propaganda not lies… And what do you expect from a country where only 6 corporations own over 90 percent of the media! ;)

  • Kim Irby

    What cracked me up was the supposed doctor’s quote regarding it causing hypospadias. That is a congenital birth defect where the urethra is on the underside of the penis. Bwahahaha!

  • topnotch

    As soon as I read that Dr. Jack Shepard was the “chef of surgery”, I knew something was up../

  • RoundRocker

    Hypospadius- LOL!

  • RoundRocker

    Not a news site. This is a satire site.

  • Debi Koshik

    meth does the heart damages. from one that knows.I have NEVER heard of people die from weed!!!

  • Daysha

    I call bullshit on this…. I bet the didn’t even check for any other drugs in his system and if the guy has already been dealing drugs for years then I bet he was on something the Toxicology reporters don’t even know about yet. Kind of like when that bath salt stuff came out they didn’t know about it tell later after people started dieing form. I have known plenty of people throughout my life that smoke lots of weed and have never heard of anyone going to the hospital because of an overdose now other drugs yes but weed NO! I would rather be around people that are smoking weed then people drinking any day. They are not violent, the worst thing that ever happens is they eat lots of junk food and fall asleep.

  • true

    Poisoned weed this is what I can say :)

  • M3L

    I never write on these things, however I have to say whomever thought to write this article has absolutely got to be a genius because they probably made thousands of dollars from this article thanks to all the ADs on this website alone. If anyone understand marketing, and how to make money online this would make sense….Make the article seem real enough to make headlines all over, but stupid enough to allow the select few to know it is FAKE! I applaud you sir & good luck with the money you earned!

  • RockMountainNews
  • Kim Irby

    That one was frickin’ hilarious !

  • Kat

    people y`all are all nuts I’ve smoked weed for many years and I have yet to do any other type of drug and many people can overdoes on beer its called alcohol poisoning. could these peoples marijuana have possibly be laced with something because someone truly doesn’t want marijuana legalized? thank you and have a nice day

  • andre

    ahhhhhhhhh bulllshittttttttt!!!!!!!!! this is media abuse!!!!!!!!

  • Rubytooz

    a CAVEAT on the top of the page stating it is a satirical piece would go a long way toward not propagating more propaganda via those ‘less-smart’ internet surfers, who will only skim the headline and pass it along to others as actual fact- as well as helping you to maintain the credibility of this site, if any…
    why do people think it’s funny to trick other people like this? especially without a warning? not everyone is smart enough to get the satire, and too many are just stupid enough to cause trouble because of it.
    at a time when we need all the support we can get to fight all the propaganda there already has been regarding this topic- wtf are you thinking?!?
    i am not laughing. neither is my partner, nor anyone else i have pointed this out to. i seriously doubt you understand the implications of these types of pieces… why no mention of the deaths caused by decades of prohibition? now that’s a real statistic…
    not gonna lie – not gonna promote this site.
    blessings anyway~

  • GloryBoi

    ya doubt this is true

  • Mike Smith

    I loved this spoof but the sad fact remains that a significant percentage of people across the world would think this satirical article is true and they will believe it, and in some cases, they want to believe it. I’m sure huge chunks of society and the elite, the blindly religious, the politically powerful, Corporate boardmembers, Criminal Corrections entities and Law Enforcement leaders were all just hoping and praying to God for such a disaster. The proof will be evident at the end of 2014 when the entire world can look back and say, “They legalized pot in Colorado and Washington State and nothing bad happened.” After that, what will be the excuse for keeping it illegal?

  • Rubytooz

    i do not watch TV- i do not know any of these supposedly ‘dead give-away’ names- i am not alone in this.
    this does not mean i am a moron, either.

  • That Guy

    I was with you all the way until “The Internet has really ruined legitimate news”. Please tell me you aren’t serious. The internet and independent news are the last real sources of information not owned and operated by massive corporations with their own agendas and simply looking to make profit as opposed to disseminating facts and truth, which is what journalism is supposed to be.

  • oOXOo

    FU, you can’t OD on pot you idiots. As truthful as The Onion.

  • Rubytooz

    the fact that ANYONE could believe this shows just how much we don’t need pieces like this exacerbating the ignorant prejudice that comes to these types of people as a result… these are the people who keep good laws from passing and make sure bad ones stay in place. how will things change for the better in light of that?

  • Doris Merrill

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer? Hey I see people doing this everyday

  • Justin Duhon

    Sugar is a drug?

  • Will

    Try googling “Jesse Pinkman”. nuff said.

  • Colo Res

    Rocky Mountain News doesn’t even exist any more

  • Kissy

    This article sounds like total bs to me. Considering the strict regulations that they put in place on the amount that can be bought at one time it would take a lot more than one day for such cases to happen.

  • Diego Keretzky Crusius

    Mark Reese vs the internet. Just leave it man.

  • Equalityforall

    So DUI’s and the deaths caused by DUI’s..the blood is on the breweries hands then? Beer/alcohol is an addictive drug as well and ruins lives. Irresponsible people will be irresponsible, no matter what.

  • mark

    this sounds like an article for the Onion

  • NathanDF

    Satire. S-A-T-I-R-E. It’s not like they try to hide it.

  • Gerry

    the only way cannabis will kill you is if 25 lbs are dropped from 50 feet above your head. haha it has to be something stupid or a bunch of propagandans trying to convince everybody it is dangerous. what I find funny is that the CEO of Coors says it is a dangerous drug and when was the last time you heard of someone overdosing in beer. I’ve seen many people over does on beer , some, pass out , puke while on their back and choke to death. never have seen an over dose on pot. and the guy that was a meth dealer—– well , enough said there. I don’t take this article seriously and neither should anybody else.

  • Idiocracy

    There has never been any report about someone dying using cannabis. Educate yourself before dumping stupid responses and make you look like a moron.

  • Wes Bailey

    “It’s complete chaos here,” says Dr. Jack Shepard, chef of surgery at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Denver… my favorite part -“CHEF of surgery”….bwaaahaahaa

  • AMS

    Really? Where’d you get that information from? What entity has documented deaths from pot? Because I have yet to see one. In fact, do a search on this, inform yourself on the subject, before making statements like that:


    don’t forget that the doctor wasn’t a doctor but a chef, lol “It’s complete chaos here,” says Dr. Jack Shepard, chef of surgery at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Denver,”. Wonder if hes got any brownie recipes

  • dany the french man

    stupidest thing i ever heard you retards marijuana help with cancer and other deseases but like every other MEDICAL DRUGS TO MUCH IS NEVER GOOD IM GLAD PEOPLES ARE WAKING UP ONE LOVE MY BROTHERS

  • John Spurgeon

    no it is a plant. the fda rules state that a drug has to be made from man made chemicals and anything natural such as plants and herbs can not be classified as a drug. Do some research and earn some truth and stop believing what your government tells you. so again you are wrong and are making yourself look like an uneducated sheeple twit

  • secondwife

    “We are seeing cardiac arrests, hypospadias, acquired trimethylaminuria and multiple organ failures”.
    hahaha that is just too funny! Hypospadias?
    Hypospadias is a birth (congenital) defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis. The urethra is the tube that drains urine from the bladder. In males, the opening of the urethra is normally at the end of the penis.

  • Hollie C.

    Complete Satire… Super funny… As Mike Stratacaster sates, “I find it hysterical that you had to point this out. And that Dr. Jack Shepard (Jack, from the show Lost), and Jesse Pinkman (Jesse, from Breaking Bad) as well as other references didn’t give this away in 10 seconds flat. Hahaha.” it is funny. Particularly like the part where they say “when was the last time anyone has overdosed on alcohol?” ummm at least 3 since I started typing this comment!

  • stoptraffikorg

    Sure … right.. what a great attempt at a hoax. People who smoke marijuana smoked it all along. They have always smoked it and they never paid attention to the law.

  • underground72

    I don’t believe this story… All lies and I don’t even smoke..

  • LA51

    Stop the madness! Stop the reefer madness!

  • J.James

    if this isnt satire then they need to find the anti drug person that poisoned the pot and murdered 37 people to try and set some kind of an example., Cause no one in the history of earth has ever over dosed on pot

  • Nunya

    This is ridiculous because that’s unheard of. If you do an autopsy on all the “victims,” they most likely died of other drugs in their system, not because of the marijuana they added to the mix. Propaganda all the way!

  • erinzdad

    This is an out right lie.

  • Mike Halem

    I do not care about the article. My argument stl valid. Marijuana should be legal. People should be able to decide if they like to smoke it or not. If se one overdose on drugs of ank kind, it is those choice If they die, other will learn from it.
    What part of this argument you do not like? Why I should be ashame of my opinion ?

  • Bink Binkerson

    It’s obviously fake news. “Gov. Hickenlooper”? Gimme a break.

  • Larry James Hanshew


  • Mrs. Spence

    Oh….and “Acquired Trimethylaminuria” AKA, fish odor syndrome

  • Mrs. Spence

    “Acquired Trimethylaminuria”
    AKA, fish odor syndrome

  • Roberto

    Ummmmm, how about the “Rocky Mountain News” that went belly-up in 2009!

  • Mark (MarkusGarvey) Estrada

    It’s contagious as well!!…Touching stoned people can kill!…

  • JD McNuggent

    Thanks facebook friend who thought this was real.

  • JD McNuggent

    The one actually true thing in the article..

  • Shinybird Westwingleg

    37 less goofs people have to deal with.

  • Jong Gantala

    Just smoke weed responsibly…

  • Eigil myru

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH wata a moron hawe wrote this.

  • Peter Martinez

    Bullshit. This is the first I heard of this and I live in Colorado. This story is a farce and was probably written by some anti-marijuana zealot. This is proof that you can’t always believe what you read. If this was true it would be broadcast over all the major networks by now. Get a life. I sure won’t waste my time reading this rag again.

  • Jasper Anderton

    This is a Satire publication. It isn’t serious.

  • WildBill0283

    Let Darwinism work.

  • nayy

    Theres something called GOOGLE and SCIENCE to inform yourself in this

  • amj

    Over dosed on Marijuana… hahaha.. funny one!

  • alaskaproudandstrong1

    Ha Ha. Dope won’t kill you. It’ll make you look like a lazy slob, but it won’t kill you. Sheesh some people will believe anything.

  • Tinker

    You can’t spell slaughter without laughter!

  • Open2Debate

    OK so it won’t kill you but has anyone done the math, there are simply not enough Jazz musicians for everyone in Denver to have sexual relations with once hopped up on the stuff!

  • Nasty

    I was going to say that I gave it plenty of opportunities to kill me, back in the day. Not even a “hangover”, but I was always stocked up on salty chips! :D

  • Nasty

    I was going to say that I gave it plenty of opportunities to kill me, back in the day. Not even a “hangover”, but I was always stocked up on salty chips!

  • Mr. Right

    Isn’t satire supposed to be funny? This whole site is really badly written…

  • Daniel Moore

    I especially liked the Jesse Pinkman angle. Very funny! To those who still don’t get it, it’s FICTIONAL!

  • Nasty

    I remember $30.00 for a three finger bag, and I thought that was expensive.

  • Michael Mahoney

    The problem is millions will believe it !

  • Sandi Hornsby White

    What a bunch of crap! Propaganda promoted by mass media so the Gov can feel justified. There was something on the pot or reaction from the meth…..mj does not harm anybody.

  • Nasty

    No it’s a plant. It grows out of the ground. Only needs to be dried a bit.

  • styles 12

    And me without my hip boots and shovel.

  • Brandy Baron

    This article wasn’t the least bit amusing. We are making slow progress in lifting the prohibition of marijuana and the last thing needed is ignorant articles like this making fun of it. The facts…

  • Carmen Vito Blundo

    Satire. Hilarious Satire. They could at least of spelled everything right though. my favorite is Chef of Surgery.

  • Jen

    I have never heard of anyone overdosing from pot. Unless it is laced with PCP or something of that nature, it is very rare, if ever.

  • Dale Birmingham

    Hypospadias? Now I KNOW this is a total joke.

  • mercenarygrip

    See. Marijuana is a deadly drug, and alcohol is completely safe! (said no thinking person ever) The people who voted to legalize this harmful drug obviously did it for the sole purpose of killing the youth of Colorado. Now, let’s get back to sanity, where people were able to drink a couple of six-packs & drive home safely.

  • MichelleLeigh

    Is it weird that I still almost cried over Jesse Pinkman dying?

  • Jen

    And the article mentioned OD-ing on beer. Yeah…alcohol poisoning. Alcohol death. Happens all the time at frat parties, etc. So don’t compare the two.

  • Charlie

    It is incredible that The Daily Currant would write something that would hinder the progress that has been made with cannabis legalization in this country. Humans are extremely predictable that is why alcohol tobacco pharmaceutical companies take advantage of us THEY CAN MAKE US BELIEVE ANYTHING The Daily Currant has caused detrimental damage to a society that is uneducated or should I say ignorant in the facts of the positive effects of cannabis.Cannabis is a natural wonderful beautiful plant that can help millions of people suffering from many ailments. Mad magazine was satire very funny the daily currant not! You guys need better personnel editors writers funny I don’t think so.

  • Nicole Firefly

    ” A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.”

    Good luck trying to overdose lol

  • Brandy Baron

    The only deaths from smoking weed that I have ever heard of are from accidents caused by being high… just like the accidents caused from being drunk.

  • Home Painters Toronto

    However I am not happy with this new method of selling MJ, but I cannot believe it. Its not believable .

  • brain

    so whos the idiot getting sued for this article? Cant people get sued for false info? if not that is a sad sad thing. Furthermore who and why in Gods name would anyone take the time out of their life to write an article thats completely false? Make an article about how people that do wasteful things like this and should realize its time to go out and build a life for themselves. A REAL LIFE!

  • Daniel Moore

    I am defiantly watching FOX News tonight for the regurgitation of this their lead story! Should be hilarious!

  • Joanne Laurette Aubertin

    LOL, It would be the first time in history. Actually I thought for a second that the opposers spiked all the pot with poison, LOL!

  • Brandy Baron

    Prohibition doesn’t work. All it ever did with alcohol was make some notorious criminals a lot of money… and that is exacly what the prohibition of marijuana is doing today for the cartels.

  • fredstein

    seriously ? its satire. You dont understand the point of satire ? its an extremely powerful way to make a point.

  • Snailman

    i heard they injected a lot of marijuanas, then anything is possible

  • Brandy Baron

    Have your wife send this to the person who sent this article and told her how bad MJ is…

  • karinagw

    Surely, you realise that The Daily Currant is to be taken as Seriously as The Onion…that it is a satire site?

  • snix

    Dr. Sheppard can be reached for confirmation and comment at 481-516-2342. What a sad day….

  • karinagw

    Surely, you realise that The Daily Currant is to be taken as seriously as The Onion…that it is a satire site?

  • Brandy Baron

    What a pity that nothing will make you look like less of an idiot.

  • Snailman

    You all think this is outrageous?!?!?!?!?
    Mitt Romney wants to ban Instagram and our (hawaii-born) president is about to unveil the new american flag which consist of 1 communist symbol, 1 cannabis symbol and arabic letters.

  • Vincent Aguilar

    This is hilarious! hahaha

  • TheLastTargaryenIsJonSnow

    Um, there should probably be something somewhere that says that it is satire. That being said you would have to be pretty ignorant to think that this was something that was really happening, and if you looked at the other headlines on the page you would have to be more than ignorant to not realize that this is satire.

  • Skippy

    I say good riddance. They wanted it…they got it. Legalize a few other drugs and if these idiots want to kill themselves let them. Fewer dumb @ss’ s at the ballot box, fewer dead beats and parasites. Better for society.

  • Terry G. Taylor

    Yes anyone that would believe this would vote for a liberal in an election.

  • Chris Favro

    B/S must of been Tainted Pot

  • Bananas

    “Jack Shepard, chef of surgery”….hahahahaha D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S organs

  • robbison

    Libs are killing this country. Hey guess what libs Wyoming passed a law last year to allow to carry a concealed weapon. How many deaths or injures from that? Where has the common sense gone.

  • adam

    If you didn’t catch the pop culture references did you maybe notice the name of the paper? The daily cur”Rant”. I mean if it was serious it would be current not a play on words or reference to a berry.

  • Dale Cordell

    Hypospadias (hi-poe-SPAY-dee-us) is a condition in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis, instead of at the tip.
    Surely caused by marijuana overdose. ROFL!!!

  • Tmac

    Anyone who believes this is a MORON… No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose. It’s impossible

  • Black Feather

    Let me tell you why, The entire world has been using and smoking pot medicinally and for recreation for thousands and thousands of years and no one has ever been reported has dead because of it. Now because one state makes it legal all of sudden in a matter of a day all these people are over dosing? Yes you have to be a moron to believe that… Sorry!

  • maxiemom

    The problem is, there are way too many people who won’t understand that this is supposed to be satire — humor because it’s so utterly absurd.

  • Isabel Marie

    I knew it was fake when I read, “Dr. Jack Shepard, chef of surgery”. Chefs belong in the kitchen.

  • deanna

    this is COMPLETE BULLSHIT marijuana has never caused a death ever. you need to take a look further into what the plant has been grown with. marijuana plants are grown with tons of chemicals to stimulate rapid growth and increase yeild. you need to look at those chemicals and see what they do to the human body, if everyone was smoking organic weed there would be no problem. and im sure all the butaine from the lighters these kids are inhailing is not a good thing either. weed doesnt kill it only heals

  • Laura

    I call b.s. Marijuana has never killed anyone and yet once a state legalizes it 37 people are suddenly victims of “overdoses”. This is what passes for journalism today? Nonsense.

  • mathglot

    Eureka! I,ve been smoking marijuana for 30 years since college, and been using apostrophes wrong for about the last half of that! Its clearly the only explanation!

  • Whitney ‘Whit’ Henry

    Thank you Blair, You took the words outta my mouth. Everything about this articles infuriates me, and its people like the ones that wrote this and think this is funny that is pushing back our movement for rights and freedoms for a better life/world.

  • Anton Louis Feichtmeir

    This hits close to home. Me mum died of a marijuana overdose a year before I was born.

  • Jared Holbrook

    Everything on the Internet is true.

  • Mark Watson

    Bahahahahaa Love it..

  • Thomas McDonald

    I own a marijuana dispensary and have been in operation for over 3 years, this is pure bullcrap made up..No can OD on marijuana unless of course they are mixing it with something like (PCP) then it’s a big maybe…

  • Someonewhoknows

    The Rocky Mountain News died years ago. This is satire. Trust me, everything is happy and mellow in CO.

  • Mark Watson

    you should not be in Business. your to Stupid..

  • amanda t

    this is such a joke, as a medical professional I can tell you that weed does NOT kill.. in conjunction with other drugs it could definitely be harmful..and it could attribute to decreased metabolic functions, which then may lead to death. but definitely not alone.. But I can tell you that alcohol and cigarettes with no other drugs involved.

  • amanda

    this is the dumbest thing i have ever read in my life! lol

  • Becki

    I couldn’t have said it better! :D

  • ChristiaanV

    “The Internet has really ruined legitimate news”. Are you sure that CNN, FOX, and CNN didn’t already do that? Haven’t, in the last couple years, all of those news channels been caught lying? Those are the major news outlets in the U.S. and they have all been caught either blatantly lying, or sending actors in to their “LIVE” broadcasts. Seriously, just google “news channels caught lying” and you’ll come up with 43,900,000 results. I think it’s a stretch to say that legitimate news was ruined by the internet which has only been available to the public since 1989. I think that “legitimate unbiased news” was ruined the second any government realized that feeding it’s people bullshit and claiming it to be true is an affective way to change public opinion. So, maybe, 1609 with the invention of the news paper. Possibly (definitely) earlier.

  • Becki

    Such BS

  • deadheadland

    Time to call Saul.

  • jay

    this story is bullshit. knowone can die from weed. you con weed people out there need to research and get back to all the pro weed people and apologize for your stupidity

  • Guest

    Actually, I have had to take several people to the hospital for alcohol poisoning for drinking too much beer. My husband died of cirrhosis in May. I have never heard of anyone being physically harmed by marijuana.

  • Marlo Miller Ricciardi

    It is like the

  • Chris

    This just incites more fear and opposition in clueless people, this also isn’t remotely funny.

  • Kowboy Santos


  • Zacharia Ashby

    Can’t be done. The only way you can die from smoking pot is if you specifically are allergic to the weed. People have smoked bales of pot in one sitting.

  • Windsong46

    I find this very difficult to believe. VERY difficult. Sounds like there is something political going on here.

  • the weedman

    lmfao this site is ridiculous

  • Polly

    Whatever…why don’t we post statistics on how many people die every day from ALCOHOL related incidents? Some people just over do it, especially college students. That isn’t news! Tired of this county thriving on DRAMA!

  • That Blonde Girl

    HAHAHAHA the Jesse Pinkman reference, GOLDEN

    I OD’d on pot once, I slept so good that night and felt so good in the morning.

  • Humberto

    When did anybody overdose on beer? its called alcohol poisoning moron.

  • Bethany

    this is satire….it was meant as a joke….it’s not real, you can calm down.

  • !Gunsmoke!

    when you let liberals make laws this is what you get

  • David W. Flannigan

    This is bullshit!

  • Windsong46
  • Becki

    Marijuana doesn’t kill people! Marijuana is a naturally grown herb with many medicinal uses. The government and Doctors prescribe medications for all the different medical issues that people have and need pain relief from and they are so willing to give you an RX of some synthetic chemicals that can clearly mess with ones brain as well other organs! Furthermore, a lot of these drugs are just as addicting as Cocaine, Meth, heroine! So I mean REALLY this whole article is full of BS. Before being judgemental do some research!!!

  • Brandy Baron

    Obviously I did or I wouldn’t have said it wasn’t amusing.

  • darkpoetinc

    LOL this is fake.. love how sheep on both sides bought into this

  • Grayson

    Completely stupid really if people believe this they are morons.

  • Aaron

    Now if you believe this, I have a bridge for sale anyone interested?

  • Helena_Handbasket

    I’m personally hoping that the people who are commenting as if this were real, are just continuing the satirical vein.

    It’s probably not true, mind you…. but it’s much less depressing than the reality that people are, generally, idiots.

  • Muncie Harris II

    this is bullshit…look up hypospadias…it’s mislocation of the exit of the urethra of a man’s penis…creepy…but not at all life-threatening…who wrote this crap?

  • Ghey

    hahahahaha ghey!!!!

  • peolean

    dumb to write this dumber to believe it wow some people are so gullible for real and that’s so sad I don’t even live there but have smoked pot for a very long time and I have never heard of such a thing as oding on pot come on people get with the program if you have smoked it in the past and are still smoking it then chances are it is not the pot that will kill you but some other underlying situation for real so lets all get stoned and talk about this tomorrow lol

  • Helena_Handbasket

    Uh… no, it’s because “Rocky Mountain News” was a long running, now defunct paper in Colorado.

    Also, I think prohibition sends a much worse message to children. It’s certainly destroyed the lives of more children than marijuana ever could.

  • Independent Tom

    Potheads don’t have a sense of humor.

  • Lg

    You have ruined my day with your stupidity, throw your computer away and kill yourself!

  • Keli’i

    Too funny!

  • Markie D

    Come on now. What government official is starting this bullshit story. Maybe because there mad that the drug is now legal. You know Hemp oil from Marijuana in high doses cures Cancer. Google it everyone. Its the Governments biggest secret. One Shot takes one pound of pot to make a dose. A little boy in Amsterdam had stage four cancer on his brain stem. He went on a three week cycle and took a dose everyday for three weeks and all the cancer cells were gone and replaced with new healty cells. Little boy was only 4 and taking in a pound a day in hemp oil and he didnt die lol lol .. For Christ sake, it made him live. No more Cancer. Can u believe it. This country is all about money. There is to much money in Cancer to cure it with a drug the governmwnt doesn’t have there hands into. Now they are trying to get thier hands into it because there is only a little time till people find out about this big secret and go nuts over all thier loved ones they lost when there was a cure the whole time. Isn’t this Country something or what?

  • Randy

    Ditto!!!! All is well here in Colorado, come and see for your self!

  • Helena_Handbasket

    This sounds challenging, dude. You clearly need to train before attempting to smoke that much. You’ll probably need a training buddy to stay on course. I volunteer to help you smoke the holy fuck out of your weed while preparing. (aren’t I generous?)

  • kiki


  • Bethany

    It’s a satirical and didn’t actually happen.

  • Jackelin J. Jarvis

    “Marijuana is a deadly hardcore drug that causes addiction and destroys lives.” Really? Alcohol causes addiction and destroys lives and familes and kills people on the road. Its up to the people to control what they do not the government; we are not children–how many people die of alcohol poisoning all the time and they don’t make it illegal…? I was told only 20% of alcoholics recover vs. 80% of drug addicts.

  • Theoneandonly DCherry

    I have smoked most of my life and I have never heard of anyone to OD on Pot. I bet someone opposed has a hand in this artical. When it was legalized elsewhere, how many deaths so far?

  • Judy Nerad Davis

    What a bunch of lying bullshit! It does not kill people. I would much rather be driving next to someone on the highway that has smoked pot all day than to be anywhere near anyone who has had 4 beers or more. This article i9s for stupid people who haven’t got a clue! DAILY CURRANT, FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO LIE ABOUT or do some flipping research before you print this bullshit!

  • Scott Cheatham

    To create an overdose effect on marijuana you would have to smoke roughly 50 columbian strength joints in I believe somewhere around 15 minutes. To do that, you would starve your brain for oxygen and you would pass out well before you reached that point.

    I read the article and all I have to say is…wow…someone seriously likes to write satire.

    “Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), also known as fish odor syndrome or fish malodor syndrome,[1] is a rare metabolic disorder that causes a defect in the normal production of the enzyme flavin containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3).[2][3] When FMO3 is not working correctly or if not enough enzyme is produced, the body loses the ability to properly convert trimethylamine (TMA) from precursor compounds in food digestion into trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) through a process called N-oxygenation. Trimethylamine then builds up and is released in the person’s sweat, urine, and breath, giving off a strong fishy odor or strong body odor.”

    “Hypospadias is a birth (congenital) defect in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis. The urethra is the tube that drains urine from the bladder. In males, the opening of the urethra is normally at the end of the penis.”

  • Robert Stahl


  • Ron Boyer

    No way.


    Crazy hallucinogenic that scrambles your brains.

  • kerston

    ^^^^^More satire I hope Bwahahahaha!

  • xxcrashxx

    He wasn’t calling people morons for not knowing the names from TV shows…. If you read something from one source, and believe it to be true without the use of this wonderful thing called The Internet to check facts, then you are a moron.

  • kerston

    It isn’t funny , but some of the ignorant comments are. I swear some people evidently really do live under rocks.

  • punky


  • slpyhd43

    sorry got to pull the B.S. card on this one… Toxicology test take more than 24 hours, so how would they have gotten those results already.. friend’s bf died of heroin overdoes took 2 weeks to get that report back to the ME

  • Stoner2316

    EVERYONE! Chill out and go light up joint, a blunt, pack a bowl..whatever you prefer! Lol ;)

  • kerston

    You make this even funnier. Feel stupid? This is satire. Don’t bring the sane gun owners into this. Maybe they should give you a mental health check if you are going to carry though. Satire !!! Oh my do you know what that is or is that a word you think ‘Libs” made up? If we lose gun rights it will be because of morons like you.

  • GinosaurusRex

    hun, Fox news ruined legitimate news.

  • PeedroPaula

    For those of you freaking out, the Daily Currant is a satire page!

  • DamOTclese2

    Trimethylamin!!! ROFL!

  • DamOTclese2

    No! This is real! I saw it on Fox News! They wouldn’t show it on Fox News if it wasn’t real!

  • nnyl

    I never watched those shows, don’t watch much telly, but it is The Daily Currant.

  • nnyl

    The Daily Currant has never been news. Always fiction. Their other stories today include Clay Aiken joining Duck Dynasty and the NSA allowing citizens to buy back personal data. If you look at their About page, it spells out their stories are purely fictional.

  • nnyl

    I looked it up, it is fish odor syndrome.

  • dda

    I knew nothing good would come of this. Colorado made a stupid decision we have enough idiot’s running around now they just added to the idiocy.

  • Jackelin J. Jarvis

    Don’t feel bad Ruby I don’t watch televsion either;
    some of us are just wired differently, all the judgements are small words coming from small heads.

  • Jesuslovesyou

    I think your all a bunch of idiots. whether this is true or not doesn’t matter. And im sorry but legalizing drugs is not gonna make our “life/world” any better. drugs are wrong just like drinking is wrong. just cuz you are all abunch of druggies doesn’t mean you have to bash on people who do care about their life

  • Guest

    You know… since this isn’t your first time on this site I would wager that you were just simply way too lazy and stupid to realize that this was a satire/fake site when you visited 21 days ago or you truly are just posting to get a rise out of people…

  • Ron Barry

    The number of people who believe this is real, TV character names aside, is dumbfounding and frightening. I think the Daily Currant owes every person who believes this is real a pirated copy of Reefer Madness.

  • Jeffrey Sparks

    Yeah, Hypospadias is a malformed penis.

  • sandra

    not even close… this fake story is so fake that makes me feel pity. Please reed a little or smoke some pot before starting to make up pathetic stories

  • 60srad

    They should be stoned for legalizing it.

  • Pamela Hosler-cardona

    I checked to see if it was from The Onion!!

  • cerista

    It’s not their job to protect people from their own stupidity. Learn to do some research. Ask questions. Think for yourself. People need to stop being gullible. That’s the purpose of the satire sites. Humor is secondary.

  • precious d

    They had to lace the weed with something to make them die

  • RDub

    Satire, people. It’s satire. Now… seriously and introspectively consider why you reacted the way you did when you read the article. That way, it won’t be a total loss.

  • Mark Reeser

    Huh? If I was on this site 21 days ago I don’t remember it, nor do I remember what i was here for. Whatever it was I certainly did not pay attention to the site I was on. Can you refresh my memory as to what I looked at when I was here before?

  • Rick_CT

    Even though it’s satire I bet it makes the rounds on news networks, especially Fox, and people repeat it as gospel !

  • Rob Hill

    When the prohibition of alchohol was removed how many died? The real measure will come when the novelty wears off.

  • cerista

    Don’t insult the intelligence of network engineers by claiming to be one.

  • Robyn Dessauer Lewis

    I totally agree. Mainstream media has resorted to regurgitating the Talk Points of the Progressives/Liberals or the Republicans. What happened to real investigative journalism? The internet has the most investigated news than any other form of media in the US.

  • MamaBear

    OOOOR… even if you don’t recognize the names (which i didn’t immediately)… based on what I was reading and what I know of marijuana & alcohol (not to mention all of the obviously ridiculous quotes)… i figured it was a laughable farce. if you bought this, it just means you need a little more info/research into the subject, not to mention paying more attention to sources of information- at the very least, the fact that they quoted the president and ceo of the local brewery! ha! hilarious. and “i guess drugs really are as dangerous as they say”- it reads like a bad after-school special. thanks for the laugh. i can see why people are upset, but… it’s hard not to laugh at you too. if that makes us mean, oh well? i don’t think we need to be name calling though. this whole thing, including all the comments is super funny. thanks everyone.


    wow how sad that someone had the audacity to say that no ones ever overdosed on beer? oh but did you forget all the lives lost from driving after drinking beer? or how about people who tell you weed is bad then turn around and tell you to take a little white pill for your pain? they dont even know whats in those pills, but NOO dont smoke weed. heres the thing…..maybe people should do these things responsibly, like drinking responsibly; some people shouldnt drink, and some people shouldnt smoke, others can drink and others can smoke. its really sad that there is a CEO out there is so naive he thinks beer doesnt kill people.

  • “Wasted” Time

    OK, I don’t have time to watch Lost or Breaking Bad. I don’t have time to second guess and research some medical term someone uses in an article. I don’t live in Colorado so I don’t care who the governor is. I do know The Rocky Mountain news is a legitimate newspaper. The only reason I second guessed this article is because it said the toxicology report said the only drug in their systems was marijuana. Until I got to that part, I assumed someone laced a marijuana supply or something.
    OK, so it’s satire, that’s cool It’s still irresponsible to not say so somewhere so people who don’t spend their lives on the internet or in front of the TV can stop wasting their time reading it.

  • LuisM55

    Wow this article is being reposted and straight up reported as serious news all over the Internet. Some people are too gullible.

  • Heather Barron

    You, madam, are why the aliens won’t talk to us. For the love of God, please pick up a few books before you use the Internet again.

  • Mark Reeser

    Oh no you got me too, good thing my bosses that pay me good money to take care of their network hasn’t caught on that I’m an uneducated moron. Hope they don’t come here, and see that instead of researching it for myself I simply stated that if this wasn’t a joke, the people who wrote it are full of it. I didn’t even read the whole article or check out the site. I also did not know that the newspaper referenced was a paper that is now out of business (only been in CO for a month and a 1/2). I know though I’m the idiot and most here are very intellectually superior to me, sorry for upsetting you I didn’t mean to claim to be as good as you who must be the al mighty himself.

  • Chuckles

    If you are making an argument that you are not a moron you should try using proper punctuation, grammar, and for god’s sake capitalize your “i”‘s!

  • Mark Reeser

    Really, do you use anything with nicotine, sugar, or caffeine in it? If you are then you are just as much as a drug addict as anyone else. Also it is a god made plant, the if left alone to dry in the wild will get you high if you eat it. Jesus might live us, but I guess he sent you down to judge us?

  • Mark Reeser

    Thanks for the link Brandy, but she and I both do know the facts about this plant. the person who sent her the link might need to check that out, but we still haven’t figured out if she sent it as a joke, or if she thinks it’s true. I’m guessing the latter since she is very much against it, of course she is also a chain smoking alcoholic that thinks she doesn’t so any drugs.

  • Mark Reeser

    Oh no now we are both to stupid to have kids, and we have someone using the name Tebow to judge us, we are in for it. Sorry we do have one so I guess we just added to the stupid of the world. Of course if yo could read you would have seen earlier where I said I was going home to be with my wife/son, so you must be just as bad off as me for overlooking that piece of info that was right in front of you. Hopefully you will just add a little chlorine to your gene pool before you have some baby Tebow’s. I’m glad that 95% of the people on this page are so much smarter than someone that just wanted to find out if this site was satire or not after glancing over the article. Hopefully your god will smite us for being so inferior to you.

  • Andy

    This is the dumbest thing I have EVER seen in my life. What is this Fox News? Get your heads out of your you know whats. The people voted for it and they want it, this is a democracy. I don’t smoke marijuana nor am an avid supporter of it, but the people want it, so give it to them for Christs sake. If you don’t like it, move to Pakistan and have no political freedom and where marijuana is illegal.

  • Mark Reeser

    Safe from what? I’m ok don’t worry about me, my mom makes sure I keep my helmet on unless I’m sleeping.

  • Johnny Rios


  • Mark Reeser

    I sent you to government website because I figured that was the only thing you would believe

  • Mark Reeser

    I can tell you the sheep comment did not come from watching fox, I never watch any MSM news, all any of it is is entertainment for the masses. I just used sheep instead of sheeple.

  • babyboop.82

    Actually if you are allergic to it you can die from it.

  • Eric Bergstrom

    The Horror! The Horror!

  • forest wall

    I Remember 10 bucks For A 3 finger Bag…. LOL

  • Mark Reeser

    Really, I guess they missed me and lots of my stoner libertarian friends with their intent then. If its not the pot what causes you to be a such a good little boy and always vote republican then.

  • den_e

    while it’s obvious to some that it’s satire… one the the things i dislike about this site is that they don’t make that clear anywhere. then they publish other articles on contriversial subjects that aren’t as obvious and people spread them around like truth.

  • cerista

    Misconception. Satire isn’t necessarily supposed to be funny. It’s supposed to make people think.

  • Thomas Cowson

    lol lies

  • Britt Davis

    When was the last time you heard of a person overdosing on alcohol? REALLY? It’s called ALCOHOL POISONING – people get it all the dang time!!!!! Smh. This country is full of complete idiots.

  • Mark Reeser

    I’ll get right on the Diego, now that you and all the other geniuses here have shown me how stupid I am, and my mom always told me I was just as smart as the other kids even though I had to ride the short bus to school.

  • Alan

    not quite “The Onion” but ok!

  • Tyler Thomas

    This article is something else.

  • weed man

    Moron statement…alchol more dangerous than marijuana….fuckoff

  • Cristina20132014

    If you OD on weed, you deserve to die.

  • GlenBradley

    Apparently a lot of the commenters do not realize that the Daily Currant is satire…

  • Pete56

    People who’d believe this story.
    Their inescapable conditioning is always kind of sad.

  • lessgovernmentnow

    Serious pot smokers become lazy. I’m glad that I sold my Colorado business & moved in 1997. I also left Washington State in 2004. Pothead’s make lousy work force.

  • Wendi

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! “Jesse Pinkman!” LOL Well I guess we found out where he went after he left the meth house. lol

  • Chris Putt

    if i didnt have weed i would be dead THANK YOU WEED

  • thorroofer

    This is crap. This is a set up or something theres no way! There would have tio be something in the weed.

  • Linda Lampe

    Yep,it is the same weird phenomenon as when the faux news about Romney saying he could relate to Black folks because his family had owned slaves.The liberals and low informed voters wet their pants with joy that they not had a valid reason to hate Romney.Even after showing them it was fake (better known as a lie) they still clung to their hate and venom.

  • angeka

    In order for a “overdose of marijuana” you have to smoke more then your body weight. The people who wrote this are in need of a reality check along with proper extensive research.

  • Desolina Deisch

    If marijuana killed people it had to be laced with something, because marijuana does not kill.

  • John West

    Dead giveaway. It’s from the Daily Currant!

  • Alex

    In fact the lethal marijuana OD is like 500kgs in one minute , try to beat that if u can :)

  • dantana

    TRUE OR NOT, THIS SHOULD BE CELEBRATED!! People permitted to make their own choices and to enjoy pot responsibly or suffer the consequences of their own behavior. Our nation, via Darwin, wins – big time.

    Libertarianism rules.

  • Valters Boze

    Sounds like fake PR to me. Why noone has died before just like that? in Amsterdam? or other countries where its legal / semi-legal ? It must have been mixed with something, as some years ago it happened in UK when quite a few people died because the “tobacco” was mixed with particles like sand/glass that destroyed lungs. P.s. I`m not pro-marijuana. I`m against it as well as alcohol.

  • Nesnej

    I hate when I smoke weed and die.

  • Billy Ross

    Just to be perfectly clear – If I die, I’m suing the government!

  • Billy Ross

    Dude, chill. Have a joint…

  • ksmichel

    investigative journalism has become illegal #snowdon

  • Billy Ross

    Don’t drink and drive home, smoke dope and fly home.

  • foxyldy

    What a load of utter tripe. No one has ever died from taking cannabis it practically impossible. Does the government really think people are this thick.
    Every one forgets cannabis was illigalised because of HEMP not because of the drug itself. They are using the drug as a cover up. Funny how its a CEO of a brewery who has put out this statement. Losing money are we peter? Stfu. Legalise it everywhere sort it out. Its personal choice to smoke it or not. I know my choice.

  • JESS K

    this is so silly. how much MJ would have to have been smoked to kill one? How much would that have cost? Is there not a limit? And it Killed more people that have been killed in high school massacres and how about the massacre at the movie theater. Come on now! Got to be a HOAX

  • bert

    It’s called alcohol poisoning when you od on alcohol. Thats why no one ods.

  • hHannah

    I just don’t understand how anyone could overdose on marijuana! Wtf is it laced with???

  • Michele Powell

    I’d say the Jesse Pinkman reference should have woken anyone up that thought this was real. I was thinking I was in the Twilight Zone until I read that and then it was palm to the face time… “One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary.”

  • Me me

    I call bullshit there is no way….

  • Andrew Ng


  • Luke Murray

    Totally Uncalled for!!

    Do you know how long it tooko to get marijuanna accepted legally?
    And now you go doing this, sure it’s a joke but you know that there are millions of complete idiots out there with the power to change things some places who can get very scared by this!

  • Stuart Allen

    What is the point of this site? To compete with The Onion?

  • Sean McKenna

    Wow! I remember when $10-$15 bought a Lid! They would the lid of a coffee can with a healthy handful/portion. Hence the term “Lid of pot”.

  • Terric Blythe

    They need to post a disclaimer somewhere stating this is supposed to be humor. And the people on here commenting, calling people stupid and being condescending dill holes with their pseudo-intellectual superiority are as ignorant as the asshats who wrote the article.

  • Tycho Heusen

    Stop posting this. I live in The Netherlands, where pot is almost considered legal. I know very much people who smoke it day in-day out and they are healthy. I think the Daily Currant and every other newsstation should be ashamed by making this up.

  • Taylor

    I think they need to work on their satirical writing skills. To somebody who doesn’t know much about cannabis and hasn’t seen breaking bad or lost, it seems almost reasonable. I think if they just added a line about people getting the munchies and eating babies, that would just tip it over the edge of believability…

  • I aint no fool but Blir is

    You sir are a sucker which is nothing to be ashamed of. Satire has not ruined news on the internet. You should listen to what Honest Abe Lincoln said “83% of all facts on the internet are made up.” (p.s. that was a joke it was actually George Washington who said it.) In any case only a fool would believe even the real news outlets as they are liars anyway which twist facts to make their political agenda. Laugh at yourself for being naive and taking the internet so seriously and move on.

  • Dawid Wdowik

    How many people died by Alcohol?

    Marijuana is very safe drug!

  • light

    this is ridiculous , as a marijuana smoker, i must this is utterly false. weed is very safe the worst thing that can occur while “high” is over eating or over sleep

  • core32

    how can someone die on weed? people are dying on alcohol, harddrugs, medicines, etc. we smoke weed in holland daily for decades, but no one died.
    thats bullshit!

  • Rlsjr0330

    oh this is to funny it states in the above article ……….According to a report in the Rocky Mountain News…….. ummmm Rocky mountain news Closed on fed 17th of 09

  • Sean McKenna

    Hey man concerns in matters such as this might be better off if focused on the fact that the FDA,pharmaceutical companies and certain doctors throughout this country are actively doing studies on the effects of OXY CODONE on children BETWEEN THE AGES OF 6 and 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This being after the fact that the drug has swept across this country in epidemic proportions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (By Design). This new study these F~~~KERS decided to launch was actually announced in a 20 – 30 Sec. segment just before going to commercial on the 3:00 news in FT. Myers FL. in the beginning of last year,2013! There has been nothing said of it since.

  • Boba

    Maritimer1 & Blair,

    I’m torn here because I found this article very funny but Blair makes some good points about the fight to get Marijuana legalized.

    As Maritimer1 correctly says, anyone with a brain knows you can’t OD on Marijuana BUT – and this is a big one – the problem is that there are millions of people out there without a brain (or with a brain but that do not use it) who will base how they vote, campaign and gossip on this article.

    A tricky balance to strike. I’m going to roll a fat one and think on it.

  • Dustin Cantwell

    this site is known as being a satirical ‘news’ publishing site, like The Onion.their not irresponsible or doing their jobs. people are irresponsible for being un educated.

  • Brandy Baron

    Actually, the same could be said about anything that people have a SEVERE allergy to, even milk…

  • Andre

    I get that its a joke. Problem is many wont get it and it does not help the effort to change the public opinion. Its a pitty that there’s people that will actually believe it and even share this with an ” I told you so”

  • Elly

    What a load of untrue, anti cannabis propaganda. Cannabis does not kill and that is a FACT!

  • Brandy Baron

    Unfortunately, the people opposing the legalization of marijuana don’t use their brains when it comes to MJ. The opposition wants to believe an article (even though satire) like this. By the time they have figured out it is satire they will have already used it to fool the others who don’t know any better. This makes things harder for those who are working to educate people and bring about some acceptance. We’re making great progress so why choose this to poke fun?

  • Noah Wood

    “Space Exploration:

    See above uses for oxygen.

    Getting High:

    See space exploration”

    I love this bit the most xD

  • Rainier German

    Guys, this is bullshit. The picture youre looking at is a guy from Melbourne and its not marijuana overdose.

    See this link below.

  • marco


  • Bard the builder

    Drugs used in medicine are routinely given what is called an
    LD-50. The LD-50 rating indicates at what dosage fifty percent of test
    animals receiving a drug will die as a result of drug induced toxicity. A
    number of researchers have attempted to determine marijuana’s LD-50
    rating in test animals, without success. Simply stated, researchers have
    been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce death.

    At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around 1:20,000 or
    1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a
    marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much
    marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied
    marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker
    would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana
    within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.

    In practical terms, marijuana cannot induce a lethal response as a result of drug-related toxicity.”

    Even if someone is smoking marijuana concentrates or ‘dabs’ which can be 3-4 times more potent than their flower counterparts, that’s still hundreds of pounds of marijuana dabs within a 15 minute period. A person would pass out before they experienced a lethal dose level of marijuana. Something could harm the person if they fell while passing out resulting in death, but that’s different than the marijuana itself causing death. Some readers are probably wondering why the federal government fights so hard against marijuana research. Maybe it’s because every time they research marijuana they find out how wrong they are…

  • free božidar


  • Morten Haugelien

    Oh yeah, it’s good for you to smoke weed…..! That is SATIRE!!

  • urbanprojectz

    No, it’s a drug, it’s alters your state. To say that weed is not a drug is foolish, it’s a substance that has a desired high for the user.

  • Emilio Callejas

    Would be nice to know the Alcohol and cigarette’s related death!

  • Emilio Callejas

    Would be nice to know the Alcohol and cigarette’s related death! No one talk about it.

  • Thomas Mclean

    well said i never knew these names either(i rarely watch television) f@cking morons, it’s just gonna get harder with these @rseholes printing crap like that!!!

  • Thomas Mclean

    are you stupid there are folk who won’t do their research & just spread the word like wildfire…another moron!!!

  • Karl

    LOL OD on weed -,- how could you do that i smoked 15 gram’s today and i only climb higher by the minute guess they climbed to high and fell.. to bad… gues they forgot to bring their parachute

  • Dee

    After being a Mary Jane smoker for more than 10 years, I must add that I have not suffered any loss of brain power, have excelled in my niche line of digital media, won awards for excellence, started a very successful business, raised a happy family and was stoned every day, 3 times a day! My father suffered with skin cancer for 15 years, and cannabis was his savior and pain relief for the last 3 years of his life, I saw the emotional, physical, spiritual change in a man that had nothing left to live for, not even eyes left to see the world, to someone who inspired, believed and once again saw the very simple joy that life is, pain free, stress free,
    Like all level c drugs, steroids, pain meds, muscle relaxers, etc, weed does NOT blend with every single person, like alcohol doesn’t. I don’t drink for the very reason of its got an adverse affect on my ego and judgment and temper. If I got pissed off my face, I would expect to end up dead or close, if not an accident, a fight, or worse…. So I DO NOT go binge drinking, or get anywhere past lighty tipsy, and as such, the same precautions should be taken with this level c drug!
    I have read that most deaths are caused from choking on the smoke ( weed is supposed to make you cough to get the cannabanoids into the blood stream), so on that note, I’m not saying this is BULLSHAVIT, but I would love to see the report that explains exactly what the contraindications were, vs the chemical composition of the actual weed they smoked, was it all from the same supplier / grower? What was the thc percentage in the blood etc etc. I don’t believe for one minute that’s its as simple as ” CANNABIS KILLS 37 IN ONE DAY!” So does alcohol, and falling out an aeroplane, and not looking before you cross the road, and not forgetting natures fury etc etc etc.
    Perhaps when legalizing weed and classifying it, the contra indications should be made clear??? That kinda seems like the logical thing to do, to me anyway.
    cannabis has many healing benefits, the needs of the many …… Indeed

  • disqus_BSTrGz6sM8

    Uummm….”hypospadias” is a BIRTH DEFECT…meaning you are BORN with it!!! So I am pretty positive you can’t ‘get/suffer’ from that due to smoking. AND Trimethylaminuria is inherited, meaning it is also GENETICALLY RELATED and you DON’T die from it!!!! Come on guys if your’e going to write a story CHECK YOUR FACTS FIRST!!! UUgghh! :P

  • thcproce Grower

    this is a FAKE. please dont believe in this idiot.

  • Audra Fried

    Then, it is safe to say you’ve never watched Breaking Bad.. what a great show.

  • emdoc1107

    I’m an ER doc and don’t use marijuana and know that it doesn’t cause lethal overdose. I could tell it was satire before I even read the first paragraph.

    It doesn’t change the fact that you dope smoking fools that *must* smoke your weed are losers. Get a life. Grow up and live a healthy lifestyle free of that $hit…the same with alcohol!!!

  • mhgoats1

    Having been in the parts of the world that was having breaking news, I have found that FOX is always the closest of all of them giving the most correct reporting. Was first hand at an incident and when I watched both CNN and BBC reports of it I was wondering just where the heck it had happened, because I didn’t see or hear anything of what they were talking of (at the time it was a terrorist attack on a Saudi military base).

  • TR1GG

    Honey! I know nothing about marijuana (except that morons use it to get ‘high’ because their lives are so boring) how would I know if you could fatally OD on it?

  • Michael J. Johnson

    you know it’s fake when there is only ONE tiny and insignificant website publishing it.

  • dalebo63
  • Edward
  • Katie Caudill

    FAKE….from a medical stand point, you would have to smoke 10 joints a minute for a straight 24 hours in order to even remotely start to overdose. it is physically impossible.

  • Kathryn Hildebrandt

    I agree. Satire is more than just a fake news story about events that didn’t happen. Good satire should make the reader stop and think about some of the absurdities in the culture.

  • Jonathan Scott Spicer

    I Love It! Great satire,besides you can`t O.D. on weed! Believe me I`ve tried and all i got was sleepy!

  • ShurpeW

    its a mix of drugs!!!!!!!!! Lets see what these post postmortem’s say????? STUDIES SHOW ITS SAFER THAN TOBACCO AND ALCOHOL!!! These young Dumb-Whits out there need to know what self control is all about!! its a lesson for others to learn from, not to bad marajuana! just because there are deaths on the roads everyday, doesn’t mean you ban driving!!! you teach drivers how to drive……you drive fast and like a loonatic, you die! you overdose and mix drugs…..YOU DIE!!!! Simplez!!

  • Jonathan Scott Spicer

    I`m no moron and the one thing I know about marijuana is this: It kills my pain and helps me sleep,when no other drug short of morphine will.

  • shuga

    I declare complete bullshit…

  • Rodney

    Interesting how one of the sources it’s the Rocky mountain news. Which isn’t around anymore. And secondly they sold close to a million dollars worth on the first day. Which means the state made almost half that in sales. I doubt they want to change the law.

  • aldrisang .

    If you don’t know this is a joke, or suspect it, by the time they’re calling marijuana a hardcore drug… much less when they bring in Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad… =P

  • EducatedGuesser

    Shouldn’t parody websites at least try to be funny? Just saying things that aren’t true isn’t all that clever, guys.

  • ALCO
  • Nico Twothousand

    BUUUUULLLLLLLSHIT…..! Worst thing that can happen is… You fall asleep. Somebody doing some lobbying for the Pharma, or Liquor industry…?

  • Vera De Vries

    Hi this is Xaviera Hollander.. I am of the opinion that many more people kill themselves with overdoses of alcohol than marihuana or legal pharmaceutics you can get easily at any drugstore. That seems to be far worse in numbers.
    I live in Holland and here life is so much easier and relaxed… and not too many restrictions except this year alcohol can only be bought by kids over 18. There will always be people who don’t know their limit,

  • ojaoi

    10 seconds flat, lol XD

  • Sophia Keenesburg

    One can on the FAKE socalled synthetic marijuana. This is why I do not think this parody article is funny.
    You will see some people will start to believe real marijuana is dangerous … it only takes a few times to copy and paste this text and pull it out of it;s context.

    Fake / synthetic can cause seizures and leave a person braindamaged for life. But the fake think is very very different but I guess I do not have to explain this to you.

    greetings from Holland (EU)


    Bullshit Article, Bullshit Newspaper, Bullshit Editor. Moron Journalist. No wonder the American people are completely Manipulated till stupidity.

  • Sophia Keenesburg

    I use it in as TEA. Relieved me of my backpain.

  • Sophia Keenesburg

    It is also to relax. And you do not get hooked to it by the way.

    (live in the netherlands and grow my own plants so I do know what I am taking and without pesticides and so on. Make tea out of it I am a non smoker. For me it is about handling my backpain and it does it very well)

  • Sophia Keenesburg

    It is more difficult to find the truth … as you hear the same story different. Try to look up something what happened years back … and you will find information and disinformation on several subjects (history).
    Than you really have to turn back at the BOOKS.

    Or the real newspaper clippings.
    Some stories I cannot find anymore online …

    So yes I do think one has to question everything ones reads online.

  • Wayne Koppa

    Better satire would be “no deaths from alcohol on New Years, because everybody stoned”.

  • Dutch Ganja Team

    ppl !!

    HI we are a couple of regular weedsmokers from Holland, yea thats right Holland land of weed! and let me tell you 1 thing!! aint nobody getting killed over some weed they smoke. Because weed is not deathly, the only thing that can kill people is if they put some other stuff in the weed that doesn’t belong there. Trust us we have seen it all!! and let me tell you this; the weed ppl smoked was contaminated!!! feel free to ask any questions if you want to know more about it !

    Ganja lovers

  • Daniel

    I get that this is satire but its actually in poor taste and not that funny. I think you need to reconsider what you see as satire – making up bullshit facts that are blatantly not true is not clever, smart or funny for that matter. Satire is meant to be a spin on the truth in order to enlighten others or highlight real world truths – its not about creating and spreading blatant lies. In this case you are doing more harm that good… not good guys, not good.

  • joseph whitehead

    this story is full of f****** s***…I’ve been smoking cannabis 18 years ..I’ll smoke the good the bad most ever happen is I puked from coughing..its all is imitation weed going around..and okay if it is true..we need to stop making pills and medicine..alcohol and cigarettes too..oh yeah by the way food to can causes cancer..

  • shawnlt1

    Not true, i am a person that always looks for a second source, so i went to and if something like this had happen, it would be headline but its not even on there. LIES.

  • Gringo

    – People in Amsterdam

  • jip

    What a bullshit, they just are trying to ban pot.

  • Bob Hashgreen

    What a lot of rubbish! Irresponsible trash media again.

  • Jeroen OhmCore

    this article is a fake one..

  • ReadbtwnLines

    It’s a joke. Jesse Pinkman is from Breaking Bad and the Doctor is from LOST.

  • DCrunner926

    It’s a joke. Jesse Pinkman is from Breaking Bad and the Doctor is from LOST.

  • DCrunner926

    Before any one takes this article seriously. THE DAILY CURRANT IS LIKE THE DAILY SHOW OR ONION. Look at the other articles “Obama comes out with new American Flag” is one of them.

  • leona

    what a bullshit u never can od from marijuana whahahah

  • Urz

    Man dies from smoking marijuana. Today John Q. Publix smoked a joint, walked in front of a speeding FOX News truck and was struck dead by the front bumper (which was also under the influence of marijuana and is not expected to live).

  • luke skywalker

    only americans can accomplish in something noone else in history of world hasent been able to do ;)

  • Tristen

    Um…really? I do not trust the veracity of this article ONE bit…considering the ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS has not been in circulation for years and was bought by the Denver Post in 2008. Really? “According to a report in the Rocky Mountain News, 37 people were killed across the state on January 1st…”

  • Will Mickelson

    What you say is not proven fact. You can say as far as we know no one has OD’d, but you got to be realistic.

  • Brandy Baron

    Go eat eat your vegetables ;o)

  • cliff

    Can you say Onion.

  • Allen

    50,000 people die every year from alcohol poisoning. Everything in moderation people jeez.

  • Tonya

    how can they report this when the Rocky Mountain News is closed as of 2009???

    I call this a PR stunt!!!

  • Colin Mathew

    If u no nothin y comment then. I don’t comment sayin take ur stupid little views and jump off a bridge cause u hav nothin goin for urself in life do I but maybe I sud

  • Tonya
  • Luca

    Jesse Pinkman :-) hahaha

  • Tonya
  • That guy

    It’s called google use it

  • Brett Keoki Patton

    The internet… Fact-checking is actually easier then its ever been. I get how that is ironic, since this article of BS came from the internet, but a simple google search would have probably debunked it fairly quickly for you. Just saying…

  • Tonya
  • Cookie

    people are so so so retarded. Who let you write the news?!

  • sense

    you are totally ignorant, you know nothing about it, that is why you use the word morons and other derogatory terms about cannabis users, probably best not to comment on things you are completely ignorant about

  • hillbilly

    Calm down folks!!! This is awesome!! Movement movement blah blah blah…This Daily Currant is just like Onion News Network. Its for entertainment. Smoke a joint and read it again. You wont be nearly as upset..

  • Tonya

    Key people
    Andrew Molson, (Chairman)

    Peter Swinburn, (President and Chief Executive Officer)

    haha….. DE-BUNKED



  • Sandykm

    No such thing as overdosing on pot….DUH!

  • Soph

    Fantastic! Lost and Breaking bad. Funny :)

  • thingscanbbetter

    The author of this article must be on Meth

  • suzieQ37

    Idk if people are actually dying or not, but it stands to reason that more than likely all of these ppl probably smoked marijuana for years before it became legal, and probably more of it since it was never taxed before, and never “overdosed” on it which leads me to believe that either A. this is a bold faced lie, or B. these merchants have added something to it before they sold it. I am neither a supporter or opposer of legalization, I believe that it would be lovely not to have to worry about being jailed if I wanna smoke, but I also believe that legalization will ultimately ruin the quality of what we smoke, adding things that kill us. Tobacco on its own is far less dangerous than the chemicals they add to it.

  • Mgooboo

    so… your solution is censorship because people are too stupid to get a joke thats clearly more in favour of legalisation than anything? Well thats good news for free speech…

  • Kat Danelson

    Um if you’re doctor you would know that dope and pot are different things.

  • Teresa Purdham

    they were doing something besides weed i have known alot of weed smokers and they still smoking after years and are fine i have however lost people due to drinking. this is bull.

  • Forrest Blocker

    So many morons, so little time.

  • Teresa Purdham

    some do it for pain and to help rhem eat get your facks right

  • Teresa Purdham

    i hear ya

  • Zack Preston

    Wow seriously? Never heard of an OD from beer? Last time I checked alcohol poisoning is very very real. I dont buy for a second that pot was the only thing in their systems. On another note pot has been proven to have several medicinal qualities as well. Does beer? How about cigarettes? No? Didnt think so.

  • Mitch.

    If you educated yourself, you would know that Marajuana has NEVER hurt anyone, infact quite the opposite. It is a miracle plant that can save lives compared to 100,000 deaths per year on prescription drugs. Your ignorance and lack of education is YOUR problem not someone else’s. It just seems you fear change. Its people like yourself that prevent progression in humanity, believe it or not.

    Boring life? For 11 years Ive smoked and Ive managed to travel 4 continents whilst holding down a job as a client relationship manager/account executive/broker, meeting a variety of people from all over the world along the way. My life couldn’t be more exciting right now…

    You sir/madam, if anyone, are the moron. However, if your comment is to rile us pot smokers…you did a very good job and I congratulate you,

    If not, please educate yourself. And that goes to the Doctor (which i actually doubt to be a doctor) who commented below, you should have more respect for people in your position…


  • tommylee

    How stupid does society think we are?? Remember the movie Reefer Madness, they tried to portray marijuana as a lethal drug that will make you want to go out and kill people. Bud is the most widely used recreation drug and I know people who have smoked over 40 yrs and still function normally everyday. It`s the man made drugs you need to stay away from. As far as all those people dying, I don`t think so….

  • hehehe

    People don’t believe this crap , marijuana never killed anyone , EVER ! alcohol kills thousants so do the msth what is safer..

  • Paulus de Mooyen

    nonsense…. it is impossible to overdose on marijuana… … this is wrong information…. inform yourselves……

  • Pot Don´tKill

    I don´t believe a word… I had never ever ever heard of anybody overdosing on marijuana, that’s impossible! Marijuana Overdosing “No. There has never been a documented case of marijuana overdose. In order for a human to consume enough marijuana to be fatal, they would have to consume nearly 40,000 times the amount of THC required to intoxicate them. In contrast, it only requires about 5 to 10 times the amount of alcohol required to intoxicate, to be fatal. For example, if it requires 3 beers to intoxicate you, it only requires 15 to 30 beers to kill you. However, if it takes you 3 ‘hits’ of marijuana to intoxicate you, it would require 120,000 hits to kill you. Thus, it is virtually impossible to die of a marijuana overdose.

  • Liam Evans

    No lets make fun of people who can’t take 30 seconds to google “The Daily Currant” or click on their about page and start linking this article while discussing weed.

    You don’t need to be a freakin’ expert you should be critical of everything you read, especially on the internet. If you believe this article for a second, or even think this is a legit news story from a legit company, you’re a moron. The moment I read something, even if it sounds like it could be true. I find a second source.

  • themasked

    Dr. Jack Shepard does not exist. Hypospadias is a MALE BIRTH DEFECT. Trimethylaminuria is a disease which causes you to smell like rotting fish. The president/ceo of molson coors did not say that, his name is not even peter swindon, it is Peter Swinburn. Marijuana has only made lives better, it is the drug war and the people who punish u for it and claim the user as a criminal and felon who destroy the user’s lives. it is very possible and improbable to drink yourself to death and it is not possible to smoke yourself to death with marijuana unless you suffocate in which case it’d of probably been a suicide attempt because your normal thinking brain would force you to stop smoking and breath, and yes your brain will still act and function like that even if you are high. The only “Jesse Bruce Pinkman” I could find is the one off of “breaking bad” the television show. On that note I bet the writer of this article or at least the ORIGINAL writer did not know that smoking marijuana actually puts u at a lower risk of seizure dramatically as well as heart attacks greatly.
    And finally the governor Mr. John Hickenlooper did not oppose the marijuana legalization in fact if you look here you will see he signed to laws asking for legalization

  • rashuns

    Pot does not kill you

  • sxn74

    The Rocky Mountain News final publication was May 27, 2009.

  • Mykal Garneau

    what a total crock of fabricated horse puckey this is! and IF IT IS indeed satire…. the ignorant world will take it seriously!

  • Gaupo

    For all the pot smokers out there and the non drug users, here is something to consider, pot use does add to self destruction when used on a regular basis. The viable chemicals that make you high stay in your body for more than a month and the more you smoke the more stays in the bodies fatty tissue. Stress can cause a sudden release of this making you instantly high. So when you are taking that bus, taxi, plane, boat or ridding as a passenger think about whom is driving. When you go talk to a banker, counselor, or any kind of advisor, wonder if they are high giving you good advice. When you need medical attention, pray your doctor, nurse or surgeon has not been toking…..

  • Chronedout4191

    Really Jesse Pinkman the former meth dealer from Albuquerque?

  • Umy Lucky

    how can we delete this shit???od from marihuana…omg!!!

  • dom

    The last time someone overdosed on beer wtf

  • Hannah

    Excuse me? “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?’ Well Mr Peter Swindon hundreds of thousands of people die every year because of alcohol related incidents..alcohol is one of the most adictive and destructive of drugs.. I knew this would happen.. the alcohol companies are getting scared because more people smoking weed means less people getting pissed which means less money for them… it all boils down to MONEY once again, greedy bastards.. you cant overdose on weed, they probably took something else more ‘hardcore’ that caused their deaths.. ‘One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former METHAMPHETAMINE dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to
    Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary.’ hmm maybe it was the vast amounts of methamphetamine he was probably consuming?! Surely the people who wrote/quoted on this article cant be for serious? No doubt by idiot redneck americans, ffs get an education.

  • Tina Heavlow

    i dont smoke it, but im glad it went legal. i guess there is always a few that are gonna mistreat the use. and a matter of fact people do die from to much beer, and guess what people die everyday from one thing or the other…this is what the world is made of. live or die and learn….its not hurting anyone but themselfs.

  • Tara Hamilton

    Complete bullshit.. its not the weed they are overdosing on … more than likely its whatever they mixed in with the weed … wouldnt you know they would start this crap…

  • Dave Lanson

    You know some moron is going to believe this is real and cite it as a legitimate news report about marijuana deaths. Those idiots can’t even tell that the Onion is satire.

  • Luke Murray

    Umm you do know that you can take a pot and whack someone on the head with it untill they are dead right? Overdose on pot!

  • Phil Gross

    Popped up on my FB feed & I responded “FAKE” b4 even clicking the link to get here…. ITS JUST NOT POSSIBLE PEOPLE.

  • Sofia

    I knew this was fake as soon as I read “Rocky Mountain News.” They shut down in 2009!! Pretty funny article. Feel for the people who actually think it’s true!

  • westie420uk

    You can OD & die from cannabis, the LD50 (median lethal dose) for cannabis is around 1:20,000 or 1;40,000 in layman terms this means that in order to induce death you would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much weed as is contained in one 0.9 gram joint. Theoretically you would have to consume 1,500 pounds of it in 15 minutes to induce a lethal response. Even water has a LD50 (90ml/kg).

  • The Professor

    Damn, you are stupid. You should have just stopped at “I know nothing”.

    So you know nothing about marijuana, but apparently knowing absolutely nothing about it is enough to form an opinion that you will use to weigh in on the subject with and condemn others for using the drug.

    Go. Fuck. Yourself.

  • Phil Gross

    As far as we know in the few hundred years that its been in use. with literally billions of users in all that time. not one report of an OD. fatal or otherwise.

  • Westie420uk

    You can OD & die from cannabis, the LD50 (median lethal dose) for cannabis is around 1:20,000 or 1;40,000 in layman terms this means that in order to induce death you would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much weed as is contained in one 0.9 gram joint. Theoretically you would have to consume 1,500 pounds of it in 15 minutes to induce a lethal response. Even water has a LD50 (90ml/kg).

  • fiveseven15

    too late. thats how i found this. from someone thinking this is legit lol

  • warning

    Is satire just a nicer way to say hoax or Bullshit! Lol

  • Sandykm


  • Charterholder

    I’ve been trying to OD on weed since college, all I’ve done is have fun.

  • tommylee

    How stupid does society think we are?? Remember the movie Reefer
    Madness, they tried to portray marijuana as a lethal drug that will make
    you want to go out and kill people. Bud is the most widely used
    recreation drug and I know people who have smoked over 40 yrs and still
    function normally everyday. It`s the man made drugs you need to stay away from. As far as all those people dying, I don`t think so….

  • dave

    its mad how people actually believe this. Shows what a deceptive press can make people think. Of course war is good, the poor are at fault and fox news never tells lies – but I got this one

  • sorrylew

    I know you can’t overdose on marijuana, but just because someone else may not that doesn’t mean they don’t have a brain. Example: my father. Please don’t assume that EVERYONE should know that you can’t overdose on mj. Only a moron would ASSUME that EVERYONE knows that you can’t O.D. on mj.

  • Cave Man

    dont feel bad i have not watched tv for almost 20 years, i do not know shows or names of characters. to me, that only makes me smarter than someone who sits in front of an idiot box programming your precious little mind.

  • Ana

    I don’t do marijuana, but this is bullshit.

  • Luke Murray

    It’s so true man.

  • HelgeSalzburg


  • Proof

    bullshit I dont belive single word! theres no chance to overdose by marihuana…AND I SAY THIS AS A GANJA SMOKER WITH MORE THEN 10 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE – EVERY DAY

  • balbalbal

    Just regular propaganda, i i’m shure that pot was poisoned by alkohol lobysts, why there where no overdoses in other countries, eaven if you smoke illegal pot(this could be more dangerous than legal i supose)..

  • cc

    Wake up people, don’t be zombies, fuck the sistem , are only lies

  • Mr.Potatoe

    Let they die,stupid people…

  • tommylee

    How stupid does society think we are?? Remember the movie Reefer
    Madness, they tried to portray marijuana as a lethal drug that will make
    you want to go out and kill people. Bud is the most widely used
    recreation drug and I know people who have smoked over 40 yrs and still
    function normally everyday. It`s the man made drugs you need to stay away from. As far as all those people dying, I don`t think so….

  • randys girl

    Hypospadias. , from quick memory doesn’t that mean the urethral hole is on the bottom side of the penis ? I’ll have to look up the other one but lmao

  • Sam

    Okay……. This is like letting a child loose in a candyshop. Marijuana is legal in the Netherlands since the beginning of time, and there are no deaths linked to marijuana whatsoever. See this link, it’s in dutch, but the word canabis shows the numbers

  • Carl

    And nor should you, since the Daily Currant is a well known SATIRICAL ‘news’ site, like The Onion…

  • 0 cases in amsterdam!

    methamphetamine dealer jesse . i bet he used it him self. and after he quit it his body and hard wasn’t able to handle the change. when u stop using hard drugs suddenly ur body will fail. omg cant belive there’s ppl like this doctor in a such a big country, that ppl thinks is “best country in world” i wish that doctor will go to psychedelic hospital to get some marijuana treatment!

  • EF

    Yeah it is satire, but think about some of those people sitting at home stoned who are thinking “Oh Sh$t, I’m gonna die!” lol

  • M.

    My father smoked it because it’s the only thing that helped him while being sick. And believe me, you don’t want MS. I smoke it because it helps me calm down and even helps me work better! you should get your facts straight before opening your mouth and start blabbering all kinds of bullshit

  • Phil Francesco

    Hey on New Years eve 488 people died from over drinking (heart attacks due to excess drinking) not counting the ones that were killed in car accidents due to booze but nothing was plublished about that

  • dneat71

    I personally do not smoke. My husband and daughter both do. And I’m sure someone will now call me ignorant because I know my daughter does. Anyway, I used to be against it but honestly have been more informed as of late. HOWEVER! When I read this article, call me ignorant or brainless, stupid or what you will, but as someone who only cares about family and friends and I DON’T KNOW “effects” of marijuana, only what I knew from reading CRAP like this…. yeah! I was immediately concerned! SO, if you potsmokers don’t want people like ME, who doesn’t really give a CRAP either way until i think it’s going to harm my loved ones… then don’t you think it’s in your best interest to help educate people rather than call them dumb or ignorant?

  • effingreat

    I knew this would happen. What a dangerous drug. It causes men to beat their wives, drive wrecklessly, cause global warming, beats puppies, causes brain damage, creates tsunamis, etc, etc. This blight on humanity must be stopped.

  • Marty Torrez

    Get the facts right people…How much marijuana is safe to use? Can you overdose?

    There is no recorded case of someone dying from an overdose of marijuana, but it has been a factor in accidents or medical issues that can lead to death.

  • Carl

    It’s actually satire, lampooning the ultra-conservatives “the end is nigh!” nonsense. It’s pretty clear from the language – “injected one pot” for example – reference to obviously non-related medical conditions and papers which are known to have closed half a decade ago.

  • justSayin

    Hilarious! It’s a shame that there are people who are gonna read this and believe every word of it.

  • Carl

    Yes, it is indeed wise not to trust anything from a well known satirical news site. Just like one would be foolish to believe anything on The Onion.

  • Lunashademom

    I see what ya did there. Poor Jesse Pinkman…

  • Thomas Bush

    “Toxicology reports revealed that marijuana was the only drug present in his system.”

    I find it really funny that they can have these results so quickly when it took months to get a full toxicology report on Michael Jackson after his death.

  • Carl

    Can’t tell if sarcasm or not. I’ve spent far too long reading conservative comments lol

  • Patrick Perry

    I smoked pot for years and never heard tell of anyone overdosing on it,the pot these people smoked had to have been laced with some kind of chemical

  • Jev_LFC

    I think theres a dark agenda here with this “Satire” as you say……Disinformation big time. People will believe this as proved by the comments. Prohibitionists 1 – the world 0

  • Jev_LFC

    Fact 1 : There has never been even 1 death related to Marijuana consumption. That stretches back over 1000 years!!!
    Think, before you drink, before you drive me mad.

  • Didi

    What a load of bollocks. it is impossible to overdose on marijuana, another fat lie from media!!!

  • jose

    Im sorry, but your dead wrong. People certainly can, and have, have cardiac arrest by smoking too much weed at one time, as they already had heart conditions. Get your facts straight and stop calling other people stupid when you sound so dumb

  • LadyB

    Why don’t I believe this? People who use marijuana legally have been using it illegally. Let’s keep it real. People don’t wake up one day and suddenly become marijuana users and over dose on the stuff. I don’t believe this story.

  • act

    “At present it is estimated that marijuana’s LD-50 is around1:20,000 or 1:40,000. In layman terms this means that in order to induce death a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response.

  • Marty Torrez

    You are disgusting and so full of crap! All those people overdosed on alcohol, I guarantee it or no one overdoes and you are a bold face liar. Stop fighting it. Cant believe you can look at your self in the mirror. Shame on you for this bullshit propaganda article you wrote. I hope your career of lies is over after this. You are a seriously misguided being.

  • Angelo Casasanto

    This is the biggest piece of bullshit i’ve ever read… The Rocky Mountain News was shut down years ago.

  • Dee Queen

    Something was wrong wit that weed, it had something on it that killed those people, if it really happened??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the first day it was legalized, Reallllllllly! sounds like it was done on purpose if thats the case, there is a murder on the lose.

  • Marty Torrez

    no, it only ruined our first response to seek the truth!

  • captain_pudding

    You tell that to the late Jesse Pinkman, bitch.

  • captain_pudding

    He will be greatly missed . . . bitch

  • Angry

    May be the most ridiculous lie of an article ever written! People die of alcohol poisoning everyday and this is just republican crap propaganda! Very amusing lies and someone is very deranged to post this

  • Thomas Fowler

    are you insane??

  • captain_pudding

    Did you not read the article? Poor Jesse Pinkman died, bitch!

  • Dee Queen

    Lol Me to :-)

  • captain_pudding

    I feel sorry for that poor Dr. Jack Sheppard, with all those people being killed by the smoke monster known as marijuana he must fell very . . . Lost


    You know what gives it away to any true Coloradans? THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS HASNT EXISTED FOR 10 YEARS!

  • LadyB

    I don’t use Marijuana, but I thank God that I did research from reputable scholarly resources to know the medicinal properties (which have been tested and proven) of Marijuana. It can cure Asthma, help people with Glaucoma, cancer and many other painful conditions. And it has no side effects. Marijuana was used to help cure people of drug addictions and earned its name the gateway drug.. Meaning it helps get people off of drugs and alcohol – not the gateway to hard was twisted.

  • Nick

    This is retarded I couldn’t even get thru the first paragraph. Whoever thinks this story is true is a complete moron!!

  • captain_pudding

    You’re on a joke news site, what are you expecting?

  • dan

    I warned people this would happen nobody would listen its like they were high or something.

  • todd

    looks like our media lies as much as our politicians do.

  • captain_pudding

    I think the easiest way would be to concentrate it and make it into edibles. 20lbs of brownies should do it.

  • Jerry McVicker

    Some of you….satire much?

  • Stoned Sober

    I have smoked marijuana/cannabis/weed… what ever you want to call it, for the past 7 years, almost DAILY! i would smoke at least 5 joints a day with friends and had no adverse effects (except of course a lack of will to get out my chair). My friends and myself have had no health depreciation from this in any way shape or form.
    It is true however that Marijuana has ‘muscle relaxant’ characteristics, and of course the heart is a muscle, therefore it is entirely possible that people have died from smoking, but i highly doubt it is from the Ganja alone. im almost certain there are parts of these death reports that have been withheld from public knowledge, such stating other health deficiencies within the deceased, or perhaps GM Marijuana.

    We also have to look at the health benefits of marijuana too, like the fact that before the big pharmaceutical companies where ever established, and before it was made illegal so they would use trees for paper rather than hemp… Marijuana was the most widely used plant for making medicines by ALL cultures. Hemp nut is the perfect food for humans too! it has ALL the necessary nutrients a human needs to fuel themselves for a days work. The fibres from the hemp plant make the highest quality clothing and paper you can get! and its FREE, poke a seed into the ground and there you go, the only thing you need to make almost anything you need…

    Please, DO NOT take my word for it, go and do your own research!


  • kris

    Helllloooo….. they make it abundantly clear that ALL of their stories are satire aka untrue.

    Q. Are your news stories real?

    A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world

  • Renee Bush

    somebody laced that weed. If people was smoking illegally before why is it deadly now.

  • captain_pudding

    He can’t escape that damn smoke monster :P

  • Annielil

    Did anyone else happen to see the names of the guys are the same names as the guys from Breaking Bad???

  • Robert Chambers

    This story is pure BS

  • Danielle Abraham

    omg i dont like it when news media will go to ANY LENGTHS TO MAKE SOMETHING LOOK BAD BUT OD ON MARIJUANA THATS BULLSHIT LOL…


  • captain_pudding

    I bet you also believe that Kenyan birth certificate issued by a country that didn’t exist when he was born is real as well.

  • captain_pudding

    And hypospadias is a birth defect where a males urethra doesn’t exit the penis in the right spot . . . can you imagine smoking a joint and your peehole starts moving?

  • captain_pudding

    Go easy on the poor doctor, he died in a violent plane crash!

  • captain_pudding

    So, fight for the right for individuals to use recreational marijuana by suppressing free speech?

  • Anders Risgaard

    fist of all its probbly not even true…. and second… they said it was only avaible for adults i think a adult should be old enough to controll it. at all its there own choice….. and for the third i think this is fake i mean comon tons of peoples smokes weed all day long every day…. and we never hear about andd now after it’s been legal we hear about it all over? sounds kinda retarded and theres atleast x3 as die by cigar because of all this acid in it where weed atleast are more or less clean and let’s take a look on the water pibe to… over a longer time it will give water in your lounges
    so to me this is kinda retarded…. just saying

  • Sean Regan

    if u dont like weed why are you taking the time to discuss it

  • McHebrew

    Jessie Pinkman ! He was in my HS chemistry class, taught by Mr.White. Tough but fair teacher.

  • chad1307

    Soooooo dumb so dumb its a good think someone messed up on the stran or mixed someting with it u cant die from weed dude if u could i would be dead

  • Gordon Blakeburn

    You know nothing about “Cannabis” yet feel you can label users as morons? Sounds a bit moronic to me!

  • Moonangel4evr

    To a comment made….there HAVE been many people die of overdoses on beer, and other liquors. It’s called alcohol poisoning. I think this legalization is dumb. Only bad can come from it. SO I’m not saying natural pot is dangerous, but a real danger to worry about is that a lot of pot is laced with more dangerous drugs. I only smoked once and I couldn’t walk…my feet were like tons of bricks weighing my feet down. So mine was prolly laced. So many people can say oh its natural, its just fine. But legalizing it also puts it in the hands of the people who MAKE it dangerous. They ruin it for the people doing it legitimately. BUT that makes it not worth it. So, no it shouldn’t be legalized. Don’t blame it on people who don’t use drugs n stuff. Blame it on the homies out there that fuck it up for you.

  • moony239

    i don’t think you get it. of course they want people to spread it as truth. it’s satire, but it’s funny when people are stupid enough to think you can overdose on weed. it’s also funny when your friends post it on facebook in anger, and someone finally corrects them and they feel sheepish. if anyone should feel stupid, it’s you. maybe you should smoke some weed. but don’t smoke four whole marijuanas – i hear it can put you in a coma.

  • w

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?”

    are you serious? It’s called being drunk…

  • manticore388

    OMG how many morons are commenting on this article? Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “About” link…and you’ll see that The Daily Currant says flat-out they’re news stories are not true. For Pete’s Sake people…you’re like the girl on the commercial who says “everything on the internet is true”.

  • garyk

    I believe this story as much as I believe Al Gore’s global warming fairy tale.

  • BIGB

    who the fuck are you should we eat the pills that you prob get paid to throw at us.I SMOKE WEED FUCK YOU!!! DOC

  • Doubtful in Az

    people do die everyday from Alcohol poising…I have never heard of drug overdose from Marijuana.So,wonder what autopsy will say is the real cause of death…Betting it isn’t marijuana has to be something else…

  • Melody

    This is just like a hoax … coming from the ones that are against legalization. Marihuana can’t cause these ‘overdose’ symptoms … just medically impossible. Unless some idiot put poison in this marihuana so they can ‘show’ how dangerous it is … well if you put poison in a sandwich that snadwich becomes deadly too … we should not allow sandwiches .

    by the way … those people against marihuana should come visit us here in Holland sometimes. Here marihuana is used for lots of things, medical and relaxation, and never was there any person that physically suffered from just marihuana.
    I’m glad marihuana is available here, so people treated with chemo can last it, people with severe pain can live and so on.

  • Cristian

    It’s a big BS!!!!

  • Thebes de Hippie

    That anyone believed this story to be real is a sure sign of the failure of America’s Government Schools.

  • wm97

    Or maybe they are just irritable because they are around someone who makes bigoted judgments. There is more than one possibility to explain your experience.

  • melodie mills

    This ad is false! Not true! Just 1 question to ponder, if this was slightly accurate then it would be worldwide top story news.

  • Erwin Dale Brown

    It isn’t SATIRE it’s propaganda that many people will believe and you know it. It is the kind of conjured up crap that makes us stupid and weak. It is a lie that is told thousands of times and you still think it is funny? Highly detailed propaganda is not entertainment, it’s a tool.

  • wm97

    “Satire” Look it up.

  • Patti Goettler

    Hello…”satire”…look it up…too funny….

  • Patti Goettler

    Don’t these folks scare you? he he!

  • lolz

    look what media can do. it can strongly manipulate unaware people.

  • muiz muiz


  • BobSmith77

    What? You need to take the blue pill and the yellow pill as directed by your physician daily.

  • Star Lit

    LOLOL… Well Since The Rocky Mountain News Has Been Closed Down Since, What? 2008! This Seems A Little Far Fetched!!! A Story For Idiots That Don’t Know Any Better! Is This From That Creepy Church Guy Again?

  • wm97

    Let’s see if we can all learn a new word today. The word is “SATIRE”

    Hello? Is any of this registering?

  • wm97

    Satire. Look it up. It is a new word, just invented.

  • rastaman

    BULSHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BobSmith77

    The Daily Currant is just the homeless man’s version of The Onion. Not nearly as creative.

  • Tee

    How can you OD on marijuana? I live on hawaii and everyone I know that does marijuana has not OD. The people I know who OD on marijuana they also did other drugs at the same time. That’s the problem, or people would mix the soil with chemicals that will harm the human body.
    People stop trying to improve something that is ment to be natural. If you would stop doing that then it would be legalized everywere.

  • Kellie

    I’m not going lie this is quite shocking however to Peter Swindon I don’t know where you have been this whole time alcohol has been around but many people have died from alcohol poisoning. Get your facts straight.

  • wm97


  • MichaelL65

    Wrong. Legalizing it ensures that legalized outlets can sell it, and those outlets are subject to government inspection to ensure the weed is not laced. I would say, if you had that reaction to smoking a joint, you are probably correct – it was laced.

  • wm97

    Satire. Let’s see how many times that point has to be posted before people start to get it.

  • RonitaM

    Why hasn’t this made national news?

  • Mathieu Hubin

    Oh no!!! I knew that guy! RIP Jesse Pinkman. He was a good kid. He just fell in with the wrong crowd. It’s so sad to hear about this. If only Walt had been around to help him. Maybe this wouldn’t have happened… Poor kid. He was so close to seeing his dreams realized. Damn these drugs and the death and destruction they cause!!! DAMN THEM!!!

  • BobSmith77

    Surprised they didn’t mention the guy who choked to death while trying to consume an entire bag of Funions.

  • wm97

    Probably because people are absolutely clueless about a thing called “Satire”. You may know such a person.

  • wm97

    Satire. Post it again to see if anyone knows what the word means.

  • BobSmith77

    I know. The 700 Club needs to get on this right away and spend reporters to CO.

  • wm97

    Not funny enough for this piece of SATIRE.

  • wm97

    SATIRE. Look it up and report back to us on whatever it means.

  • BobSmith77


  • wm97

    Give us the most intelligent response you can manage. Oh, you already did. Thanks for playing.

  • BobSmith77

    SATIRE, SATIRE, SATIRE. It really wasn’t that funny although using the Rocky Mountain News was clever.

  • wm97

    So, your first thought was that a news article about 37 people dead from pot overdoses must be real. Is that the general picture? If so, I can see why you have a tough time with satire.

  • Rocco

    They know nothing about marijuana!
    So please shut up!


  • Moonangel4evr

    First off to a comment made earlier….yes there have been people die on overdoses of beer and other alcohol. It’s called alcohol poisoning. Anyway, it IS a drug. It DOES alter your state. Relaxes you, “mellows you out”, etc. Somtimes enough to the point where you don’t pay attention when your driving, and other stuff. Kill yourself, not innocent people. PLUS a lot of pot is laced with more dangerous drugs. I’m sorry for those of you wanting to be legal, so don’t blame it on just say no people. Blame it on your homies that fuck it up for you by MAKING it dangerous. Again, it does have side effects. THAT’S WHY PEOPLE WANT IT LEGALIZED SO BAD!! Not everyone wants it for medical purposes. They want it legalized for recreational use. If they want it for that, why? BECAUSE IT ALTERS THEIR MENTAL STATE, MAKES THEM FEEL GOOD. It’s not worth innocent people dying. No, you may not be able to od on it, but it can and zwill cause deaths. Hopefully if they make it legal they do it like alcohol and forbid driving. Just do it at home and STAY there or get a dd. That’s the ONLY way it should be legalized.

  • Star Lit

    propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies! propaganda & Lies!

  • Star Lit

    Call Saint Likes Medical Center In Denver. They Will Tell You This Is False!

  • BobSmith77

    Exactly. I was horrified that it was leading to dozens of fatalities and rampant spikes in crime.

  • Eric Kubik

    Jesse Pinkman was a character on Breaking Bad. It’s disturbing to me that people will actually find this crap true.

  • trevor johnson

    TR1GG, You should have stopped with ” Honey! I know nothing.” Class- the lesson of today is about ignorance, and the dangers of trying to use ignorance as a stance against learning. Saying “I don’t know” is not an acceptable answer in any circumstance. I could give you examples of ignorance and define the word for you, but instead we had a volunteer. Meet TR1GG. TR1GG’s ignorance is highlighted by his befuddlement to the idea that he would even be remotely responsible for becoming informed before commenting on a topic. Ignorance is never a defense in debate, and nobody ever got off on a crime with the “I don’t know.” defense.

  • wm97

    OK, I think we found the real problem. You really don’t have any clue at all about this subject, do you? Therefore, you actually believe this stuff could be real. You know, like the Tooth Fairy might be real, leprechauns might be running the streets causing havoc, etc.

    Just to bring you up to date, no Tooth Fairy, no leprechauns, and no evidence of crime, death, and destruction associated with marijuana use. Just ain’t happening.

  • wm97

    Did you ignore the replies to your previous post? Let’s try again.

    Satire. As in “someone would have to be really gullible and dumb to believe this is a real story.”

  • wm97

    Let’s try again and see if anyone can get it.

    SATIRE. Look it up.

  • RonitaM

    WHEW! Thought it was stupid…and could quickly identify with that for I too am stupid. :-) Should have, could have, would have, READ the damn thing, but I didn’t. EEE GADS!

  • wm97

    SATIRE. Look it up.

  • BobSmith77

    Billions of innocent brain cells are dying daily due to a result of this.

    I would be willing to bet the ‘Tooth Fairy’ is real and that at least one person in the US has that as their legal name after they changed it.

    As for leprechauns, they’ll be out in 2 months when they are ready to share their magic ‘green’ beer.

  • wm97

    Yeah, there’s the problem.

  • BobSmith77

    You hate green beer too?

  • Matt Falcon

    Not nearly as blatantly obvious with the satire, that’s the problem.

  • BobSmith77

    Are you are a licensed satire officer? More of a private internet d!ck right?

  • wm97

    Soooo . . . you thought that a headline about 37 marijuana deaths was believable? At what point would you have found it hard to believe?

  • wm97

    PhD and on the Federal Task Force.

  • BobSmith77

    Not according to Webster’s 2013 additions to their dictionary.

  • Matt Falcon

    This is satire, but the way it’s written – with references buried too far into the formal- and official-sounding article – will inevitably end up making MOST people (not just a few idiots) see it as legitimate and serious. Like the Beastie Boys party song, it’s supposed to be satire, but it’ll come out in the public view as being a serious dig at legalizing pot. Authors really need to work harder on making it blatantly obvious (more than just a Breaking Bad reference) if they don’t want this stuff accidentally taken seriously.

  • wm97

    37 deaths from marijuana wasn’t obvious?

  • Malia May Helmen

    Since we all know that there has not been any reported cases of overdosing on marijuana, isn’t is safe to say that the “legal pot” that was
    given in these ” overdose cases” could have been a set up by the government? Hmm

  • Chris

    You bunch of rejects! No one has ever died from marijuana entering the body. You cannot over dose! You would have to smoke hundreds of pounds within a 24hr period to cause death from lack of oxygen.

  • Majikhat

    Isn’t it possible that wild circulation of something this absurd will (when ignorant people are quickly taught as they bring it up in conversation) bring attention to the fact marajuana isn’t ever lethal? I don’t like misinformation spreading around, but this seems to have the hidden bonus of education.

  • Kathy Ament

    Propaganda! This is laughable!

  • Kc Kush Taynor

    If he had half a brain he would also know the difference between cannabis and alcohol as well!

  • its just a little too late


  • Star Lit

    Pufffff Puffffff Passssssssssssssssssssssss!!! LOLOL!!! :o)

  • bigfoot

    total bullshit. everybody knows you can’t overdose on marijuana. come on government, you can surely do better than this!?

  • Zachary Eisele

    think you would probably fall asleep or over eat long before you OD on weed. I’ve smoke a half pound in a day. Hey still alive here. P.S. I did have some help.

  • EIghtOneFive

    And Jack Shepard is from LOST….

  • ohmygodpeoplethinkthisisreal

    look up the characters names in breaking bad hahahahahahahaha

  • Knight Moonsuga

    sadly I know a lot of people are going to read this article as genuine. it’s satirical folks.

  • Jadey

    Have you looked at the trending articles to the right?? lmfao. all of this is fake. its funny tho.

  • Beverly Ann Taylor

    How can anyone find your comments important when your incapable of spelling your own name? The way it’s spelled indicate a small raisin – is this for regularity? Shouldn’t it be “Current” such as up to date?

  • EIghtOneFive

    You do realize this is satire, no? Jesse Pinkman? Jack Shepard?…

  • A Fast

    This is total bullshit! All there is too it, and I don’t even smoke it anymore. If people overdosed then they were on something else as well plain and simple

  • Vanessa

    Where is the source for this article? Because this sounds like a load of BS for sure. No one I have EVER known has experienced this while smoking copious amounts of marijuana. This is seriously laughable.

  • EIghtOneFive

    I dunno, I had a friend who injected 12 marijuana’s and is now in a coma…I could see death happening for sure

  • Cranky57

    You might say that Darwin is just ‘weeding’ out the weakest of the pot heads.

  • tommylee

    How stupid does society think we are?? Remember the movie Reefer
    Madness, they tried to portray marijuana as a lethal drug that will make
    you want to go out and kill people. Bud is the most widely used
    recreation drug and I know people who have smoked over 40 yrs and still
    function normally everyday. It`s the man made drugs you need to stay away from. As far as all those people dying, I don`t think so….

  • Kc Kush Taynor

    U be realistic and find us the one death EVER, that cannabis has contributed 2!

  • EIghtOneFive

    Or seriously satirical…Jesse Pinkman?…Jack Shepard?…did you seriously buy this?

  • EIghtOneFive

    Stupid enough to not realize this is a satire piece?

  • Sherri Hurt

    IF ANYONE thinks this is true they SHOULD be made fun of YOU seem to be the moron I see you can’t take a joke? WOW SMDH????


    it’s the victim’s decision to take an overdose.. Let them suffer of the consequences. It’s none of your business to interfere one’s judgment. It doesn’t harm other people except himself… If he want to destroy himself so be it.. In that way others will be afraid of the consequences of overdose.. Whether you ban it or not, still the overdose will persist. The only difference it is officially recorded while before it is hidden.. DO NOT BE EFFEMINATE. USE PRUDENCE IN DECISION MAKING..

  • tommylee

    They are not dead, you don`t die from marijuana

  • tommylee

    How stupid does society think we are?? Remember the movie Reefer
    Madness, they tried to portray marijuana as a lethal drug that will make
    you want to go out and kill people. Bud is the most widely used
    recreation drug and I know people who have smoked over 40 yrs and still
    function normally everyday. It`s the man made drugs you need to stay away from. As far as all those people dying, I don`t think so….

  • DoobieHawser

    Dude, you are an ER doc, I’m surprised they let you off long enough to be judgmental on the Internet between all those sniffle, script refill addicts and consultation calls. I keed. :P

    I’m a nonprofit CIO for a company with about 47K clients. My wife is a GI surgeon fellow. We both are just under the age of 30 (a polite way of saying we consider ourselves pretty successful, and that she’s an incredibly driven and smart cookie). She goes out to EDM shows trippin balls on molly to cope with her stressful job and is a total Phishhead. She also rages with other attendings and because the PD is actually cool with the scene and doesn’t test constantly, everyone is happy, responsible and comes to work.

    I go trail hiking with a crew of lifelong friends for weeks at a time which consists of a forest ranger, a chemical engineer, a pharmacist, and a photographer and I don’t think I’ve ever done a day on the trail sober. We’ve been blazing since we met in undergrad, because it’s fun, relaxing and a good way to kill time with friends. Ever hear of a vape? Times have changed, I’d say it’s more damaging health-wise living a stressed out life than a couple puffs off of a vape.

    I am not some sort of exception–there are plenty of others like me out there–but it would be awfully nice if people just accepted that we are happy with what we do, we aren’t bad people, and would just like to be left alone and unmolested and not judged by how we spend our time. To quote a famous figure: That’s just, like, your opinion, man. :D

  • EIghtOneFive

    Not true, I’ve known two people who have died from injecting 12 marijuana’s once.

  • Collin Nance

    i mean damn me and my buddies can smoke a half pound and all we do is get the munchies and play xbox

  • Joe

    Why would anyone share this garbage? It serves no use other then to fuel anger and ignorance. It draws unnecessary negative attention to an already overabundance of misunderstood fiction regarding the drug. Breaking Bad and Lost… Really!? We’re all surrounded by Meet Heads and doomed to fall victim to tyranny because of it.

    This is funny:…#

  • fist_of_kenichi

    Nice burn!

  • EIghtOneFive

    I’ll grab the ice pack

  • quarktriplet

    Anyone who does not realize that this article is satire is either so stupid that they shouldn’t be involved in any reasonable discussion regarding drug laws or they have smoked so much dope that the inevitable has occurred.

  • jharley883

    Besides Maritimer! who just called you out, seriously do you get all your news from the internet? How about doing your own research, instead of crying because someone popped your little bubble world of what you “thought” the effects of marajuana were like.

  • Mr. Weed

    The sky is falling, run for cover.
    Thanks for the laugh!
    Your article had me on the ground I was laughing so damn hard.
    The haters need to get a life.
    We are all past the BS that’s why it’s legal now.
    40+ years of smoking….I’ve only gotten the munchies and smiled a lot.
    God bless Colorado.

  • Sherri Hurt

    Hmm you say you know NOTHING about marijuana. BUT YOU are voicing an opinion about people on something YOU admittedly know nothing about? Who’s the moron?

  • Anne Faust

    maybe you cant overdose but
    you could do brain damage, eh. I know alot of people (young and old) who have died.and even had a heart attack. Use whatever brain you have left

  • MagicRay

    I had two friends that drove all night to be there on the 1st to get some weed, they never returned. I wonder if they are among the 37 dead? I don’t know what to do, I don’t want the weed now, as a matter of fact I’m never smoking again. Every hit I would take could be my last, makes me paranoid just thinking about it. I’m moving on to other drugs, I may die from them but I’m not going to die from pot, possibly choking on Fritos or something.

  • Cory Ross

    Have tried it’s impossible, you will fall asleep first. Any Dr. who says otherwise got there degree in a cracker jacks box!

  • wm97

    Come stand out in front of the group so everyone can take a look at what kind of person thought this was real.

  • Becky Baldwin

    Um that’s kind of a dumb question “When’s the last time you heard someone over dosing on beer?” ALCOHOL POISONING!! Drinking and drugging are both life destroying, I abused both since the age of 12 and finally got clean and sober at the age of 37. I found Jesus and my life is forever changed. I have peace and joy, my kids have a Mom. Praise God!

  • wm97

    SATIRE. You may have seen the word mentioned if you read any of the comments.

  • Billy

    Jessie pinkman? Really? I didn’t know the guy from breaking bad wasa real entrepreneur.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Or a made up television show….Dr Jack Shepard –

  • Cory Ross

    sorry douche we don’t think we are better than you like you do us

  • wm97

    They have a problem piercing the skin which is why joints are always rolled to a point on the end. Deadly stuff.

  • EIghtOneFive

    You realize this is the 5th time you’ve posted this exact same comment, right? I think you need to lay off the marijuanas, dawg.

  • Rene Arizona Craig

    Yeah this is so stupid satire or not Mary Jane Products never killed anyone ever and WHY would you EVEN say that? Totally LAME DUDES!! I mean start with LOL or something!! Seriously?

  • Cranky57

    The only real I though this story was is real fake! I would not make such a comment if I thought this was a true story. You will have to find your gullible sucker somewheres else.

  • wm97

    why are the born again folks always so eager to tell people what slime balls they used to be?

  • tommylee

    You really need to lay off the drugs you`re taking because you`re getting them confused with the most natural way and harmless way to have fun…Must be a loadie…

  • MagicRay

    I just heard the death toll has gone up, I hope my two friends aren’t there… sob sob

  • Karsten Aleksander Sønsteby

    This is pure lies ,. even a sick person could smoke tons of marijuana,
    Marijuana does NOT get healthier by criminilazin lol

  • wm97

    SATIRE. It is your word for the day.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Naw Dawg, injecting 12 marijuanas is the new black, time to get out of your barcalounger and join the real world old man.

  • EIghtOneFive

    S A T I R E

  • Mr. Weed

    The sky is falling, run for cover.
    Thanks for the laugh!
    Your article had me on the ground I was laughing so damn hard.
    The haters need to get a life.
    We are all past the BS that’s why it’s legal now.
    40+ years of smoking….I’ve only gotten the munchies and smiled a lot.
    God bless Colorado.

  • Logan Parmer

    hahahahah that was so funny!

  • wm97

    Isn’t there a bridge or some swampland we can be selling these people?

  • EIghtOneFive

    Dude….I don’t even….

  • melanie

    not possible so what they died of a heart attack had nothing to do with pot!!!

  • EIghtOneFive

    But I have to say this is making my morning

  • Mathadocius


  • emdoc1107

    I tuned out a few sentences into your boring tirade…sorry.

  • tommylee

    You are a real schmuck, how old are you? Get a life and grow up and go back to your wanna be- hip – hop, pants hanging, and talk like you know what you`re talking about. For me being 77 and smoking for the last 62 yrs, I guess my barcalounger is doing me just fine…………

  • emdoc1107

    I know that you are a dope!

  • Sean Andersen

    And here we have the town drunk chiming in. You couldn’t wait till you were sober to start typing that mind numbing drivel. Did that make sense to you or did you even read what you wrote before hitting send?

  • MagicRay

    First you aren’t a doctor or you would know about the medical benefits of marijuana and those they help; like the little girl who had 300 seizures a week who now has a few a month because of cannabis. Is she a loser? What about the hundreds of thousands that benefit from it when nothing else works? Doctors, judges, teachers, nurses, hippies, skydive instructors, etc. that smoke weed do their jobs everyday and you are nobody to judge them…You get a life, leave those who are living it alone… liar liar pants on fire…

  • April

    I find this ridiculously hard to believe and guarantee you that all of the patients had something other than “just” marijuana in their system. please don’t be one of the sheep that believe every single thing you read people

  • emdoc1107

    Duuuude, I thought MJ was supposed to relax you? Whatever stuff you are getting is weak and you should get your money back.

    I am sure mommy is glad you know how to type on her computer but she must not be happy about your use of foul language. Next time, use bold as well as all caps. I had to read your post 3 times to see the words clearly.


  • Raoul Fleckman

    Um if you’re a human being you would know that doctors don’t know that because it is not true. We {as in Americans who have smoked pot) have been calling pot “dope” since the mid-1960’s. Children of your age will not be making decisions regarding the evolution of the American language as long as baby boomers are alive but thanks for sharing.

  • MagicRay

    Honey, you are right. You know nothing…

  • emdoc1107

    I am FOR legitimate medical marijuana use. However, too many losers out use it purely for recreation.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Ah! the 62 years of smoking pot, THAT explains it. I was wondering how you wouldn’t have figured out the complete regurgitation of SATIRE both in this article and my comments. Was going to troll you a little longer but that would be as mean as kicking an infant.

    Seriously, nice dog tho.

  • emdoc1107

    Reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you, I can tell. Never was there a comparison between the two. Once you get past the 10th grade you should obtain better reading skills.

  • Andy S.

    I love it!! Tottal bullshit…”no one ever died for a beer overdose” wow! And I bet half of the people reading this believes it really happened….it is nearly impossible to ingest the leathal amount of pot to overdoes…you’d pass out first and wake up hungry before that ever happened…dumb

  • Johnnyjames

    bitch it takes smartness to write this anyway, it’s like a parrallel art.

  • Sherri Hurt

    Who When Where? Can you back up you calm with facts? The answer is NO you can’t because it has not happened. WHY do those who don’t agree with something have to lie. If you don’t like it it’s real simple DON’T USE IT. You don’t have to spread lies to the ignorant;.

  • emdoc1107

    Brilliant! Don’t debate others on topics you “don’t like”, speak to only like-minded people, lock yourself in a closet away from the rest of the world…

  • emdoc1107

    I will. And I will get a kick-ass workout in today, also!

  • Adriana

    If you believe this stupid story you are like the story…I’m feeling quite stupid just reading it and commenting on it!! AHHHH…..what’s wrong with me!!

  • wut

    No, you’re just stupid. There are THOUSANDS of sources for the harmlessness of marijuana.

  • emdoc1107

    Never stated I am better than anyone. Are you self conscious?

  • IpseCogita

    Wow. The comments here are just amazing. Hard to find better online entertainment for the same price.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Satire (sat·ire)
    the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and
    criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of
    contemporary politics and other topical issues.

  • Nancy Ann

    After reading, or at least trying to read some of these misspelled ramblings I’m inclined to believe the ‘myth’ that weed kills brain cells. It appears to be evident here when most who are posting can’t put 2 correctly spelled words together in a sentence.

  • emdoc1107

    Well stated!

  • tommylee

    I think you and your b.s. must be fun..I am enjoying it..So let`s see how long we can keep this up……Love it

  • Shawb

    I thought it to be extremely funny when said “”When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?” Just thought it was funny because alchohol kills people everyday…

  • WyoWind

    Please post the citation for the Rocky Mountain News (which is now part of the Denver Post) where this was discussed, besides the quotes you provide. This is TOTAL garbage.

  • EIghtOneFive
  • but_srsly

    What makes it more hilarious to me is that it’s posted in the “Crime” section.

  • Shawb

    Nancy, not everyone cares about posting a message, and it being grammatically correct. Stop being hateful for no reason, it only makes you look like YOU lost some brain cells.

  • MagicRay

    Now that is funny, and so true!!!

  • Raoul Fleckman

    Anyone who thinks marijuana has never harmed anyone is too selfish and stupid to voice an opinion. I am pro-legalization and I indulge, but I have enough intellect to understand that there ARE risks. There is a definite and well documented risk of a very strong psychological dependence for about 15% of everyone who uses MJ. There is a definite and well documented risk that at least 10% of people who use will desire something stronger and will try another recreational drug to get higher. Inhaling smoke deliberately DOES cause cancer in a certain percentage of users. Also every study conducted on teenagers using MJ show psychological development is stunted at the very least. So please shut your stupid, stupid mouth.

  • CRIS


  • old pappy

    Didn’t need to read the article the title was enough and personal experience back when I was a teenager told me the article was a joke!

  • emdoc1107

    As mentioned above, I am FOR medical marijuana use. Totally different subject. I am or appropriate use for morphine for pain patients (i.e. cancer patients), narcotic pills for legitimate conditions (broken bones, etc.) and other appropriate use of controlled substances. My post had nothing to do with medical marijuana use. The vast majority of the people on this board who are posting are concerned about their recreational use.

    I don’t feel the need to convince you of my line of work. How you came to your conclusion based on what I wrote is baffling.

  • Peter Five-Oh

    What I’d really like to see is how they consumed 1000 lbs of pot in 15 minutes.

  • ladymulti

    PHffttt…hilarious. And reading other comments; lol, people are believing this when suggested articles to the side are clearly fictional?

  • EIghtOneFive

    Nah, I think I’ll Bow (wow) out (see what I did there) of this one. Just isn’t as fun when EVERYTHING is going over the targets head.

    Keep up with the bong rips and marijuanas injections gramps, you are what makes this country amazing. Stay gold Ponyboy, never change.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Satire (sat·ire)
    the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and
    criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of
    contemporary politics and other topical issues.

  • Jason Kyer

    That fake you cannot overdose on marijuanaI i smoke a quarter pound every day and I’m still here whatever they were smoking must be in rat poison

  • IpseCogita

    The LD50 for THC is something like 3 grams for the “average” 70kg adult. That would mean something like 12 grams of actual pot. That’s inhaled, eaten it’s like 4 times that.

    That’s from animal research though, as not enough humans have tried doing that to make a statistically significant sample.

  • Caitlynn M

    Lol, I mean it’s obviously BS from the start, just please look to the sidebar and review the other outrageous stories. And don’t even get me started on “when is the last time you’ve heard of someone overdosing on beer?” Hello, it’s called Alcohol Poisoning). But the sly Jesse Pinkman reference? Bravo. XD It really alarms me that people actually believe this. I’m not saying that I have never been gullible, I just know enough to do my own damn research before believing everything I hear lol.

  • Cam

    By far the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!!! There is NO way this was caused by the use of marijuana. Whoever wrote this article is a hater. You ask who ever overdosed on beer lol? It’s called alcohol poisoning u idiot! Just because 37 people in Colorado died doesn’t mean it was alcohol. Where’s ur proof … U talk about toxicology reports … Where are they at? Stop bashing something u have never tried. U obviously have never smoked in ur life or u would know an overdose of marijuana may cause intense hunger and possible immobility from the couch intense laughter and cotton mouth….THAT IS ALL… Get a life and stop taking ur boredom out on the unknown.. Roll it up light it up… Smoke it up.. Thanks

  • Nick
  • Gina Russell

    Natural Selection at it’s best!

  • EIghtOneFive

    *cough* Satire bro *cough*

    Satire (sat·ire)
    the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and
    criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of
    contemporary politics and other topical issues.

    Keep up the detective work tho

  • MagicRay

    Nancy cna’t splel eithre, she juts uses splel chekc to look smrat adn to tyr to maek otehrs look stpiud, it bcakfried!

  • EIghtOneFive

    I find it more funny that there is actually another website/page DEDICATED to saying this is a hoax…

  • EIghtOneFive

    injecting it, way easier then bong rips

  • Steve Hancock

    buhahaha god i really hope people dont take this seriously! i understand its funny but if taken the wrong way it will be devastating to the movement.

  • EIghtOneFive

    You know, I seriously wouldn’t put it past Fox News to get their source from a satirical website…could totally see it being the front news story tonight.

  • SJ

    As a rule, people who don’t write for The Onion shouldn’t do news satire — they’re just not very good at it.

  • Tiago Reis

    I find this post terribly misleading, i did not blink before thinking: “ohhh, of course, that is why the u.s. government allowed mj to be legalized in the first place, this is all a consipiracy to make american people believe you can o.d. on marijuana.” On this page there is no reference to the fact that this is fictional satire… I find this absurd, should be clear in every article that it is bogus, and intended to laugh… you have a lot of work to do regarding showing your new users (most comming from social network shared links) the veracity of you articles, that being said i believe you owe your audience an appologie for everytime you failed to clearly show that your content wasn’t real..

    smoke in peace,

  • Karsten Aleksander Sønsteby

    I cant believe the author even got permission to write so much lies in one report
    + im shocked .. this is not possible,

  • Karsten Aleksander Sønsteby

    I was really checking my calender to see if it must have been 1 april

  • Daisy

    I know about pot, I know about substance abuse in general. I know that for many recreational users, pot is a better alternative than alcohol and Meth is down right evil. How about trying to heal the reason why you feel the need to hide in any of them and live your life.Cope with your reality with life skilss not drugs for heaven sake.. What I know about pot is that if you over imbibe, you become rather like a wet noodle, lethargic and very boring.
    But these comments should be about the article itself, I will say this, I know none of the names mentioned that “should have given it away”, I do however know that if any deaths had occurred from pot use, it would have been a headliner on all news stations and networks. Pot does not kill, ignorance does. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but educate yourself first, come on I know there is intelligent life out there somewhere.

  • EIghtOneFive

    The references to Breaking Bad (Jesse Pinkman) and LOST (Jack Shepard) and the bogus medical finds (hypospadias, trimethylaminuria) didn’t give it away?

    And how about the ‘Trending Articles’?

    “NASA Finds Message From God on Mars ”

    “7-Year-Old Girl Strip-Searched At Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport”
    “Obama Announces Plan to Forgive All Student Loans”

    I think I’ve been staring at these comments too long on this article so I’m having a problem deciphering who is actually of sound mind…jeebus I hope you are kidding.

  • Melissa

    What can I say…other than… (cough, cough) …BULLSHIT! They obviously died of something else — but hey, why not blame it on the marijuana? After all, society is the miserable failure it is because of marijuana, right? PUH-LEASE! If marijuana overdose were real, I wouldn’t be sitting here typing this reply – I would have been dead a million times over 25 years ago! IDIOTS!

  • emdoc1107

    There are many functional alcoholics out there, as well. Your jet-setting and curriculum vitae do not change my opinion.

    Why do you doubt I am a doctor? Do *all* physicians advocate recreational marijuana use? Your assessment of my line of work is based on what? Not that is truly matters to me as I have done well in my career for many years without your approval. I am just curious to know how you came to your conclusion.

    More respect for people in my position? Please explain…

  • Jorma Frinn

    Sell this Doc some BIG PHARMA,STAT!!!!

  • EIghtOneFive

    For a satirical website, anything is possible…

    Also, Gullible isn’t in the dictionary

  • emdoc1107

    I am not for legalization but I appreciate your post. If more people had your outlook I would actually probably be on your side.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Welcome to the new form of marijuanas use, injecting 12 marijuana balls is just as bad as smoking drain-o…this isn’t 25 years ago…

    Also, this could also be a satirical website…yeah…lets go with that one instead…

  • HarukoHaruhara

    I would think “chef of surgery” would be a dead giveaway…

  • EIghtOneFive

    uh, it says ‘chief’, Chief.

    I think more to the fact Jack Shepard is a character from LOST would be more the giveaway.

  • HarukoHaruhara

    Oh, I see they fixed it now. I thought they did it on purpose.

  • MagicRay

    This is a satirical news reporting company… it’s not that funny if you say it isn’t true… they do have a post about their company, see the link below. It’s not satire if you say it is :)

  • EIghtOneFive

    Yes, they read your comment and in a matter of seconds ‘fixed’ it…it wasn’t you mis-reading it at all…

    lay off the bong hits junior.

  • HarukoHaruhara
  • Jeff

    Or you can stop being a judgemental jerk.

  • emdoc1107

    Witty response!

  • Jeff

    How about a pothead with two masters degrees who likes to get stoned after working all day and a two hour work out? You probably have some snarky comment for me too.

  • Jeff

    37 year old with two masters degress and a nice home on a golf course. I’ve toked nearly every day since I was 14 sans every football season in college when I played football. Most of my friends are similar in income and education level. Most of us smoke pot daily. Anti-pot people want to pretend potheads like us don’t exist. The irony is many of us work in the same exact offices they do.

  • Jeff

    I will too. And when I get home, I’ll take a couple of bong rips.

  • Jeff

    You implied it when you labeled others as inferior to your with the language used to describe them. You’re a doctor, you know the value of tone.

  • Physician Bresch

    I Farted POT and killed my Dog IT’S INHUMANE !!!!!! then I sold the Gas as a new form of Meth and man I made a KILLING on it ….

  • Jessica Cielo

    not true at all. Marjuana slows the reaction time of brain cells but does not kill them. This is why Cannabidnoids are used in high risk epileptic patients.

  • Jeff

    I use it to get high because it’s fun. I don’t remember the last time I felt bored. It’s tough to do when you work a FT job, try to start your business and work out.
    Thanks for being another anti-pot derp who knows nothing about what they oppose.

  • Just Once
  • Jeff

    This is all true. How come anti-pot idiots can’t come up with logical points like you did?

  • Kalen

    Yeah…anyone who has to get stoned after work everyday is still pathetic…regardless of your “two masters degrees.” Anyone can cram their way through grad school, trust me. I know someone with a Doctorate in Physics…..doesn’t know anything about it.

  • jobob

    your bout stupid there is nothing wrong with marijuana just relaxes u if everyone did it we would have a lot better world to live in lol everyone would be laid back and not wanting to kill everyone haha give it a try might like it but alcohol should be banded it kills pot helps u live a good life alcohol makes u mad ppl vary what it does to them it kills other ppl ya makes scents to me lol

  • Fred

    It’s satire people. Hypospadias is a birth defect of the penis and trimethylaminuria means your body odor smells like fish.

  • head moron in charge

    I resent your condescending remark, about something you admit to having no practical knowledge about. Thanks for making it obvious who the real moron is…. my grandmother hardly a moron also died from ovarian cancer. So stfu

  • Q

    Like with that Duck Dynasty dude – free speech does not mean freedom of consequence.

  • Kalen

    Wow…It is definitely not ok for someone with your wife’s job to trip on molly when she goes out. Jesus, everyone on here defending these drugs…they are still drugs and not legal….grow up.

  • Hunter

    Does it hurt being that stupid?

  • Colleen Murphy

    REALLY… This article is such a JOKE!!’ You Can’t Overdose on Marijuana…hahaha… The kids that are having problems are messing around with something else besides Marijuana… Combined with other drugs Just like Alcohol… Yes I can see something happening that shouldn’t have if they hadn’t combined another drug . Not on it’s own… Whomever stated this Clearly has not been educated on this matter….

  • robin

    Give me a break. Pot doesn’t do any of that, only if laced with something else. This is just scare tactics because it takes money from the booze industry which causes more deaths than pot.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Satire (sat·ire)
    the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and
    criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of
    contemporary politics and other topical issues.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Or you’ve treaded over to the satire corner of the internet and fell hook, line, and sinker…

  • FunkTron

    It wants to be satire, but instead it’s not funny and just pure, unadulterated stupidity.


    I died from marijuana overdose and I’m here to tell everyone about just how to do it….oh wait i forgot how to….wait a minute! no I forget…damn!

    signed smoke’m if ya gottem

  • Tomas Morgas

    Call 100% BS on this and this why. In order to induce death, a marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette. NIDA-supplied marijuana cigarettes weigh approximately .9 grams. A smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response. So as you can see it’s impossible for a human to OD on cannabis

  • Chrissy
  • emdoc1107

    I have opinions and state them. This is called a forum where people express their thoughts.

    For people who are supposed to be so relaxed there is sure has been lots of hostility expressed!

  • EIghtOneFive

    Congratulations, you’re calling BS on a 100% Satirical news site….*slow clap*

  • Kristen Fink

    Everyone should have common sense not to indulge in anything its just like u eat too much u get fat, u drink too much it makes u I’ll and yes alcohol could kill you also!!!! There’s a limit to everything!!! BE WISE

  • emdoc1107

    I cannot take you seriously. Your poor grammar and lack of punctuation tells me plenty. Yet, another adolescent pothead or immature “adult” too high to function. Yet, you call me stupid?

  • emdoc1107

    Inferior? Please state the post where I did so. Do I find the obsession with smoking pot foolish and childish? Yes. Does it make anyone who smokes pot inferior to me? No. Do I do things that you would find foolish or are am I considered stupid (I have been called that and other derogatory names a few times on this thread) for what I believe? Likely. I won’t cry about and search for insults that aren’t there.

  • EIghtOneFive
  • ian

    you are not a doctor of any kind. except like these
    Dr Dre
    Dr Scholl
    Dr Who
    Doc Martin
    Dr Green Thumb

    you may at best be a nurse with a serious case of rectal blockage and a fatal case of self righteousness.

  • emdoc1107

    You are still a pothead, just an educated one. However, education nor social status are panaceas for substance abuse and dysfunction. I can give you hundreds of anecdotal ER stories about professional people I have seen who are f***ed up on mind altering substances.

    ‘Nuff said.

  • Animal

    Heaven FORBID that people should have a recreation that is different from almighty YOU!

  • Animal

    The only person who appears obsessed to this outsider is you mate.

  • emdoc1107

    Sooooo true!

  • Jeff

    Look, I don’t trust Jack or Jesse. I’m holding out until I hear what House has to say about it. For all I know, it could be Lupus.

  • emdoc1107

    If you believe that healthy *recreation* is getting drunk or high then I feel comfortable in stating you have a problem.

  • Dan

    fake!!!Dont believe this report!!! It is impossible to OD on weed!!!

  • Watcher1900

    Do the folks posting here realize this story is satire? In other words its a joke? You DO know that don’t you? Jeesh.

  • K

    Even if this was a legit article, most cases people are doing more than Pot, to OD. mixing other drugs or even alcohol. they wouldn’t OD on the Pot It would be the other chemicals they ingested.

  • Victor Helms

    You must be retarded… damages brain? You obviously have never smoked weed. Even our fucktard president smoked weed.John kerry, Oprah, Jayz but they must all have brain damage right?

  • Watcher1900

    Hey folks, when you read this story think The Onion. Its meant to be a joke. Get a grip.

  • Victor Helms

    Which is not possible- therefore you cannot OD.

  • EIghtOneFive

    I have a feeling most people don’t even read the actual article, if they did they’d realize just how much of a joke it really is. They just scan the title and flip out.

    I mean the references to Breaking Bad (Jesse Pinkman) and LOST (Jack Shepard)
    and the bogus medical finds, hypospadias(birth defect of the Penis), and trimethylaminuria (fish odor syndrome) would give it away to anyone actually willing to spare 5 minutes and read.

  • emdoc1107

    Why didn’t you “toke” while playing football? If MJ is harmless, should it not have a negative effect on your abilities? I played college football also and knew more than a few guys who showed up to practice lit up…and I can tell you their skills evaporated by the time they completed their college careers (if they finished college at all).

    I know you exist and I know people, and work with people, who partake in smoking pot. I am well aware that substance abusers do not all fall into the same stereotypical demographic. If you want your physician or nurse taking care of you while high, be my guest. Not me!

  • GodIsGreat

    i laughed

  • emdoc1107

    Juuuust can’t wait to get high? That’s the problem.

  • emdoc1107

    I’m just having fun trolling. You all are getting sucked in to the fun and games.

  • dlu

    Anyone with a brain? Or anyone that thinks about pot 24/7?

  • HDOG5280

    What about people that use food as a coping mechanism? Or caffeine use to make it through the day? Or all the people addicted to sugar? Are they all pathetic and losers?

  • HDOG5280

    Marijuana IS legal in Colorado and Washington,

  • I_M_Science

    Obvious joke once read, but…is this a well found article – quick look at twhat the science is now telling us – THC levels 2x what they were from ’93’ to ’08 “It’s much more potent marijuana, which may explain why we’ve seen a pretty dramatic increase in admission to emergency rooms and treatment programs for marijuana,” said Dr. Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “When we hear, ‘Well, I smoked and nothing happened to me,’ we need to think about the context of when these people started to take it, how frequently they used and how active the marijuana was.”

  • loudlong

    While this is obvious satire, there is nothing funny about the widespread plummeting of brain function Coloradans will soon experience. Get ready for long waits, meandering conversations that end abruptly, and poor service everywhere. Your state is about to get real stupid.

  • Steve Schroder

    Maybe they ate a fatal amount of doritos, how do we know it was the pot?

  • EIghtOneFive

    No more stupid then the rest of the country I bet

  • really now

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?”…….. WELL…..

    There are approximately 88,000 deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use each year in the United States. This makes excessive alcohol use the 3r d leading lifestyle-related cause of death for the nation. Excessive alcohol use is responsible for 2.5 million years of potential life lost (YPLL) annually, or an average of about 30 years of potential life lost for each death. In 2006, there were more than 1.2 million emergency room visits and 2.7 million physician office visits due to excessive drinking. The economic costs of excessive alcohol consumption in 2006 were estimated at $223.5 billion

  • Summer Metz

    I call bullshit on this one! I don’t believe this for 1 minute, you can not overdose on weed!!!

  • JJ


  • EIghtOneFive

    And Gullible isn’t in the dictionary…

  • Zach

    HA! I cannot stop laughing about this. It is so obvious that this article is either false or a weird joke. Yet people still source this as fact. My gosh, the lack of knowledge is incredible. “Marijuana is a deadly hardcore drug that causes addiction and destroys lives”. I literally cannot stop laughing at this :) It’s so silly. The ONN should do something on this :)

  • Moobahmoo

    Actually, it kinda was. Relevant and timely, on several levels of which I’m sure your aware. Why else would you troll an obvious satire piece. Are we to take your quips as concern for the fate of the populace at large?

    btw: Docs are more of the coke/oxy crowd….

  • Jonathan Alvarado

    Omg, hahaha. This guy should write movie scripts.

  • amsterdam

    “One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer” someone has been watching to much breaking bad :):):) thc won’t kill you. B.S. story’s might

  • chelsea

    I think that they put something in it too try and teach us a lesson on why they never legalize it to begin with.Ive been smoking for years and years and never once has anything that extreme ever happen to me or friends. I dunno if this true or not but I still think it’s all staged and the government had something to do with putting something in it. This is why we stoners should just stick to our drug dealers because we can trust them more, then are own government….How sad. I just can’t believe that 37 people have died and I send prayers to all there family’s. I think the family’s should investigate the case a little closer and see if the government had something to do with the life already lost because of this.

  • nikki

    i was about to say, sounds like he’s a troll and y’all got fooled. no actual doctor would have such ridiculous views on marijuana when there are tons of other issues out there. I’m a former opiate addict, and have been going to a methadone clinic for over a year now. the only thing that helps my anxiety attacks & withdrawal symptoms is indica/hybrid MJ. without medical MJ, i’d probably be on klonopin or xannax, which is a whole another kind of addiction (a horrible one btw, similar if not worse than opiate withdrawals). I don’t ever feel a physical need to smoke pot like i did with opiates, and i think that’s a big step in the right direction for former addicts. whether it’s recreational or medical, it’s better to smoke pot than to drink alochol…which withdrawal symptoms CAN ACTUALLY KILL those who become addicted.

  • nikki

    i doubt you’re a doctor, cuz this is the internet, and there are tons of trolls just waiting to waste their time and everyone else’s for no reason other than riling people up for their own amusement. but good job, you accomplished your goal i guess.. XD

  • Jeff Danger

    HAHAHAHAHA “Legitimate news”

  • Karsten Aleksander Sønsteby

    im learning something new every day ,. and oh my English is not so good

  • Jeff Danger

    I guess with the Lost and Breaking Bad reference, someone HAD to bring Duck Dynasty into it.

  • Karsten Aleksander Sønsteby

    and hwo wrote gullible?

  • anonymous13333333

    Pot smokers are morons

  • Moobahmoo

    Its really quite cute that you actually believe that. Precious even. The whole evolution of language thing. Not the nomenclature. Your dead wrong with that. Maybe in the 60s & 70s there was confusion, but at least since the mid 90s; dope is not pot.

  • Nyckita

    Just to throw it out there, I would like to let you know that cannabis is not what you make it out to be. Please be aware that not everyone that smokes “dope” as you refer to it (which by the way is the wrong term, dope refers to heroine, not marijuana) are losers. Cannabis has many medical properties. Hemp (a form of cannabis) could potentially fix our entire economy and help our county go green in the process. I know of a young child out in the world who suffers from a rare disease. She is 8. Every day multiple times a day she would have horrific seizures, until the doctors finally proscribed her a form of medical marijuana. The company who grows the cannabis actually created a special strain of marijuana called Charolette’s Web. Cannabis can do amazing things for both medical and economic field. There are many out there who smoke pot, and still take care of themselves. Please don’t propetuate this stereotype that pot smokes are lazy, good for nothing losers. That is not true. There are many, many pot smokers out there who live healthy, happy, loving lives. You say get a life, I say check your facts and information.

  • Huitailopochli

    Some of them are brilliant.

  • jcarson_17

    Hmmmm…Numbers don’t even compare…Check this out. Maybe it had something to do with it…Wiki this..Obesity-associated morbidity

  • Terry Houston

    liars, if they died , it was laced, or just mr. smiley

  • docscience

    satire…folks…not truth! all made up for fun. please don’t believe everything you read!

  • EIghtOneFive

    Pft, they deserve it. Injecting marijuana balls is bad and they should pay for their crimes…If the good lord thought pot should be legal he would have made it grow out of the ground.

  • Irene

    Hahaha it’s OBVIOUSLY not a real news story,The Daily Currant is a satirical website. Do people really not know this?!?!

    It’s pretty easy to figure that out…

  • Mike

    I respect your opinion, even if it is wrong. Lol I smoke, have for a very long time. I don’t drink, I don’t do pills or any other drug. When talking about the big picture, marijuana is the least pRoblematic issue in this country. Did you know that the Netherlands have closed hundreds of prisons in the last 10 years due to low crime? I think there’s a recipe for success there. Everyone’s just betterbehaved with a little weed in their system.

  • Courtney

    You would think it’s pretty obvious this is Satire but a lady I know actually posted this on her FB page asking if anyone knew if it was true – and OMG even if it isn;’ these laws are going to cause all kinds of problems. It will never cease to amaze me how uneducated and unaware people are of what the truth is and the lack of research done to find things out – just believe whatever everyone says, must be true right? NOT!

  • Bonnie Jo Hughes-crick

    Just more bs by people who think lying like this will change more peoples minds about smoking pot. No one has or ever will die or overdose from smoking it.

  • Bobby Upchurch

    Q. Are your news stories real?

    A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world

  • gma

    i honestly believe that all the people you listed DO have brain damage!!!

  • JustAnon

    If this article had any real validity, then why would the person who wrote it find it necessary to hide their identity and credentials? Any simple minded person knows that anytime a new article comes out that is legit, that the journalist would want the credit for their works! Why would someone who was supposedly reporting the truth have to hide?

  • EIghtOneFive

    All the contributing writers are here:

    Also the fact it’s a satirical new site…

  • EIghtOneFive

    But…but…It’s on the Internet…it HAS to be true!

  • Πολύφημος Σπαζοκλαμπάνιας

    name ONE.

  • DancingNataraja

    This is SO OBVIOUSLY FAKE! Hello!! People are seriously sharing this crap?!

  • knowsallaboutweed

    You idiots, you cant overdose on weed ffs. go back to school. hahahahahaha. this website is a full out bullshit sham

  • chros

    This is going to happen when you make something available to people for the first time. I bet when prohibition ended thousands of people died from alcohol poisoning.

  • Charmpt

    I don’t smoke marijuana, but this doesn’t make sense. Even if it was possible to OD on marijuana, your organs would not fail within less than 24 hours. Ridiculous, and the doctor’s claim to have been getting new patients every minute because of it is too hysterical. Probably just trying to get in re-illegalized.

  • Jimmy Johnson

    The Daily Currant—-YOU SUCK!!

  • Jessie Pinkman

    fyi, this website has NO credibility, only sleeping sheep would believe this bullshit.

  • Πολύφημος Σπαζοκλαμπάνιας

    You don’t get to make that call. Neither does he. His supervisor did and he decided that that someone does know physics.

  • thissitesucksballs

    filled with so much spam adds also. Get real people.

  • getabrain

    This article sadly makes me chuckle! It is impossible to OD on marijuana and really a brewery saying when was the last time someone OD on alcohol? How many alcohol related deaths are there in the US? This is the dumbest thing ever published!

  • Πολύφημος Σπαζοκλαμπάνιας

    Alcohol is ridiculously more costly to humanity that cannabis. Name one person that has died from cannabis. Found him? Now, how many die each year from alcohol? Directly and indirectly?

  • EIghtOneFive




    1. the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize
    people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary
    politics and other topical issues.

    I weep for America..

  • addy

    Here in Holland we can buy pot for manny years and i have never heart of people who died of smoking it. This is again real amerikan media. Who thinks to know everything about anything and spread fear and hysteria among the common people. Fear that creates extreme reactions from those who are not zo strong or brainstormed for so manny time. People, please think for your selve and let the media not have any influence in your opinions. They let you think what they want you to think.
    Greetings from Holland

  • matias

    If you believed it, goes to show how gullible ppl are and how much we depend on news for credibility and facts

  • Dave Keener

    Toxicology reports in 2 days? Hahahahahahaha not going to happen. This is totally fake.

  • chros

    The fact that people are idiots and trying to consume copious amounts of something is no reason to shun the true use for it… to relax from a hard day at work, to gain appetite when unable, to help numb pain rather then using serious hard drugs (ie. Vicadin, perkaset, morphine, etc…), To help someone fall asleep easier, etc… but no because you have a bunch of idiot extremists trying to push the level overboard and thus scaring the skeptics and fueling the haters. Stop trying to stop something that is inevitable, rather embrace it and move forward just like with alcohol and teaching people and kids the dangers of this new drug and how to take everything into proportion.

  • Snoop Dawg

    The Rocky Mountain News (nicknamed the Rocky) was a daily newspaper
    published in Denver, Colorado, United States from April 23, 1859, until
    February 27, 2009. Don’t believe a word of it. Go to the Denver Post to
    get your information!

  • Brooke Baglioni

    sorry this is bullshit! and look the head guy of coors or whatever is speaking out, I guesss hes never heard of alcohol poisoning or liver failure. hmm

  • Mario

    It’s still pure b.s.

  • deb

    That wasn’t even remotely funny. And some idiots will believe it. Very irresponsible.

  • EIghtOneFive

    This is a satirical news site, no one comes here for real ‘News’. Jesse Pinkman is from Breaking Bad, and Dr. Jack Shepard is from LOST. And ‘trimethylaminuria’ is known as ‘Fish Odor Syndrome’, has nothing to do with Pot…

  • EIghtOneFive

    You seriously believe information coming from a news site named after a tiny berry.

  • darren

    Oh, look, anecdotal evidence! Better throw away all the peer-reviewed science done by professionals on the matter………

  • Peter Martinez

    Thank you Mr. Anderton. I had never heard of this publication prior to someone posting this article on my face book. I guess I fell for the story hook, line and sinker.

  • JustAnon

    If this article had any real validity, then why would the person who wrote it find it necessary to hide their identity and credentials? Any simple minded person knows that anytime a new article comes out that is legit, that the journalist would want the credit for their works! Why would someone who was supposedly reporting the truth have to hide? Here is an article that describes how the currant articles are fake, it shows the real frauds the people be hind the currant are and how they admit to making false stories to try to get their points across.

  • JustAnon

    Here is an article that describes how the currant articles are fake, it shows the real frauds the people be hind the currant are and how they admit to making false stories to try to get their points across.

  • darren

    Except Marijuana will be legal very soon…..Are you blind? Do you not read news? Within a decade, most of the states will vote on whether or not it should be legalized. Even if you are against it ( No argument present in your comment at all, by the way), you should still try to inform yourself about the reality present around you, instead of sticking your head in the sand.

  • a


  • Guest

    right, the only time marijuana killed 37 people was when the stores got stampeded, now they call it “GREEN FRIDAY’

  • Road Trip

    Right, Never heard of anyone OD’ing on Beer! Or any Alcoholic Beverage.

  • Jennifer Gensler


  • darren

    You’re so full of it. Cite “horrendous medical and social consequences” or shut your lying mouth. Please, no worthless, unverified, unverifiable anecdotal evidence. If you deal with them on a daily basis, it stands to reason that there would be a widespread problem. When has the media in America ever shut its mouth about a trendy drug problem? Never. It’s sad that people like you don’t value a rational, evidence-based worldview like us stupid, degenerate, MJ abusers do. Evidence that marijuana is a gateway drug? Your claims are entirely unsupported by evidence. You’re just a sad side effect of the propaganda “War on Drugs”. Misinformed, gullible, ignorant, and worse, OBLIVIOUS.

  • Jerry Allbright

    I know a lot of people who have died as well. None of them from marijauna related causes though.

  • NoPot

    Im not buying it, Jesse Pinkman? He was a character in Breaking Bad,

  • Glint

    The Colorado Government better test they blood too see what was also what other things like alcohol and other compounds that are mix can cause people to die. Many people die from too much alcohol You see that a lot in Alaska.

  • darren

    Worthless, anecdotal evidence can never replace strong, empirically validated science. Sorry if the world ignores people spouting your kind of opinion over legitimate science.

  • Trey Martin

    what about you , the guys that make bundles of money off of lying to people. you are the loser. all the drugs you sell are to keep customers, not to help anyone. your drugs are way more damaging. thing is, you think you are the bees knees just because you are a doctor. but your true identity is that of a dare to call people a loser just because they dont think and feel the way you do? just because they dont spend free time the way you do? look at yourself in the mirror doctor snobb. your career is based on poisoning people and lying about it.. thousands suffer from what you do, all the while you sit in your nice house wallowing in the money you made off the suffering of sit back on your fancy sofa and judge people when you yourself are in fact what is called a legal criminal. selling lies and far more damaging drugs. so if your drugs are more damaging, then what would you call the people that take them? are they losers as well?and if so, then what does that make you? the one who gives out these dangerous drugs? i say that makes you the biggest loser of all. and dont give me any crap about how they help, because thats lies. they only help put money in your pocket.

  • Julean


  • EIghtOneFive

    Ha, funny, this is the same link I gave you in your last post.

    They are ‘frauds’ by no means, and these stories are not ‘false’, they are satirical, big difference.

  • EIghtOneFive

    and Jack Shepard in LOST, and hypospadias is a birth defect of the penis, and trimethylaminuria is a syndrom that makes you smell like fish.

    Don’t believe everything you hear on the internet

  • Skitz Prod

    hahahaha you dont expect us to beleave this do you?lol. been to Amsterdam and the canibus finals…. seen many things, death not one… anyone who bealeves this doesn’t need to smoke weed. they are burnt out retards with no minds of there own anyways. lol

    We dont smoke with sheep. sorrys… lol

  • Gareth EVANS

    Hilarious… just smoked a doobie… and now I’m dying… (thump) :oD

  • Guest

    Son, i don’t care how you call it, it has to stop before more young lives are lost!!! :D

    Seriously, you could’ve picked a better word, those who didn’t dig that post from the start could surely use an explanation =]

  • Me

    First.. ITS A FAKE ARTICLE…. Second.. If this where to happen it would not be because of the Marijuana.. IT WOULD BE BECAUSE OF THE WAY WE GROW IT!!! … all the chemicals used now a days for this over priced chemically indueced “exotic” bud… Ive grown before… the bottles I used for hydroponics said big in bold warning letters…. NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION, WILL CAUSE 3rd degree burns… like wtf… what happened to good old natural reggie grown by the acres in fields… now its all indoors totally unatural… lmao

  • Pete

    LOL yeah okkkkkk

  • Duh

    Maybe these people don’t understand the word moderation. And alcohol poisoning happens when drinking too much of any alcohol. So overdosing on beer can happen.

  • Moobahmoo

    Your tone’s a little off for satire. Subject matter was good, like the fear mongering, always useful… I think its your explanation how how’s its stored and released which…well, it needs a little more english. Otherwise, nicely done ;p

  • Jason Harbin

    Your dumb, Benjamin Franklin smoked and guess what, if you think all baby boomers don’t smoke and that you speak for all of them, you are more special than the entire Olympics that is run for those that are.

  • Rick Ladd

    Pot doesn’t make you stupid; just distracted. Posting stupid comments doesn’t make you stupid, either, but it’s an indication of a serious problem, :)

  • Jim Frank

    OMG! LOlpms

  • Trey Martin

    not in those words, but thats what you were getting at when you called people losers.that is pretty much leaving the impression that you feel you are better than others. you can speak on your opinion without insulting other people. you say people need to grow up because they smoke weed, yet you are acting childish by throwing insults at others for living a different life than you. that is way more childish. i didnt see anyone that smokes weed throwing insults at people that dont.

  • Jason Harbin

    grow up yourself, only been illegal since about six decades, must be an intelligent six decades right….. wrong.

  • wmac30

    there is no way…….

  • Jason Harbin

    You spout your judgment like a zealot who has never seen better, wait until your the minority.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Or, you know, this is a satire website and this DIDN’T ACTUALLY HAPPEN!

  • Lee Baron Lee

    the “irresponsibility of satire”. Sniff. Now I’ve heard it all. Boo-hoo.

  • Gary Graefen

    Gary Graefen Died today from a thc overdose related to the marijuana legalization in Colorado. The fumes drifting halfway across the country caused a seizure. Sources say that Gary’s family intends to sue. OMG what have we reaped-This post apparently made by a digital Ghost-

  • 4

    Yeah…. just died…. It sucks…

  • Cindy

    Hypospadias is a deformed penis….just like some of these people’s heads.

  • PUNKem733

    LOL!! You know what’s funnier? The feds WISH this was true.

  • Marcellus Walace

    Dr. Jack Shepard went down with Oceanic 815

  • EIghtOneFive

    Damn skippy he did

  • Bub T

    Some people need to smoke more MJ and others need to get laid once in awhile.

  • Marty

    What a bunch of crap, if you believe this article you gotta be a complete idiot !!!

  • a

    I hope you see Breaking Bad….

  • Marcellus Walace

    I can’t believe there are people making serious comments about this article and its “journalistic merits”. It is so overwhelmingly obvious that this is satire that it numbs my brain to consider anyone not understanding that.

  • Shawn Dunwoody

    This madness needs to end. I personally knew Jesse Pinkman, he had gone through a lot. And now to OD on this horrible drug. We need to listen to Dr. Shepard, before more undeserving people die.

  • EIghtOneFive


  • regko

    Oh shut the fuck up you prick..what made you so self righteous? your forgetting that the degenerates like yourself are causing more deaths by prescribing pills then marijuana ever will

  • melissasparks

    lmfao ! Whoever believes this is a idiot!

  • Scott Fly

    this article has to be bullshit!!!

  • Il Kwart

    Name one.

  • Guest
  • Scott Fly
  • EIghtOneFive

    You seriously needed to look elsewhere to come up with the conclusion that this article isn’t true? Jesse Pinkman? Jack Shepard? This is a satirical news site….

  • Mary

    I don’t like the way this was written… Some people won’t exactly understand that this is a joke, especially older people who don’t watch those shows. The satire should’ve been laid down a little thicker. Nowadays, most people just believe whatever they read online, and more stuff like that could have a negative impact on marijuana’s legalization and decriminalization nationwide

  • captain obvious

    …whatever brain YOU have left… your wording suggests a heart attack is worse than death!

  • Pookie

    satire or not …the author who decided to publish this has not only influenced the ignorant ,but has also thrown a monkey wrench in the fight to get legalization else where ………too bad you did this …….shows you sure do not think about what your actions might cause

  • Snootcher

    This article is stupid and not funny at all! Definitely missed the humor mark.I get the joke but many ignorant people won’t and will spread this to even more ignorant people, reinforcing their ignorance. This didn’t help pro marijauna groups at all, more of strike against them really.

  • captain obvious

    a .9 gram joint is called a blunt! lol

  • Charles Ramsey

    They already started. This website should be shut down. How’s that for humor?

  • jay

    So its okay for someone to have a few beers after work but not a joint? please explain to me why alcohol is a smarter alternative. Is it pathetic to take medicine aka DRUGS like tylenol or advil that cause stomach bleeding? Or just pathetic to smoke a perfectly harmless substance that has been proven to have tremendous medicinal value? Quit being ignorant.

  • idiots

    And how stupid they are to analyze the way information is presented and not just accept it as credible because it appears legit. Idiots

  • Elizabeth


  • tony

    Lmfao. If you believe this, Kill yourself. Just another way to fuck with people’s heads. And the whole jesse pinkman thing… lol.

  • NorCal530

    Idiots, spreading misinformation. Must be funded by the alochol companies since they stand to lost the most $$$$. You’re a fool if you believe corporations care about your health, they just want to protect their market share.

  • JoeTender

    Whoever wrote this article must be high lol and whoever believes it is even more toasted

  • The Modest Proposal Blog

    HAHAHAAAA! Awesome. The irony is treating relatively safe marijuana as a crime ruins far more lives than marijuana itself, while plenty of prescription drugs and alcohol are legal and potentially far more damaging than pot. Legalize it!

  • The Modest Proposal Blog

    The fact that people fell for this just goes to show how several generations of disinformation has taken root among the public. The paper and petroleum industries, seeing a threat from industrial hemp as a fiber and bio-fuel source, financed a campaign to make pot look like a terrible drug, and when they made pot illegal they made sure hemp went along for the ride. How many lives have been ruined by this lie? Sanjay Gupta of CNN has a fantastic documentary on the topic, in which he personally apologizes for the role he played in misleading people about pot.

  • The Modest Proposal Blog

    The fact that people fell for this satirical article just goes to show how several generations of disinformation has taken root among the public. The paper and petroleum industries, seeing a threat from industrial hemp as a fiber and bio-fuel source, financed a campaign to make pot look like a terrible drug, and when they made pot illegal they made sure hemp went along for the ride. How many lives have been ruined by this lie? Sanjay Gupta of CNN has a fantastic documentary on the topic, in which he personally apologizes for the role he played in misleading people about pot.

  • Lg

    Once, my friend injected three marijuanas in his arm and died almost instantly!

  • J.E. Schulz

    What a bunch of horses manure! You can’t overdose on cannabis! This is just another excuse to ban a completely harmless drug with all kinds of uses, including making money! Goddamned conservatives will do anything to get their way! These were probably all pictures of people with alcohol poisening! Don’t believe the B.S. folks!

  • kimmi

    This article is a joke. To the person who wrote it -you are ignorant and uneducated. Who are you, by the way?

  • jessCO

    This feed is really amusing. Almost better than the article itself. :) Colorado is the best.

  • EIghtOneFive

    contributors are here:

    along with the fact that this is a satirical news site and nothing written here is true…

  • keller23

    Hey man this article is like totally…..wait what were we talking about?

  • Nick

    Please tell me this is suppose to like a Onion news type site.. lol such a moronic story. The worst part is there are people out there dumb enough to think this is real.

  • Jason Harbin

    You obviously don’t know what a blunt.

  • keller23

    Judging by your avatar you’re an Obamabot. Which means you’re a cretin and the last person to give anyone advice on anything.

  • keller23

    It’s hilarious how libtards, with a straight face, tell you smoking pot is 100% harmless. But then these same people are banning cigarettes, salt, sodas, etc because they’re bad for you. Liberal logic is fascinating to watch.

  • Obama

    “These are the people that will never, no matter how much info is thrown at them, believe they could be wrong.”

    You can just say republicans.

  • Jason Harbin

    You did when you stated that recreational users are POS’s

  • Twitch

    ya’ll need to check yalls weed manufacture cause all the weed ive smoked in my life time not once did I get any side affect except hungry sleepy and fuck it attitude so maybe yall need to research on how to process your marijuana

  • tommylee

    How stupid does society think we are?? Remember the movie Reefer
    Madness, they tried to portray marijuana as a lethal drug that will make
    you want to go out and kill people. Bud is the most widely used
    recreation drug and I know people who have smoked over 40 yrs and still
    function normally everyday. It`s the man made drugs you need to stay away from. As far as all those people dying, I don`t think so….

  • Anne Faust

    any drug even  when they are  legal if not used as given can cause death

  • G. Fawkes

    I’m sorry we can’t dumb down legitimately clever satire for you.

  • MagicRay

    Pot is so bad, all you dopers should be ashamed of yourselves smoking the devil’s cigarettes. I had friends there in CO that are now confirmed dead from overdosing – one had some get stuck in his arm while shooting it and the stem kept his vein open and he bled to death, very horrific. I just might go smoke and join them. I’ve known others that have died from having too much weed… my friend tripped over a kilo and broke his neck… and another jumped out of an airplane with a whole backpack full of it, but he forgot his parachute. I need to watch Reefer Madness again, maybe that will help me stop.

  • keller23

    You also lost the ability to use capital letters and punctuation.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Jesus, how are you back again? This is the sixth time you’ve posted this…

  • colt 45

    give it up this whole thing is a complete joke an for Jesse pinkman to even have a part in this convo is absolutely retarded an obviously some ppl have no other vetter things to do. I there for have been smoking cannabis since I can remember.. give ur heads a shake!!

  • Max

    Who on God’s green (that’s ironic) earth wrote this? I hope your fired and I never read a single other story by you. As for you, The Daily Currant, I will never have a single positive thing to say of you for publishing nor releasing this nonsense. We don’t need idiots like you in this country. Pack your bags and leave.

  • anonomys

    hox story says fox news

  • Floyd T

    If you don’t know, the daily currant is a satircal website. It is just like The Onion. Of course 37 people didn’t die from OD’ing on weed in one day. Smoke a joint and chill.

  • Kyle

    so some people did smoke that much since it was made legal :P

  • Andy

    Kalen your the drug in our country that should be illegal, get over yourself…. You can’t fix stupid….

  • Michael Smith

    This is nothing but Bullshit – Whoever wrote this article deserves to be Bitch Slapped. I’d like to Bitch Slap the Mother Fucker My Damn Self.

  • Lol

    Thats why Americans are stupid. I have been in Amsterdam. No problemo :D

  • The Modest Proposal Blog

    Wow. Very mature. Yes I support Obama, but that has nothing to do with this. I believe it’s immoral for people’s lives to be ruined by pot i-legalization when much worse things are legal and the impetus for pot being i-legalized in the first place was based on lies and profiteering. I also believe in true representative democracy vs. the current system that sells off our politicians to the highest bidders. I believe in gay rights, human rights, environmental quality, working together, abolishing nuclear weapons, investing in our future, being nice to your neighbors and to the least among us. So yes, I’m a cretin.

  • EIghtOneFive

    I dunno, you’d probably deserve one of them slaps yourself for falling for an obviously satirical site…

  • Lukas Ofinski

    I think this is a game play from Alcohol industry.

  • averageladee

    I use it if I can’t sleep and need rest. Just like any other pharmacy drug if its not for you then you shouldn’t take it.

  • histerix

    Son, i don’t care how you call it, but it has to stop before more young lives are lost!!! :D

    Seriously, you could’ve picked a better word, those who didn’t dig that post from the start could surely use an explanation =]

  • Anthony Lineberry

    This is one of the biggest kettle of carp I have ever read. Never have I know one single person to OD from pot, but were killed by whatever they mixed it with in their system. I about feel out of my chair when I read this article, names used are familiar to programs “lost” and “Breaking Bad” I am going to call this hospital in Denver or where ever mentioned in this satire and inquire, I will post the REAL DEAL.

  • Mats Lindblad

    So he basically died from his poo smelling of fish and peeing on his balls?! The horror!

  • Anthony Lineberry

    So true and if you read it on the net it has to be true . Haaa!!

  • ImUrAssassin

    I must be dead then. Been smoking for 10 years. Someone shoot me in the head, I’ma zombie. RAWRR! I wanna eat your brains!

  • Roland A. Duby

    and then it would only kill half the people who did it, LD50 means lethal dose for 50% of users.

  • Anne Faust

    There is always a first time

  • Roland A. Duby

    a blunt is at least an eighth or 3.5 grams

  • Izlude

    You obviously have never heard of the daily currant. It’s the same thing as the onion… It’s all satire. Not our fault you weren’t aware of that fact.

  • Roland A. Duby

    it makes your body fluids smell like fish.

  • ImUrAssassin

    It would take me, and 9 of the biggest hitting smokers I know to smoke 1500 pounds several months to smoke. One pound of weed on average is about 10 inches long, 8 inches wide, and about 6 inches thick (Depending on how dry it is, what strain, how well cleaned it is, and if it’s tossed or compressed) . You can fill more than just one room with that.

  • ImUrAssassin

    a Joint is a normal white rice paper, a blunt is a cigar wrap or Brown Papers.

  • Izlude

    Good call, ER doc. I’ll drink to that. :P

  • Christy

    Doing this is really screwed up even though we know it’s false. This could lead to “crying wolf too many times” It’s moronic.

  • Jon

    I was hoping I would at least get a good laugh out of this. Not so. Poor way to waste 2 minutes. Try harder to be funny next time?

  • Really?

    The entire site is satire. The Daily Currant is similar to the Onion, and it’s the writer’s fault? Think for once.

  • Really?

    Not as long as man has been on the planet…but maybe one day. Right?

  • Kristina Marie

    Cannabis, the raw stock part of the plant is very rich in fiber and can be used for textiles. It also makes clothing more comfortable than silk but strong like cotton. Before yellow journalism and the substantial abolition of cannabis, 20% of a farmer’s crop was required by law to be cannabis. The flowering part of the plant can be used to effectively treat a variety of ailments. I think the benefits greatly outweigh any down sides. As for those of you belittling pot smokers, until the sun doth shine from your backsides pink eye, I suggest you shut up. Tootles!

  • Kristina Marie

    And before the trolls show up, I know this is fake.

  • tokira

    Trouble is, even though this is satire, there are way too many ingnorant people who believe it.

  • alnga

    wait wait do not stop this program. After all the liberals have been warned for years and now that they see the results, let them become really impressed with their decisions.

  • Liz Gozza

    you do realize this is satire right? no one died.

  • kathy

    I call BS

  • 08 09 13

    “These are the people that will never, no matter how much info is thrown at them, believe they could be wrong.” Idiot.

  • Idigia

    You mean to tell me you believed this satire was true?

  • Alex Saddic

    IDIOTS! You can’t overdose on marijuana lol. Who actually published this nonsense?! Here’s the funniest quote from this article:

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer? All
    these pro-marijuana groups should be ashamed of themselves. The victims’
    blood is on their hands.”

    Umm, people OD on alcohol all the time! How many times do we hear about people on their 21st birthday dying from alcohol poisoning on their 21st birthday from taking 21 shots? On the flip side, how many times do we hear of a person ending up in the hospital from marijuana alone? It makes me sad that this article was published and just shows how much stupider society has become.

  • APRO

    someone might be responsible about this killing. maybe someone try to sabotage this movement. and if ever the issue of marijuana overdosed is true maybe smoking marijuana should have a medical permission from those who has the authority to do so. i thought it could be giving every potheads a license or a dosage limit for a solution.

  • Tonyt

    Absolute BS article is a fail

  • Joshua Price


    If you mean can they overdose and die from marijuana–the answer is no, its not very likely. But they can experience extreme anxiety (panic attacks) or psychotic reactions (where they lose touch with reality and may become paranoid). And people can and do injure themselves because of marijuana’s effects on judgment, perception, and coordination. For example, marijuana affect the skills you need to drive (e.g., concentration, reaction time) so people can injure themselves and others if they drive while under the influence. For more information on marijuana, see:

  • Zedsdead


  • Zedsdead

    Ok………….Whats a Zeppelin?

  • stopthelies

    It is absolutely astonishing that something like this can be published and people will believe it. Unfortunately, there are people out there that refuse to believe in the science behind the benefits of marijuana. The ignorance is maddening. I salute Colorado for it’s legalization initiatives and wish them all the best moving forward. Please put an end to false information about marijuana.

  • Lesa Hollen

    OMG! What BS and Miss information – THC is endogenous and we make it to be our breaks in our nervous system – what lies – people do not die from THC overdose – from a Neurochemist

  • Anne Faust

    Take what you hear with an open mind and do it when you  are clearheaded
    Reports arent always accurate – take them with a  grain of salt

  • the daily smug
  • Von Jackson

    Lies and Slander,
    biologically and chemically improbable.

  • Sean

    the amount of marijuana that you would need to smoke to die from an overdose would suffocate you from the amount before you die from the actual chemicals

  • Rex Senju Dago-an

    now you learned your lessons POTheads!!!

  • Johann Von Bingen

    The real marijuana deaths will occur on Colorado roadways. DWI and DWS (Driving While Stoned) present equivalent, and unnecessary, risks. How long before a new organization, MADS, is formed??

  • Johann Von Bingen

    You DO stay off the roads when you’re stoned, right?

  • Brianeweis

    I don’t believe you know a lot of people who had heart attacks and died from weed

  • Jerry Callender

    Proof that some will believe anything.

  • RottieMom

    Um… you can OD on water…. you can OD on just about any substance if you get more than the body can handle.

  • Ken

    Please factor in that the Rocky Mountain New ceased publishing in 2009.

  • christopher richards

    me a tek this time out fo say weed na good me used to love it bad especially wen me girl give me stress but i end up hospital yow nearly buss my heart i survive sum how my heart was going 122 fo every 15 seconds n i survived smh weed not good

  • Guest

    I can’t afford that!

  • AlexWrightDance

    This must be the onion lol

  • Tim

    Good for you! Who really cares about what you and your friends do or how much money you make! My grandfather smoked cigarettes for 75 years and he lived into his 90’s so cigarette smoking must not be bad for you! What a moron, go smoke another one!

  • Francesco Bonfatti

    “One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former
    methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to
    Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary” LOLOL Sounds like the character from Breaking bad.

  • Grant Smith

    .bullshit this story is fake ad a snack cake

  • Talia Marisia Gomez Mayfield

    Come on people don’t it sound a little fishy.They need to check there supply before just handing it over to people.Its easy for someone to tap into the weed. And put whatever they want. BESIDES, your trying to say alcohol hasn’t killed anybody.How many people get alcohol posion a day . How many people die from it a day. That’s more addicting than anything I know , so is tobacco. They did not die from over dosing on Marijuana.!!!!! Just saying. Think a little cause before this came out, You never in your life heard of someone doing too much Marijuana. All you ever heard was Of someone dieing of lung cancer from smoking there pack of smokes , or they drunk too much ALCOHOL!!! … The only thing you ever heard before they let MARIJUANA in two states, WAS kids selling it or someone growing it NEVER EVER about someone dieing from it. The honest truth is , that yall wanna say they overdose cause yall wanna re think and take it from people that it helped. They didn’t over dose.. What did happen was someone in the system. Messed with it.. and put something in it, that would kill people. So the government would re think about it. And not let it be Legalize.

  • audrey

    Jesse Pinkman?? Did the writer really want us to pick up on the fact that using actors name from breaking bad seemed a little far fetched? I think the writer was just got carried away and couldn’t resist lol

  • Talia Marisia Gomez Mayfield


  • carlos cruz

    are we ever going to grow past the adolescence of satire, its getting a little annoying how these cretins are playing on the minds of their cousins. please lets deal with social issues in a mature and open minded way that nurtures and promotes our cousins with love.

  • Markese TheMop

    how about being stupid for not knowing that hypospadia is a penis deformity, and not a life thretening condition?

  • nikileet

    What a crock of b.s. it is funny though. Some truth may be in the abuse references. Of course you will find those who have suppressed their needs and wants for marijuana over indulging at first. What else would you expect? Have you ever seen the way a child acts after you introduce him/her to candy for the first time. That’s all they want. They could live off the stuff if you let them. There comes a time when that child learns it is readily available and they ween down the addiction a bit. Our country and government fails to understand that knowledge is power. If you teach as well as allow moderation. Then educate our citizens to the benefits, side effects, and consequences of drugs and alcohol you would not find as many “abusers” as we have today.

  • Pecolia Jones

    You cannot OD from marijuana

  • Kimberly Smith

    Lol Jesse Pinkman huh? Tee hee hee

  • Ora

    People who smoke have very few clear thoughts, but they perceive them as clear and inspirational. Take it from someone who smoked weed for ten years +.

  • Ora

    I went no where and was content with nothing as I smoked weed for years, that’s why the government is allowing it to be legalized, its easier to brainwash brain-dead people. Ninety percent of pot smokers beliefs in God are very liberal and clouded with unscriptural bible doctrine.

  • Elena

    Haa haa haaa… OD on marijuana.. Seriously?!? OK.. ;0)

  • Ora

    Like I have said: liberal beliefs, lifestyle and mind. Times have changed your right, but for the worse. Just look at the world. Its sad if the only way you can have a good time is when your high. True joy, fun and happy living is when you can do the things you enjoy sober. Godly joy is not defined as always being happy and laughing, but being content with real things without a clouded mind. Weed doesn’t kill people everybody knows that, although indirectly it has caused millions of deaths over the years. Its a sad day when everyone who is high or drunk think that sober people are always depressed and unhappy.

  • Barbie Scott

    Maybe government laced it with something, unless they did, you cannot OD on this, no way, no how. The crap that is put out there from news is sad.

  • Falw

    Synthetic mariujuana spice perhaps is the cause for these not the pure one.

  • reefermatters

    a blunt is commonly about a 0.5-1.0 grams you get a couple blunts from an eigth

  • BillboyBaggins


  • lulu77

    I think who ever believes it was marijuanna is dumb cause my father has been smokinng it since he was 14 he is now available 77 and doctors say hes very healthy for his age hes still very active now synthitic marijuana is another story that stuff isnt associated with marijuana though thats what people need to learn to understand that fake stuff is a killer nothing compared to marijuana

  • Ritaray08

    40 yrs. ;)

  • John Muench

    My concern is people may not read whole article and go only by the title so share concern that this will later be referenced by ignorant or biased to justify not legalizing Cannabis nationwide in future!

  • Drax21

    IT”S A JOKE, PEOPLE! This is a parody site.
    I live in Colorado. 27 people DID NOT DIE TODAY. Not by any cause. It’s a joke….a bad, stupid, pointless joke….but a joke, nonetheless.
    When you read something that seems just incredible or unbelievable, check the source. For example, The Rocky Mountain News, cited as the source of this story, went out of business over 10 years ago. The only newspaper in Denver is The Denver Post. “Dr. Jack Shepard” was a character from “Lost”. Peter Swinton is not the CEO of Coors Brewing.

  • know1

    OK, I’m all for legalization, but damn, what you wrote……you’re having trouble putting words together into coherent sentences for some reason.



  • booby mcgee

    jesse pinkman come on i know you miss breaking bad but come the eft on

  • Nikki DePue

    Obviously they got laced weed. I have never heard of a pot smoker over dosing ever. And I know people who chain smoke 24-7. They got bad stuff if they died.

  • Fran Giboney

    Anyone who denies people cannot die from too much alcohol consumption, need to do more research on the subject. In my town there are calls for an ambulance, along with emergency medical personnel to treat college aged students in particular, that have overdosed on alcohol, actually and they can die if if the alcohol level gets to a certain level. It is not rare, it is the norm in a lot of places, especially college towns.

  • Jimi

    Sorry, but I think it’s irresponsible not to state clearly somewhere on the same page as the article that it is satire and fiction.
    This will get passed on by the gullible as truth, and the people they tell will tell two friends, and they’ll tell two friends, etc. and there will always be a subset of people who will believe it to be fact.
    Maybe that’s the intent, but it would defeat the purpose of the stated mission of your site.

  • BluntMama

    Can we erase this now? It is a satire! Stupid is as stupid does!

  • ron
  • auxhead

    No you cannot OD and die, but by God you sure can FEEL like you’ll die when that paranoia sets in. And it is Goddamn scary. Not fun at all.

  • Kalen

    It is only legal on the state level….it is still federally illegal in every state….it is still an illegal drug.

  • Matthew Meinema

    And you can’t notice satire.

  • Jimi

    I posted my comment, with the same sentiment, before I read yours.
    I agree with you completely.

  • Nikki DePue

    And they may be passing Sylvia off as Marijuana , which is some seriously crazy stuff from what I have heard. That can kill you and even worse if mixed with another drug. So my suggestion buy your pot from a licensed dealer not a street dealer

  • Kalen

    I’m stupid because I choose to be clean? lol. I only just received a 4.0 in my junior year of college. Yep, I am a certified dumbass.

  • ZPT205


    1. You just replied to the wrong comment
    2. If you reread the comment you meant to reply to, you’d realize that your reply makes no sense. I obviously know who Jesse Pinkman is, otherwise I wouldn’t have said he was supposed to live in New Mexico.

  • Nes

    Thank you!

  • Tre

    WOW! I almost thought this was the onion for a moment.

  • Shane Milder

    Umm, The one that died was a Meth dealer?, Ever think just maybe what He was smoking was laced?, And YES Coors, People have died from alcohol poisoning, This is a joke, Lets just Blaze one up and have us a little chat about this ok?, I will go get the Cheeze Puffs, Chips and pop first. brb…

  • Kalen

    Actually, I am pretty informed on the subject. Obviously you are not. Marijuana will NOT be legal anytime soon….Yes, some states are legalizing it, but that is only state wise. It is still federally illegal in EVERY state. I am not obligated to present an argument on whether I agree with it or not. I think yes, it is ok in severe medical cases. Most people arguing for the legalization are the exact people who will drive while high or participate in other dumbass things while high. Just because it is “reality” doesnt make it ok. Instead of pushing the recreational use of drugs so heatedly, maybe we should focus on more important things like trying to push for equality rights for gays, lesbians, and transgenders. Which, most people arguing for me to “open my eyes to reality around me,” most likely think homosexuality is wrong.

  • barb2c4u

    If you are an ER doctor then you must have seen hundreds of seizing babies and young children from epilepsy. You should know that there over 40 illinesses that marijuana could help or save their lives if big Pharma wasn’t so popular in DC. It is a special type of MJ that is being grown that takes the “high” chemicals out of it and leaves the medical benefits in to be prepared for medicinal marijuana. Read a book on this stuff folks before you go crazy. Frankly I don’t think you can smoke enough to OD.

  • Candy_salad

    Does your wife have any single friends?


    LMFAO @ jesse pickman from Albuquerque ? yea right .

  • Jimi

    Not true – there are plenty of people with fully functioning brains that are ignorant of the facts, whether willfully or incidentally.
    Those people will promote this as fact and it will propagate as such.
    I’m already seeing it happen.
    A friend posted this story on FB, believing it to be true.
    I told her it was satire and provided a link to the about page where it’s made clear that it is fiction.
    She left the post up and sent me a private message saying, “I hope you are right, I really do.”
    SMFH – she didn’t have to “hope”, I provided her the link to the statement that it was fiction.
    She is naive (I hate to say ignorant), very religious, comes from a different culture with a different language and *wants* to believe that marijuana is an evil, dangerous, deadly drug.
    And she’ll tell all of her friends who will also believe it and will tell all of their friends.

  • Pappamike

    Test have been performed on lab mice. The scientists concluded that marijuana did in fact kill them. 200 pound blocks of marijuana were dropped on mice from 50 feet high, and sure enough, it killed them.

  • Kalen

    I never said alcohol was a smarter alternative. I don’t believe any self medication like drugs and alcohol is a logical excuse to “deal with stress.” Yes I think it is pretty pathetic to resort to any type of use just to deal with stress. Try working out, meditating, reading, hobbies, etc. I’m not ignorant, I’m realistic.

  • Scott MacDonald

    So CEO of Molson Beer, his product that ruin peoples lives is complaining about Marijuana? He probably noticed a decrease in monthly profit and had to do something about it……

  • ZefSideNinja

    Approx 65% of humans can properly process THC chemical. People can have an allergic reaction(s), therefore it should be treated like everything else medically speaking. Use with cation, if you a newbie. However, it is impossible to overdose on marijuana, you would need to smoke your body weight in marijuana to get a dangerous level of THC in your system. I would love to see anyone try to do that… Individuals with a mental imbalance such as Schizophrenia or such, should not involve themselves with marijuana, as it may intensify those imbalances. It is an amazing plant that is highly versatile. It has over 10,000 textile product uses. The plant creates 4x the amount of air than trees. The Cannabinoids display a “diverse range of therapeutic qualities” that “target and switch off” pathways that allow cancers to grow. Anyhow, that’s my two cents worth… Be smart, be safe!

  • Kalen

    I’m sorry, remind me where I said at all that any of those things were a healthy alternative. Anybody that needs to abuse a substance to make it through the day, is someone that needs to take a step back and work out how to cope with life in a healthy way.

  • Scott Warring
  • L

    How irresponsible to waste time printing such nonsense! More importantly…to take a position and use it irresponsibly. The media, be it farce or not…is so powerful that they can sway a vote, opinion or law. It is their duty to report facts…because they are in a leadership and informative position. I say…cut the media out of all positions of reporting and let’s see how the citisens fair on their own. Stick to the THE facts or “SHUT THE F*** UP” in the words of Mr. Samuel L. Jackson. Otherwise, call yourselves a COMIC Book. Deception is NEVER a good thing!

  • GingaSnap

    Trimethylaminuria – is a genetic disorder

    hypospadias – is a birth defect of the urethra in the male that involves an abnormally placed urinary meatus

    any other questions about how legit this is?

  • dennis


  • dane littles

    everybody just simmer down, calm down, there are more than enough drugs for everyone. i’m sure you can find all you want somewhere. and, please, go stone yourselves dopy…duh…..did I just hear your brain calling for more?

  • matt

    a large balloon filled with air that were used in ww1, similar to a blimp

  • Steve Dugan

    At first, I was floored that this had actually happened. But I’m so glad I read the comments. I haven’t watched all of Breaking Bad, either, so I would have been duped with the rest of them. And I didn’t know The Daily Currant was satire! Now that I’m in the loop, it’s pretty darn funny.

  • Christine Dee

    It is funny but very harmful for the cause. How can we expect people to take weed seriously when people read this and they think it’s real?

  • PeoplerRetards


  • Alicia Fullbright

    Did somebody poison the weed?

  • Dave

    Including your over-the-counter stupid pills. What’s your point?

  • Krista Meadows

    O.D. on weed?!?!?!? Hmmmm… lemme go test that….

  • fokin false news


  • sara masraft

    weed didn’t kill no one the dang goverment put chemicals inn it to kill you its the goverment killing people not weed get your facts right

  • Elephant Talk

    Umm…this entire article is satire. He didn’t say that.

  • Devon Orand

    Rocky Mountain News haha!!! -Denver joke, cause it was disbanded two years ago

  • Elephant Talk

    Sadly, it seems a great number of people commenting here do not realize that this article is satirical….:)

  • Krista Meadows

    People who didn’t realize this was a joke are the reasons why we have “Contains Peanuts” on jars of peanut butter lol ;-) I’m glad for the debate over this… Hopefully it will inspire people who feel themselves being teased to finally do some research and bring attention to the absurd demonization of the plant. Ignorance and stupidity ARE different… We should all be patient with one and pity the other… I think the gullible parties in this case are adorable :-)

  • MelCross

    Unfortunately, not all people in the world know the show “Lost” and did not see the hoax quickly. The Daily Currant has gained popularity, but at what cost. Thousands of people get beaten by police, thrown into prison cells where they are raped etc, all because they had some dry leaves in their possession. This story has gone viral and unfortunately the people that for years have believed the evils of marijuana believe this, making the fight for legalisation in other countries like the one I live in much harder. My own child was recently beaten by six burly security guards at Monte Casino in Johannesburg, when I tried to save him I was thrown across the room and crushed in a doorway till the wall broke. He now faces a courtcase and a criminal record. This was a very badly timed piece of writing.

  • Essech RedPanda

    What? The Rocky Mountain News has not been around for years now, it no longer exists! How can we have a report from the Rocky Mountain News about a news topic of 2014? – Nice cover

  • Fred
  • DonnaSweeney

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist, LMAO I Love it. I know the Feeling, I’m living proof 2 :) =========~ Puff Puff Pass 2 the Left :)

  • DocHoliday

    Dope smoking Fools?? LOL! What kinda Doc are you? Are you sure you don’t have Investments in Big Pharma Instead? Canibas is the Best Medicine in the World and Have Fun trying to patent that plant, I think God already has the patent on that. :D

  • Cant oOD!!!

    Propaganda Like the Hitler stated against Jewish people in Germany. This should be banned and fine the people that put this together. Its sad really

  • drew

    Did anyone bother to think that maybe the years of meth abuse the guy they decided to talk about that overdosed might have been the cause of what happened to him..maybe, just maybe all them years of being tweaked out and not sleeping finally caught up with him.

  • Guest

    I can’t believe brad pitt passed out in the picture above during Legends of the Fall. He must have been doing that asian scene and got real high or something.

  • DonnaSweeney

    Ya Right, this is not a drug it is a God growing Herbal Medicine Plant. sounds good by Me, Thanks God :)

  • Rex Julien

    Stop being a corporate puppet and spreading false propaganda. There has never been any such thing in the media, but all of a sudden it’s legal and people are dying. I have a hard time believing this story. My question is ” Do you corporate puppets feel the same towards the pharmaceutical companies that continue to legally manufacture and distribute pharmaceuticals that are known to cause life threatening side effects?”

  • Your Whore Mom (a joke? maybe)

    lame site that wastes time and misinforms the gullible. it had me until i did the research. and by the way i don’t even watch the series on television that everyone just assumes is common knowledge. besides why would i even care it is using big companies as a backing for it to be believed. Coors? really did anyone have the right to publish a statement from this company? how about the hospital? these are suppose to be upstanding companies and facilities that are being slandered by ‘fictional’ ‘statements.’

  • lolatthisarticle

    yup, it was the pot. not the fentanyl withdrawl. xD

  • martomom

    story is false……..a felon cannot open a dispensary ….. this is just the haters trying to reverse the law somehow because they know that the lawmakers sometimes listen to the media instead of the people.

  • guest

    THANK YOU! for calling it what it is. propaganda!

  • Jbkorn02

    I like how they used Dr. Jack Shepard from Lost. It gave me a good laugh.

  • Jbkorn02

    Far better than alcohol in every way for your body. Brain included.

  • Jbkorn02

    You have to admit it would be funny if a big network like CNN actually ran this article taken seriously before having to apologize.

  • Cambridge25Pembr

    Absolute nonsense, marijuana doesn’t cause fatal overdoses. Also, yes I have indeed heard of overdosing on alcohol such as BEER! Also episodes of violence are common with overuse and misuse of alcohol, liver disease…etc! Brainwashing websites, you’re a fool if you beleive them.

  • Peter Wild

    Well, there are advantages to keep it illegal….otherwise thousands of ppl worldwide loose their nice job and have to get a real 9to5 one…

  • Yep!
  • Galoviz

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?”

    Turn on the new and lesson for 5 min

  • DocHoliday

    Easily one of the Best Hard Rock bands ever.. :)

  • DocHoliday

    Pretty small Blunt…
    just saying…

  • JustSaying

    I was about to check the validity of this article when, upon spotting the side panel, I noticed an article saying “Nancy Grace arrested for murder”. Yup, its satire, quite hilarious though.

  • Jimmy conny ronny

    Hey man. You put a bad comma in there. You should really check your spelling and punctuation skills if you want to be taken seriously…

  • Truth Trolololol

    Of course you can die from smoking too much weed. If you’re allergic, it will kill you. And with the stupidity that follows the immediate inhalation, I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually *DID* happen.

    This is why we can’t have nice things. The majority of the country doesn’t understand this wonderful thing called SELF CONTROL and RESPONSIBILITY.

    No faith in humanity. No forgiveness for idiocy.


    I’m thinking as I am reading this someone is making up a whole lot of crazy stuff because there is no way one person could overdose yet alone 37 and maybe 200…. lol I go all the way back to my days in Vietnam and I am still here…. lol

  • Truth Trolololol

    Level of caring: Non existent. Suck it up and get over your stress like a real man.

  • Truth Trolololol

    Sounds like you failed financial planning to me along with time management.

  • Kenny

    absolutely lost it at Jesse Bruce Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer HAHAHA

  • Anna

    FAKE!!! This is suck bullshit! Why would they post this?! There are plenty of people out there, that vote, that will believe this and ruin it for the people who actually bother to get educated!

    Stop lying!

  • hannah

    This is of course ridiculous. In Israel they are researching the use of Marijuana for cancer patients and some have been cured. Also, check out the doc. that Sanje Gupta made about the use of marijuana helping children with seizures.. If God gave us this plant we should utilize it for our good and I think that people are being helped.

  • Timothy Keran

    There is No Rocky Mountain News

  • Ladonna Bartlett

    I have never heard of any connection between marijuana and a congenital defect of the male genitalia or that it would cause “fishy-smelling” urine or sweat(?) I guess, by using medical terminology, it is possible to fool some people!

  • PJ

    Did you even look at this website? Look at the stories on the side and below it… ANYONE who read this and started spouting it to others as “news” deserves being called an idiot, specially when they read one source and run off to facebook to tell everyone else about it. The internet hasn’t ruined legitimate news… irresponsible internet USERS have ruined legitimate news.

    Go ahead and make more long-winded and ignorant replies.. you’re just mad you got trolled.

  • Mel

    LOL, this is hilarious.

  • eazyman

    ive smoke marijuana for over 10 years and never had or felt like i was going to die the only thing happend to me was being sick ( whitey / greened-out) which only lasted 10mins and i was up for smoking more after that but if u use marijuana use as something to chill you out or help you to eat is which is what i use it for so no this is 100% wrong

  • klintawnamore

    I doubt that the deaths were actually marijuana overdoses…. but the fact remains that all the people who died on the first day that pot was legal, had pot in their systems… so it kindof just shows that pot is a dangerous drug to legalize, i am a not a pro marijuana person, i do believe that if it was legal, the government could benefit, but the fact that so many people died as a result of having marijuana in their systems proves that it shouldnt be legalized.

  • jamie

    Never read so much bullshit in my life!

  • Elizabeth Anne Summers

    This is just plane crazy – you cannot OD on pot. OMG – I am sorry for those that passed – but there had to be some other reason. How many people die in Colorado everyday? And I bet you some of them smoked but that was not the reason.

  • Izumi Momoko

    I didn’t get it was a satire until I read the part about a local BREWER calling marijuana ‘a deadly hardcore drug that causes addiction and destroys lives.’ LOL Fell off my chair at that point and appreciated the rest.

    But I DO agree with some of these other posters. A lot of reactionary morons are going to latch on to this and present it as truth – spread it around.

    Then again, you make it pretty obvious it’s fake so really, it would just kind of backfire on them anyway. BRILLIANT! [Peter Swindon of MolsonCoors indeed] ^_^

  • Ayumi Kiyomizu

    Only in America, legalize pot is more important than education! Anyone think of bill or legislation that would reduce costs of university level education, or increase learning for students in school? It is really a country of fools….

  • Igor Gustavo Ribeiro Pinheiro

    The lethal dose of a substance is a measure of its deadly power. Defines a lethal dose (LD50) as the atmospheric concentration of a chemical substance capable of killing 50% of the population of animals tested in a range of 14 days. This dose measured in milligrams (mg) of substance per kilogram (kg) body weight of the animal. The lethal dose also depends on the mode of exposure to toxic product, it can happen with marijuana when the organism is under the effect of other drugs such as alcohol or other substances or drugs the percentage of starting a cardiac arrest increases greatly. The control grams consumed in a coffeshop and the use of breathalyzers become extremely important.

  • Pam

    I totally agree with you….I did not know any of the actors names and I am a well educated person and I am very upset someone would even do this after the huge undertaking it was to get the law passed….this could turn out to be a major set back for future areas

  • kevivrain


  • Jacki1

    It is a law of nature that fools die out :)

  • Izumi Momoko

    Yeah, right? I didn’t get it was a satire until I read it most of the way through. that kind of tipped me off. Well that and the fact that it is impossible to OD on pot.

  • Igor Gustavo Ribeiro Pinheiro

    THIS CASE IS A SATIRE, Dr. Jack Shepard LOL

    The lethal dose of a substance is a measure of its deadly power. Defines a lethal dose (LD50) as the atmospheric concentration of a chemical substance capable of killing 50% of the population of animals tested in a range of 14 days. This dose measured in milligrams (mg) of substance per kilogram (kg) body weight of the animal. The lethal dose also depends on the mode of exposure to toxic product, it can happen with marijuana when the organism is under the effect of other drugs such as alcohol or other substances or drugs the percentage of starting a “bad trip” or early risk heart failure increases greatly. The control grams consumed in a coffeshop and the use of breathalyzers become extremely important.

  • Igor Gustavo Ribeiro Pinheiro

    Dr. Jack Shepard (Jack, from the show Lost) LOL

  • Iwin

    HAHA, the Liberal agenda at work. This didnt happen. I <3 your folklore though. Lying bastards. Just know, and I mean this, You can spread it far and wide. Nothing will come of it. This movement (Marijuana Legalization) will grow and grow. Nothing you can do about it. I feel sorry for you. Because no matter how hard your fight Marijuana will WIN! Don't take it from me, wait awhile. You'll find out the hard way!!!

    I rly do love renting space in peoples minds :)

  • Jeremy Kirn

    I’m actually pretty angry at the Daily Currant for writing this. Yes it is a satirical website, but not many people know that. Many people think this is true. Good job setting marijuana prohibition back a dozen years!

  • adrian salvador gonzales

    who ever wrote this didnt get that much attention growing up. wish you were aborted author man/woman.

  • Loren Shaw

    Satire is useless if not everyone gets the joke!!!!

  • thcGod

    THIS IS JUST B.S! cannabis does NOT kill ANYONE. who’s the idiot that wrote this s*it?

  • flanicat

    BUNK! either they made pigs of them selfs or someone is putting chemicals in the pot so this will FAIL!

  • markd

    I guess I died in the early 80s from when my pot smoking increased to an 1/8 every three days….damn the bad luck…damn, damn, damn…I should have taken the movie “Reefer Madness” more seriously…..lmfao at any/all who thought/think there is even a morsel of truth to this.

  • buttmunchmcpooface

    Fully agree. Losers also use alcohol, coffee and sugar for recreation (yes they should also be illegal). Our world is full of losers, very few sane people.

  • LordPeckerwoodThree

    The Daily Currant has lost all credibility

    how can you print such blatant lies?

  • Jem

    How on earth does smoking pot cause this after 1 day of legalisation?


    What a STUUUUUUPID post! Who dod write this and way??? There are a lot of people who would actually think that this is TRUE! WTF?? You need to smoke over a ton whithin 15 minutes of weed to get killed. So this is impossible. There was never ever any record of someone died of marijuana! Educate yourself people! A marijuana smoker would have to consume 20,000 to 40,000 times as much marijuana as is contained in one marijuana cigarette.


    I am not a TV watcher, so the names meant nothing to me. When I saw the headlines I knew it was not fact, or I would have been dead many many years ago. What I did think was it was just more propaganda being planted in the minds of those who do not know it’s impossible OD on pot. Maybe from exhaustion from all those trips back and forth to the kitchen, the lighting and relighting the forgotten joint in the ashtray or maybe from falling out of bed while taking a nap. PLUS my good sense knows had it been real I would have already known it from the news.

  • Khey Ru


  • Rob Hopkins

    I think what Boba means is that it’s stupid to believe one can OD on weed, but it’s equally stupid to publish without disclaiming the story as satire, even stupider than the people who don’t “get the joke”.

  • MomofMedical420daughter

    Can’t over dose on beer? Why you sure can it’s called Cirrhosis of the liver, granted it happens over time with heavy usage.

  • Rob Hopkins

    Yes, marijuana will kill you. If you make rope out of it and use the rope to hang yourself, then yes. Weed can kill.

  • Sandra Williams

    How sad, people actually believe this. Dr. Jesse Pinkman, DEAD giveaway:)

  • Trueanglo

    You can overdose on water, does that mean that water is bad, or is it rather the individual who misuses it? How many foods are bad for you eaten in excess? Look at the misuse of alcohol, millions have died because of it not being used in moderation. Everything is a danger to us if not used wisely. To much government seems to be the most deadliest of all.

  • Rob Hopkins

    One should not continue to make false statements when each successive statement reveals how little one knows about the subject about which the statement is being made.

  • Pim

    I live in the Netherlands where it is legal to smoke weed practically everywhere and i made a fun calculation on how to overdose on weed.
    You got to smoke up to 648-KG in just 15 to 20 minutes before it can kill you, and you will probably die of lack off oxigen instead of an overdose on THC.
    Ever seen 648KG of weed???
    If you do… you’re probably in Holland or Heaven :p

  • Izumi Momoko

    Sir or madam – this was a SATIRE. Poorly done and I think will do more harm than good for the pro-pot side. Your post is a prime example of how the joke backfired. And I quote [ "... the fact that so many people died as a result of having marijuana in their systems proves that it shouldn't be legalized."]

    First of all, the article is satire. Names of characters from Breaking Bad and other popular culture references. [ i.e. MolsonCoors, silly afflictions such as Hypospadias (look it up).

    Second – Sir or Madam I must assure you…. NO ONE has ever, EVER, died as a result of having marijuana in their system! Not a one. EVER! Zero. Zilch. None. Nada. No one ever has or ever will die from using pot. Pot cannot kill you. Or really harm you in any way.

    You should look to the state I recently moved to – Washington. Seattle is a hub of technology, art, music, maritime industry. Seattle is the most honestly and actively homogenous mixture of races and cultures of any city I have ever lived in. It has the best public transportation system I have ever had the pleasure of using.

    The streets are not overrun with rioting “potheads”. Crime is perhaps a little less now that the police can concentrate on REAL crime instead of taking up valuable resources enforcing a misguided law that affected many decent everyday, otherwise law-abiding people.

    People who prefer to get stoned recreationally rather than get drunk are certainly no worse socially or ethically than anyone imbibing alcohol – and are in fact much less likely become ill or physically addicted as alcohol drinkers can.

    Pot is a MUCH less dangerous than alcohol – both physically,
    psychologically and clinically. Your view of marijuana has been formed
    and tainted by a false set of data from the start.

    The medical
    benefits of certain strains of marijuana and medicinal preparations of THC and Cannabinol are
    well documented and are undeniable.

    Yes, the government will benefit from the tax income – but not only that – they will no longer waste money incarcerating non-violent offenders and wasting resources on what many in law enforcement already considered to be a non-crime.

    Once you overcome your programming and look into the facts honestly, you will find you have been on the wrong side of this battle all along.

  • Nugliscious

    A Big Mac will kill you quicker than a spliff.


    brain dead eat to much wow feeling no pain smoke them if you got them and be red eyed and its nap time smoke more pot yea smoke pot there not dead just to stoned to breath or have a pulse passed out to stoned to think here i thought its was from chewing bubble gum that made every one so stupid wrong again its the dope

  • Billy Martin

    But why do you want to advertise it?

  • Nugliscious

    Sounds like you’ve had one too many hits.

  • soledo

    How can you OD on 1oz. of Marijuana? EXPLAIN!

  • Ze Mog

    . RIP

  • SmokeyMcPot

    Articles like this one are written as a “joke” to those that know better and as a form of mind control for those that do not. In 6 months when the next state votes on legalization what will be voters minds is 300 kids died in Colorado, not the tax money will help our economy. I found this article on FB, from people who believe it, a lot believe it! So laugh it off, call people stupid and enjoy the propaganda show.

  • SmokeyMcPot

    I can post that one more time in case anyone missed it……just don’t want the “brain damaged” pot smokers to miss it.

  • Blah

    Don’t you have to literally smoke pounds upon pounds to even get anywhere near ODing? Lol #GoodLuckTrying

  • SpanishMN

    Obviously we need more reading classes or is it merely a lack of reading glasses? First assignment: expand on this line from the article in a two page essay: “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?” Don’t smoke or drink or use before answering the question.

  • Davo

    Satire!!!!! LOLOLOL

  • pot genius

    Saying that pot causes brain damage is about as ignorant as it gets. NO ONE has ever died from pot – EVER! Pot doesn’t cause heart attacks, brain damage, or anything else uneducated people like yourself just say as if it is fact. I smoke pot and scored 182 on my last IQ test.

  • matterer

    This is poorly written satire.

  • One12alpha

    You can overdose on cannabis. Lol some people are such idiots.

  • mojacar

    perhaps as a direcrt chemical reaction no death was caused however as a result of marijuana induced schizopghrenia and psychosis there have been lotss of deaths

  • Jozef Mikula SkiFi

    :D :D I wish it would be true! :)))

  • mojacar

    recent studies shoe measurable brain changes in consumers who start using pot at an early age. holland has recently reclassified certain strains of weed (white witch ) as no longer being harmless

  • Billy

    This Is All Bs

  • Silvio Bugnano

    The hypothetical overdose of marijuana or it’s derivates is 1 kg. Maybe this morons smoke this quantity? I don’t believe it

  • mike

    Its an article from a site dedicated to satire. Come on, do we need to start worrying about stupid people thinking the SNL news stories are real to?

  • willanderson

    BULLSHIT! All lies.

  • Blondmyk

    All the way to the bank!

  • Nils Laersen

    indirectly the harsh laws against a plant like cannabis & coca leaves has caused millions of cash to criminals & terrorists.The ammunition they use to kill your best friends,they have bought with their golden drugmoney.

  • Vickie Wilson

    WHATEVER!!! They are trying everything to get this drug to be taken back. Nobody has EVER died over a marijuana od. I can guarantee you that the person I watched almost OD was NOT on marijuana! Get to the real source of the problem. What was IN the marijuana? Anyone checked that our yet???? Get your facts straight, people. Don’t CONTINUE to be ignorant for the rest of your lives……..I know it’s hard not to be, but TRY!

  • Manny734

    Blair, I’d marry you :) thosr words were articulated beautifully and the message both thought provoking and inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to express you thoughts.

    I’d love to get your opinion on a few of my ventures. If interested in helping another out, my phone # is 8six0five1nine7five4nine. Shoot me a text anytime and ill let you know how you can make a difference in the lives of millions overnight.


  • Nils Laersen

    cannabis helps me to disconnect from my adhd brain,& gives me a mental room where i can focus &be like others who don`t have this trouble.I can meditate easily after smoking.So to me,& many who have adhd,its a Gods gift.Not like amphetamines who slowly makes one sick & depressed.

  • TruthBeTold

    This satirical artical… Somewhat amusing.
    Many of these comments… Somewhat frightening.

  • Wow

    Haha, I guess not everyone sees the humor in this and people actually believe it… Sad world.

  • TruthBeTold

    If only people were as informed and concerned about the national debt and tyrannical nature of government as they are about weed.

  • Nils Laersen

    you speak of yourself,always.remember that & save yourself.

  • Nils Laersen

    Thats you Kalen.You need to take a step back,& work out how to cope with life in a healthy way. (just listen to your own good advice that you imagine are messages to others.) Everything that pops out of someones mouth,is all about themselves,even if they don`t care to listen.

  • getting high

    I don’t believe they died from an overdose due to smoking too much marijuana!!! Sometimes I get so high I don’t know my eyes are closed. They had to have added something else to the marijuana. I’m a 100% healthy and I’ve been smoking marijuana for 27 years….

  • Vickie Wilson

    And….”Mr. Coors…” are you kidding me???? How many people are addicted to alcohol and have killed OR die over the liquor you sell……I watched my ex die because of alcohol NOT marijuana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Yvonne Cristal

    Never EVER died someone overhere in the Netherlands!! And if they did there is ALWAYS another drugs involved!!!

  • Oswaldo Huaman

    Hahahaha… what a piece of crap….!

  • g

    lol “when was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer”

    yesterday probably

  • Annie

    Ridiculous! Obviously, this must have been written by someone who stands to loose something from the legalization of marijuana. Seriously do more research…

  • El

    doctors poison included… not spoken about….

  • kimber

    lmao how stupid!! This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read in a long time..

  • viki pittman

    there may always be a first but 37 in one day….. i highly doubt it unless there was something else in the drug besides its natural properties

  • Guest

    sure that if they looked harder they would find that marijuana didn’t kill anyone. the deaths are more likely from a pre-existing illness

  • Meako

    well if it was true marijuana and not laced or hiped up somehow this is impossible cause your body would pass out before overdose. and people die every day from alcohol

  • Kalen

    That doesn’t make any sense. Stop smoking so much weed, then you could leave a logical comment. I advocate healthy coping such as working out, meditation, reading….So “I” am the one that needs to take a step back and reevaluate? That makes absolutely no sense. I dont agree with recreational drug use so , according to your statement, that means I actually do advocate it? Okkkkk.

  • denise

    The stupidity killed them. I’m sorry that they died. But lots of people smoke it on a daily bases and don’t die. And it’s not a drug. It grows on its own. And people die every day from alcohol poisoning. I almost did, from stupidity.

  • Nils Laersen

    I Agree.Theres no sense in advocating work-out tips etc.,to others,when infact it should be done by oneself.Its so darn easy to believe oneself to be above others,when infact one belongs right down there with everybody else.
    If i had a penny,for all the times i did that,man i would eat out everynight in fancy restaurants.
    &, you don`t have to agree with recreational drug use,to advocate it.Being against something like that ,often inspires others, in favor of, to do what it takes to make it happen,a lot faster. Like gasoline to fire.



  • Anne Faust

    It just may be!

  • Kalen

    Ok…lol. Lets try this whole conversation again when you are sober. Never said I was above others…And why is there no sense in advocating HEALTHY coping mechanisms?

  • Nicole

    Did you seriously just write all of that? No one attacked you.

  • Nils Laersen

    lol back.Im sober as a well rested donkey.Have not smoked or drunk anything.In Norway we don`t have legal cannabis,& its very hard to get hold of any,
    I believe in advocating good healthy lifestyle to others,if i can see the person before me,having a hard time.But on the internet,i have no idea who people are.So im being careful. :)

  • Guile Williams

    You’re stupid if you die from smoking to much pot. Just like ODing on anything else.

  • Carol

    That’s a big lie, Jack Shephard never came out of the LOST island

  • Richard Hurts

    Bruce “Pinkman” really??? wow…

  • Shampoo

    There is no hard evidence to back that claim.

  • Julieb615

    ROFL I am agaist legalization, but this is very funny!!

  • Illmatic Impala

    stop defending dope

  • jj

    FAKE!!!!! never happened FEDs and Corp at work here..

  • Karin Kloosterman

    This sounds like an article from 1950 on the dangers of rock and roll.

  • Amy Westerbank

    Genius level satire

  • Loren Turner

    LOL The only way you can OD on pot is if the buds have been dipped in another drug to ‘compliment’ the high. If the pot isn’t pure plain and simple cannabis and has been ‘cut’ with other substances then it is possible to get deathly ill from using it. But it isn’t the pot doing it, it is the other substances the buds have been dipped in…
    However, for those who found this un-funny, I agree, many people know nothing about pot nor do they follow popular tv shows so they wouldn’t know who the named individuals were etc
    There are those who would take this seriously and those folks vote.

  • Sandy Hillshire

    This is total crap – you don’t OD from Marijuanna – alcohol is much more dangerous than pot – and yet people have been drinking forever – how many of them have died?

  • Guest

    Peter Swindon, president and CEO of local brewer MolsonCoors said when have you heard of anyone over dosing on beer hmmm yes!!!!!!!! you can can take in a very large consumption and die of alcohol poisoning idiot and lets not forget about drinking and driving who is this character thinking what he is doing isnt harming lives too dont PAT yourself on the back to hard jackass!!!!

  • Christopher Joseph

    If you believe this ..Kill Yourself

  • Joseph Slabaugh
  • John myerson

    toxicology report in one day not on this planet rediculous this has to be part of fox news

  • ktwe

    I smoked the fake stuff for years and all it did was give me a constant cough. No seizures no hallucinations, no crap like that…maybe I just wasn’t doing it right?

  • Scott

    Berry funny, Daily Currant.

  • disqus_RJRBNjjwaF

    Blair, it is good that pieces like this are published as it makes the general population more aware of the effects of MJ. It is very important to know that NO ONE HAS EVER DIED FROM AN “OVERDOSE” of pot.

  • DMF

    It says, “Jesse was trying to go legit”. Was he already smoking cannabis? If so why would this happen to him. Yea.

  • IBN

    NO. it would be a HEMP hanging!

  • Mgooboo

    Ok then ban these type of articles, see how that works out… I get it, you don’t like the article and don’t get the joke, if only we could ban everything we don’t like eh, what a wonderful world that would be… Censor anything that could possibly go against anything!

    I like satire and satirical articles, so do a lot of other people, so suck it up and deal with it, you can’t just ban stuff because you don’t like it and don’t understand it, thats not how free countries work! Also for what it’s worth i’m in favour of recreational legalisation, this article is CLEARLY pro-legalisation, but not at the cost of free speech however, cause that would be bloody brainless!

    If you think this is propaganda you really are stupid. Im guessing you’ve never been on a website like this before or read a satirical article in your life, but because you got your own agenda you come barging in saying ban these they damage my cause (they actually dont by the way)! oh so nobel…

    Please look up the word SATIRE, it tends to be the most critical of the mainstream of any other form of publication – probably the exact opposite of propaganda. Now if local news are re-reporting these stories as fact and people are too lazy to read an article properly or check the website they got it from (which is very openly SATIRE) then theres a problem but you can hardly blame The currant for that can you?

  • Mgooboo

    I dont get it. I like satire, i’ve read it for 20+ years, (im also in favour of recreational legalisation btw) now all of a sudden im getting all these arsey potheads with there own agenda telling me Satire is wrong evil propaganda and should be banned and censored… Just because this one article you PERCEIVE to go against your own personal agenda of legalising weed doesn’t mean anything at all. The Currant is not a news outlet, its a SATIRICAL WEBSITE. please learn the difference. You can’t blame the Currant because people take their articles literally when it takes around three seconds to tell not one of there articles is serious. Stop whining and accept you can’t ban every single thing you don’t like or understand! If your really that bothered write a letter to all the Real news outlets and journalists who were too lazy to do basic fact checking and re-reported this as fact, It’s not the currants fault that journalism is in such a dire state that journalist jump straight for sensationalism without checking anything and i don’t see why they should stop taking the piss because of that. The Irony is all you “freedom loving” potheads would happily crush anything that goes against your own agenda, your just bloody hypocrites

  • lino

    Overdose maryuana killer?????
    chimica of course

  • lino

    there is not a single case of death from cannabis ….. unless there are both hanged with a rope made of Hemp…..aaahahhahahaa

  • Stu

    this is total rubbish, you cannot overdose on cannabis,certain people are born with a gene that may cause phycalogical effects but no one has ever died from overdosing on cannabis, this report is total rubbish!

  • Shelby
  • Tony

    Uh, i really hope that our generation of humanity does not fall for this type of bs. If they do, God bless their souls!

  • Joseph Vaillancourt

    man….people will never stop the excuse making…..a few dozen people die due to cardiac arrest/heart issues created biologically or by other drug and alcohol use and it’s marijuana that cause’s it…wow is all i can say…

  • purplepeopleeater


  • DUH


  • net

    oh BS no one OD’s from weed

  • Joseph

    My friend told me just tonight that 37 people OD’d in Colorado today(yesterday, IDK I’m Irish man) … I guess some people just can’t read past the words. Funny article! Well done Colorado and all other free states!

  • herplah

    its a fake news website like the onion.. just makin jokes.

  • Greg Steller

    I may be wrong but the Rocky Mtn. news went out of business a couple of years ago.

  • Phillip Flowers

    Who ever heard of someone overdosing on beer? Yeah it’s called alcohol poisoning nimrod!

  • Joseph

    Well written comment, I’d love to agree….but….I can’t. This article is light-hearted humor. A lot of people understood the references. (Who do you know who hasn’t watched the above shows? Not many I’d be willing to bet.)

    Smoke one up and chill brah



  • Patrick Smyth

    Imagine if a satirical article was written about how many people dies over the holidays from drinking and driving. The alcohol lobbies would be up in arms. Thank God weed smokers have a sense of humor.

  • Jay Clownz

    and i quote “One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman, ” How many of you asswholes watch breaking bad Yea doese Jesse Pinkman ring a bell… these fucks gotta be joking

  • ToLazyTbh

    idk bout you but after smoking a quarter ounce/half oz by myself in one sitting i actually start to sober up while smoking

  • Rob M

    I’m trying to stay out of the argument here, but do you realize with a score of 182 on any standard IQ test you are basically one of the smartest people on the planet?

  • canadianpotlover

    LOL morons actually believe this it should be stated that its satire but still dont believe everything you read on the interenet specially in articles

  • Buddy

    Well I think this is very odd. I have never known marijuana to take lives. Maybe someone has sabotaged the leaf in hopes to have the Law overturned. Something just to think about. I am not a smoker nor do I think it is acceptable to use marijuana, but something is wrong here people. Colorado better start investigating the contents of what they are selling?

  • emdoc1107

    That’s “you’re”…

  • emdoc1107

    Professional potheads?

  • ACV2233

    It’s clearly satire but I am wondering how many pot-heads are going to be out on the roads DUI. Hope that innocent people aren’t killed in crashes with the high losers.

  • emdoc1107

    Wow!!! ALL baby boomers smoke? You really are high 24/7!

  • emdoc1107

    Some are.

  • emdoc1107


  • emdoc1107

    Pretzel logic makes sense in the pothead’s world.

  • emdoc1107

    I have the same feeling about alcohol as I do cannabis. If you need any…any drug to help you relax regularly (Rx drugs, as well) you have a problem. I find alcohol MORE dangerous because because it is legal and more socially acceptable. There should be stigmas associated with all drug use.

  • emdoc1107

    Darren, smoke a doobie or two. Your panties are obviously in a bunch.

  • emdoc1107

    Hostility? You are smoking some weak $hit. Relaaaax!!!

  • emdoc1107

    I am a troll, and I am a doctor…really!

    Awesome! An addict who finds another drug to help with her problems.

  • emdoc1107

    There were plenty of insults by potheads throwing insults at people that thought the article was real. Was that necessary? Read a few of the early posts.

  • emdoc1107

    Then don’t ever go to the emergency department. I’m sure you will do well by just smoking weed no matter what the problem is.

    You can assume all you want that I don’t help people. Today my co-workers and I rescued someone from respiratory distress, turned a septic patient around, evaluated chest pains, severe asthma exacerbation and a TIA, etc. I know, I don’t fit the mold of a naturopath that can heal these people with herbs, relaxation methods and hand holding. I actually have to use big pharma drugs. Sorry!

    If you know of an medical literature that is evidence-based with techniques that cure the problems I see in ER holistically, please let me know. How should I treat sepsis? Heart attacks? Strokes? Asthma? Fractured limbs? Head injuries? Pneumonia? YOU may not like me prescribing big pharma drugs but they will likely save your butt some day…as they will mine.

    I am middle-aged and don’t have any medical problems. I take no medications. I don’t give big pharma a chance to make money off of me if I can help it.

    Much of the money I make is off of people abusing themselves with poor eating choices, substance abuse (I include cigarettes and alcohol as the worst “drugs”), sedentary lifestyles, etc. I make money off of others’ poor choices and prescribing medicine is often part of it.

    ONE QUESTION THAT I WANT ANYONE HERE TO ANSWER: If as an ER doc I could prescribe medical marijuana to aid in someone’s illness, should I feel guilty about making money off of it? If not, why should I feel guilty about prescribing other medicines that help people?

  • emdoc1107

    Read my above post. If cannabis helps any of the above ailments–better than big pharma medications–let me know. I must have missed that information during my training.

  • emdoc1107

    I agree with you 100%–every word you typed. I am for medical marijuana. I am not in a position to Rx it from the ER.

  • Jck

    So it’s a joke?
    What are you, stoned
    This is truly sick
    The asylum awaits
    You yanks

  • Odd

    I find it HYSTERICAL that you don`t understand that not EVERYBODY KNOWS those references and know who Jack Shephard and Jesse Pinkman is . Hahaha.

  • Odd

    Maybe he has been practising the same test for a long time?

  • strangeangel24601

    I’ll let the wise words of Foghorn Leghorn speak for themselves:

  • EddieFrancis

    Oh god. People are stupid.

  • EddieFrancis


  • thedutchwoman

    i’m a smoker for over 11 years, smoke marihuana and i have never never ever heard about people die! while they smoke marihuana.. and i’ve you not believe that, then i’m a ghost who write this .. Greeting from the netherlands

  • nobody

    now u can probably overdose on milk too….stupid stupid people


    maybe if you smoke schwag

  • Susan Austin

    hypospadias, lol

  • jgh

    there was a marked increase in Dandruff too

  • RJ Franklin

    this is bullshit. not true and just haters being haters. why would be people suddenly OD on a drug thats never killed any one in the years its been known to mankind.. and now suddenly when it becomes legal people are OD’ing.. it’s BS first off to OD on the drug marijuana you must smoke at least 1,200 lbs in a single session. You would pass out before the oppurtunity of OD’ing and made a chance to arise. don’t believe everything you read on the internet cuz chances are its not true

  • Me

    This is a fake story

  • paul j

    typical media,probably paid off $$$$ from anti pot smokers…Pot doesnt kill people….dumb people kill themselves. alcohal is a million times worse.u can smoke a ton of pot and u cant overdose…probably the same people that promote vaccines and useless pharmacy drugs that have killed more people than all the wars in history combined.

  • Steve Ball

    Your concern that people will take the article seriously and spread the disinformation is well-founded. But I think your conclusion does not follow. The big difference between today and Reefer Madness days is, in fact, the Internet. Reluctant as I am to embrace even a small part of the “I believe it because if it’s on the Internet it has to be true” meme, I do believe that the Internet ultimately DOES facilitate truth. “The truth will out.” Partisans for legalization should, in fact, copypasta this page, complete with the right sidebar’s OBVIOUSLY SATIRICAL headlines:
    Obama Unveils New American Flag
    Nancy Grace Arrested For Murder
    Justin Bieber Rushed to Hospital Following First Erection
    and use it in response to the inevitable fw:fw:fw: emails.

    This is called accepting temporary disadvantage for greater ultimate advantage. The resulting disillusionment will help put actual anti-cannabis propaganda in bad light.

  • Paul

    Pinkman, a former methamphetamine dealer from Albuquerque who had recently moved to Boulder to establish a legal marijuana dispensary. I guess he found a new way to deal his meth by mixing it with weed.

  • Seriously

    There is no way you can overdose on marijuana alone…. If this happened and that’s a BIG IF it was laced with something or they have had other drugs in their system. Colorado has strict regulations for selling marijuana and believe me if this was true the reports of deaths would have been all over the news. No I am not a user. Do your research. The daily current ??? Seriously

  • Jeff Lavigne

    I had a friend die in a car accident once

  • James Smith

    as a matter of fact studies have shown that cannabis lessens the symptoms of both schizophrenia and most psychosis.

  • thetruthderp

    I got an infection after getting bit by a rooster. It’s tooth got lodged in my leg and I almost died. The doctor said that tooth is as dangerous as marijuana.

  • James Smith

    a gateway drug, now thats rich, you still believe that eh? what was the gateway substance that led to cannabis?

  • roller coaster

    perhaps in certain controlled conditions what you say is correct. once the stronger strains started coming back with Vietnam troops and then the advent of hybrid homegrown varieties there have been lots of serious”bad trips”not unlike those experienced by victims of badly manufactured psychedelics
    some of these “bad trips”resulted in suicides and other ongoing mental problems . some requiring institutionalization , others requiring ongoing treatment .once in Jamaica , a local rasta suicided by jumping off a cliff after eating pot brownies prepared by a Canadian girl when we were there for a festival . this guy could smoke most anybody under the table , apparently the affect of the brownies was something he couldn’t deal with
    in the 60s before lsd was banned from medical applications it was effective in weaning addicts from heroin

  • tm

    Kind of funny considering children are having their stomach’s pumped daily due to consuming alcohol. Would this not be considered as overdosing on alcohol? Also in the centuries that marijuana has existed and people smoking it, no one has ever died from marijuana. Maybe being a meth addict has something to do with it. Don’t need a PHD to figure that one out doc.

  • disqus_IyVx0WzV50

    Nobody ever overdosed on weed. I hate politicians.

  • stickybud

    You advocate meditation, which is a way of attaining higher mental/spiritual states.

    Since time began, mystics and shamens have been using plants and fungi to experience these levels of consciousness. Taking mind-altering substances is as old as we are, and some anthropologists believe that ancient man’s use of cannabis promoted speech and language development.

    Your use of ‘meditation’ probably does no more than calm your mind.

    The cannabis users here whom you have been railing against, more likely have open, as well as calm, minds. They are more likely to have a realistic view of what goes on in the world, and less likely to believe the BS that is spewed out daily by politicians and the media.

  • edy

    With the pharmaceutical companies dabbling with extracting THC and other portions of cannabis there will become a chance for actual overdose. So where smoking the plant won’t cause overdose the extract will have a possibility. big pharma will have to step in eventually.

  • jwhitehawke

    the Rocky Mountain News went out of business a decade ago.

  • Pat

    Seriously people. That stuff was obviously laced with something. Warnings about that have been all over the news! Why is oxy and other addictive prescription drugs still available? They are the reasons people become addicts! Maybe… “We can’t sit idly by and allow this slaughter to continue,” ??????

  • A Jessica Otero

    5000 years of the history of marijuana with no deaths and does anyone else beside myself find it weird that all of a sudden there’s 37 deaths???? Really??? So how is it that we are using marijuana, on cancer patients, pregnant women and children who suffer epilepsy and none of them died? Yet, healthy collage students are dropping dead because they used marijuana??? I don’t think so, listen people demand to see those toxicology reports, demand to have those victims tested by a third party that has NOTHING to do with the government. I can guarantee that their results will reflect something totally different. Poison maybe?

  • John

    Every year, there are about 50,000 cases of alcohol poisoning in the United States (US). If you use the canabus and not abuse it there is no issue.

  • Art

    Best laugh today! And the comments by idiots, made it all the more funny… It’s sad that people will believe anything that the news tells them, without question, just right off the bat, whether the news is meant to be satirical or serious if you can’t fact check it then you are an idiot. The media in general gets everything wrong, they can only report so much and then they make up the rest to make it news worthy. This is also why people have a bad view of… pretty much everything…. but science is the worst thing they get wrong and religious morons will jump to all kinds of stupid conclusions because of it… even if you don’t know any of the names…. The Daily Currant!!!! Look at the other headlines!!!!


  • Courtney Whiten

    hypospadias, acquired trimethylaminuria………lol

  • Carl Sperr

    Yes just like a gun if you aim it and pull the trigger.

  • Esty

    This is so hilarious :D
    Btw: did anyone ever compare it to alcohol? If there are people out there having a problem with weed they should ban alcohol first…

  • Danita Allen

    I don’t believe this! I have never in my life heard of ANYONE dying from marijuana! Don’t believe it; think it is hype to reverse legalization!

  • sanj

    Somewhere it should be labeled satire. Remember Orson Wells?

  • Kutmaster TeeOh

    Lol, hilarious.

  • Sway

    It’s amazing how the government will come up with anything to stop something they do not approve of.

  • Susy Lebed

    this is not a crime , for being a crime you need a weapon a dead weapon like a gun or knive or something like that and you need a killer besides the victim and the scene, I can recomend you some tv shows so you people can learn what a real crime is , some tv showa like Castle or CSI

  • Susy Lebed

    Also , is your fault for voting for those stupid politicians who are responsible for letting you people do drugs as free as drinking a coke or water. You know the consecuences so much as those stupid politicians , so you are half responsible too for voting for them. So STOP voting for those stupid politicians who pass laws so stupid as this , ’cause you know what drugs can do to yourself , and start using your brain , for voting and for stop doing drugs at least you think this is funny and want to be the next person in line to die… !! No matter what kind of drug is , all drugs have their consecuences and you seriously can end like this or have another consecuences as much ugly as dead

  • Priscilla Drake

    When was the last time you heard someone OD on Beer! What Crap people Die everyday drinking to much Beer alcohol whatever the drink may be! whoever wrote this crap is full of crap! Alcohol causes alcoholics, alcoholism, People overdose and die every day from drinking alcohol!There was a man that never made it to his wedding because the night before his buddies gave him a bachelor party and he never woke up the next day for his wedding! So there to the idiot that would say when is the last time you heard someone overdose on alcohol! This blows my mind that someone would actually fall for this lying crap! People will lie and try and say whatever to fight the legalization! But it is ok to make alcohol that not only can kill the drinker, but kill everyone they run into on the highway while they are drinking and driving…Because they were so intoxicated they didn’t have the good sense about themselves to know they were unable to drive! BUT ALCOHOL IS LEGAL!

  • Priscilla Drake

    Another thing! You know that bumper sticker that say’s my child was killed by a drunk driver! where is the bumper sticker that say’s my child was killed by a pot smoker! Oh I know some smart ellic will have to lie and say that happens all of the time…but that is crap too!

  • CC

    BOGUS Story!! The Rocky Mountain News has not been around since 2009!!! How gullible do you think people are!!!

  • Ashley Malagant

    Stoners are such clueless morons. Guess what? If cigarettes were illegal, then legalized, no one would die from those the first day either. Same with any substance known to have adverse effects in the long-term. BGH, lead, asbestos, and even more sublime substances like artificial sweeteners, etc. High Times told me pot is completely safe, so it MUST be true! I met him online. He’s a French model…

  • Mig27

    The problem is that the satirical nature of the article is not immediately apparent to everyone and some people would need to use their brain and think for themselves to find out that it is satire. How dare they make you think for yourself and question the written word.
    Maybe they took Jonathan Swift’s piece on solving the hunger problem also at face value…

  • roller coaster

    what I q test did you take to score that high .?
    very few in my mensa group even scored close to that on a recognized standard test

  • Quang

    Oh man I laugh so freaking hard…

  • James

    Poor sheeple will believe anything! Some people just really don’t have the mental ability to decipher a joke from a real story.

  • Marc Rubben

    I never heard of The Daily Currant and after publishing this crap I will never read or share anything else they publish. Satire should be a vehicle to open eyes, not seal them more tightly shut. Shame on the publisher!

  • James Wathen

    LOL, suzy you do realize this story is a joke right?

  • Francis Lazeroff

    I have to agree with ben. I grew up passionately against drugs because a lame community support officer bounced into class with ‘evil’ drugs as he put it. They consisted of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, ecstasy and magic mushrooms. all of which are somewhat popular amongst certain crowds, aside from heroin, of course. In hindsight, i’ve learned there are vast differences between drugs like heroin, cannabis, pills etc and more legitimized drugs such as alcohol or tobacco. Governments make a killing off heavy taxing but i urge people to reflect on the the history of alcohol – All the laws bent for and against it’s legalization in a primitive and far more uncivilized era, the underground markets in the 1800’s and the existence of cocktails, which derived from the efforts to mask the taste and scent of the substance; in a time where possession and consumption was, intact, illegal. Blair’s protective essay was unnecessary. just because you got chumped over not being up to date with breaking bad (might i add, one of the most compelling stories i’ve been privileged to watch), no need to hate. See this as a lesson to the gullible readers whom believe all articles upon encounter. Surely you’d know the media is prone to bias. I’m sure if you’ve ever been in further education, you are taught to cross-reference sources and READ MORE. In short, there is a lot you can see r hear that’s susceptible to scrutiny. Don’t be a lame believer like the majority.

  • Mr. Trippy.

    This site is the biggest bullshit I have ever seen lolz

  • SomeOldGuy

    you know ‘honey’, you’d have to be a fool not to understand that there is a huge segment of the population who are low-information idiots who will believe whatever they are told, think Obama voters, …there will be MANY who take this bullsh1t as gospel!

    …don’t expect reason from the unhinged!

    …oh, and why you don’t get why referring to another poster as ‘honey’ is demeaning and therefore ignorant on your part speaks volumes about the caliber of person you happen to be.

  • James Burke

    The problem is there are a lot of idiots, and most of them unfortunately vote. They will miss the sarcasm, and take this article as being fact. This article may seem funny to some, but unless more articles are written about the many benefits of this safe plant, stories like this will only delay legalization.

  • SomeOldGuy

    that’s what he said homey. …why split hairs and create controversy? …or did you not know that cannabis is a variety of hemp?

  • Jennifer Sheridan Hellijas

    This is insane… what kind of marijuana are they smoking, it needs to be laced with PCP or something. It’s just to make something that is very useful in the medicinal world look bad… stop buying the crap.

  • S. Bird

    Please try to realize that this is just bad satire. No one has OD’d on pot! If you smoke too much pot, it will basically just put you to sleep. You’ve been had.

  • S. Bird

    Satire. Google that word if you aren’t sure what it means.

  • S. Bird

    Maybe a TV show like Breaking Bad, even?

  • Smoker4life

    shut the fuck up you idiot. You must be Republican

  • cccampbell38

    First of all a “Currant” is a berry and has nothing to do with current. Next, click on “The Daily Currant” and take a look at their other stories. “Pope Francis Expands Vatican Drone Program”,”Sarah Palin Arrives in South Korea for Mandela Memorial”? I guess that for those who took this “pot” story seriously, we have seen once again that some people will simply believe whatever they are told to believe. That’s OK I guess, until they vote.

  • Betty J Rousey

    One reason Prohibition was ended (other than people ignored the law, and drank anyway) was Al Capone. Our LAW forbidding pot is what created the cartels with their mini-armies and ammunition. Who will fund them if the drug is legal? Your very argument backs legalization.

  • Lydia Mackun

    Well not sorry to see that. If you do drugs you get what you play with just like any other addicition. Those of you that say it is not possible well just keep it up and we wont have to worry about you either in the near future. It is called DRUGS for a reason. Now you can legally die and we can sit here and say well you wanted it and now you got it.

  • Darrin Itshaboidino Larkins

    Sorry to inform you people that believe this story, but the source that this story comes from is The Rocky Mountain News, a paper the no longer publishes news. along with the names of TV characters, this is a bougus story from those that what to INPLANT fear to the masses….LOL!!! Good laugh thou.

  • Patman

    This article was intended to troll people who have absolutely no knowledge of the issue but a big f’ing opinion on it. If the names from Breaking Bad weren’t enough to clue you to the joke, maybe reading on the side where it shows Obama’s projected new flag, or Iran legalizing marijuana should? If it is classified as satire, how’s it irresponsible of the people who wrote it? I think the irresponsible ones are the individuals who read something absolutely ridiculous on the internet, take it at face value and assume it was real.

  • kelly

    People “overdose” on alcohol all the time idiot, it’s called alcohol poisoning. A person doesn’t need to have alcohol “poisoning” to kill someone, or themselves. I’m willing to bet that these people were not only smoking weed. Come a former meth dealer? And you blame pot for his death.

  • judy

    I have 40 yrs experience of smoking pot for fun and for medical reasons. My husband has 58 yrs. Any question? Ask me. I will be happy to talk to you. My mind is sharp, I’m 57. My husband retired supervisior over 600 people. and for a billion dollar company.for 25 yrs. He is 72 and still no brain damage. Hum. I want to take this ride. lol

  • Liwaunu Oshkosh

    okay so marijuana relaxes your system not speeds it up so having a heart attack is impossible with marijuana and even if it did happen it had to be true it had to be laced if cocaine, meth, or Ice (strong meth substitute) in order for them to come even come remotely close to a heart attack so whoever wrote this must be kidding, stupid, or high (ironically)

  • Liwaunu Oshkosh

    I also looked up the news website there’s no story abut it anywhere in there archives

  • ggannawa

    I did not know “The Onion” had a competitor, but there is enough material to support two great satirical mags.

  • Red Fulton

    BS–The Rocky Mountain News has not existed since 2009 when the Denver Post bought them out.

  • SixTimeUrBodyWeight

    Hemp is made from marijuana stalks. Its all the same plant but buds just are not fibrous enough to make rope. I would say hemp hanging as well.

  • Amaterasusrage


  • Flacco

    If you didn’t get it, then try using marijuana. That should improve your sense of humor, and empirically prove to yourself that pot, like the article, is mostly harmless and merely a diversion. Not a big deal…

  • SixTimeUrBodyWeight

    Do a quick google search. You will find thats studies show you would have to smoke at least six times your body weight in one sitting to overdose. Physically not possible. at 200 Lbs. you would need around 1500 Lbs. to OD. Let me see…… I’ma take this truck load of marijuana (which 99.9 percent of ppl cant afford) and smoke it in one joint… You would put your self to sleep before death could occur… Maybe the one scenario i could come up with would be smoke inhalation.. and then your just dumb lol pump smoke into this air tight box continuously till i die. would be suicide not an overdose tho..

  • brittany

    this is absolutly retarded but hey it was a good joke to pull on my boyfriend im pretty sure he got a kick out of it!

  • Angel

    I just found out this is false – is THIS WHAT WE CAN EXPECT FROM THE DAILY CURRENT?
    Yes, I was dupped

  • Sebastian Rajala

    Why not just put a sentence at the top that says, Hey dumbfucks, its a joke okay?

  • Reefer Madness

    If we can keep the death toll under 200 per week from the killer weed Mary Jane I would think that would be a small price to pay for it being legal and helping keep the prison population lower, Oh Yea I have some Ocean front property for sale in Wyoming, and it’s as real as the 27 dead people that O.D. on Mary Jane the Killer Weed!!!!!

  • chrissy30

    Hypospadias is a birth defect in boys in which the opening of the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body) is not located at the tip of the penis. (can not result from smoking weed).

    Trimethylaminuria also known as fish odor syndrome or fish malodor syndrome,[1] is a rare metabolic disorder that causes a defect in the normal production of the enzyme flavin. (again can not result from smoking weed)

    sorry folks this is a fake. btw, to state an ignorant person,.,,, i will gladly have their non-exist blood on my hands.

  • Mhairi Galloway

    Way to justify your addiction!

  • Yaboy04

    If True, How is this Different from Alcohol Poisoning? Its the Jackasses that Does it Fault.

  • Amber

    Not from Marijuana there isn’t. You can not OD from pot. Its not physically addictive either. It does more good than it does harm for many people, such as those with cancer.

  • Mhairi Galloway

    F#cking exactly!! ‘I make x amount of money a year, have 10 PHDs and a trophy wife/husband and live in a castle on a golf course….blablabla….and I smoke every waking hour of my life and I simply deny that there is a problem!’ hahahahaha…

  • Amber

    Its people like you teach your kids that pot is so terrible , just as bad as something like heroin who end up having your kids shooting heroin because they smoked pot, as everyone else they know does and nothing bad happened from that so they think well heroin must not be bad either. When that will kill them, and will ruin their lives. I actually knew a girl who started doing heroin and said, well whats the difference between heroin and pot? They are both illegal. Because her parents beat it in her head they were both equally as bad.

  • Amber

    Pot can’t . Why not focus on the drugs that actually can kill like heroin, kolanapin or zanex, instead of spoon feeding your to your kids that pot is so terrible when the rest of the world and they see people do it tell them otherwise and nothing bad happens to those who do smoke it. You know what happens then when they come across the real dangerous drugs? They don’t realize their is a difference so end up with a needle in their arm.

  • Eclod

    Too Funny! Trimethylaminuria! Trimethylaminuria is
    fish odor syndrome!

  • Eclod

    I guess we should censer Letterman and Jon Stewart.

  • oleg Los

    May be they were high? If you never watched Lost or Breaking Bad you may actually consider smoking some pot, just to be on the same “plane”. Ha- ha-ha!

  • Eclod

    Fast and Furious! BTW I hope the “the Onion” picks up the story.

  • Eclod

    And if one dies, I’m sure the liberals will try to make sure it never happens again at all costs. If you don’t want to overdose (ha) from pot, don’t buy it!

  • Benz

    Way to go the rumor mills started. Idiots! Some people will actually take this farce seriously.

  • Eclod

    But you could choke on a pot brownie! Always have some milk handy.

  • Eclod


  • Eclod

    I’ll answer for her. No. She is just real numb from the neck up.

  • Eclod

    Total noob. Sent from Colorado.

  • Eclod

    Noobie, 45 years and still working in high end information technology But I am a zombie, too. .

  • Eclod

    Are you implying that Mensa members can’t read satirical web sites?

  • Eclod

    My Grandma was killed by a pot smoker. He was driving too slow for the ambulance with Nana in it to get around.

  • Eclod

    Maybe pot could kill you if you had a house made of pressed pot and then sit inside while someone burns it down around you, maybe.

  • Eclod

    Yea, You got a problem with that?

  • yaitsme1

    This is so stupid, now a bunch of idiots all over will be quoting this as real evidence that Marijuana overdose can happen. Funny as it is, this needed to be put out there as satire and not real from the beginning.

  • yaitsme1

    On the show the were using Heroin not pot.

  • Eclod

    Oh my. A hater chimes in.

  • Eclod

    And then “Just don’t buy it if you don’t want to smoke it”

  • Eclod

    Did you write this idiotic drivel from your local bar?

  • yaitsme1

    if you spread lies long enough they become truths even as stupid as they are. Lies like this have created the legal issues pot finds itself in now. The populace looking for a reason to hate marijuana will use lies like and any other lies that can be spinned around to work against us.

  • yaitsme1

    PLEASE remove this article or at least post a disclaimer, PLEASE!!!!!

  • alb
  • Eclod

    Here is a short list of words synonymous with pot and dope:
    Acapulco gold
    loco weed
    Maui wowie
    Panama red

  • Eclod


    Acapulco gold
    loco weed
    Maui wowie
    Panama red

  • Eclod

    Is sugar a gateway drug?

  • Chrizzy

    The fact that people actually believe this story speaks volumes for the public education system. How many people a year die from aspirin use? Those over the counter drugs you take…how safe are they? Some Prescription Drugs are no more effective than a sugar pill? How many of you don’t believe that last statement? How many will research it? ….putting my soap box away.

  • Willow

    it’s not the world’s job to pander to idiots.

  • Heeld

    Regardless of whether you did or didn’t watch Lost or Breaking Bad (I didn’t either), I would hope you learned how to spell. You just wrote a diatribe about this satire. How can you seriously trust information on a news site based on a small dried fruit? Perhaps we shouldn’t look at the legitimacy of the Internet, instead we should look at the legitimacy of an education system that has such a poor spelling curriculum that people aren’t aware of the correct way to spell ‘current’!

  • Eclod

    Are you a democrat, because you are very self-righteous.

  • naturegirly

    In 1971 my school showed Reefer Madness, in Health class, to steer us away from the evil weed. It was my favorite day in school, ever. Never laughed so hard. Just wish I’d been stoned at the time. Seriously though, I have never watched the two referenced shows and I would not think badly of anyone who chooses to be somewhere other than in front of a tv. Let’s all agree it’s time to change the laws of the land and hope it doesn’t take forever to do it. Love and peace to all.

  • Eclod

    No. You are just too self-righteous.

  • Eclod

    Admitted troll. He is a bad drug.

  • Eclod

    emdoc1107 has OCD.

  • Jimmyspliff

    I have to laugh at people that believe this… just because its been make legal .. people suddenly die from it? cmon now .. you would have to be a moron to buy that

  • PLEASE “FREE” the USA!

    People this is the same type of STORIES that lead to “OUTLAWING” Marijuana in the first place.. Except then, they said BLACK men would RAPE WHITE women who were high!!! (look it up 1937) And the “Great” “FREE” country of U.S.A. bought HOOK LINE & SINKER…. SO DON’T LAUGH.. CRY for ALL our fellow AMERICANS who died by the hands of COPS, who were supposed to protect them! Just as much BULL as spending TRILLIONS to go into IRAQ for “WMD’s” that NEVER EXISTED!!!!! We MUST FIGHT THE OPPRESSION…. This country has to implement severe punishment for corrupt POLITICIANS!!!! (even the death penalty, if others died) PRAY FOR US


    I AM TRYING TO CHECK EMAIL AND GET REDIRECT TO THIS CRAP. Now I am taking my time to type what a waste of time facebooking is… Look at me..look at me.. I ate a sandwich.. I went to the movies.. my dog died…I ,,I,,,,I,,, WHO CARES.L L L

  • Elray

    This is a satirical article, much in the vein of The Onion. Nobody has EVER died of a marijuana overdose. You would have to be a drooling idiot to believe this was true.

  • Teri

    That is a given!

  • Keesha

    NEVER EVER did I hear of anyone “overdosing” on pot, but it seems many people are ignorant and actually believe this. Sheesh.

  • Keesha

    I know a lot of people who have died too……had nothing whatsoever to do with pot.

  • zabazoom

    I was gonna write something, but I forgot……….what……hahahahahaha

  • Ogim

    You can’t physically overdose on cannabis… You need to smoke your body weight in 20 minutes (pot with at least 10-15 percent THC) to reach a toxic level… Which is not possible without dying from lack of Oxygen, which what would kill you.. Not the THC..

  • johndejohn

    Maybe we need to make it legal for 3 months across USA and get rid of the low life’s that are wanting to be recreational.

  • Guest

    I hadn’t either, but at least IF it is true the authorities should be able to trace back to where it was sold to see if there was something in common with all the cases and find out if there was something in the pot sold that could stop someone’s heart.

  • Tiny

    You literally need to smoke over 1000 pounds of the stuff in less than 5 minutes for you to over dose and at that rate you would suffocate before overdosing.

  • Albert

    Perdón pero esto es una mierda, si desean que la locura pare deberían prohibir el consumo de licor también, cada uno se responsabiliza de lo que hace, que me dicen de los deportes extremos, si alguien muere deberían prohibir el deporte en el que murió, ¡no lo creo! Cada año hay miles de muerte por culpa del alcohol y la mariguana, pero si quieren prohibir algo, serian los idiotas que consumen como imbeciles hasta que sus cuerpos no aguantan y se mueren.

  • Bryan Robbins

    bull crap” this is total bull crap”.and i don’t believe a word of it ”BULL CRAP..some one post the alcohol related deaths in colorado ..

  • BP

    I don’t smoke pot but the moron who asked “how many people do you hear overdosing on beer?” obviously has never heard of ALCOHOLISM. You have to smoke a CRAP LOAD OF POT to overdose. I cannot say i know of anyone that uses the stuff for medical purposes or recreational purposes that ever overdosed. I’m 48 years old and know a lot of people that smoke the DOPE but they use it in a safe capacity (not that smoking it is safe but you know what I mean: they smoke it with responsibility like someone drinking). I mean, you have to smoke, and smoke and smoke and freaking smoke some more to OD. Unless the stuff is laced with something which is possible. My heart goes out to those who lost their loved ones, though.

  • Sir. Daryl Jamieson

    true science is not a easy or direct answer, do your case reviews, SHEPARD

  • emdoc1107

    What is OCD?

  • emdoc1107

    More self righteous than the potheads who were calling people stupid for believing the satirical article was true?

  • emdoc1107

    Pretty much. Processed simple sugars do plenty of harm. Do you disagree?

  • emdoc1107


  • Sir. Daryl Jamieson

    my people suffered for generations from this type of mal-knoledge’d gene-o-phage,…SHEPARD……I need to get my blood flowing,… find me something to learn!!….with critical thinking………..indeed, eh mordin.

  • emdoc1107

    I’m the antidote for foolish druggies in the ER.

  • emdoc1107

    French fries.

  • Nancy Mitchell

    you caunt od on Marijuana the only way you can do that is if you have something Anything else with it,like all the other drugs around that are more harmful than Marijuana will ever be

  • Jerrie Wolfe
  • Tom

    If these people died from smoking too much pot it’s because they ate too many cookies, potato chip, crackers, chips & salsa, ice cream, and anything else they could cram into their mouths at the same time.

  • patrick

    wow that’s ridiculous its amazing that they would go to extreme lengths to actually put peoples lives at risk just to get it illegalized again. For starters theirs is no possible way of overdosing you would have to smoke your body weight to do that but you would probably green out and fall asleep or so high you just pass out SHAME ON YOU ALL WHO RIGGED THIS UP anything for financial control on and yes directly pointing the finger at the booze and tobacco industries who I can totally envision setting up a scene with releasing a bad strain or even spray a lethal chem, such ones hard to trace like cyanide for instance just to make a big point and brain wash society with the famous media tools used to indoctrinate people who believe everything a man on the TV says when that man is paid to read from a script and go home to feed his kids with out question as well as its sad that everyone has a number they can be bought off with to do such bidding…..Corporate scum.

  • Steve Mckinney

    industrial hemp that was used for rope has very little in common with the drug.

  • Steve Mckinney

    a mind altering drug introduced to a still developing adolesent brain is bad. So is alcohol by the way. I am all for legalizing all drugs. But first eliminate all tax payer funded drug programs, then mandate drug testing for all government aid. It would thin out the herd of stupid people.

  • Steve Mckinney

    Victor all those names are examples of brain damaged individuals.

  • rkymtnhi

    now that’s some funny $hit right there! LOL

  • Nathan Quarry

    Welcome to the new America. We have to dumb everything down so the stupidest among us don’t feel bad. Oh, and everything is a tragedy to someone so we can never laugh again. Anyone that would take this article seriously is a total moron without the brains to think for themselves or question anything. And they have no sense of humor or satire so they will have a long boring lonely life. So sad.

  • Anthony Zoppina

    add a source or it didnt happen

  • Rosana

    Se eu tomar um litro de bebida alcoólica num gole só, vou morrer também !!!

  • croixscout

    Victor—Well, since you sound like Rash Dimbulb, it’s the oxycodone you must be doing. You sound kind of stupid like a right winger….

  • Jeremy Wood

    If you believe someone can actually die from Marijuana, you are just stupid. Worse case scenario:1. Person gets sleepy. 2. Person goes to sleep. 3. Person wakes up and Eat the entire snack collection in your residence. *THE END!! Marijuana WILL NOT nor CAN NOT kill a person!

  • jack

    even though this is “satire” this is in no way helping our cause. yes, i found it to be amusing, but as some people have mentioned. not everyone knows the in’s and out’s of marijuana. people need to think before posting stuff like this. if you are for the new policy then stop and think about how you can help and not put down the major steps that have been accomplished.

  • 黎醫生

    Marijuana overdose can damage nerve harm the body, there can be a stable and secure than marijuana better material and spiritual, and physical plant material on a constant effect on the nerve, to be human cognition, who create investment funds, who is the world’s invention.

  • MadamBateman

    Yvonne – This article is fake, and meant to be a joke.

  • Truth

    That’s not weed! It’s tainted with some poison and chemicals!
    I have never heard of this, and if it were possible to overdose, all my friends and myself would have died a long time ago

  • Rock

    this story is bullshit gtfo

  • john wild

    Colorado expected to swing back into Republican column in 2014 election as Democrat youth expire over marijuana binging. Unemployment claims also expected to go down. Local cops try showing Reefer Madness in local grade schools to stem appetite for recently decriminalized drug.

  • Anita Ratcliff

    People do not have common sense any more.

  • Shadow

    It’s a satire paper/e-zine like “The Onion”. Have you seen the article about the Pope and drone program?
    What I’m finding funny is that you have almost 600 upvotes from people. Regardless of the characters in the story, a simple look over of the headlines here should tell you that it’s all in jest. What you are stating is that jest isn’t welcome in the World, because you(And almost 600 other people.) don’t get the joke.
    Sorry, jest is always welcome, as compared to the lame real stories found on the supposed “news” sites that are filled with propaganda.

  • Shadow

    This comment section is clearly too radical..we should ban it too. lol

  • Shadow

    Isn’t it funny that the “brain damaged pot smokers” understood this was satire, yet the people who haven’t ever smoked it have their panties up in a bunch? lol

  • Shadow

    Nah, it just lets those people try to use the article as “proof” and then the rest of us point out that it’s a hoax story and they look more foolish than before, as they didn’t take the time to do even a mild amount of research.

  • Shadow

    “I know alot of people (young and old) who have died.and even had a heart attack.”
    Not from marijuana.

  • Shadow

    I doubt even that. If you consider all the fields of pot burned up by the DEA….someone had to take off their mask and just intake as much as possible, yet still no body found from someone overdosing and dying.

  • Shadow

    Not everyone who has scored as a genius on the IQ test is interested in being a part of MENSA. I know I had no interest in MENSA, I was just curious as to how well I would do on it back when I was in 9th grade and…high. Guess what? I was MENSA level. I had no interest in MENSA whatsoever.

  • Joey Jordan Baker

    This is a load of…..their pot was cut with something. A scare tactic. C’mon.

  • Hallucion

    hey.. the fact they used the character name “jesse pinkman” should have been a dead giveaway, had you used google.

  • Hallucion

    ah the comment section.. full of people who are too thick to see it for the joke it is.

    you guys do know we have google for a reason. All you had to do was crossreference.. ANYTHING… in this story to see it’s a joke.

  • hdh404

    this isn’t funny! You will confuse the uneducated. Rumors will spread…

  • Ryan

    WHY!!!!! they need to stop this at once before the bodies pile up, i bet by now there have been at least 100 deaths maybe more.

  • Jogen

    Nuff siad.

  • Luel Hayes
  • coelhog

    No shortage of morons in the world today…

  • steve

    lol what a crock

  • Shara Drennen

    sorry that mj had to of been laced weed don’t kill people

  • Badger

    Jesse’s dead?

  • David

    You are my hero in this thread XD

  • Kimberly Miller Rush

    I was confused at first…hypospadias is a birth defect of the penis…then I kept reading and it all clicked

  • peter

    Heisenberg has put something more in this pot…

  • Dwayne Hoover

    Sarcasm is apparently a lost art among Dumb America, LOL. Love the comments.

  • wholesaleexpress100llc.

    alcohol does kill people. You can overdose on alcohol its called alcohol poisoning and it happens alot! weed on the other hand there has never been a reported case like this. Just because it happened on the 1st of january and just because they had weed in there system does not mean it was caused by the weed. It could have very well been some other issues but you just want to blame it on weed. Lets get real here people. Weed has been around ever since the earth has been here, and weed has been studied by medical professionals who did not like it but they found out that other than the smoke going into the lungs there is no evidence to support this claim what so ever. I smoke it because i have crohn’s and i can not eat or even work in my yard with out smoking alittle to help with the sickness and the pain.

  • Vincent69

    This article has been shared 1.4 million times and that goes to show that it strikes a cord with the masses. Unfortunately millions of people out there still live in fear and exist on a very low level of awareness making this article irresponsible. For those of us who are aware of the struggle to get cannabis legalized and how essential it is to change the perception of this miraculous plant, this article is not funny and I find myself questioning the motives of the writer. Unfortunately the damage is done…. millions will grab at this information without investigation or thought and spread it as fact.

  • Vincent69
  • Some Guy Somewhere

    The real horror story? These people vote.

  • Lampy

    This is either the poorest excuse for satire or the weakest attempt at a hoax that I have ever seen. Either way, put a little more effort into your next article, this one had no business being published.

  • Ratwood

    I thought ‘satire’ was supposed to be ‘humorous’…sigh

  • Michelle Stein

    There is no way in the world that 37 ppl smoked themselves to death. I’ve smoked pot for 33 yrs. Someone who wants pot legalization reversed is killing ppl or is responsible for these 37 deaths, sorry murders. Someone murdered these ppl, so stop looking at pot as being the killer, this just does not happen and if you access records of marijuana deaths to compare this isolated 37 deaths ALL in the state of IL, gather, identify and analyze 37 bags of pot and you broadcast on tv what is in 37 bags of pot that killed 37 ppl that has NEVER EVER in recorded history been taken place. You do this and prove that pot killed these ppl and you’ll reveal what was in said 37 bags of pot that could even do such a thing because I can assure you it wasn’t the pot that murdered 37 ppl. Look for a murderer out there who is willing to murder 37 ppl in ONE STATE who is in distress to revoke the marijuana legalization cause someone out there is a murderer!

  • john

    this is a load of rubbish !!!

  • john

    it should be legalised everywhere !! look at amsterdam everyone is so relaxed and chilled out !

  • joe mos

    I heard you can OD on Dr. Pepper too !!!

  • Amelia Jacobs

    Seriously! You cant overdose from Marijuana. If that did happen at all it had to be laced with Crack Cocaine or with formaldehyde

  • Bill


  • Tommylee

    Satire, Humor and I thought you really liked my article, gotcha!!!! I`ll always be back

    Come on, admit it, you thought I was some dork reposting the same thing, I get paid from these people to come up with these articles. Stay tuned I will have something even better than the marijuana story……All a joke hahaha laugh

  • Al Wolf

    think on it this way… the simple brainwashing on cannabis has too many people thinking this was real… what other brainwashing do you or i have yet?

  • Al Wolf

    why do you support slavery?

  • Al Wolf

    what is the amount of cannabis needed to cause an OD? and even then what would cause a person to die first?

    1. around 1500 lbs in 20m
    2. carbon monoxide poisoning… if being smoked.
    3. can you consume that much in the time limit needed?

  • Al Wolf
  • Bob


  • Fredtx

    As much bunk as this is, how do you regulate he use of drugs!? Especially when there are so many illegal drugs roaming the streets. I know ignorant people will say it isn’t so, however many drugs have been laced into cannabis to drive a addiction to other drugs. How does an officer differentiate state weed from Mexican laced weed? Now that I have my state packaging, I can buy my weed on the street at a cheaper price without having to pay taxes so the drug market will improve trade with this new law. Oh well, every continent should have their Amsterdam, and Colorado and Washington state can’t really provide much more than a place for these people. I think next they should both legalize the use of recreational pharmaceuticals as well. We give prescriptions on them for those who really need them, why not just let everyone else get F—d up by them as well!?!? Go West coast!!!!

  • Al_1

    Satire? It’s just plain dumb.

  • captain_pudding

    That’s a pretty big blanket statement and not a very accurate one. It doesn’t cure cancer, it can slow the growth of certain cancers, however.

  • captain_pudding

    OMG you’re telling me an article on a satirical website isn’t ture??!?!

  • captain_pudding

    Actually you can, water intoxication.

  • captain_pudding

    Tell that to the family of poor Jesse Pinkman, bitch.

  • captain_pudding

    You’re just jealous because you can’t pee around a corner like these Colorado pot smokers.

  • Christina

    “beer overdose”? Its called alcohol poisoning… when do you ever hear of a pot overdose?? If people want to harm themselves let them its just as if someone were drinking and decides to get behind the wheel. Let people be responsible for their own actions. If they want to be stupid that is their decision.

  • captain_pudding

    He can’t do any reviews, he died in a plane crash!!!

  • captain_pudding

    Or just read the “about” section of this website:

    Q. Are your news stories real?

    A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world

  • captain_pudding

    There is one it says “The Daily Currant”

  • captain_pudding

    This is exactly what you can expect from the daily current. It’s a satirical website that only posts joke articles. Literally nothing reported on this site is true.

  • captain_pudding

    You mean a TV show like Lost where Dr. Jack Shepard is from or Breaking Bad where Jesse Pinkman is from?

  • captain_pudding

    But . . . it was the government than legalized it

  • captain_pudding


  • Robert Woodman

    lol overdosing on marijuana last time i heard about a case like that i fell of my dinosaur

  • Clayton Bigsby

    Breaking Bad? Have you been living under a rock recently or just don’t go out much or anything really?

  • captain_pudding

    Yeah, he smoked pot all the time, used to do meth then he stopped. All the seasons of Breaking Bad are on Netflix if you want to learn about Jesse’s drug history :P

  • captain_pudding

    That would be pure, concentrated THC. To OD on marijuana you’d literally have to smoke a truck full in under an hour.

  • captain_pudding

    That’s a chronic disease from alcohol abuse. OD’ing on beer is called alcohol poisoning

  • captain_pudding

    Maybe something like injecting billions of dollars in tax revenue via legalization and using those tax dollars to subsidize education?

  • captain_pudding

    I’m pretty sure fictional characters from “Breaking Bad” also can’t open a dispensary.

  • captain_pudding

    It seriously frightens me the amount of people who thinks this article or any article on this site, is real. We have anti-legalization idiots going on about how pot is evil and will kill more people and pro-legalization idiots going on about how this is some big conspiracy and the government is poisoning the supply or how The Daily Currant is some kind of corporate shill organization. You really should be required to pass an IQ test before you’re allowed to vote.

  • krog2

    Oh, the humanity! (Wow I just saw Jesse Pinkman on some marathon. So sad, one just never knows.)

  • Mat t

    ALL stories on this site are fake. the people who wrote this are funny. Don’t blame the writers, the guys who just believe any old crap without even checking the source aren’t being media smart.

  • Jasper

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?” hahahahahah he is so right. we just get alcohol poisoning and die

  • Joyce in Denver

    As far as credibility goes….in addition to the posts below, the first “tip off” is there is no Byline – who actually spent TIME writing this ridiculousness? Any credible author or article uses a Byline. The second “tip off” is there is no Rocky Mountain News anymore–only the Denver Post! Never ceases to amaze me what some people think is “funny”.

  • me

    if there is overdosing on bud its cause they put something else in it. or got to high and send theirselve into a panic attack

  • John

    haha this is great. LOL
    I love satire

  • Bubbles

    Smells like Onion-and-Ass.

  • 2pac Bruh

    Fake AF weed can’t kill you lol Alcohol can .

  • Diana Bell

    Oh, really! How many do you have after breakfast that are suffering from liver disease due to alcohol? Or how about the ones you will treat after your lush lunch, broken by a car wreck via a drunk driver? I DON NOT BELIEVE THIS! LIARS.

  • JFK06

    Please, name one who has died from “marijuana” and please no sitcom characters. If you can Google one that will suffice. Name one with brain damage, and please not a stoner because they are always high. We will all wait for this. I am sure we all can name someone who has died, especially from alcohol related incidents, which is legal.

  • Diana Bell

    Joke? Are you serious? It’s not a joke to write bs, that someone died Hopkins. I’m far from stupid! Have a good day.

  • Bubbles

    I think it does more than slow growth. Are you aware of the recent patent granted to GW Pharma to use cbd/thc as a cancer protocol for brain cancer?

    Many believe it does cure cancer. Al provided links for people to peruse if they choose.

    I like a page called projectcbd. They have many links to published medical discovery about cannabis and cancer.

  • JFK06

    I had a friend who died twice? KENNY!

  • Diana Bell

    You’re hateful!~ Stop the name calling and take a damn long look at yourself, Sir Quarry.

  • Bubbles

    Me too but some people will believe this. I can’t find humor in that.

  • JFK06

    Society is backwards. We will always find some new lie to believe in. Santa is real, Easter Bunny, Tooth Faries ect. Oh, and now marijuana kills.

  • david

    crap, it would take 3 pds or more to get sick, there is so much crap about weed, how come we have never heard in history of people od,in on weed but in 4 days 37 people such crap u print

  • Nik

    This is a bunch of bullshit. If the government would not change what is in marijuana people would not be dying!

  • JFK06

    Well if brain damage can make you filthy rich, pass me the blunt….(cough).

  • icansmellbsamileaway

    who,,, & what kind of moron is the person who wrote this article ?

  • Potato

    but the ENTIRE WEBSITE is satire

  • ou812scott

    If this story is not true then why post it. You shouldn’t make satire over deaths of people. It’s not right

  • carl evans

    This is bullshit, something else killed these people and they will find out this is true. Out of 40 years I’ve never ever heard of people overdosing from Marijuana. This is something that they will find that the beer companies are behind,. I don’t know what they put in the pot but surely they will find out. Carl Evans

  • Jan Håkon Antonsen

    Next season of Braking Bad is dead :) Jesse Bruce Pinkman is dead :) And all the funny comments .. shaking with laughter.


  • eugenio

    same hapend wen they legalize alcohol

  • EIghtOneFive

    or you know, this article could be a satire piece and no one is dead…

  • EIghtOneFive

    I have no idea what you are talking about, time to roll another gramps.

  • Bobbi Coughlin

    Amazing the things you read on line. Oh by the way did I mention I am Queen Elizabeth and I am not a old lady, my real age is 19. There, I posted this on line now do you believe this too?

  • Sawyer

    Thank God Dr. Jack Shepard was there or we would all be Lost. Everyone was falling over and you could hear these snaps and screaming, come to find out Marijuana caused their bones to start breaking, bad.

  • Al Wolf

    before opening your mouth and showing your ignorance in the matter read all the links. then do your search. notice one of the links is from

  • Al Wolf

    you support voting, you are ignorant on how and why cannabis prohibition started. you would fail that test.

    why do you think the use of force is ok on those who do not agree with you?

    Consenting sentient entities have the natural freedom & rights to do with their property, bodies and minds what they will, without private or public intervention.

    You may want to learn democracy is a vile evil thing and voting is not freedom.

  • Al Wolf

    yes. repeal or ignore all prohibition laws as they are anti freedom, liberty, individual right… you get the idea. or you can support slavery and controlling or blackmailing other people into doing what you want.

  • Eric L

    I dont see how it is possible to overdose on THC. The only way this is happening is they are putting those chemicals on it that they put on that spice stuff that everyone was dying from. Also, as for you Peter Swindon, you got some nerve to sit there and say when was the last time you heard of anyone overdosing on beer. Do you know how many people are killed because of drunk driving? You should be ashamed of even saying that.

  • captain_pudding

    Marijuana prohibition was started because the lumber industry was about to be put out of business by hemp so they used their influence to have marijuana outlawed and started saying that marijuana and hemp is the same thing, this is pretty common knowledge. What use of force are you even talking about? You turned a comment about how people don’t understand humour into a libertarian rant.

  • Al Wolf

    what is wrong about liberty? you insinuate liberty is bad…

  • Al Wolf

    voting is the use of force. you support using force/voting to control other people to do what you want, vs allowing a free people to live in peace.

  • Sean Buck

    I love this webite

  • Alex

    The Swedish Minister of Justice used this article as a source in a Facebook post about why she is opposed to drug liberalization.

    Translation: Stupid and sad. My first motion in the youth organization was called “crush narcotics”! Since then I have not changed my opinion regarding this question. (link to dailycurrant)

    I wonder how stupid she will feel when she realizes it is satire.

  • Tara Lynn Bode

    That is freakin HILARIOUS!!!! People are seriously posting this of FB saying, SEE, WE TOLD YOU SO! HAAAAAAAA!!!! Best laugh I’ve had all day.

  • Alex

    The entire website is SATIRE! Like The Onion.

  • Dunex

    Sadly enough the minister of justice in Sweden shared this on FB like it was true.

  • makesyawonder

    lol i smell bullshit

  • FucktardsHater

    Whoever wrote this is fucktard.

  • Peter
  • Tara Lynn Bode


  • Charlotte Winroth

    Beatrice Ask – Minister of Justice in Sweden *ahem* TOOK THIS SERIOUSLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYy

  • Tara Lynn Bode


  • disqus_0CFZ2TbxWi

    It is, it’s just not very good satire. It’s like a high school version of The Onion, done by the kids who are debate dweebs and just not funny.

  • stephanie

    Hypospadias! hilarious!!!

  • SContrerasMer

    Did you knew that a Colombian Senator read thisarticle and BELIVED it?

  • SContrerasMer

    Jesse and Skinny Pete, LOL

  • Raucus

    I was about to say natural selection.

  • MouseMc

    That is total BS…you cannot OD on weed

  • butterflies974
  • Tommylee

    Dude I don`t even smoke just write the crap you all are ranting and raving about….Also, since your favorite word is SATIRE, thought I would`nt keep you in the dark anymore, I could`nt be as mean as you but let you go long enough..Maybe you need to do some more theories on injecting 12 marijuanas LMAO I do appreciate you thinking I was an old Grandpa from stonerville but I`m not…Just like to get you youngsters whom are still green around the edges going…

  • Seiga

    Not true. Brain development completes at the age of 25. While it is true that Cannabis has effects to the brain, it isn’t as major as Alcohol (Please refer to Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s piece entitled “Weed” on CNN).

  • Seiga

    Something tells me that this article (fake as it is) has huge support for William Randolph Hurst.

  • Jack

    It’s what they do.

  • Cody

    most piss poor excuse to try to make it illegal would love to punch this doctor in the face if he was only real


    Swedish Minister of Justice Beatrice Ask got excited and shared this article:
    “Stupid and sad. My first proposal in the youth wing [of the Moderate party] was called Crush dope! I have not changed my mind about that.

  • Rick Carufel

    The sad thing here is that there are actually anti-drug factions that will run with this fake story and it will serve as the anti-pot propaganda it is for years to come.

  • sofen

    Swedens Minister of Justice, Beatrice Ask, posted this on her facebook believing it to be true:

    “Stupid and sad. My first motion in the [political partys] youth association was named Crush The Drugs! In that issue I haven’t change my opinion at all”

  • Dillon Wren

    Total, and complete bull-crap.

  • Hahahaha

    The swedish minister of justice has linked this article as if an actual fact. :-p

    Swedish newsparer (use google translate or something):

  • Pot Smoker’s Handbook

    Anne Faust pls stop posting nonsense, go read a book for a change

  • Barry Blackburn

    Whoever believes that anyone would die from an overdose of marijuana musta just been born yesterday! and anyone that would think that anyone would believe it is a fool and I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you at a good price! Get real weed doesn’t kill but the raid that was sprayed on it just might!

  • sirhotalot

    To be fair, it’s not really good satire.

  • captain_pudding

    Why are you using a comedy website to preach your political ideals ?

  • captain_pudding

    Just because you don’t like their brand of comedy is no reason for name calling :P

  • captain_pudding

    Too bad he died in the plane crash huh? (Sorry, SPOILERS)

  • captain_pudding

    Marijuana is a deadly smoke monster!

  • captain_pudding

    Every article on this website isn’t true, that’s how satire works.

  • captain_pudding

    Probably the other tipoffs would be that it’s physically impossible to OD on marijuana, that a character from the tv show “Lost” is the doctor quoted as saying marijuana is causing people who smoke it to get “hypospadias” which is a birth defect where the urethra doesn’t exit the penis in the correct spot, or that one of the “victims” is a character on “Breaking Bad” Oh, also the fact that it’s an article on a comedy site.

  • wildman

    we can only hope they were all liberals

  • Burt Lacey

    How much are you charging for the Golden Gate Bridge cuz I gots some pocket change to spare. Oh and is that thing stuck up your rear a black hole or is it your I.Q.?

  • ra232

    Most of the 37 ; at least 39 of them were “little green” men.

  • Burt Lacey

    sad thing is there are a bunch of uneducated idiots out there who will believe this like it was spoken by that thing called God.

  • Cop

    Hello 911? I think I’m having an overdose and so’s my wife of marijuana. I don’t know if there was something in it. Can you please send rescue? I think we’re dying. We made brownies and I think we’re dead.Time is going by really really really really slow.

  • ra232

    What a dip

  • ra232

    This should be used as “moron” detector and we just got one in Sweden.

  • Al Wolf

    why is there a special location for talking about freedom, liberty and rights?

  • Joseph Padilla

    So your saying that anyone that smoke’s pot or drinks alcohol is stupid. What brought you to this informed decision?

  • GargelBlaster

    Haha Swedens Minister of Justice actually came across this article and thought it was legit and posted it on her facebook and wrote something like this: “Stupid and sad. My first motion in the [youth organization for the rightwing party in Sweden] was named Crush the dope! On that question, I have not changed my opinion at all.” Source in swedish:

  • tony

    This is not funny at all. Articles like this should not be written… I never heard of any of this. In any case, I do believe that everything might not go well with legalizing this…

  • Joseph Padilla

    Funny how right wingers will stick up for the government if its for laws they like. If it’s a law they don’t like its socialism. I think its Socialism to turn me into a criminal for doing some thing that only effects my body.

  • Joseph Padilla

    Yeah but this article is about weed not gay rights.

  • idnarb

    Please, the headline alone is a joke, this is a good article because it plays on misconceptions. And this is a lesson that ppl shouldn’t be so quick to judge everything they see, hear, or read as actual fact! Do some research ppl, and stop letting other make your decisions for you!

  • Joseph Padilla

    I’m glad you need the validation of a grade to justify your intelligence. I’m sure that piece of paper helps you feel like your better then others.

  • Joseph Padilla

    Who’s to say what a healthy coping mechanism is? Everyone always thinks their was is the best way. Empathy is a rare these days.

  • Joseph Padilla

    I’m sure if he couldn’t wait to get high, He would just get high. I think he’s trying to say that he does the same things you do and smoke’s pot. Meaning that pot is not as evil as your making it out to be.

  • Joseph Padilla

    Funny I just rode 5000 miles across the USA on a bicycle, and I smoked pot the whole way. Best way to dull the pain of 8 to 10 hours of daily pedaling. I plan on a 15,000 mile trip next your to The southern tip of South America. But according to you logic my life is really boring.

  • Daniel Hansson

    I just love that the Swedish minister of Justice fell for it and made it even more viral before trying to backpaddle. This is brilliant. This page has one more subscriber thanks to that.

  • Joseph Padilla

    By the way I took a route that hundreds of other cyclist’s have taken over the past 40 years, Transam, and I ran into a lot of other long distance tourist’s and about 99 percent of them smoked pot, and most of them had good jobs and nice equipment.

  • Joseph Padilla

    we’ll if your not for legalization then your for the drug cartels. Because that’s who you fund when you try to regulate marijuana, which is the major cash crop for the cartels. This war on drugs will never be won. I’m sure you have nothing against turning a large portion of our population into “criminals”. The only thing dangerous about weed is getting caught with it.

  • Sway

    You ain’t got the answers

  • Dannielle

    I do enjoy a good sattire, however at times I hate it because there is some religious moron zealot right wing conservative out there who is dumb enough to think this is real and fight to criminalize again

  • Syntrex

    lol Jessie Pinkman “a former methamphetamine dealer”

  • Steve

    Haha, idiot. If people are dumb enough to read something and take it for face-value, then they deserve to believe it. On this page, you are 2 clicks away from reading a statement from “The Daily Currant” that says this is an “online satirical newspaper”.

    It’s your fault for not doing your own research. Just because something is published anywhere doesn’t make it reputable. But that’s why satirical newspapers are funny: people like you make a big deal about it when it was never meant to be serious in the first place.


  • Bjorn

    Swedens Attorney General published this not long ago claiming that it is “stupid and sad” and endorsed her restrictive views on drugs in general.. More than anything it shows ignorance and stupidity. Hilarious though

  • Capn Squiggles

    … Satire, hoax, whatever feels right I suppose… But you do know Snopes is just a couple with no investigative background at all, right? Using them to prove truth is as hilarious as people spreading a joke page as news.

  • Doug Pederson

    The Daily Currant are assholes. Pure and simple.

    Bet they don’t joke about Mohamed and Muslims

    Dopers don’t see anything funny here. We are pissed.

  • Jenny

    I totally agree with you. Why fill up the internet with more sarcasm and cynicism, especially when it’s confusing? Most people won’t even read the article. They’ll just see the headline and assume that 37 people died in Colorado. I read the headline and had to open the article just to make sure that it wasn’t about marijuana being a factor in other drug related deaths. This is a stupid article and it totally backfires. They should make it clear that this is a complete farce, because plenty of people aren’t going to get that.

  • TH

    This is a hilarious JOKE!

  • Cierpisław Bobrowski

    was destroy whole culture of using this herb and now most users are just junkie who smokes for escape, not for self spiritual knowledge, and this is real disaster, when crazy ones tell us that culture is bad and after long time decide to allow use products of culture without culture.

  • Lglze

    A really wellknown Swedish politician re-posted this on Facebook thinking it was true. Her name is Beatrice Ask and is picked by the Government to debate against the legalization/decriminalisation of cannabis if I’m not mistaken. It truely is a pity that the ones who supposedly are supposed to sit on information and debate the pros and cons neglect the pros and rely on articles such as these for facts.

    Somehow Swedish politicians refuse to acknowledge real studies and hard facts just because it is in their best interest not to reform our drug politics. I’m willing to bet my right hand saying that someone is tipping her off.

  • elhayden

    meh, beats thinking obama was telling the truth and voting for him… twice.

  • joeblowfromidaho

    you sure?

  • Erik läspe och halte

    In Sweden our politicians dont understand that this is satire. Unfortunately Google Translate doesent support https:-links, but here is a discussion you can read with the translator in Chrome:

  • captain_pudding

    I don’t even recall there being a question. . .

  • Larrystars

    YEP and all the water in the oceans turned purple and yellow the same day!! ANY IDIOT who would believe that crap about Colorado needs to seek help! Cmon man. enough is enough all you do gooders suck it up and admit you MIGHT BE MORONS! Pot legalization might just be a last ditch success to create more jobs and help medically and socially. One must smoke OVER 20000 JOINTS in a DAY to even be close to an overdose. TRUE FACT! Have a Happy Day!

  • WetLook

    Settle down, roll a joint & relax!!!

  • weedhead

    fake article … no one has ever died from smokn pot.

  • Pantera Steve Chukra

    what a bunch of propaganda lie after lie sorry try again

  • emdoc1107

    Alcohol is legal. Instead of the underworld criminals profiting, businessmen in three-piece suits in plush high-rise buildings are making $$$. Same with the tobacco industry. Funding drug cartels vs. corporate criminals who could give a crap about the destructive products they pedal…six of one, a half-dozen of the other.

    The war on drugs…the war on poverty…the war on terrorism…the war on crime…

    You are right. Throwing money at a problem and declaring war on it does not solve the problem. Should we accept terrorism, poverty, crime…and destructive drugs because we cannot eradicate these crises? I don’t think so. That’s my opinion.

    You are correct. There will ALWAYS be drug addicts. Legalizing pot, meth, cocaine, heroin, etc. will not make society better. How did legalizing alcohol help with alcohol abuse? How do legal cigarettes help the medical health of society? True, criminalizing people for these vices may be too much, but don’t think for a minute that decriminalizing harmful substances is the cure all. Are you that naive? I could give a sh*t about profiting on it. As such, we will NEVER eradicate povery, crime or terrorism. It is human nature. I will not bury my head in the sand or close my eyes to and suggest legalizing everything as a false way to say societies problems are solved.

  • vonnegut

    And Dr. Jack Shepard from LOST. Love it.

  • vonnegut

    Good one, wild man. Perhaps the next story on FOX news will be that this is a satire site.

  • vonnegut


  • vonnegut

    Oh, Carl.

  • vonnegut
  • Ruth Harris Craddock

    Wow I actually believed this up to the Jesse Pinkman part. LOLOL I don’t agree with legalizing marijuana but it’s never seemed like a life threatening drug. Gateway drug maybe but deadly no.Very funny guys. Hardy-Har-har!

  • vonnegut

    Oh, Boy, Joyce. I’ll bet you’re a hoot at parties. Maybe you shouldn’t be looking at satire sites. It’s called comedy and I don’t hunk you’re ready.

  • vonnegut


  • emdoc1107

    I would concur. Again, as an ER doc I could tell the article was satirical just from the headline. I have 1000 times more discussion on marijuana use on this thread than I have had my entire life previously. It is not a topic I lose sleep over.

    There are three basic categories of marijuana use, as I see it:

    1. Medical marijuana…100% FOR IT. In fact, I was able to Rx it for someone a few years ago. He came in with acute glaucoma. I was able to get hold of his primary physician who said the guy was legit. I had to jump through hoops to get it for him, but I wrote him a prescription. If ER docs are ever allowed to Rx without such bureaucracy, I would be happy to help patients out medically.

    2. The casual user: Do I even like casual alcohol use? No. But some people use alcohol, like MJ vary rarely. Would I bust someone’s balls over that? No.

    3. The “I need it to help me relax” and the stereotypical pothead who wanders around aimlessly in a perpetual fog; those whose life’s goal is to get *recreational* MJ use legalized as it is the most pressing issue facing society. This group of people I find pathetic. What fraction of users this is, I don’t know.

    I don’t think there is much more to be said from my end. I will move on to more important discussion threads like problems in the Middle East, ObamaCare, the U.S. economy, etc.


  • franklin Perry

    Let us ban cars, someone died in a car accident

  • Travis

    I find it hilarious that Mark Reeser singlehandedly caused The Huffington Post to write this:

  • wildman

    duh yall really think so

  • spike

    WAUW what bullshit..
    I live in NL and there hasent been one death by overdosis of marihuana..
    Fuck you and your bullshit USA

  • Doktor Bob

    This is written in a way that idiots wont understand its meant to be a joke.

  • Jan Atle Ramsli

    Did they check for chocolate?

  • captain_pudding

    Do they not have humour over there either?

  • Billy Bob

    You have 2 choices ether prove your sources . OR retract this story or you might be sued for slander . your talking about people dying which is NOT a laughing matter

  • Alex

    The actual problem lies in the fact that people don’t fact check their sources. Nobody should take anything they read off the internet for granted. And as others have mentioned, a simple Google of the names of the people and the conditions should have implied it was completely satirical.

  • captain_pudding

    When was there a question?

  • A I

    (Satire: the
    use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize
    people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary
    politics and other topical issues) Nope, not satire. It’s not funny or ironic, unless you thought 911 was funny. Exaggeration would apply if anyone died from an overdose (they didn’t). I’m using ridicule; Do you sense the ridicule and belittlement in my tone of writing? Writing it like a news report leaves little room for ridicule. What was written here is called libel. (e.g. Glenn Beck thought 911 was hilarious; That is libel.)

  • sweet sativa

    Can’t tell if author is trolling or just an idiot?

  • John

    Bunch of lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Melting Granite

    If you can contact any of the people named in this story, you should advise them of this article so they can sue.

    I can say that the first doctor mentioned in the story, Dr. Jack Shephard, died a couple years back,so don’t bother trying to contact him.

  • Melting Granite

    True. Only half-intelligent or higher people would google the “medical conditions” reportedly arising from the use of marijuana, and figure it out immediately. But idiots will read the whole thing, not understand 90% of it, but believe it anyway.

  • Melting Granite

    Spike, the deaths are now well over 400.

    You should read what the doctor in charge of the Colorado Department for Immediate Health Crises, Greg House, had to say on the matter earlier this morning. It’s a dire situation in Colorado.

  • Melting Granite

    Update: The death toll in Colorado has now risen to more than 400, according to the doctor in charge of the Colorado Department for Immediate Health Crises, Greg House.

    Steps are being taken by the US military to stop residents from border states of Colorado from traveling to Colorado. According to US Defense Emergency Planning spokesman Cpt. Johnathon Kirk, 30,000 troops have been deployed to states that border Colorado, and another 140,000 troops are on the way. Unfortunately, incidents of violence between citizens and troops have resulted in injury and death, with 37 civilians dead and more than 100 wounded, and 1 soldier injured.

    Defense analysts are saying the legalization of marijuana is the biggest threat to American unity since slavery, and are expecting a second civil war.

  • Parneli Scambatti

    yes he overdosed and slept for 3 days! hahahaha

  • Sean

    It is funny for those of us who are smart enough to know that it’s physically impossible to OD on pot. This is something most schoolchildren are aware of.

  • The Greatest freedom

    Sweden’s Justice Minister Beatrice Ask has been criticized for sharing this satirical article about legalized marijuana killing scores of people in the US and tying it to her anti-narcotics stand as a youth politician. Obviously she didn’t read the article or understand satire.”trimethylaminuria” lol..=fish odor syndrome..”Hypospadias” =abnormal penis….Her critics did not hold back.

  • JimboBillyBob Justice

    Damn I had to clean coke off my monitor I laughed so hard at this one….and there are morons out there that actually believe this…that makes me laugh harder

  • Goosfraba

    Okay well imagine this: You’re on a website reading, what you think, is news. However you think it sounds ridiculous for some reason. Maybe it’s because it says people died of hypospadias, or maybe because the doctor says “My god, why did we legalize marijuana? What were we thinking?”

    Or maybe one can look at the other articles on the right: Obama unveils new american flag, Pope Benedict comes out as gay, Justin Bieber rushed to hospital following first erection, etc.

  • The Greatest freedom

    Just reading legitimate depressing..Satire is better then drugs..and almost as fun..and should be laughed about..

  • Dystopian Dan

    There was a book that was written about that very same idea – it was called Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Ban anything and everything that could be construed as being offensive to anyone, and you will end up with a society that is more easily controlled by the will of the government. Doesn’t sound to appetizing to me. You are right, in a free society, you have to take the good with the bad. It is obvious to me that many people have had their sense of humor removed at some point in time. Sad but true.

  • buckington

    i think the idea was to discourage dumb people from smoking pot

  • chuck

    it is physically impossible to od on marijuana u have to smoke 8 pounds in 5 minutes then its actually carbon monoxide poisoning

  • Roger

    Yes it actually CAN kill you. Weed is a psycoactive drug, There are numerous cases of users with psychotic episodes due to use. More then one kid have committed suicide because of this.

  • Guest

    Just curious which prison officials paid for this little gem?

  • Eclod

    Tell me one thing you know about CBD or endocannabinoid system. As a “Doctor” I would assume in your asinine rants you would have mentioned it. I bet you just play “doctor”.

  • JackNelsonSteward

    (sniff) (sniff)

    Is that … “Onion” … that I smell?

    … or is it bullshit?

  • Mike

    Take a chill pill and do another bong Blair.

  • Tiredofthelies

    This is a B/S story. the Rocky Mountain News closed in 2009.

  • James

    I’m Skinny Pete (“Peter” as mentioned in the article), and I have to say that Jesse’s death couldn’t have hit me harder. He survived meth to die from legal marijuana… might as well legalize murder, because that’s pretty much what is happening.

    ps. I use the fake name “James” online to keep my identity secret, but I had to come out and show some respect for my boy.

  • James

    “Slander”? You keep using that word but I don’t think you know what it means.

  • James

    Then you’re an idiot.

  • didi bridgewater

    Hahaha Douchebags, u can’t die of Marihuana overdose!!! this is prohibition propaganda!

  • bare_necessities

    This is a satire magazine. All articles here are satire. The about page states that.

  • MattySucks

    This Dr. Jack Shepard should lose his license for posting such bull sh%t. NO ONE HAS EVER OVER DOSED OR DIED FROM WEED. 37 over doses in one day? PUKE, what Lies.

  • Baillie

    The news ruined legitimate news, where have you been?

  • Stormy Weather

    roflmao at the absolute ignorance of this article.

  • Baillie

    Dr. Jack Shepard is from Lost. Good one.

  • NSA #42069

    This post has been flagged for review by the NSA. Knowingly producing fake news and spreading false information can cause panic and is considered a serious federal crime. You have 48 hours to take the appropriate action with this article. We highly recommended either taking it down, or making sure your audience knows it is fake.

  • Baillie


  • Megan McCartney

    This is exactly what the government wants – panic over “death due to a controlled substance”. This is very much not the case, and you do not have to be a doctor to know that any of the above listed illnesses and or COD’s can be triggered by thousands of other things. Furthermore, even if this is true – these numbers by far do not touch alcohol, tobacco and other drug related overdoses and deaths! The government probably secretly conspired to ruin, tamper with and/or poison a bunch of said marijuana; in order to create a hype about marijuana related deaths hence receiving negative publicity to give the general public a skewed and more importantly scared view of marijuana. Where is the medicine behind these deaths and why were these people not saved in hospitals to begin with! And has anyone compared these deaths to similar cases or have they taken into consideration any other family related or genetics that could have caused these massive heart attacks / cardiac arrests, seizures, and etc.? I call shenanigans!

  • Gwyne Bahler

    Are this many people really this stupid? IT’S CALLED SATIRE, PEOPLE. S.A.T.I.R.E.

  • Sugarbush43

    This is no laughing matter. My husband suffers from hypospadias, causing him to pee all over the place.

  • Sunny

    Blair. Chill out

  • Sugarbush43

    I’m wondering if all 37 of these people who died hung out with Dante’s girlfriend from Clerks.

  • James

    I couldn’t agree more. I’m sorry to hear about your husband. Have you thought about getting him a pee bib? Maybe he should sit to pee.

  • DennaKillen

    My friend Walter White recently died because he was injecting some marijuanas through a stove.

    It starts with a joint, then it goes over to pot and then you’re in the whole system and lying there dead because of the devil’s lettuce.

  • Brock Heubusch

    I injected five whole marijuanas. I died. RIP

  • Tyler Jacobs

    Washington didn’t legalize the sale of marijuana. they legalized the smoking of it. it’s still illegal to buy, but if you somehow find it, or illegally buy, it’s ok to have it.

  • Steve

    oh please this is the most retorted thing i read all day!

  • steve


  • dstreit

    The research is this: 37 died and it was do to cardiac arrest on 32 of the people and the only drug in them was cannabis and 28 of them had pefect hearts. SO Mr smarty pants what are YOUR FACTS.

  • dstreit

    Hopkins are you in your Mama’s basement, Put the bong down and go get a job boy.

  • zante

    Jesse Pinkman….LOL. Good one.

  • James L Hendricks

    One word sums up this ‘news': Bullshit!

  • Pam Schafer Stacy

    If you bellieve they OD on pot, hahahaha your an idiot

  • bbbbbitchpinkman

    I know it is satire, and very funny too. Especially the pinkman part. But not so bright folks don’t recognize it and think it is true and there false accusations against marijuana are validated. I don’t think it is a good idea to not flag this as satire.

  • emdoc1107

    I don’t give a damn about “CBD or endocannabinoid system”. I actually work in a field that deals with common pathology, sometimes life-threatening. This is useless information…except for a pinhead like you.

    I would love to see you take my place “playing doctor” for a day. Bring a dozen pair of panties to change while you wet yourself, cowering in the corner like a chump. You can assure all your patients that taking a few bong hits will cure them. You can even recite your vast knowledge of “CBD or endocannabinoid system” to all the patients. They will be impressed. That will surely help you get through the shift.

  • sciencefreak

    Marijuana use lowers cancer, diabetes and dementia risks by reducing inflammation in the body. Read the book “Marijuana Gateway to Health”

  • Sal One

    You realize how duped your dopey story is, right?

  • avis
  • smokey the bear

    What kind of Idiots would even write a bullshit article like this and print it and then hope people believe it….

  • Coner


  • squillaempusa

    i guess someone (Diana) fell for it, and thought the article was true..?

  • Amanda Paulger-Foran

    wait but did you miss the part where this is satire and no one actually died?

  • Amanda Paulger-Foran

    You have to be one of the most mind-numbingly idiotic people I have ever come across on the internet. And the internet is a large place.

  • bubba

    fake reports

  • Briana Reece

    mmm… outside of the argument as to whether or not people should write things like this – people ARE reading it. And some people think that this is a legitimate article where they are being presented the facts, and will run around believing this to be true until proving otherwise. Now I know it’s not the author’s or publication’s responsibility to fully inform their readers on whatever issue they choose to address… but maybe a little haha, jk at the end wouldn’t go amiss and might just encourage people to further educate themselves when they realize they know nothing about it.

  • Anne Faust

    Judge from were  this statement comes from .  It  takes one to know one. Who helped you passed your exams since you are so intellegent in this huge planet.

  • kreoth

    Scary how certain people, right wing extremists quite often for some reason, are unable to process satire (confusing it with fact) or sarcasm (confusing it with praise). Just reading so many misguided comments makes me wonder whether democracy can be justified.

  • kreoth

    Well done, Sparky! Well done!

  • WirlWind

    Except you’re wrong, they don’t hope people believe it… What part of “SATIRE” do you not understand?

    So my question to you is: What kind of idiot reads this and thinks it’s legit / the news site thinks it’s legit? Answer : People like you.

  • Jorge W. Moreno-Bernal

    You all should know that a conservative politician in Colombia actually believed that this satiric note was true and published it on his twitter.

    When he discovered his mistake, he declared “regret” on the fact the article was false. This made things even worse for him, as people stated asking “Do you actually regret that 37 people didn´t actually die?”

  • George Menzies

    Moron, it’s a fail.

  • George Menzies

    I’m not laughing.

  • George Menzies

    I don’t waste my time on TV. I find it rather presumptuous you would expect everyone else to have your interests. ….It’s a smear with a loop hole.

  • Booya!
  • Mike Warner

    I call bullshite.

  • pierrefekt

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?

  • robert ferr

    go home…!!!

  • spaps


  • Sarah Flores

    This just reeks of government bullshit! And people die from alcohol all the time. It’s called ALCOHOL POISONING!!!

  • HR

    Rocky Mountain News has been out of business since 2009…interesting that they reported anything in 2014….

  • rdrake10


  • kb

    hypospadias is a male birth defect where the urinary tract and penis are not fully developed. trimethylaminuria is a fishy odor from the body. Funny, I never thought that pot caused these, nor did they cause death!!

  • Ellen B

    Jesse Pinkman and his friend, Peter. LMAO!

  • Malia Malia

    Cmon peeps. I never saw an episode of BB and I was not a Lost viewer. Is that my fault? I never smoked weed, I never did any academic papers about weed so of course I thought this was NOT satirical except the “hypospadias” got me cuz as a RN I know what it is and it didn’t make sense. Some of us do not watch mainstream TV. Play nice.

  • Malia Malia

    nah never mind. I can’t delete this darn comment now. Ugh.

  • mathew wrigley

    isn’t it against the point of satire to declare that it is satire?

  • mathew wrigley

    No they haven’t greed has caused pot to be where it is now! First by paper companies to eliminate better products made by hemp, then by the pharmaceutical companies because they don’t want you making your own medicine. Satire as easily understandable as this has no connection to the long bull**** of Cannabis history.

  • mathew wrigley

    Show me autopsy data of these 32 people? Show me reports from renowned hospitals or Universities of these so called 32 deaths.

  • mathew wrigley

    There is no evidence (Bar cutting off the oxygen to monkeys) that pot causes brain damage. In fact their is more evidence towards it stimulating the brain.

  • mathew wrigley

    You been watching reefer Madness?

  • Guest

    okay, perhaps don’t make fun of them.. but slap yourself on the forehead and say, ‘Doh!’

  • Neil Goodwin

    okay, perhaps don’t make fun of them. Ignorance is no joke. But instead slap yourself on the forehead and go ‘Doh!’

  • Luis Eduardo

    Well, I really don’t know this webage. I don’t know if all their articles are about “fake news”, but not everyone watches TV, , not everyone that reads this is from the States, and not everyone even remembers the character’s names assuming they did watched Lost or Breaking Bad. Plus, there are people who are against marihuana being legalized and used, and people who don’t know a lot about the subject who might think this is actually real :/ I believe it’s not the best to play with information like this, without a visible disclaimer…

  • zzz

    You haven’t watched breaking bad? what the fuck is wrong with you lol do it already xD it’s an amazing show and yeah this was hilarious when I saw jesse’s name.

  • Chris Walczuch

    *thumbs up* m8!

  • Luis Eduardo

    Your going too far with the censorship idea. A disclaimer should do just fine. Oh, and btw, it has nothing to do with being or not stupid, it has to do with knowledge or having enough info about this topic. Plus, not all the people that might read this article is from the States, me for example. Not that I bought it, but I can easily imagine how someone else would.

  • Oldtimemoonshine

    The thing is that you end up arguing with these anti-pot people on line and really why bother. It’s like playing chess with a pigeon, you can be as good as you like but at the end of the day they’ll just strut about, peck the King over and then look satisfied thinking they’ve won.


    Also, Pete, Skinny Pete from Breaking Bad.

  • livefastdiefun07

    this is the most rediculous thing ive heard fuck you peter swindon

  • Thea

    LOL this is so funny

  • Glenn Kessler

    If fooled me. But wasn’t really funny then.
    For an old SNL fan I think I lost my sense of humor… :-(

  • Frederic Brunei
  • Franken Stein


  • man-o-war

    Point out one case in medical history where someone suffered brain damage from cannabis use.

  • man-o-war

    Not true! Point out some cases for us to research.

  • man-o-war

    Santa is also a white man, according to Faux news.

  • man-o-war

    I guess if you attached a gas mask to your face and inhaled 80 joints in 3 minutes you could die. Its possible! Also, its possible that god doesn’t exist and that aliens do.

  • Poppa Homage

    They’re not dead they’re stoned

  • man-o-war

    How many NFL and NBA players smoke pot?

  • man-o-war

    20 states have legalized medicinal cannabis and two have legalized recreational use. It’s only a matter of time before the federal laws will be forced to change.

  • man-o-war

    Alcohol is the true gateway drug not MJ!

  • Terry

    Terrence Edwards What
    a joke. This is important for everyone and to post a satirical article
    on overdoses is criminal.(IMO) To many people haven’t got the
    information needed to make an informed decision, And then we get this
    kind of article that reaffirms the ignorance and fear on the subject.
    Yes I know they are making a joke to sell RAGS of this type, but that is
    no excuse. Their mothers must be proud of them for their pursuit of the
    truth. This is why Reporters are now on the same Deep Water list as

  • Lindberg

    Free spirits and wider roads ;-)

  • John

    If you think this article is true, you need to off yourself now to prevent repopulating the world with stupid people.

  • Samantha

    Is this a joke? I mean, I know the media spices things up for attention. But this sounds like total crap. All of the sudden Marijuana is legal and SHABAM! People are dying. It sounds like “oh I actually fucked up on making this legal, I change my mind “. You can’t believe everything in the media is true. They played out school shootings and even more bullshit that they’d always make look like an accident. Think about the largest hippy fest in history…. Woodstock ’69. they’re were more than 500,000 people there, 1 death and 3 births I think recalling. One of the guys that supposebly “died” in this article was doing other drugs… probably just like the rest of them. but this is spooky, you here of this stuff now? Don’t be stupid to believe it. Fuck the government.

  • EIghtOneFive

    *slow clap*

    Congrats for pretending you were somebody else on the Internet…

  • Curtis Andrew Dieno

    You know it’s fake when they can’t spell current right

  • Lloyd Wallace

    I find this hard to believe, and need to ask what was added to the pot? Are these people who need to read caution labels on everything? I mean what did they do just go home and smoke themselves into oblivion? Too many unanswered questions for me or was this done on purpose by a pharmaceutical company to put a stop to it? Something is not right here I think each one should be investigated!

  • Moonangel4evr

    It’s not letting me reply…..

  • Moonangel4evr

    It won’t let me reply….

  • Lloyd Wallace
  • neville bamshoot

    I lost my lolz at hypospadias. This is a great article.

  • fred

    This article is a joke!! go have a few more beer’s. who ever wrote that article is an idiot. alcohol has killed more people the any drug on this planet what are you living in the 1950’s?

  • satiricon
  • MagicRay

    Are you saying the story is true? You’re not that stupid are you?

  • MagicRay

    Anne, even if 100 died, millions have died from alcohol… yet still not one death from marijuana, how stupid are you? Look at the facts instead of what if’s. And no it doesn’t cause brain damage, medically proven beyond doubt, again a fact you could research before you say something stupid again. Actually if you are going to comment, an hour of research would open those closed eyes you have.

  • MagicRay

    BS, show me one case, just one, there isn’t one. Another misinformed, stupidly bias idiot, sorry, but just the facts…

  • MagicRay

    It’s satire dude, the whole website is………………

  • MagicRay

    It is spelled right if you check out their about us link…

  • MagicRay
  • MagicRay
  • MagicRay – Unlike with many other illicit drugs, marijuana users are not at risk of death from overdose.

    Numerous studies have come to this conclusion after investigating the toxicity of marijuana and its active components – chemicals known as cannabinoids.

    What The Studies Say

    Many studies have set out to investigate the toxicity of cannabis and its various constituents. These studies measure toxicity levels by determining the median lethal dosage (LD-50). The LD-50 measurement is the point at which 50% of the test animals die (a 50% lethal dosage).

    Studies involving small animals such as rats have established an LD-50 point for THC at incredibly high levels (around 1000mg/kg). Studies involving larger animals such as monkeys and dogs have failed to achieve an LD-50 point, even at enormous doses of over 3000mg/kg.

    Although an LD-50 rating has never been established in humans, estimates can be made by extrapolating the results of animal studies.

    The non-fatal dosage of 3000mg/kg given in studies of larger animals would be equivalent to an average 70 kg human ingesting 210 grams of pure THC. Given that the average level of THC found in marijuana is approximately 10%, a person would have to smoke 2.1 kg of marijuana all at once in order to reach the same levels of THC as seen in toxicity studies.

    With these numbers in mind, its easy to see why marijuana is far less toxic than everyday substances such as aspirin (LD-50: 200mg/kg) and caffeine (LD-50: 192 mg/kg). In 2008, The Canadian Medical Association Journal published a review study spanning 30 years of research, concluding that there are no serious adverse effects of using marijuana.

  • hate goverment

    fuck yall do u realize the number of people that die fro alcohol just this week 3 people died one pregenant might i add cuz soem dumb fuck was drinkin and driving please list the number of people that die from tylenol overdose every year weed did not cause 37 people to die fuckin hypocritics o boo hoo a ex meth dealer died from a seziure and only had weed in his system but the countless years and sleepless nights and empty stomach didnt have anythign to do with his death it was just a long time coming so shut up light up and enjoy life bitches!!!!!!!

  • Tanklord

    It’s funny because only the ones who don’t have a clue think you can OD on pot.

  • Tim Moran

    You still think this is real? You must be really brain dead

  • Russell Marcontell

    The really sad thing is there are TONS of people who arent going to realize this is satire.

  • EC

    What does hypospadias has to do with overdose of Mariguana. You do not know what are you writing.

  • Diana Bell

    Takes one to know one!

  • Diana Bell

    I will, and you can’t have any!

  • Renaissance_nerd

    stupid propaganda, Marijuana is simply not toxic enough to harm you. Even if this is satire some moron will believe it.

  • Ricky Mason

    is this site written by college students? Yes, i suppose this should be considered ‘satire’ but its so poorly written I can’t accept it.

  • Edna Mary Priolo Larson

    This is a surprise to me. I know about marijuana from the past and I have never heard of anyone diing from this drug or having organ failure.. I don’t know about anything else.. I think the product they sold needs to be analyzed.. those people did not sell pure marijuana.. they must have had it mixed with something else to cause these things.. marijuana just doesn’t do those things.. It needs to be checked out.. unfortunately those who sold the drug could very easily dispose of the bad stuff.. so it would have to be looked at from one of those who bought the drug.. Hope they find out the truth..

  • Lewis Mackenzie

    jesse pinkman! lol !!!!!
    Breaking Bad would have been so lame if it was about weed…

  • arosamond

    Just because something is stupid (your perspective, not mine), that doesn’t mean that it should be criminalized. Freedom includes the right to make morally reprehensible and injudicious decisions regarding one’s own life/body. By the way, ad hominem attacks and only undermine the legitimacy of your arguments.

  • Adam William Majkowski

    Why would anyone write this? People are actually going to believe it and freak out. As if they are not already freaked out enough with the non stop propaganda.

  • Son of Flying Pig

    This place is cutting in a bit on ‘The Onion’

  • A_Ware

    I get that it is satire but it really isn’t very funny. Not quite up to the standards of even The Onion where I almost always find that the headlines are the funniest part of any article.

  • Tommylee

    Eightonefive > definitely a Moron..Do you not have a job? You see I get paid to get reactions like this from people like you…..Capital “SCHMUCK”

  • Erarius Publicum

    Good news….now let´s legalize pot all over the world,we´ll get rid of criminal junkies,scanbags and parasites of society,making more room for non smokers …..after all,cars, alcohol and tabacco kills more people than drugs and they remain legal….

  • EIghtOneFive

    Eightonefive is greater then definitely a moron? I guess I’ll take the compliment?

    So you get paid to post nonsensical ramblings and photo’s of a dog multiple times on a satirical website. Boy, you must have it pretty sweet.

    Well, here’s another reaction, and another $.02 towards dog food, congrats again.

  • Gran

    I agree. I appreciate listening to your approach on the subject as I am actually not a smoker.I also agree with the DOC on the board. I don’t agree with the name calling and such just because people have different values in their lives. I think the risks are important and people should know them just as we know them when drinking or smoking cigarettes. And for the article, it is a satire website, just saying. Anyways I hope you all have a great day and like I said, no I am not a pot smoker but I do support people should be allowed to live their own lives as long as they aren’t harming the general public. I don’t think smoking pot has a big enough effect to harm the general public. There are way more issues out there that should be fought that do have a huge effect on the world, like polluting the earth. Sorry if I have spelling and grammar mistakes in advance. Please don’t bash me. I guess I could delete this message because it won’t change anyone in any way and has no important value to the board. Well in any case I really hope to see chat boards have a higher level of respect one day. Maybe everyone can take a step back and just find one post and just say to that person, I value your opinion. Even if your opinion is opposite in nature. For those who have name-called, do you do that in your professional lives? How far would that get you? If you need to let off steam or something, isn’t there better places for that instead of directed at real-life people? Strangers no less. We are all sharing this one planet together. Good luck to those who want the freedom to smoke pot recreational just as drinking and smoking cigarettes and good luck to those who rather see limitations. Just in your defense arguments I hope to see more truths and respectful language rather than not. But that’s just me and my opinion counts as small as a grain of salt or less so please just think about my words as long as you want to but don’t hold them against me. I would appreciate it. Thanks :)

  • Joyce Holmes Buchner

    The wise thing to do for those not familiar with Current or Onion is to put a disclaimer at the end letting people know it is satire.

  • Really meow?

    You should learn to question everything you hear and discover information for yourself.

    Satire is hilarious. Do we go after The Onion everytime someone picks up one of their stories? No, we call the people that believe it idiots BECAUSE ITS OBVIOUS.

  • 222
  • Mgooboo

    it’s not a lie though is it? it’s satire – look it up.

  • Mgooboo

    Thats a form of censorship mate, forcing them to do a disclaimer = a form of censorship. If they chose to do it themselves then fair dos. Write to them and ask them if your bothered so much, i’m fairly sure they will ignore your daft request though.

  • thisissatiremorons

    I was downtown the other day and I saw hundreds of young people, openly “shooting up” weed in licensed dispensaries, filled with creepy, sexually predatory old men. It was chaos. Incoherent speech, vomiting, unconsciousness, date rape, car crashes, brain damage, incredible violence, disorder and disruption. The kids were doing permanent damage to their brain, liver, kidney, skin and heart. There was some really bad dancing to too.

    Oops.. sorry. wrong drug. Got a bit confused for a second.

  • Trevor Bradley Santo

    Look at this article!!

  • Forbiddenfruit Seedco

    Yes,With Satire the “punchline” is reserved for the people intelligent enough to get it.The people that don’t get it are the subjects of the joke.Satire:The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

  • Forbiddenfruit Seedco

    No,it takes intelligence to recognize stupidity,not vica versa.

  • Forbiddenfruit Seedco

    Once again for Diane’s sake.It sucks to be the butt of a prank or joke,but,it teaches us to be less naive to avoid future embarrassment.With Satire the “punchline” is reserved for the people intelligent enough to get it.The people that don’t get it are the subjects of the joke.Satire:The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.So how old is political satire? At least 2,400 years old.The ancient Greek dramatist Aristophanes, sometimes called the father of comedy, satirized Athenian leaders and their conduct of the Peloponnesian War.

    Political satire probably arrived in the United States on the Mayflower, but as the colonies struggled for independence, satire became a form of commentary on British rule.

    “Benjamin Franklin was a prolific political satirist, in works such as Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One, written in 1773,” Speel says.

  • Forbiddenfruit Seedco

    For all of you that are not familiar with Satire,it MUST be delivered “Dead Pan”Here is an excellent example.-

  • Deedseb

    impossible u need like 180 grams for 1 person to make an overdose

  • Carrie A Deane

    Honestly, I thought it sounded extremely ridiculous, and unbelievable…but checked the credentials of the article before attempting to share it. Of course I found out it was a fake. I might have believed it for a minute or two.

  • Carrie A Deane

    People should check the sources and make sure the information is noted elsewhere on the internet before assuming something is real, and sharing it. My first thought was that there was something laced in the marijuana but when it said there were no other drugs I was lost. (no pun intended.) I feel dumb for even considering this to be true for a minute.

  • Steve Ball

    As A&E found out…… Bwahhahahaaaaaaa….

  • Steve Ball

    Simply looking at the other “articles” makes it easy to see that the article is satire.

  • Steve Ball

    You KNOW? Or KNEW? If you KNOW a lot of people who have died, then you need to be booked, STAT, on Jerry Springer.

  • Steve Ball

    Or, could it be, that they were already suicidal? Correlation =/ Causation.

  • Steve Ball

    JUST once!

  • Steve Ball

    Pot should NOT a left/right thing. That being said, true conservatives and Christians should be in favor of cannabis legalization, as it is consistent with a minimalist government philosophy (and conversely, liberals, who want the State to control everything, should be against it.

    Christians should be in favor of legalization based on the “Render unto Caeser” concept. The Cannabis plant was placed here by God; it is NOT part of Caeser’s realm.

  • Steve Ball

    Interesting. It depends on the strain? What is so dangerous about White Witch?

  • Steve Ball

    Right now I’m suffering from a thrown back and am using Oxycodone, rather than pot, for the pain. Pot works, but the amount I’ve got to smoke/eat to make it work makes me feel just stupid.

    The Oxycodone, OTOH, just makes me feel psychotic and angry. Bad stuff. Hope I don’t get addicted….

  • Cris Tina

    o offense but ALL IN EXCESS IS DEADLY ! Try to drink orange fresh juice in massive quantity and see what happens… for some idiots “legal” was like ” finally i can kill myself ..” , why in Amsterdam nobody dies? Because the menthality is kinda higher low . And let’s be clear it matther also what organism has each person , what imunitary sistem and for some people is not good, especially stupid ones… PEACE !

  • mcalleyboy

    NO WAY!!!! overdosing on alcohol along with smoking pot or other drugs maybe…please don’t beleive this dribble and Coors and other big business will keep on with these lies after all booze is so safe right? Come on this is complete bullcrap.

  • Charles

    One of my friend just called me to tell me that 30 people died in Colorado, I asked her, are you really that naive?

  • captain_pudding

    Actually you’d need to smoke over 1000 POUNDS of marijuana in under 30 minutes to OD. You’d die from lack of oxygen before the THC could kill you

  • captain_pudding

    You’re just jealous because pot smokers can pee around a corner and you can’t :P

  • captain_pudding

    You do know you’re on a comedy website, right? Notice how the other articles are about Canada having medicinal cocaine and NASA finding a message from god on Mars

  • captain_pudding

    Uhm . . . currant’s a word, dude, it’s a type of berry.

  • captain_pudding

    There’s this thing . . . called the first amendment.

  • captain_pudding

    No, Dr. Jack Shepard is definately dead, he died in a plane crash.

  • captain_pudding

    Well, there’s also the fact that it’s physically impossible to OD on marijuana and that they’re claiming it causes adult users to suddenly develop birth defects that also throws up flags. That and it’s on a website called “The Global Satirical Newspaper of Record”

  • captain_pudding

    The thing is though, the anti-legalization crowd (just like the anti-vax crowd) are just a group of morons who will believe whatever they want and ignore all science and reason. Even if this article was never written, they’d still believe what they believe. At least now you get to laugh at them when they cite this article as proof.

  • captain_pudding

    roflmao at the absolute ignorance of people who don’t understand sarcasm.

  • captain_pudding

    Don’t worry, his licence immediately became invalid when he died in a plane crash a few years ago.

  • captain_pudding

    In case you were wondering, that very loud WOOSH sound you heard just above your head, was the joke.

  • Screwtape

    I just did six whole marijuanas! Will I OD?

  • deadfromgrass hahaha

    Is it a serious press ? It´s a shame. Be serious !

  • sgbenne

    HAh hah hah HAH! And the funniest thing is that some folks thought it was real! HAH HAH HAHHHHHHH!

  • SuiJuris

    “There are enough people out there who aren’t marijuana experts to actually spread this as actual news” ….. Because we all know everything you read on the internet has to be true, they can’t put anything on the internet, unless it’s true! …….. “The fight for legalization has had a hard enough time without people writing “news” articles like this one.” ….. Have you yourself ever actually read the federal or your state codes/statutes on “marijuana”? …. Did you know that Marijuana isn’t even a scientific name for anything? And that Marijuana is actually not classified as illegal, in the 50 states united, but rather, is simply taxed in a manner that allows a quantity of ZERO in the CORPORATION doing business as THE UNITED STATES ….Take a look for yourself at the federal statutes … It’s rather simple, once you look at it. You have to know your rights to maintain them. If you don’t know, and demand your rights, you don’t have any… And if you volunteer to be subject to a tax, by any manner, then you’ve consented to it’s authority.

  • SuiJuris

    And while we’re at it, “The Internet has really ruined legitimate news.” …. What is your definition of “legitimate news” ? FOX? MSNBC? CNN? LMAO … Even RT and Al Jazeera, are from time to time, found to be far from accurate…

  • MO MOM

    “When is the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?” Seriously.. Frat parties, keg parties, bonfire parties, not to mention the long term liver, jaundice, dementia from ETOH use. Really???

  • Joe

    “The Internet has really ruined legitimate news.”?
    Yeah, can’t put anything on the internet that isn’t true.
    Fox News has really ruined legitimate news.

    People really need to question everything; people need to think for themselves, not accept everything they’re told as fact. And with all the resources on the internet, I think it’s a great place for news.

  • Dimitrij Ledin

    That is complete bullshit. It’s nearly impossible to die from pure marijuana. Maybe these people had THC in their blood when they died but that doesn’t mean they died from weed.

  • Tommylee

    I guess you have a great sense of humor to take that as a compliment, because it was far from that..

    I`m just saying because I see you as the type who wants to police people out here who might think these types of articles are true.

    I do love your reactionsssss, and .02 coming from you might break your bank, but thank you for the offer.

    As you stated previously, yes I do make a nice living doing this and I appreciate your overwhelming concern..

    You see, if it was`nt for guys like you,I would not have the nice cushy job that I have. And yes it is sweet, the money is nice and have no complaints, in fact, if you need a job, I could help you…..

    Did you ever think of getting a job?

    Just saying, because I think you have way too much time to be on this blog ALL the time.

    I think guys like you feel better when you make fun of other people because they believe an article and think it`s true.

    Everything that I have read that came from you is nothing but bashing people because they have no idea it`s S.A.T.I.R.E…( of course your favorite word.) .I did`nt want you to think that I forgot about you and your lame thinking….

    In all reality, maybe you need to go and roll one and don`t worry about what other people are thinking and mind your own business.. This is probably the best advice that anyone can give you….

    You`ve been a blast and I hope to see you when I post the next article and can`t wait to see your reaction on that one..

    Since you`re so smart, I want to ask you, do you think marijuana can get this country out of debt?

    Do you think we can use hemp? We can utilize it to make rope, clothes and the list goes on.

    THC found in different strands of marijuana are very useful for medicine.

    Indian women used to use it for menstrual cramps and probably still do..

    Did you ever think about really doing some research before jumping into a blog without knowing something other than what YOU think it is.

    Did you know that probably 70% of society smokes pot and turned out ok.

    I know lawyers, doctors, bankers who are clean cut by day and ride Harleys by night and smoke pot.

    In fact, you would have no idea,, these are intelligent,money making people who made it through school and still was able to maintain a 4.0
    It was because they were dedicated in what they were doing and made good careers out of it..
    Don`t knock it until you`ve tried it and absolutely know what you`re talking about.

    People would see you were more intelligent than actually portrayed……..

  • Bill T

    haha… funny joke on the prohibitionists.

    What the story should say is 37 people still alive as a result of less gang violence due to weakening of Drug Black Markets.

  • Seeker

    Yes, that could definitely kill you,but it wouldn’t be due to a drug overdose. It would be from inhaling so much carbon monoxide.

  • Seeker

    What I find most interesting in the people opposed to legalization in this debate is a relative lack of intelligence in the ability to spell and use correct grammar. As well as a tendency to spout well-debunked scare-tactic theories which really only displays their own lack of actual research regarding the subject. And then they call the other side brain-damaged. The irony is thick.

  • Seeker

    The LD50 for marijuana is remarkably high, but there are no accurate statistics for human consumption, because nobody has ever reportedly consumed a lethal dose.

  • Seeker

    You seem like such a pleasant person Kalen. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt for YOU to relax a little..

  • Seeker

    It does wonders for my insomnia.

  • Seeker

    Maybe it’s because the stereotypes you’re applying to them are based in ignorance. Sure, there may be some pot-smoking losers. I know plenty of “losers” that don’t touch ANY drugs. Your bias is based on anecdotal encounters. It’s not surprising, considering that you often see the worst of people. I would argue that you couldn’t point out the smokers and non-smokers if exposed to an average cross-section of the population. Perhaps the fact that demand for cannabis in Colorado has run out supply in a matter of days suggests that its use is much more widespread than most people believe. Because of the stigma spread by people like you, probably many of your own friends and family members smoke and you’d never even know it, because they feel like they have to hide it.

    I’m just a normal person. I smoke every day when I can afford it. I work full-time and would bet not a single one of my co-workers would ever guess that I’m a smoker. Marijuana doesn’t put people in the ER or lead to other drugs in people unless they are already predisposed to bad decision making. Maybe we should just outlaw bad decisions…

  • Seeker

    Some people want the facts. Others just want to be told what to think.

  • Seeker

    The psychoactive chemicals in marijuana are metabolized within a couple hours of ingestion. The chemicals stored in your fatty tissues are what your liver breaks the THC down into called metabolites. They are not psychoactive and even if stress COULD release them back into the blood-stream, there would be no psychoactive effects. You’re talking as if you’re educated on the subject, but you’re obviously not. Spreading disinformation is morally objectionable and you should feel stupid if not ashamed of yourself.

  • roller coaster

    its great that your marijuana experiences have made you so open-minded .also that you think grammar is a factor in evaluating intelligence .
    neither hemmingway nor einstein were big fans of capital letters .

  • Green Leaf`

    You`re nuts!!!!! Instantly getting high from stress,,,Where do all you self – righteous people come from that NOTHING you know anything about. Try smoking a couple of hits,it will calm you down. I love when someone says something that`s so off-the-wall like this, because it shows the rest of us how uneducated you really are. If you want to cry about drugs, do something worthwhile like fighting keeping heroin or meth or for that matter alcohol off the streets. It will make you a better person…..

    Ooooops, I feel stress coming on, I think I`m stoned….

    BTW the only thing you were right about, it does stay in your system for about 30 days.

  • Tommylee

    How stupid does society think we are?? Remember the movie Reefer
    Madness, they tried to portray marijuana as a lethal drug that will make
    you want to go out and kill people. Bud is the most widely used
    recreation drug and I know people who have smoked over 40 yrs and still
    normally everyday. It`s the man made drugs you need to stay away from.
    As far as all those people dying, I don`t think so….

  • blablabla99

    what a load of poo. in the history of mankind not 1 person has overdosed from green

  • Sarah Dawson

    no way they died on pot maybe what some one p
    ut in it but not from the plant itself their just trying the blame game to keep people from having the freedom of choice.

  • matt

    LMFAO possible population control? government putting chems in the weed? or just complete bullshit!

  • someonewhocares

    Ladies and gentlemen, please give our subject a big round-of-applause for making this article possible.

    Oh, and a book…and a search engine…and a dictionary (spelling), and a device with spell-check…and some sour d concentrates.

    Dstreit, be careful out there today. Saw an article today that read something to the effect of:

    “Werewolves, zombies and nuclear holocaust making their way across the nation in a sweeping fashion. Please use caution when mopping your kitchens.And a good steak never needs Heinz 57 or A-1.”

    ….something like that.

  • Bluedemon94

    By reading this article you can tell its complete BS

  • Moral High Road

    Yes…This is satire and it isn’t remotely funny. I tried weed once and became extremely high, so this isn’t funny to me. Being high was awful :( Sorry, but this hits home a little too hard for those f us who have suffered being high.

  • Moral High Road

    Yes…This is satire and it isn’t remotely funny. I tried weed once and became extremely high, so this isn’t funny to me. Being high was awful :( Sorry, but this hits home a little too hard for those of us who have suffered being high.

  • captain_pudding

    Might have been the meth . . . might have been the fact that he was a fictional character from a TV show, either/or really.

  • Stupid Articles

    lmao what crazy outlandish lies.
    Funny that this comes from a beer company. How many people OD’d from drinking beer. haahahahha it’s one of the biggest reasons of why people die in the US outside of cigarettes.

    Until this day “ZERO” have OD’d from using Marijuana the LD 50/50 is an outrageous number that is physically impossible to reach without synthesizing a ridiculous batch and shooting it up with a needle. This is basically impossible to accomplish.

  • David Monyok


  • Molly

    Are you kidding me? “When was the last time someone overdosed on a beer?” It’s called alcohol poisoning, and it can be fatal. Also, there are more motorized vehicle deaths due to drunk drivers on the road.

  • Bryant

    I’m calling bullshit… one has EVER overdosed from marijuana…REALLY dr Jack Shepard? by next week the death toll could go up to 200 possibly 300?…your a liar, and should probably go back to medical school…..what a fuckin joke!

  • Denis Traube

    yep )) everyone is “killed”. but no one dies ))

  • EIghtOneFive

    Woah woah woah, relax gramps. Didn’t mean to get your dreadlocks in a knot…

    I think you’re missing the point here. The article is satire (woo..favorite word), therefore people who actually understand said satire (there it is again!) make satirical (oh my, again) remarks. Yet there some right wing crack-pots who will read this, take it at face value, and run to Fox News or their church and the story blows out of proportion…not saying it’s going to happen with this article, but happens all the time. Some people just need a nudge to realize what they read on the internet necessarily isn’t true.

    But then there are people like yourself who apparently troll these types of forums for profit, spitting out nonsense multiple times to drive (what I’m assuming is) a point across? Nope, I haven’t seen Reefer Madness…but I’m guessing anyone not born in the 20’s also hasn’t seen it…

    Unfortunately I don’t know any lawyer-doctor-banker-bikers like yourself. But on the other hand I do live in a country who has had pot decriminalized for some time so we don’t need to worry about crap like this causing an uproar with so many uneducated people seeing this on the facebooks and twittersphere and posting the “OMG THIS ISN’T TRUE, I SMOKE POT EVERY DAY AND I AIN’T DEAD Y’ALL! ” (paraphrasing). It’s actually more fun to read the comments then post anything, I really weep for the US at times. Have you actually read some of the posts here?

    And no way! we can use hemp to make rope and clothes?! What about lightweight building materials? plastics? fuels? or hemp seeds being one of the most protein packed foods per gram? Or the fact hemp oil has had a huge push in the treatment/cure for cancer? OR that the Declaration of Independence, and a good share of bibles in aforementioned crack-pots homes were written on hemp paper (pretty much anything pre-1880’s). Oh, but I guess that requires some actual research which apparently I haven’t done. “Did you know that probably 70% of society smokes pot and turned out ok.” You might want to do some research of your own to get that “probably” squared away into actual fact if you are going to debate. But I’d bet you dollars to dog food that number is lower then you guesstimate, a good portion of the US aren’t you’re 7 out of 10 lawyer-doctor-banker-bikers and fear the repercussions of a possession charge (what is it now, 2-5 years in prison for those states that don’t have it legalized?) but I could be wrong.

  • Wild Boar

    Yes Morons it’s Satire if something like this did happen it would be all over the news get a real life I’m going to smoke one.

  • Robosnail

    I love all the retards that actually believe this is a real article, its called satire you stupid fucks.

  • Phyllis Wilhelm

    Just one second.,…LOL!!!!!! That’s like overdosing on cheesecake (and equally likely) This is Satire. Don’t be dumb enough to not check your sources (alcohol deaths are on the rise and have always been sadly common. ) There is not one single accredited study that says Marijuana can cause ANY overdose (the amount required is so high that you’d have to inject it into your system or purposely get someone to keep feeding it to you for days on end….and I’m not even sure that would work!

    (death from acetaminophen is easier than most overdoses, in fact, and that stuff is available OTC in every store.),
    As for any real issues of safety, the risks can be eliminated by never driving while under the influence of any drug or alcohol. Most DUIs responsible for violent car accidents are alcoholics, not drug users.

    Bless America, for it’s intellectuals and satirists, and bless the unwashed masses who are learning new things from such people. One day, hopefully, ignorance will be a rarity.,


  • captain_pudding

    He can’t go back to school, he died in a plane crash!

  • javeon

    all that i have to say si hahahahahahahahahahah ok ok I smok and i naver had a marijuana overdoses. and i have bine smoking for a log time

  • Robin DeAnne Lowry Seer

    But, were they injecting the pot again? Very dangerous when you do it that way as opposed to snorting it! Just sayin! :)

  • Jefferson

    This was mildly funny. However, I think of this article more as a ‘humor seed.’ I call it a humor seed because it’s going to be REALLY funny when some idiot on Fox News, the Tea Party/Christian Brotherhood, or some ultra-conservative group, quotes this article as their source of the evil’s of marijuana. Then it will be hilarious.
    Also, this is not a very good satire. Satire’s usually explain the point they are satirizing (usually sarcastically) towards the end. This just seems a mean-spirited jab at people how are over-reacting to new marijuana laws because they don’t have an education.

  • michael

    Jesse Pinkman……nice touch!

  • David

    Would actually be nice if more doctors knew about cannabinoids and endocannabinoids. There is a lot of therapeutic potential with CBD in particular. This is one of the reasons I think it should be legalized. The irony is that most pot is so low in CBD and high in THC (haha) that it’s therapeutic potential, other than as a pain reliever or appetite stimulator, is minimal. However, with legalization, we can measure the THC and CBD content, giving far more opportunity to breed some CBD back in and drop the THC content down (which will probably be to the chagrin of some of the proponents for legalization… but it also would be a smart move).

    Of course, I get that you’re an emergency doc so it probably doesn’t interest you that much since it really doesn’t do much for anything acute (aside from seizures). I doubt the guy coming in with shards of glass in his foot, or the gal coming in with bad (or in many cases not bad at all but they decided to go to emerg anyway) strep throat would benefit from a toke – though in the former case it might help the pain, haha.

  • Lyndon Earl Cook

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. What a load of .GOV rubbish. This is the biggest lie of the year… Or wait is it?

  • car

    ahahaha marijuana deaths ahahah people belive this sh…t?

  • Lisa Vandemark

    Since when did the Daily Currant start doing comedy reads? Very entertaining Lol.

  • Shadow

    The “proof” was that it was/is a verifiable hoax story. lol

  • William Harper

    Fitting screen name.

  • afamousactor

    smoking weed causes your urinary tract to transform, thats a new one.

  • afamousactor

    Wait, this isn’t even funny. Why are these sons of bitches allowed to lie to the oublic and het away with it? Those lies affects others VERY SEVERLY!

  • Candice Hoyt

    This shouldn’t even be on here. Morons who don’t recognize the names and comments used in this are actually going to believe this crap. We give people too much credit and expect people to understand satire….not the case.

  • Duke Thomas

    Funny Article! Everyone knows you can’t OD on Pot!

  • EquestrianGirl

    OMG. I have never heard of anything so incredibly stupid. Nobody in the history of history has EVER OD’d on weed. These people who died obviously had serious underlying medical issues. My god people, GROW A BRAIN and realize that these deaths were not nor will ever be caused by marijuana.

  • Miroslav Hlad O’Mor Martinovič

    I, on the other hand, find it extremely disturbing and sad that anyone at all had to point this out.

  • Mark Schmidt

    This terrible evil is god’s punishment for gay marriage in Utah…no, wait…that’s tornados. Maybe this is god’s punishment for having a black president…I have to check. But thank goodness there’s still ALCOHOL! I’m really into vomiting…

  • stefano

    all lies dont beleve it

  • MP

    Really People…LMAO

    hy·po·spa·di·as Noun /ˌhīpəˈspādēəs/ /ˌhipə-/
    A congenital condition in males in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis.

    Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), also known as fish odor syndrome or fish malodor syndrome , is a rare metabolic disorder that causes a defect in the normal production of the enzyme Flavin containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3).

    Also as Mike S. said, “Dr. Jack Shepard (Jack, from the show Lost), and Jesse Pinkman (Jesse, from Breaking Bad)”

  • Adam Spamler

    i think they sell some GMO WEED … so be alert COLORADO … Only MOTHER NATURE … The propaganda is ganna hit the streets … >>>

  • Adam Spamler

    This is GMO FOOD … TERIBBLE !!!… Imagine what doze it to your digestics …

  • captain_pudding

    Actually, the people with brains know they’re reading a joke article on a joke website.

  • Doug Ryberg

    who ever wrote this article makes me wanna just smack them upside the head, OD from weed lmfao this whole thing is a joke and absolutely amuses me get your weed, bongs, lighters, and puff puff pass in this bitch lol.

  • Michiganderkg52

    You got to be flippin’ kidding me…at first glance this article seemed to be true and since I don’t watch those shows I would have never given it any thought. HOWEVER, I am a card carrying caregiver for a medical marijuana patient who has been smoking for longer than its been legal in Michigan and YOU CAN NOT OVERDOSE on marijuana! Get over yourselves and accept the fact this America is moving forward, it’s not a gateway drug either and no I don’t smoke it and or consume it. But I do see how well it helps my patient.

  • Stepin Utah
  • DollySue

    Pesticide Free Pot won’t kill ya… but the Bug Killer’s used, just might do the job! Demand Organic!

  • rickydisqus

    I had an old roommate in high school with a brain that is messed up from smoking pot all day. Life ruined !

  • DocHoliday

    If there was no Alcohol or Cigarettes, aside from delivering Newborns, you’d pretty much be out of a job.. :D

  • dougdiggler

    Wow, this is the first time I’ve come acorss this news aggregater and already it has DISCREDITED ITSELF! Guess I won’t be coming back

  • TheDCSux

    I wouldn’t call this “Satire”… satire is a humorous skew of reality. This is just meant to be inflammatory and cause alarm in those too ignorant to know better.

  • Alexander

    Well, from now on, know that the Daily Currant is satire.

  • julie

    :)) carry on…

  • Guest

    I wonder how many people posted this to their facebook thinking it was real. lol

  • Dale Cohenour

    it wasnt the pot, maybe were it laced, but then again if it were laced it was not the POT.

  • Ang

    Is that why studies have shown that Pot actually sparks brain cells for dementia patients???

  • Macjamm

    Are you friend, foe or nuisance julie???..
    Just wondering..

  • Scott

    Lol this is ridiculous. Even if you take a bunch of Pot Head Pillz and blaze all day you won’t die.

  • robert

    Awesome prank :P

  • whiskers

    this article should not exist. how many truly ignorant adults will stumble upon it and send more thoughts of fear and negativity towards the subject of legalization?

  • captain_pudding

    So you’re saying you don’t find this COMEDY website to be an accurate news source?

  • VW

    This article is purely sarcasm. Get it? because a “CEO” of a brewery company said it was the most hardcore and dangerous drug. When alcohol kills a lot of people actually. Not to mention all the other funny puns in the article. Good laughs haha.

  • SomeOldGuy

    except genetically you mean?

  • Danny Bowen

    too much weed lol

  • BIg Daddy Shane

    If they are saying these people are dying on overdoses where dose this show on charts pot have been around for ever.BUT now since its legal in these states where seeing deaths alright. People still are going to smoke pot if its legal or not. See something wrong here where is the proof that this is just from pot because every chart i look at not one report of any deaths on pot alone Hmmmmmm. Alright marijuana addiction FAlse (addiction for feeling good is the real thing to say )because we never got the chance because of the way its looked at.

  • Nottheusual1

    As one of the 37 victims, I want you all to know it’s true — pot can kill you.

    In my case it was when the wife caught me smoking it with our 17yo babysitter. Naked. On the roof. Stay stoned, my friends.

  • Masculist Man

    It’s about time someone brought this up. There is another case were in 1847 a indian smoked marijuana and today that Indian is dead.
    If only marijuana were as safe as alcohol and tobacco these people wouldn’t have died.

  • Curly Valjean

    Yes, the hypospadias completely gave it away that this was BS. I said to myself, “Self,” I said, “I see no correlation between weed and a penile affliction.” LOL

  • scott

    i think this article is not factual..but a attempt to change americas mind about a safe drug like marajuana..i mean..what do u expect? if people are ging to abuse the shit..and it literally takes tons to overdose..what do u expect? but jessee pinkman..a meth ironic. the story is not altougether true and its motive was set into motion from anti-marajuana voters..this is not true!

  • bull




  • captain_pudding

    You’re on a comedy website, what were you expecting?

  • captain_pudding

    You may want to do a quick search on Jesse Pinkman from Albuquerque, you may feel a bit stupid when you get the results

  • David Silva

    Haha, 37 people died, isn’t that funny? No it’s really not funny.

  • bornfdup

    There weren’t any “funny” comments in the article because it was written as satire. The headline itself reveals it as satire, because it is a ridiculous statement. When the people who don’t “get” that finally figure out that they’ve been “had”, then they’ll realize how uninformed their views on the subject are. Sometimes you have to make people look foolish for them to realize how foolish they truly are.

  • bornfdup

    Right on Diane! Nathan should be more politically correct, and stop telling the morons that they’re morons. Someone once said, that the trouble with stupid people is that they don’t know they’re stupid. Let them go through life misinformed, voting against their own, and our, interests. What could possibly go wrong?

  • Benjamín Joel Fleet

    Lies and satire are not the same thing.

  • trey adams

    contact or text 4258353408 if you need good medical marijuana strains and hemp oil

  • A. van Nerel

    I would get worked up about so many people dying, but I’m just too high to care right now…

  • oh welll

    people are more likely to OD on liquor for sure. What idiot eats enough to pass out could do the same with beer. Anything can be used irresponsibly and thank God only very few intentionally OD on anything.

  • Tommylee

    This is next!!!

  • Eclod

    I’m sure you don’t give a damn. Typical closed minded idiot. You probably kill more people than you help. I feel bad for anyone you contact. What a buffoon.

  • Slag

    Actually, it does in the context you’re talking about.

    People seem to be thinking government censorship is needed or whatever. But the Duck Dynasty thing was a PRIVATE company. You’re not protected from people thinking you’re a dick/not wanting to be associated with you because of something you say, but the government can’t legally stop or punish you for saying things (or, isn’t meant to be able to.)

  • READthisThinkDude

    Ignorance isnt stupidity, stupidity is commenting in something you ignore, without researching and checking the words where you dont understand something. Stupidity, is asuming you know, and making a mess before studying.

  • Kim Boyer-Gavin

    this story is bullshit and you know it

  • daincityboy

    TOWoooo Funny you owe me a new Gut…

  • shannon

    is this a joke lol

  • Doug Pederson

    Another true life pot / hash story

    A baggage check of a football player produced some hash
    The offensive lineman reached across and grabbed the chunk; taking it to the washroom and flushed it.

    More checking and another chunk of hash. The Lineman grabbed it and with a couple baggage people draped over him, he made his way to the washroom and flushed that.

    Continued checking produced another chunk of hash. This time the toilet wouldn’t flush and my favorite player got busted.

    His name was Hector Pothier. After that incident his teammates would call the Hash marks the “Hector marks”
    As told by one of his teammates..

  • samanthadawne

    i hope people realize this is a joke and cant physically be real. its funny though made me they reference scientists? no someone better ,they spoke to the ceo of a beer company ya sounds legit lol

  • Hann

    I’ve never smoked but knew it was satire.

  • Jimbo

    This article sure wasn’t funny for “satire.” Now that I know it’s “satire,” the only thing I thought was funny was the beer guy claiming how bad and addictive pot is. Otherwise, I had no idea who the references were, and I’ve seen Lost. I didn’t get that or any of the other references. I just assumed that it was some weird propaganda from a conservative website where they took non-pot related deaths, but called them pot-related just to get the numbers. It’s happened before by people who were trying to use scare tactics to get their anti-marijuana agenda across regardless of reality or facts.

  • Jimbo

    I don’t think that censorship is the answer. Satire should actually be funny. The references were just obscure enough and the story believable enough that this looks and feels like a propaganda news story, not satire.

  • Mgooboo

    …facpalm. THATS THE JOKE! its satirical of all the over the top scare mongering the press did in the build up to legalisation… Satire is meant to be obscure and believable enough thats the whole damn point lol

  • brandon k

    i think its hilarious that a meth dealer dies and they blame the weed for his death.

  • Shannon Allen

    I don’t know how I got here…was looking up a COMPLETELY different topic altogeher. But I saw the title and had to look. Now if you will excuse me, I must now leave to go stitch my sides back together! LOL

  • captain_pudding

    He’s dead either way, bitch

  • Hansenusmc

    HAHAHA! The Rocky Mountain News hasn’t been around for over a decade and Dr. Jack Shepard, Jesse Pinkman?!?! Too F’ing funny!

  • lOGAN


  • Organ_Morgan

    Of course it’s satire. The Rocky Mountain News went out of business in 2009. Hypospadia is a birth defect of the male urethra. It is not deadly. Trimethylaminuria or fish odour syndrome is a rare metabolic disorder. It is not deadly. The Coors Brewing Company is not known as MolsonCoors although it is owned by Molson Coors Brewing Company (note spelling difference), the president of which is not Peter Swindon. Cannabis does not cause mass death or the stuff would never have been legalised. It’s satire.

  • Organ_Morgan

    The Rocky Mountain News went out of business in 2009, not “over a decade ago”, but less than five years ago.

  • Organ_Morgan

    He doesn’t exist, bitch.

  • scavenger

    Yet if you’re not familiar with this site you need to read the ‘About’ page to confirm that. And we already know most people are unwilling to read beyond a headline.

  • Jason A Sprouse

    I agree. I used to watch “Lost” but I didn’t recognize any of the names. The article simply looked like a modern day “Reefer Madness”. You better believe it will be copied and quoted, as it is not obvious that it is satire. I’ve seen satirical MJ stories, nothing like this. Satire would be like “Colorado had their first day of sales, and had record work call offs”.

  • Kevin

    love fake media .. love asshats who think its fun.. proves this world is FULL of morons ready to believe w/e people throw at them!

  • sausageFESTIVITIES

    well weeds not great for ya any way kiddo :I

  • captain_pudding

    You’re on a comedy website, what are you expecting?

  • captain_pudding

    That is the joke, yes.

  • Doug Pederson

    Teams in the Stoner Bowl XLVIII will be awarded copies of “The Stone”

    For medicinal purposes of course
    Here is a picture of replicas, the Stone and the Stone Dancer
    Here is a pic of The Three Special Stones !!!
    Here is a cross section view of the ToKin Stone

    These features make the ToKin stone a perfect match for Marijuana!

    -Cup your hand over the Joint chamber to snuff it out for later
    -You can relight very short roaches without any threat of burns
    -To rid the stone of short short roaches just give a good blow on chamber #2
    -You can give “pets” or “friends” a nose toke with the stone. Great for medical patients or calming wild beasts
    -You can give yourself a nose toke
    -You can easily give someone a toke by holding the stone to their lips
    -tip the stone back and touch the ash and it falls inside the rock. It’s own ashtray
    -The Toke stone saves marijuana; when you handle a joint it changes the air flow causing poor burns
    -You can easily pass the joint in the dark. Placing it in an open palm
    -A ToKin stone never gets foul tasting like dirty pipes. Enjoy the Marijuana flavor more
    -The Non Brass toke stones can be gently lobbed 5 or 10 feet
    -Put a few drops of menthol on a cotton swab and put that in chamber #2 when you have a sore throat or for flavoring
    -You can toke in the shower or rain by lightly cupping your hand over the burn chamber
    -Brass – aluminum ones can be warmed up using hot water and you can toke outside in 20 below weather
    -makes a great hand / foot warmer when heated
    -Indestructible. You could bash your way out through a wall if you had to
    -Easily cleaned with a standard tooth brush
    -Metal ones are guaranteed for a 1000 years
    -a great paper weight, conversation piece, exercise weight and household tool (crushed ice)

    They Will love ‘em
    ( 62 Media stories on Flickr )

    Nothing in North American legend is more sacred than these Medicine stones.

  • danah sparkle

    If you’re going to keep responding to me on that other site, you need to validate your email address through disqus. It’s bad enough to have someone confuse the term transsexual which has a specific, clinical meaning, with transgender which is a colloquial term, but it becomes really super annoying when all of your comments are kicked into moderation right away because you haven’t verified your Disqus account.

    I’m responding here because your lack of account verification makes responding to any of your other comments impossible. You should note that they are also collapsed and won’t be seen by others.

  • Blitzer Flo

    Pinkman? Meth head? b hahahahaha sure his name wasn’t Jesse? lmfao

  • Jamie

    Exactly Ben.. how is it just that now.. folks are “dying” from weed? I have known several folks that have tried to see where the limit was and smoked and smoked and smoked for hours and then.. just laid there high.. eventually getting the munchies. This is not true.. idk how but it’s false.

  • Jamie

    So 0 people died from it before it was legal and now 37 die from it when it is legal.. what did they do to the weed and they speak of toxicology reports I know there is only 8-15 things they test for.. so what was in there that they missed? This is just absurd! I am sickened more and more each day at how the government is trying to control us. Shame on anyone that believes this nonsense. Now that it’s legal it’s killing people.. just crazy! Really annoyed!

  • Πολύφημος Σπαζοκλαμπάνιας

    > I know alot of people (young and old) who have died.


    > and even had a heart attack

    had a heart attack… besides having died? oh how horrible.

    you’re a moron.

  • Zia


    How was I confusing transgenderism and transsexualism? Trangenderism is a legitimate clinical term/diagnosis, by the way. It is labeled as “Gender Identity Disorder” in the ICD-10 CM and “Gender Dysphoria” in the DSM 5.

  • SmotPoker

    I have to agree. There is good and bad with this. The fight has been hard enough. The morons that would believe this aren’t smart enough to understand that it’s satire, and will run with it as the gospel truth.

  • EIghtOneFive

    Dr. Jack Shepard is from LOST, Jesse Pinkman is from Breaking Bad…kind of amazing how people freak out without doing a little research, isn’t it?

  • Maria Loomis

    You are so right.. and yes anyone that believes that you can die from smoking marijuana as fucked up as our own Government!

  • TheSpasticAvenger .

    Pot does kill pets :(

  • Elisa Sawyer

    This is true life testimony of cure of cancer with cannabis oil

  • dumbass

    jesse pinkman??? thats the kid from breaking bad!! lmao

  • Jeff Hill

    I agree with you on this one. “they can’t put anything on the internet that isn’t true” right…well people believe it to be just that!

  • Isaac Mayfield

    these idiots are dying of smoke inhalation not thc levels

  • Manuel Fidel Hernandez

    Its like the movie reefer madness all over again

  • skaiser1964

    I have never heard of Marijuana Overdoses, I have smoked some of the best stuff growing up in Miami, I mean, I really smoked some great stuff, right from the bong, and talk about getting a nice buzz, but never, ever did I nor anyone I’ve ever known that smoked Marijuana ever OD on Marijuana, theses fools must have mixed some other drugs while smoking Marijuana. Because you simply CAN NOT OD on Marijuana, you can’t no matter how long you smoke it for, you just can’t OD on Marijuana, no way, no how, not ever!

  • skaiser1964

    For those dumb ass’s who believe this article is for real, I’ve got some news for you… Dr. Jack Shephard is a fictional character and the protagonist of the ABC television series Lost, played by Matthew Fox. The Daily Currant should also be named, “The Daily Currant a fictional web-site”!

  • Angie Weaver Adkins

    How can you overdose on Marijuana?

  • mka

    how u can overdose from cannabis ? :DDD stupid post

  • truthteller

    this is a big story full of BULLSHIT!!! weed does NOT kill people, at worst you will fall asleep, thats it, this information is FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they just want to stop something good, something natural…there INSANE !!!!!

  • foolmeonce

    The first time I read an Onion article I had no idea it was sattire. I thought it was about time the pope accepted marriages in all forms. Gave my boyfriend a good laugh.

  • WordAndReason

    There are memes about this. How it could it not be true?

  • guest

    SATIRE…….Means tongue in cheek… A JOKE ?

  • guest

    Congrats on getting it…..better than most…

  • asfas

    This is terrible misinformation. Many people would regard this as true and view marijuana as a drug capable of inflicting damage

  • ChemistGuy

    If this is true why aren’t people in Holland dying by the hundreds?

  • Makarov

    B U L L S H I T

  • Nelly da Silva

    is the marijuana boughted at the chemist ?????

  • Branden Jensen

    Actually, any person who accepts ONE source for all of their news is the moron.
    In science, they don’t test a theory, get the result they want, and automatically declare that it’s no longer a theory. Someone tests it, than multiple others re-test to confirm the results.

    So any bloody idiot who reads this and doesn’t realize it’s satirical, but also can’t be bothered to confirm the story through other sources, is an idiot 1 brain cell short of choking on their own tongue.

    By the way, yes I necro’d the thread from a month ago, but I can’t stand people who would rather baby the useless idiots on this planet rather than teach them common sense and intelligence.

    P.S. Anyone who thinks a website with a name that effectively means “The Daily Fruit” is anything but satirical should probably be given special needs care, as I’m sure they’re probably too gullible to take care of themselves.

  • Brando Riordan


  • captain_pudding

    No, they have their own stores called “dispensaries”

  • Alan

    I first saw this article at ( ) and got a good chuckle out of it. It was just a couple days after Colorado went legal.

  • WordAndReason

    This isn’t “news” but satire as you yourself pointed out. Yet you go on to say we should make fun of people for believing a satire piece, yet we should criticize anyone who writes satire and publishes this satire. The internet hasn’t ruined legitimate news. Idiots tend to ruin themselves. Don’t put that on people writing satire, and don’t put that on people who laugh at it when they read it. The fight for legalization doesn’t need people who are dumb enough to not know the differences.

  • deathtobanannas


  • polo
  • Colombina


  • JG4th

    “The Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media. It is accessible from over 190 countries worldwide – now including South Sudan.

    Our mission is to ridicule the timid ignorance which obstructs our progress, and promote intelligence – which presses forward.”

  • Dominick Dahl-Lacroix

    ok really, I get that this is satire but articles like this are still quite harmful. Enough people are going to (and already have) read this article and thought it was real.

  • Charles
  • Tracy Singleton-Simmons

    What was it laced with?

  • Janice Norman


  • Janice Norman

    Someone must have missed the fact that cannaboids actually increase cell growth, and even regrowth in the brain………’s just science not an opinion

  • sharkonwhisky

    It’s spelt “intelligent”…sweet Jesus you’re dumb! Please read any ramblings you wish to share prior to posting, it doesn’t help your extremely bigoted case when it appears you lack even basic mastery of English grammar!! I suggest you go smoke some marijuana and read your bible, I don’t think you’re ready for the internet.

  • DrinksWVTapWater

    You know, this whole site is satire. Only morons don’t verify the veracity of a story or check references.


    HAHAHAHAHA this is some kind of joke right? you CANNOT overdose.. people need to educate themselves better then what the American government came up with in the 50’s to ban weed.. If you believe this, I bet you also believe weed is the black mans drug that they use with devil music and to seduce white women..

  • herchato

    I kind of flashed back to reefer madness lol

  • st

    I don’t like that The Daily Currant has extorted a facebook “LIKE” out of me by putting their request boxes over part of the articles I want to read. This is my first visit to this page, and it will probably be my last. There is no way to close the “like box”, so I clicked on “LIKE” just to get rid of the box so I could read the entire article. That resulted in sending me to another article with another “like box” that prevented me from reading that entire article, and so on. I tried going to the link that was given for contacting The Daily Currant, but was circulated back to the original page I was on. I have yet to find any way to “UNLIKE” my “LIKE”, so I am posting this message. Now I can’t send this message without them forcing me to give them my name and email address.

  • billbofagins

    why would you think anyone cares?

  • st

    I don’t care if you care. I just want to get my message to The Daily Currant and this is the only way I could figure out how to do it. If you are with the DC, then I’ve accomplished my goal. I will never be back. Goodbye

  • capiers

    First off this is totally inaccurate. The deaths were not due to Marijuana. Secondly people can die of an overdoes of Beer because it has alcohol in it and you can die from alcohol poisoning. True you would have to drink a lot of beer and other things come into play. The idea that cannabis is more harmful then prescription drugs and or alcohol is laughable. Please stop with the ignorance educate yourself with real un-biased facts.

  • capiers
  • Rachel Joiner

    OMG. Hehe!

  • Joseph Moon
  • Christina Estabrooks

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer? All these pro-marijuana groups should be ashamed of themselves I lost it laughing at this. im sorry but what? i know its all just a joke but whoever wrote that line is missing a few screws…

  • chrissy egg
  • chrissy egg

    here are all thed people who have ever died of a marajuana overdose .

  • no drugs

    sounds like most of the people here do drugs so of course there not bad for ya ask any pot head they all think drugs dont hurt u but they do they really do so keep doing them as much as u can till it gets u then u will know for sure that drugs kill.

  • Dylan King

    what a load of crap. some people will believe anything- especially if it supports their personal beliefs

  • Sumghotiguy

    Some of the claimed symptoms are funny. Like smoking pot is going to cause an opening in your urethra, and make your pee smell fishy. I guess that could be dangerous……

  • Ashley Dorer

    Interesting that they state that the side effects they are seeing from the marijuana are birth defects… This article is BS.

  • Hazel Ray Bowman

    if this was real news?, …it would be on the “real news”…i dont buy the hype

  • Josh Mickan

    THE DAILY CURRANT is a site whose entire content, since it’s inception,has been satirical! How it is that the comments section following these articles are invariably filled with people who cannot grasp this simple concept escapes me entirely. It’s somewhat akin to people watching Monty Python’s Ministry Of Silly Walks and saying “What an outrageous waste of tax payers money” with a straight face. WOW!! Never underestimate the sheer stupidity of the general public! No wonder America voted in George W. Bush!!

  • Dave

    hahaha i thought this was real. i was like, “How do you get a hole in the underside of one’s penis from smoking marijuana??”

  • Tlaxcalli

    Well, if it didn’t weed you out, it must not be an effective method of weeding out stupid people. (No pun intended.)

  • Tlaxcalli

    Vitamin D pills can kill you, especially if you have cancer. People have died on prescription doses of Vitamin D pills. But marijuana? Nope.

  • Tlaxcalli

    You do realize that IQ tests are bullshit? It’s like the SAT. The only difference is the label. Once I cheated on an online IQ test, because it was the same test every time, and was positive that all the answers were correct the second time. I got the same score both times I took it. 130. I think, or maybe I got a little lower than that the first time. I was like 12 at the time. That was the maximum score you could get on that test. I took a different test and got 168. IQ tests were invented as a form of racism. Their genesis is related to that of the holocaust. Hitler was totally inspired by the idea that certain races were smarter and had better genes than others. An IQ test promoted racism because immigrants with poor English skills and racial minorities who were living in poverty with little to no formal education did not do as well on the tests.

  • mike bell

    this is all bs it would been all over the news and papers

  • bishthebosh

    The list of disorders (apart from heart attack) are all congenital disorders – hypospadias is a congenital malformation of the urethra, and Trimethylaminuria is an enzyme deficiency causing a fishy smell to the breath, urine and sweat. Like the spirit of the piece and amazed anyone fell for it!

  • bishthebosh

    I see that Rocky Mountain News folded in 2009. This thing is peppered with clues!

  • Cheryl Meadows


  • sonia

    Let me start with i believe in legalizing marijuana. the thing is, we cannot overdose on weed. however, i strongly believe that the legalization of marijuana should be re-evaluated. i think the age should be 25. kids cannot and will not be able to smoke weed responsibly. and as silly as that sounds, it is the truth.

  • Lynne Mclean

    Have you looked up hypospadius??: It is a permanent erection due to back injury…Not a consequence of smoking pot..Good grief

  • Jonathan M Zmuda

    OMFG Is this an “Onion” production?!?!?!? Obsurd bullshit

  • captain_pudding

    Have you looked up hypospadius? Because that’s not what it is.

  • dolly6565

    if this was true I would be dead many times over. lolol

  • Crucify

    DUH?? Who would believe something like this? Its obvious the Govt. has been secretly removing the intellect and the sense humor from people through a secret surgery process.. So please don’t blame the idiots, blame the GOVERNMENT =) LOL

  • sandyh

    forget about them, mark….i’ve never heard of this site either (and i am NOT lazy), so wondered like you, is this a joke? i was hoping it is like “the onion” and when i saw jesse pinkman’s name, it pretty much clinched it for me. but these days, i wouldn’t be too surprised if this came from a “legtimate” news source, or at least one like faux news. so these bozos who are so quick to call names are the real losers imho.

  • Dimitry

    B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T. & F.A.K.E.

  • Lynne Mclean

    You are right I mixed up my terms hypospadius is a urethra displacement..So sorry

  • Lynne Mclean

    especially if you are a girl…??

  • Doggiemama5

    this is so stupid. Do you know how many have died from alcohol poison? whoever said that needs to be sat down with a bunch of alcohol in front of them and made to drink till they die. IDIOTS!!!!! Whomever wrote this is just as guilty.

  • Dr. Bill Reynolds

    OMG your an idiot

  • yora dilkhead

    A bunch of dirty hippies amusing themselves while they wait for Obama checks to buy Cheetos.

  • concernd

    BA HA…………………..LIARS

  • ndginla

    I though the comments from the brewer was a nice touch.

  • Amanda Paulger-Foran

    No one ;) See I believe in education in and of itself not as a means to an end.

    It’s cute that you think the “takes one to know one” works. Please. Do some actual research and stop. Just… do everyone a favor an stop existing. Please.

  • dp

    i have smoked 5 -8 joints a day for 40 years i am the mother of 3 normal healthy children the only law that i have ever broken is my daily intake and i come from south africa where we paid less than a dollar a shopping bag full when i was a teenager that was in Durban ever heard of Durban Poison the above article is utter nonsense these people must be taking other drugs -

  • dingo & bully

    I call bullshit!!!

  • Dr.Dave

    While I have no opinion one way or the other, except for the fact that any substance that can cause impairment can cause a death by accidental means, here’s a little tidbit I found (easily BTW):

    “The American Scientist, a very popular science and technology magazine, recently published an article concerning the toxicity of recreational drugs. They proved that alcohol is the most lethal of all commonly abused substances. A person would have to drink ten times the amount it takes to get “a little buzzed” in order to overdose. Marijuana users would have to ingest 1000 times the amount of marijuana it takes to feel “a little high” in order to overdose. Studies have shown that most users pass out long before this amount can be ingested.”

    There have in fact, been 2 deaths where the autopsy report has listed the cause of death as Marijuana “poisoning” or overdose, but neither has been scientifically verified. One was a young woman in the UK, Gemma Moss and the other a man in the US I believe, but both are suspected to have a secondary cause of some sort, although what that may be has never been determined.

    There have also been 1000’s of deaths due to accidents where a factor involved was Marijuana impairment, something I can verify by first-hand experience.

    Here’s an article that some may find interesting

    I have to throw my hat in this ring though….Anne Faust, please stop posting, you’re not doing yourself any favours.<–(Correct spelling so Grammar Nazi's go

    Oh, and Tiny, I'm not really replying to your post specifically, I just had to jump in somewhere ;)

  • Jessica Bentley

    If all these people overdosed on weed, shouldnt they publish the toxin numbers to prove there point… I guess more and more will die from “Pot Overdose” since there is no scientic evidence of the lethal limit.

  • aces

    it is possible to od on, it just as never happened, likely never will.

  • captain_pudding

    It’s possible in the sense that there is a lethal dose of THC but it’s just not physically possible to smoke that much marijuana (in the neighborhood of a ton in under an hour)

  • Jenna

    BULLSHIT!!!!! You would have to smoke 2x your weight in marijuana in 15 minutes to OD. NO ONE has EVER died because of marijuana.

  • Jake

    See all you potheads>> Weed is dangerous!!!Crack and PCP might even be safer!! Why do you think it was illegal in the first place. These moron pot smoking heathens. Crack is defiantly the safer choice.

  • Jesse Griffith

    Complete BULLSHIT!

  • WereGoat
  • WereGoat
  • Charlie Potter

    Thats just hysterical, lol i love the Breaking Bad reference, we have all seasons haha

  • Ibby

    Incorrect. Satire is actually funny.

  • edrifter

    LMAO …

  • Kyle

    Yes, and unfortunately a good deal of so-called public servants (aka “Officials and Authorities, their majesties) are morons and believe it to be fact…

  • Alexander Sebastian Jones

    Wait, is this serious or just as a joke?

  • Carol Golden

    All I have to say about this is…. BULLSHIT!!!!

  • Redmastif

    hahaha it’s hilarious that nobody’s realized yet that this site is just like the Onion. has anyone read any of the other title’s for articles on this site? or even went to the main page where the title is “The Daily Currant – The Global Satirical Newspaper of Record.” of course it’s bullshit. that’s the point.

  • Ganondox

    Knowledge is not intelligence, the false rumor is often spread, you are can perfectly intelligent and believe false information, in fact pretty much everyone does. The thing is this is just badly written satire, it fails to serve it’s purpose. The only real sign it’s satire outside of pop cultural references are drug facts that many people are ignorant about, so it fails to educate people.

  • Queefer Sutherland

    I’ve been trying to overdose for years now. Unless you smoke it from the barrel of a loaded gun, your chances of death are pretty much zero.

  • Jeffrey L. Bass

    We did however get to have the Annapolis police chief (making about 150k) use this article to support the effort to prevent de-criminalization in MD. Illustrates the misinformation spread even in a top level state hearing on the matter.

  • Lvcivs

    Guys, a police chief read this article and thought it was true. He then testified in front of the Maryland State legislature, citing this article.

    This is why We all need to be involved in politics, because chronically stupid people are getting into office.

  • Lvcivs
  • chris

    quit btiching and smoke a J

  • David Child

    hey dumb sh–s it was joke by a brew company HOLY SH__ are you all that stupid. shame shame shame

  • David Child

    you soo dumb try FACT CHECK it was a joke Moron

  • Brooks

    Made up story. No one can die from an overdose of pot, unless they explode their stomachs from eating too much!!!

  • John Meyer


  • slappy

    Citing Joke, Annapolis Police Chief Testifies That Pot Killed 37 People on the First Day of Legalization in Colorado

    These are the people the “majority” worships.

  • David2020

    Maybe you might die of having too many potato chips, I guess.

  • Jesse_Bruce_Pinkman

    For the record, nobody has died from marijuana overdose since the State of Colorado legalized its commercial purchase.

  • Arie Beuker, de

    Wow, lies lies lies.
    Can the writer of this article be arrested for spreading fear and lies?
    Incredible. Luckily we know better.

  • livefree1200cc

    This website publishes satirical articles. They are fake.

  • livefree1200cc

    “The Daily Currant – The Global Satirical Newspaper of Record.” of course it’s bullshit. that’s the point

  • Ryan Blake

    Jessie Bruce Pinkman a formor meth dealer they must think were all stupid. This site needs to be taken down!!!!!!

  • Arie Beuker, de

    I got that alright, but why do we approve that? I do not know about the laws in the country where the site is hosted, but here it would be reason for a small checkup. Misleading people is an offense.

  • livefree1200cc

    Its called the 1st amendment. You can say anything you want as long as it doesn’t directly injure someone else.Just like the Supreme Court ruled that police can lie to you to get you to implicate yourself, the news agencies have also been granted that privilege. Rather than worry about a site that announces its satirical nature, I would be more worried about the lies that come through the Mainstream Media news on our TV’s daily. For instance, how all the news agencies changed their tune the day after 9/11 and started repeating the false explanation given by the government as to who was responsible. The day of 9/11 almost ALL of them were saying it had looked like controlled demolition….as it was.

  • Arie Beuker, de

    Yeah the whole 911 thing is also a very interesting story. Now i do not belive in a complete conspiracy, i do have questions about how the building came down.

  • Michael

    I’m all for legalization, but the idea that marijuana is harmless is bullshit. It increases blood pressure/heart rate, and if you have a preexisting heart condition, it can cause a stroke or heart attack. You’re also inhaling smoke into your lungs, and it doesn’t matter if you inhale smoke from marijuana, tobacco, or celery, it can cause cancer and other health problems that lead to death.

  • stupidamerkin

    It’s all a joke.

    Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers
    global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media.
    It is accessible from over 190 countries worldwide – now including South

    mission is to ridicule the timid ignorance which obstructs our progress, and
    promote intelligence – which presses forward.

    Are your news stories real?

    No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address
    real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events
    happening in the world

  • xtian

    lol at Maryland Police Chief for citing this as fact.

  • burnout44601

    its just some 1s or a few people bs 2 make u think people died!!its bs & thats all it is

  • Commentor

    And if you believed this story, then you are stupid. No one died fool.

  • Commentor

    Do you believe everything that on the internet to be true? If you do you are very gullible. I bet you reply to them people from Nigeria don’t you?

  • Commentor

    Shouldn’t you get a brain?

  • Commentor

    You are just a misinformed troll

  • DesertSun59

    Hypospadias? LOL!!

    It’s hilarious when people believe this stuff and have ZERO medical knowledge.

  • wingnut


    Glad to hear he got a gig. Last I heard he was driving into the night like a madman while fleeing the scene of mass death and a huge amount of meth.

    I always KNEW weed would kill. This confirms all of our darkest fears held since the mid sixties.


  • joshuaalayon

    Breathe really, really fast. It increases blood pressure/heart rate and can cause you to faint. Not to mention toxic chemicals in the air which can cause cancer and other health problems that lead to death. OUTLAW BREATHING!!!

  • joshuaalayon

    It’s called “sarcasm”… chill.

  • Birch please

    You are aware that the large studies that have been done just in the last few years if anything showed that smoking cannabis has a protective effect from COPD and airway cancer. But don’t let unbiased (I shouldnt say that since they actually went out to prove the opposite) scientific facts get in the way of your ignorance.

  • RON


  • Rob

    ahahahahaha! i lol’d so hard

  • AmosJones

    Your caps key is stuck and it’s making you sound like a ranting fool.

  • AmosJones

    Don’t be stupid.

  • Michele From Ohio

    I’m sorry to hear the reefers finally got to Jesse Pinkman. Yay science, indeed.

  • Melissa

    This article did more harm than good. For the people that can not understand that this is a work of satire, they quickly spread the news that Pot Kills! And that news spread far and wide to the ears of anyone who was just a little against legalizing it before, medical or otherwise. I wish this had never been written. A good work of satire makes one sit back and think “Woah, that wasn’t real but imagine if it was!?!” This made me sit back and go “Why would anyone write this?” Honestly, it has probably made things harder in some situations! Didn’t some Rep. just quote this article as “facts handed to him”? This article should have a follow up that explains this is not real.

  • loe

    yeah but how many died from alcohol that day??

  • Old Guy In Stanton

    And at least one Maryland police chief….

    Personally, I find this article to be a goldmine. It is on my permanent bookmark list. When I read an article that has some low information Mighty Drug Warriors commenting on it, I trot it out. They generally buy it hook line and sinker, even after two months. Magnificent.

  • Chris Walczuch

    bullshit :D :D :D :D :D :D

  • Ivan Cerko Cerovec


  • Steven

    A moron would be someone who posts their children’s photos on the Internet. Change your profile picture and protect your children, that is your job as a parent. You idiot.

  • Guest

    OMG DUDE it’s a spoof..get it???

  • debra bradshaw

    hey silly goose. it’s a spoof.get it

  • captain_pudding

    Is humour illegal where you live?

  • dumbmediasniper

    It HAS yo be from the Onion. HOWEVER, i did see this run on CNN as anti-pot propaganda. They were trying to back the story and someone else in the interview was laughing, saying that “isn’t it interesting that humans have been smoking Mary-Jane for hundreds of years, and the day it becomes legal, everyone dies?” A little too comical to even take remotely serious. Sounds like an Evangelist.

  • Chuck Early

    Keep your bullshit lies.

  • Ron Lake

    To blair: you are exactly the reason they write these satirical news storys

  • AnonymousByRight

    LOL!!! Nice try…. using Satire to try and spread BS on purpose.

  • dzobels

    Now, wait a minute, people. People CAN overdose from weed and die. It happened to some guy in, ummmm Minneapolis, I think. . .in 1982, or somewhere around then.

  • salemK

    edit: “freedom FROM consequence”

  • 2Smart2bGOP

    Oh my god, people: S-A-T-I-R-E.

  • 2Smart2bGOP


  • P.Eaton

    Many of us know you can not OD on pot. But how many do not? I am sure this will be the next Fox expose’

  • Robert Tegland

    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer? All these pro-marijuana groups should be ashamed of themselves. The victims’ blood is on their hands.”

    Is this person kidding? How many lives has alcohol taken, including driving accidents. It is soley the user’s fault, everything in moderation. Just because its legal does not mean you should go eat a couple pounds of hashed brownies. I live in washington state and am a full supporter of legalization of marijuana, even though i don’t actually use it. Thousands and thousand of lives have been lost in the Mexican-American drug war, more then our entire war in afghanistan combined. A good chunk of lives would be saved if Mexicans weren’t trafficking it across the border.

  • jdub

    That, and The Rocky Mountain News has been out of business for a few years now.

  • bella

    BULLSHIT show me who the fuck died from Weed and show me what kind of health issues they had.also if you are epileptic then take it easy with how much weed you smoke and don’t freak out.
    word im out.

  • Stoshy

    I know this site is satire, but I’ve seen kids drop dead of heart attacks from smoking pot and playing basketball hardcore. So the smoke pot – suffer cardiac arrest thing from strenuous activities isn’t such a stretch to me. If I didn’t know this site to be satire, I would have believed this aside from the “overdose” claim. Haha.

  • Shadow

    Some people aren’t smart enough to realize this is fake. I did

  • m…..

    ha ha, this is what really does the young jerks in….keep it up and maybe you will get an award??? for something??? lyd?

  • jack

    this is fake, “Dr. Jack Shepard, chief of surgery at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Denver” is a character from the show lost Lost and Peter Swindon, president and CEO of local brewer-IMDb- MolsonCoors “is an actor, known for With Love to the Person Next to Me” -IMDb- this is fake people giving fake facts.

  • Sandy Hook is a LIE

    I find it hysterical that you’re so brainwashed from TV that you’d instantly recognize not one, but TWO references to character names on television PROGRAMMING.

  • dodos

    hahahahhahahahhaha….i think i ll be laughing for the next few years,as i am a daily marijuana user….i overdose my self everyday for over 8 years….The only heart attack a person can really have from pot is from hysterical laughs……greetings from greece and its illegal marijuana…oh sorry…Killing marijuana….xaaxaxaxaxa

  • Ando McDeath

    THat article about Sarah Palin really had me going

  • Heidi Williams

    And those numbers known as the LD50 would only be fatal in 50% of people.

  • unclesamonmars

    No. It’s called satire. Just as the story about girl scout cookies made with weed. OK? Got it?

  • unclesamonmars

    Go find a girl with a dragon tattoo bub.

  • nermer

    no it doesnt. actually, the fact that you think that shows signs of brainwashing is a real sign of brain washing. you see. because, you are not being logical…
    which is what brainwashing is for. to make you illogical and confused.

  • mzbhvn1

    absolutely ridiculous!!! this is what they call a parody……Im sure the person writing this was laughing while making the crazy references….I live in Denver and Im pretty sure there would have been reports of OD’s from the past few years worth of 420 rally’s on the Capitol steps long before it became legal for recreation.


    This is BS !! you would need like 80,000 joints to OD

  • Warren Huggett

    After all the hard work we don’t need articles like this that the mainstream people against marijuana just don’t get and then go spreading misinformation. Yeah it’s funny but, the dumb will spread it as truth.

  • nancy Alfred

    Good Day,,, Mr name is Mrs Nancy Alfred, Am from Florida, I had a serious quarrel with my husband due to my parent, my parent never like him to be my husband, but i love him so much that i will rather die to let him go off me, that was how i met this great man of voodoo online, he told me that everything will be fine that he can do a spell that will make my parent love him and allow me to marry him without any quarrel thoroughly it came to pass my mum and dad love him most than before we are now happy married family,please help me in thanking him for his help, here is the email

  • Randy Kiriluk

    I get my marijuana facts directly from the most reliable possible source, Reefer Madness. I tell you now that this legalization madness has

  • Ed

    Lmao !
    “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?”

  • erik

    its strange cause if this were real. wouldn’t Amsterdam be a ghost town! llolololloo who is the idiot writer on this troll site?

  • Casey Baur

    But that’s point. There are a lot of people in this country that have no knowledge of marijuana except what they hear from the government. We still have a large number of people, mostly older that believe that marijuana kills people or gets them highly addicted like it’s crack or something. We know how completely asinine that is but many don’t. Do we really want to work those people into a frenzy thinking newly legalized marijuana is killing people? Doesn’t sound smart to me.

  • Mackenzie Lambert

    Alcohol poisoning is a foreign concept to some people.

  • Mingusdew

    Funny is subjective, though I would side with you on not finding this funny either.

  • Emeric

    A university has just proven that you have to smoke 47 tons of marijuana in one hour to die of thc. Enough said.

  • Jack Dunne

    Ari… It it wasn’t TRUE… They couldn’t post it on the Internet!

  • Stoshy

    Hey, unclesamonmars, did you come up with that one while looking in the bathroom mirror?

    One more thing! Flushing wastes lots of water.

  • Jareth Belanger

    No. the internet hasn’t ruined legitimate news. Idiots ruined Legitimate News.

  • Ben Dailey

    The best part about this article and people believing in it is the toys’r’us ad in the middle of it.

  • James


  • Koko Gorillasapiente

    One of the those victims was 29-year-old Jesse Bruce Pinkman…

    Oh noooo!!!!! Jesse!!!!!!! :-)

  • Daz

    In my youth, I tried and I tried to OD on dope, now I am just stupid LOL…. Nice joke

  • Erik

    articles like this make stupid people stupider

  • cheefadareefa

    I smoked to marijuana, died, and went to heaven… then i started to come back down to earth and realized I didnt die, I was just extremely high… yea, ive died like a thousand times

  • Alberto Scheme Ocasio

    ^^^ It should be “YOU’RE” so you’re an idiot :) Now go study your homonyms :)

  • cam

    you can´t die from a marihuana overdose!!! this is so stupid

  • nancy Alfred

    i was married to my husband, i love him so much we have been married for 9years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation he meant a lady called Jane , he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don’t know what to do until I met my friend miss Mangmang and introduce me to a man called Esango Priest who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 3days. Miss Mangmang ask me to contact Esango Priest . I contacted him to help me bring back my husband . After three day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Esango Priest on any problem in this world, he is very nice, here is his contact Email He is the best spell caster

  • Touchofsanity

    I dunno about that – don’t you think those people would vote against it regardless, because they’ve obviously already given up their cognitive abilities and prefer corrupt agencies to do their thinking for them? I get what you’re saying, but the people who are willing to think will get the satire.

  • June


  • Aaron Dominic

    The sad thing is, I ended up here because some moron referenced this as true. HAHAHA

  • Aaron Dominic

    edit: ” FA Q”

  • justbehere

    Are you serious? “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?” All the time. Alcohol is much more harmful that marijuana; the only difference is that alcohol is legal. People don’t die from smoking marijuana. They might die from doing dangerous things while high, but there is a difference. Alcohol can kill someone by itself, if you consume enough, marijuana does not.

  • These nuts…

    All the people who die from alcohol poison everyday, drunk driving accidents or just a dumb drunk act and they trip now. I call bullshit….

  • Mel Walker

    me too lol

  • chuck

    are you people stupid or something a meth dealer dies from refer and now pot is the most dangerous drug wake the fuck up you morons.Oviously he was using his product as a meth dealer and it caught up to him. Damn people come on

  • Kenny Luc

    You are quite foolish, there is not a signal way you can overdose on pot. But what could have actually happen is that the people who died from the “Marijuana Overdose” could have been using Synthetic Marijuana because they were to poor to purchase actual Marijuana or just wanted something similar to Marijuana but in a form of a stronger intoxicant.

  • powerbase

    Instead of a war on drugs how about a war on stupid? How about a war on medicine? Reason? Highest cost of medicine on the planet with the highest cost of medical insurance driven by the cost of litigation. For what? The highest levels of death and suffering. Specifically, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s, lupus, arthritis. etc. If one person dies on a home remedy they send that person to prison, what if we did the same to the doctors and practitioners who kill millions of our kin every year? Many countries have made our medicine the laughing stock of the world. They spend a fraction of the money and live longer and healthier than we do. The reason? Our municipality. Water and Sewage treatment minus our system of medicine!

  • david brock

    yeah its fake !! the tweekr seller deserved to die though and i put a hex on him now

  • underconsume

    Hahahahahaha great lil piece

  • Allison

    Overdose on beer? That’s called being drunk, moron.

  • Belleek

    Peter Swindon, president and CEO of local brewer MolsonCoors; “When was the last time you heard of someone overdosing on beer?” It’s called alcohol poisoning…ever hear of that?

  • cxm

    WHO DIES OF MARIJUANA OD?! You cant die smoking just marijuana. those people probably mixed it with other drugs. but dont say it was purely from bud. that has lies written all over it.

  • JesusHadADick

    So you are saying that because people are close-minded and won’t do their own research, the rest of us should censor ourselves to make sure those idiots don’t get fooled accidentally? O.o


  • Keith Anton

    complete bullshit. show facts

  • Sage

    Which is what all the pathetic no-lifed stoners should be doing.

  • rossco coups

    what a load crock I’ve been to a few bad-ass pot party’s I’ve never seen any 1 OD on it

  • Rudy Kamel

    and how did you get to THAT conclusion?? Censorship is when an authority bans an article; common sense is when someone decides NOT to write a stupid article..

  • Shubhajit Chatterjee

    fukin fake news….. a person needs to smoke atleast 4000 joints in a short span just to get the toxic effect of weed!!!! Stop this bullshit news… A person cant overdose on marijuana ever..

  • Rudy Kamel

    HOLD your horses ffs.. no one wants to ban ANYthing!! We’re just saying it’s a BAD idea.. Jesus..

  • austin

    total rubbish. i’ve been consistently smoking well over an 8th everyday for the past 5 years…i’ve smoked it with other drugs, booze and pharmaceutical drugs and not once has anything even remotely like an “overdose” has occurred. if it was just me, i could dismiss it. but its also over 10 friends, my partner and numerous family members. this article is just weed hating

  • Jesse Wiley

    I call Bullshit

  • bad news article

    lmfao do any of you know what a hypospadia is? its an opening in the urethra on the bottom side of the penis rather than peeing out the tip you pee out the bottom hahahah weed causes those lmfao this article too funny

  • Haywood Jablowme

    Come on guys….Jesse Pinkman??? A former Meth dealer from Albuquerque??? Next it will be Heisenberg ODing from injecting too many Marijuanas. Has ANYONE seen a little show called Breaking bad???

    Uhhh….yeah, it’s satire. The fact that people are actually debating this is what is bullshit. Please crawl out from under the various rocks you’ve obviously been living under.

  • Reid Fox

    its fear mongering plain and simple

  • BillyJeanJ

    This is the literally the dumbest article I have ever read. Clearly all of this is completely made up and wrong. If you believe any of this crap then I feel bad for you because you’re obviously really gullible…

  • Great North Arrow CULBERT

    You guys are what gives media a bad name. Are you the online national enquirer? I own a Newspaper and your journalism really angers me!

  • LoveNotWar

    @Blair- Your comment is literally the BEST comment on here and I agree with you entirely. I didn’t recognize any of the names (I try to fill my brain with things that actually matter). I thought this was a real article until I read the comments… I was prepared to point out all the flaws and the ridiculousness of the article, but you’ve already hit it head on. Great job!!

  • Raymond Evans



    The Daily Currant is an English language online satirical newspaper that covers global politics, business, technology, entertainment, science, health and media.

    Q. Are your news stories real?

    A. No. Our stories are purely fictional. However they are meant to address real-world issues through satire and often refer and link to real events happening in the world.


  • Serious Artist

    There is nothing satire about this. The people that run the crap sites know that most people don’t check the source. Let’s call it what it really is. Dis-information!

  • Chas

    Maritimer, I knew this was not true, but did not know it was satire until I read the comments. There has been a slander campaign against pot for almost 100 years. The problem is that so many people believe at least part of the slander. This should at least be labelled as satire somewhere in the article.

  • Nailbunny

    lol the last time someone OD on beer? people get alcohol poisoning all the time! so stupid

  • Daweed Man

    So fake hahahah

  • Dan

    This is the biggest lie and weakest propaganda story I have ever seen. No one has ever died from smoking weed. How gullible are people?

  • grady

    if marijuana kills I should have died 50 years ago. Back when a lid was only $15.

  • Melissa

    No, you don’t hear of people overdosing on beer, but you hear about all the drinking and driving and people causing accidents and killing themselves and innocent people. This add is just ridiculous.!

  • Melissa

    Oh, and one of the kids that died used Meth… that in itself is a million times worse than pot. Seriously? Thats all I can honestly say at this point. How dumb dumb dumb the people are that wrote and participated in this whole article creation.

  • alicia

    how can you overdose on mj unless it has something else in it

  • alicia

    perfect reply

  • alicia

    gotta get up to speed with commenters. they spoof these people all the time. AS if they are being paid to make points

  • CallingBatman

    It gets worse Melissa. I grew up in Albuquerque and let me tell you, if you think that Pinkman kid was bad news, you should’ve met his former “business associate” Walter White.

  • Meredith
  • Meredith

    Although this is satire, some people are apparently finding a way to die from marijuana.

  • 1964Nickel

    I realize it’s supposed to be satire, but there are so many morons out there who will be able to believe it’s true, so I think it’s in bad taste to do articles like this. It just keeps throwing out false information, which the anti-legalization peeps love and use in their own bits. The average conservative non-stoner doesn’t take much to go overboard on info.

  • Ryan

    Lol, love all these lies in this article. Yes people died, not because of marijuana, because they had heart issues which killed them, and marijuana which lasts in people’s systems for a month only remains. Sometimes the stupidity of people and what they actually believe without doing proper research amazes me. Surprise people, you can overdose on weed, you’d have to smoke at least 30,000 joints in 10 mins and I’d love to see anyone try that.

  • Tonya Young

    I don’t smoke tha’ stuff, but i ain’t never heard of anyone dying from smokin’ marijuana…. It’s not the marijuana that’s killin’ ppl, it’s what’s EXTRA being added in with the marijuana.

  • RespondsToDerp

    If you say “This is Satire” at the start, it stops being satire. Also, I had no idea what the daily currant was, since this seemed like a seriously unlikely claim. I spent 10 seconds googling Daily Currant to see if it was a hardcore conservative scare site, and was amused to find it was much like the Onion. I then read and enjoyed the article. If you are too lazy to know the source of your information, you deserved to know nothing.

  • RespondsToDerp

    Not censor it, just have a disclaimer. Or else how will idiots know it’s comedy?

  • RespondsToDerp

    I’m sure Johnathan Swift heard the same argument in 1729 when he published A Modest Proposal.

    This line of though shows no signs of preventing the creation and enjoyment of satire. Let some moron politician quote this ‘source’ in a legitimate debate. The destruction of his credibility will be well deserved.

  • RespondsToDerp

    dstreit is a knowledgeable [Citation Needed] source and does not require further citing.

  • RespondsToDerp

    [Citation Needed]

  • Maritimer1

    Lies, no matter how often told, NEVER become truths. Just because idiots believe the lies, still does not make them fact.

  • js

    Satire or not, This should not be publicized, too many people are stupid enough to believe it

  • RebeLeeous

    No one died. Not cos of marijuana, not cause marijuana triggered a problem with their heart issues. This article is 100% made up. stupid.

  • Cynthia Hogen

    HELLO — IT’S the Daily Currant — ALL THEY DO IS SATIRE!!! So the people who are going to think this is a “real” “news” article are: A. the people who only read the headline, in which case Who Cares! And B. people who DON’T bother to read the banner where it says this is THE DAILY CURRANT!!! Seriously people….

  • King of all Lindinum


  • Amanda Martin

    Oh God, save me from satire, because I’m too stupid to see through it. Get a grip! I saw this article the day it was released and knew that it was satire because I’ve done enough research to know that no one can OD on cannabis. I’ve never seen BB or Lost, so when I started researching the names in the article I was even more convinced that this was fake/satire. The only time I’ve ever seen anyone die from weed is from being crushed by 1,000 lbs of it while trying to evade the law in Brazil. So… the joke is on you, Blair. There is no such thing as “legitimate news”. There is flux of information and you decide if it’s legitimate or not. Your entitlement mindset is what is wrong here, not this article. “I deserve to see only legitimate news….waahhh” If you turn your attention to mainstream media, you will be far more disappointed.

  • Nothere00000

    This is not true at all so don’t worry my fellow weed smokers I just got done with my pharmacology class and weed is the one of the only things in the world that you can not OD on. For example if you eat to much you can die. If you drink to much water you can die. If you smoke a lot of weed you fall asleep. I have a 3.9 GPA and I smoke about 5 grams a day and I still run 3 miles a day as well. All this is people that have PHDs that got paid off from drug companies, cotton companies, or paper companies to say that weed is BAD!!!

  • Drug Testing Consultant

    I can see how this post has caused much uproar from the comments posted. For those who are unaware, there isn’t a single case of anyone ever overdosing on marijuana. The worst I’ve seen is someone who ate one too many brownies and you can solve that issue by simply hydrating by drinking plenty of water.

  • CowTippinTipton

    Welcome back to yellow journalism.

  • Tara

    Daily Currant, The majority of your american audience isn’t discerning enough to realise that this is satire. Please stop messing things up for the herbalists. Thanks.

  • Kendall Bowman

    “All my life I’ve heard that it was “Impossible to overdose” on cannibus, I question this, Since I have a friend who back in the 80’s would smoke doobies one after another after another, more than I smoked cigarettes enormous amounts of Marjuana. So I am really curious if this happenend , IT MAY HAVE But im just curious if this is a Urban Legend or in reality deaths occured

  • unity100

    Dont make such satire again. There are hordes of totally ignorant right wing psychos who easily believe things like this because they want to.

  • Michelle Davis

    Boy , I say Boy .. This is Horse Manure !

  • Jeff

    Did anyone not know it was satire? Unless I’m wrong your comment was the first which means you’re calling “No one” a moron. That kind of makes you look like a moron.

  • Jasper


  • Strangelove

    You are doing the world a disservice by posting rhetoric like this. we are living in an age of abundant false information, and you are intentionally creating more. there are people that that dont watch lost or breaking bad or even tv in general that would believe every word. whay dont you blog about some things that actually happened? you’re wasting our Internet, and our air.

  • Strangelove

    Plus, Peter Swindon, and Jack Shepard, and Jesse Bruce Pinkman. are all about to sue you for Libel. Technically the state of Colorado could sue you for Libel too.

  • Marvin Brutus


  • Suzy

    Obviously people who love weed are going to laugh at this, but the facts are this, there are side effects with every drug, marihuana does cause some people to skitz out! Just like this news article did!

  • Herman Vogel

    No, you can’t OD on MJ,,,you Can however end up with irreversible Brain Damage ( medical FACT, it will activate the defective gene that causes Schizophrenia, ( Medical FACT, and now we are seeing people developing Heart Problems from frequent use Medical FACT(…Yeah, Great Stuff. Odd that the HHS hasn’t stepped in, but then they would rather we reduce the population anyway. so Have at it Stoners, the fewer of you we have, the better our Society will be…AMF.

  • Poyner

    If you believe this article you are truly retarded.

    So in plain English you would have to smoke about 20,000 joints within 20 minutes to receive a fatal dose of Delta 9 THC..

    here it is in specific detail In summary, enormous doses of Delta 9 THC, All THC and concentrated marijuana extract ingested by mouth were unable to produce death or organ pathology in large mammals but did produce fatalities in smaller rodents due to profound central nervous system depression.

    The non-fatal consumption of 3000 mg/kg A THC by the dog and monkey would be comparable to a 154-pound human eating approximately 46 pounds (21 kilograms) of 1%-marijuana or 10 pounds of 5% hashish at one time. In addition, 92 mg/kg THC intravenously produced no fatalities in monkeys. These doses would be comparable to a 154-pound human smoking at one time almost three pounds (1.28 kg) of 1%-marijuana or 250,000 times the usual smoked dose and over a million times the minimal effective dose assuming 50% destruction of the THC by smoking.

    Thus, evidence from animal studies and human case reports appears to indicate that the ratio of lethal dose to effective dose is quite large. This ratio is much more favourable than that of many other common psychoactive agents including alcohol and barbiturates (Phillips et al. 1971, Brill et al. 1970).

  • 303Mike

    sooo funny omg i smoke hash almost everyday and the most that happens is you need more the next day lmfao fyi- hash is upwards of 90% thc wereas most cannabis strains consist on average 9-23% when grown. you wont die folks you just get really high and sometimes pass out, the worst thing that ever happened to me was one night we were making edibles (cookies mainly but also rice crispy snacks and brownies) and i started snacking as i was preparing batches and about 5 cookies and 4 brownies 3 bowls and 3 dabs(hash hits) later i was like “guys why are we making so many edibles? dont we have enough? im high as fuck and i really need to sit down.” lol to my surprise i was alone and everyone else was already passed out or outside smoking a cig. i didnt even notice i had been working alone for like 10 minutes lol since then i havent been that high but i have never regretted it. I have regretted most night i was drunk though, so that should say something.

  • 0nel0ve

    In what way was this article in favor for legalization? It seemed rather idiotic and very incorrect.

  • anonymoose

    When did The Onion stop being funny?
    Oh wait, this is the Daily Currant.
    The Daily Currant was never funny.

  • Francesca Mazzolani
  • rerepierreddescarty

    Currants are tasty when you’re stoned

  • Wade

    we made a batch of space cakes with a 1 half pound. of Kush. we tripped so hard. but none of us died. we also smoked the rest of the 1lbs in 2 weeks NONE OF US EVEN GOT SO MUCH AS A RESPIRATORY INFECTION FROM THE SMOKE blow me you bigoted bitches.

  • Walter White

    Jessie Pinkman, lol……He’s a friend of mine…..!
    Are you Americans that daft that you don’t recognize satire? I thought we here in the UK were stupid, but some of the posts on this and other stories within the Currant website are hilarious!


    “All my life I’ve heard that it was “Impossible to overdose” on cannibus (sic), I question this, Since I have a friend who back in the 80’s would smoke doobies one after another after another, more than I smoked cigarettes enormous amounts of Marjuana (sic). So I am really curious if this happenend (sic).


  • Walter White

    Oh, don’t be so pathetic. Satire is the cornerstone of modern comedy; if you want news, go elsewhere.

  • Walter White

    “Yes, people died”
    No, they didn’t, you muppet.

  • Walter White

    How gullible are people?

    Not as much as you, given your post.

  • Walter White

    It’s satire, plain and simple.

  • Walter White

    I’d just like to say, I’ve seen that show….

  • Mrs Christy


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    Mrs Christy

  • John Smith
  • Guest

    This is a lie, designed to pray on the ignorant, It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana, due to the amount nesesary to do so, and that is just theory, NO ONE HAS EVER OVERDOSED ON THC<The CDC maintains that it has never happened.
    Yes, there is science behind it. Our bodies already have cannabanoids in them that are very similar to thc, and we have receptors in our brains that are meant to use cannabanoids naturally in our bodies very similar to thc.

    I maintain that it is possible, you would just have to have such a massive amount concentrated into a single dose…. pounds and pounds of it, some estimate more than your body weight. (smoked or eaten) Just like it IS possible to over dose on water, but so hard for it to happen

  • Derrick Howard

    This is a lie, designed to pray on the ignorant, It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana, due to the amount necessary to do so, and that is just theory, NO ONE HAS EVER OVERDOSED ON THC<The CDC maintains that it has never happened.
    Yes, there is science behind it. Our bodies already have cannabanoids in them that are very similar to thc, and we have receptors in our brains that are meant to use cannabanoids naturally in our bodies very similar to thc.
    I maintain that it is possible, you would just have to have such a massive amount concentrated into a single dose…. pounds and pounds of it, some estimate more than your body weight. (smoked or eaten) Just like it IS possible to over dose on water, but so hard for it to happen

  • Star Lit

    Injected 12 Marijuana’s… What!!! That Makes No Sense At All…

  • Mark Hudson

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  • Dred Scott

    HAHAHA, to funny!!!!
    SATIRE @ its finest!!

  • Ghumpmire

    Insanity! no one ever OD’s on pot!

  • Brian Cain-Grajales

    But, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face on the drug war if marijuana was more deadly being grown, sold and taxed legally versus being bought illegally off the street.

  • Vergent Bill

    HaHa, What are they smoking at Rocky Mountain News? Where can I get some?

  • Vergent Bill

    Hypospadias (hi-poe-SPAY-dee-us) is a condition in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis, instead of at the tip. – Mayo

    Trimethylaminuria – Trimethylamine then builds up and is released in the person’s sweat, urine, and breath, giving off a strong fishy odor or strong body odor.

  • wiseowl

    sure isnt the marijuana thats killing these young people ,its them abusing the drug like all other drugs they use… one can overdose on any drug, even OTC ones and get terrible toxic side effects if taking too much… just like the gun lobbyist peddle their safety on guns.. its the gun owner that kills a person not the gun!!!

  • Tomas

    I hope this isn’t a real article because people overdose on beer all the time. Also just to note. Anything that has drawn attention for being illegal, then legalized would likely kill off the stupid people sooner then later. Whats that evolution phrase..

  • Celtic

    Satire and inflammatory to the mindless masses. Most people are to stupid to understand that this was a joke….and believe it to be real…or just read the headline and it becomes gospel.

  • sminer

    It’s quite interesting to me that you claim “anyone can cram their way through grad school” and disregard his two masters degrees when you yourself used your “4.0” grade point average as a junior in undergraduate school to tote your own intelligence. You’ve contradicted yourself, and you’ve show that both your logic and arguments are flawed.

  • Maria Rico

    Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), also known as fish odor syndrome or fish malodor syndrome,[1] is a rare metabolic disorder that causes a defect in the normal production of the enzyme

    Hypospadias /haɪpoʊˈspeɪdɪəs/[1][2] is a birth defect of the urethra in males and females that involves an abnormally placed urinary meatus (the opening, or male external urethral orifice).

    How can smoking pot cause this? Cardiac arrest I could maybe see this happen in a very small percentage as it does elevate the heart rate, but so does running!?

  • Anthony K Aurelia

    I’ve seen that happen. Those people are pretty much experiencing an allergic reaction or weren’t quite right before hand.

  • Flaw Liss Victory

    so you know this is fake … Dr. Jack Shepard is a charictor out of the tv show LOST


    Is this a joke? Use of marijuana causes hypospadias? A congenital defect in the urethra is caused by an acute ingestion of a substance? This is BS.

  • Lisa Quain

    This is all crap lies designed to scare people, it is not true anyone died

  • Patrick

    I have NEVER heard of one account of ANYONE ever “OD-ing” on pot.
    I’m on a number of medications for my heart and such, and am at the doctors office VERY frequently. They ALL know that I use marijuana for pain, and have NEVER cautioned me against it, or instructed me of how to use it, with the exception of saying that I should eat it, instead of smoking it.
    This article is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!

  • Tam

    Excessive use of many things can kill you. You can die from exercising excessively, eating too much, and even drinking too much water. That does not mean we are going to ban exercising, food, and water. Limiting our freedoms is NOT the answer. If pot is sold legally, there should be warning labels, just like we use with cigarettes and alcohol.

  • Timothy53

    And here in the Free State of Maryland, the Commander of the State Police cited this article when one of the Delegates suggested that Maryland should begin the process of legalizing Marijuana, first with medical marijuana. When he was informed that it was a joke, he admitted to being unaware of the fact but he stands by his opposition to legalization because of the serious dangers that marijuana poses.

    When that same delegate was on the radio in a gubernatorial debate with the current LtGov and the current State Prosecutor, the Prosecutor’s argument against legalization was “Do you really want your 14 year old school child going to the 7-11 to by a bag of chips, a Mountain Dew and a joint? And no one on the panel reminded him that that is exactly what happens now.

  • kev

    It must what they are putting in it to grow 2 kill ya because look at amsterdam how many has died there over there daily they have had it for years lol. All of a sudden its good then it kills i love it let it kill me but i dont like alcohol but it killls daily but who cares if it makes lots of tax

    37 die in Colorado On First Day of Legalization of cannabis compared to

    2.5 Million Alcohol-Related Deaths

  • nancyrbennett

    my Aunty
    Allison recently got a nice 6 month old Jaguar by working from a macbook.this website C­a­s­h­d­u­t­i­e­s­.­C­O­M­

  • Deskrider

    There are so many incredibly ignorant and simple minded people in this country, they will believe this article. Expecting coherent and thoughtful evaluation of the war on drugs is not going to happen. Too many aren’t smart enough to assess the true horrors, and they are not the drugs themselves.

  • anon

    this site is like the onion or the daily mash, except not as clever by half. They think of no real funny ideas, or premises for stories. Thats the reason why it was difficult for the less quick to pick up on. Hackey writing from an unimaginative ripoff site lousy with clickbait. gross.

  • Tom

    Potato- I for one, was not familiar with this website, and saw the article when someone posted it on FB as being true. I didn’t get the name references as I didn’t watch Lost, or Breaking Bad. My BS detector did go off with the hypospadias reference, so I looked into it and figured out that it is a satire site. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who won’t take the time to figure that out. All in all, I have to say that The Onion is a better site.

  • thisisbullshithaha

    keep spouting bullshit and lies, so misinformed its hilarious i almost died laughing from this, not from marijuana

  • Mark

    Too many realists.

  • jaklin hammam
  • Barley Corn

    stress and paranoia and fear the things a lot of marijuana smokers try to get away from by using marijuana causes heart attacks and teenage boys that hate sloppy secends and love to throw bones like a girl. Not Lol

  • Praise Sermons

    Lies! No way people died. propaganda

  • Justine Gee

    this is one of the most idiotic articles I’ve ever read. Science and fact are science and fact and there are too many factors that discredit almost every claim made in this article. — And saying that weed is a hardcore drug that ruins lives is hilarious!! If anyone thinks they know someone that is “addicted” (proven not physically addictive like the hardcore drug HEROIN for example) to marijuana — well let me tell you now that whoever you know is not addicted to pot… rather they most likely have some serious self loathing, or depression problems. but those problems would have been apparent way before they started smoking weed…LOL thanks for the laugh!

  • Justine Gee

    oh wait !! i didn’t read the bottom few paragraphs!!! lol well i guess im still laughing and the stupidity makes sense now! glad i used a fake name..hahaha

  • Mgooboo

    im pretty sure it censorship if your forcing people to change there work by adding something they dont want to add, like a disclaimer. They should do a satirical disclaimer taking the piss out of all the people who don’t understand satire and get worked up into a frenzy :p

  • Mgooboo

    …Please please please just READ the whole article then search the dictionary for the word SATIRE. Private Eye magazine is a good place to start. IT IS NOT A SERIOUS ARTICLE. it is a PARODY of all the mainstream media scaremongering leading up to the legalisation of recreational weed.

    Here is the definition for you:


    the use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticise people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

    “the crude satire seems to be directed at the mainstream media coverage of marijuana legalisation of the time”
    synonyms:mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature; More

    a play, novel, film, or other work which uses satire.
    plural noun: satires
    “a stinging satire on American media”
    synonyms:parody, burlesque, caricature, lampoon, skit, take-off, squib, travesty;More

    a genre of literature characterized by the use of satire.
    “a number of articles on American satire”

    The whole point of the Daily Currant is to mimic an American mainstream newspaper and parody their coverage of current events. In this case there had been many reports of how the pro weed legalisation is going to be disaster and the daily current has SATIRISED these reports by producing an article where all there fears have been greatly exaggerated and confirmed in order to show how ludicrous the scare mongering was. It’s an article subtly critical of Americans mainstream media coverage of drug laws. Unfortunately there seems to be an army of people incapable of detecting irony and parody, that are unaware of satire entirely, that dont read past the headline and cannot be bothered to read the ABOUT page on this website that clearly states all article are a JOKE. Yet are intent on censorship of something they dont understand

  • Mgooboo

    im sorry but from your comment i do not think you understand what satire is. Satire cannot ruin legitimate news!!! THIS IS A COMEDY WEBSITE NOT A NEWS WEBSITE. The problem is people are so bloody lazy they cannot be arsed to read past the headline and understand the PARODY and IRONY in the article that is CLEARLY critical of mainsteam media. Or even click on the about page which clearly states this is a comedy website and all articles a PARODYS of current events. I dunno why i have to spell it out to you and your calling me a moron

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  • jaki

    so you know this is fake … Dr. Jack Shepard is a charictor out of the tv show LOST

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  • Jewels

    What a crock of crap! Lying to scare everyone. Don’t buy into the lies, look it up yourself.

  • Sky Grady

    What a bunch of made up BS propoganda on a fake website reporting the “Reefer Madness” legalities. Probably being paid off by Monsanto for writing this crap. The only reason that marijuana is illegal is because it puts cancer into remishion or even completely kills it. This means people would not be supporting the billion dollar cancer industry so big Pharma companies that write the legislature will no longer be collecting money for 1,000 a pill orr chemo which not only don’t cure but simply prolong cancer. If you believe anything about this post you are one of the Sheeple in America that are part of the problem, not the solution!

  • realist24/7

    Alcohol is physically and mentally addictive, it rots the brain and body FACT, it kills thousands directly and thousands more in directly (drink driving, alcohol fuelled violence)……It may be satire but is it really?, seeing as a lot of commentators didn’t get it was satire, why not write a real article with real facts about how toxic alcohol really is compared to non toxic natural marijuana?. Ask any drugs worker or scientist and they will tell you that alcohol is more toxic to the body than even Opiates are , this is a FACT that most people will never get to hear about due to the power these dirty toxic alcohol companies have.

  • realist24/7

    Excellent comment.

  • realist24/7

    Exactly right, probably the real intentions of the puppet who wrote this unfunny tripe and downright lies…………….Satire?, yeh right, how about an article explaining what Alcohol does to the brain and body?……………………………..thought not, that would be a little to near the bone.

  • realist24/7

    unfortunately there are a lot of morons out there, as well as a lot of hypocritical alcohol drinkers living in denial that the fact of the matter is that their drug of choice is more toxic than even opiates are, FACT, and if you can’t see how this poorly written satire would cause damage to the already demonised natural plant, then you may be one of them, remember reefer madness?, yes that utter BS and lies, how many believed it?, you are the one being gullible.

  • realist24/7

    I knew it was satire, but I also understand the human mind and how these so called “satire” articles really work.

  • realist24/7

    Exactly right, people are reactionary and the writer knows this really, just another boring writer to scared to write about reality and facts, it would not be so bad if Marijuana was on a fair level playing field, but it is not, the amount of lies and propaganda printed is pathetic in the year 2014.

  • Gilad Faivre

    Satire is funny but the comments from folks who believe the satire are even funnier.

  • W. Anthony Tanas

    I just came here after some yahoo on Facebook cited this showing why medical marijuana should be opposed in FL. OMG…Good comedy!

  • W. Anthony Tanas

    It causes hypospadias LOL. That’s “ambiguous genitalia”.

  • W. Anthony Tanas

    I don’t know Lost or Breaking Bad either but it was obviously satire from the headline. And it was very funny.

    Now I won’t condemn someone for their ignorance (if not willful) or even stupidity as that’s not someone’s fault. But the ignorant and stupid surely should not be influencing matters that destroy lives such as the war on drugs.

  • Stephen Palmer

    Jesse Bruce Pinkman former methamphetamine dealer from Alburquerque was a dead give away come on people if you didn’t catch that you should be ashamed of yourself…you are to down a oz of the finest cheeb marathon Breaking bad and repent!!! In that order

  • mimibird

    When the publication is named after a fruit it should be a give away right there that this is not legitimate journalism. And OMG Your other comment, “these so called “satire” articles really work.” Oh, really. On who? How? Policy makers? People who actually vote? What are the statistics? Work to do what exactly? What an odd thing to say.

  • Levi Mitchell

    You actually can OD on marijuana, it’s just that you would pass out before you could smoke the amount needed to do so yourself. THC is a drug, and like any other drug, your body can only take so much before it becomes toxic. It’s extreme hard, but not impossible to overdose on weed.

  • Vasya Bricklyn

    And of course the Coors brand of formaldehyde laced piss is completely harmless.

  • captain_pudding

    A 19 year old male that doesn’t watch Breaking Bad, ever weird.

  • captain_pudding

    That’s the whole reason I come to this site. The articles aren’t nearly as entertaining as the comments section.

  • taita yassine
  • nedved1000
  • rosy mostafa
  • Steven P. Mitchell

    This is concurrent to the premise that in economics, competition always makes the price of an object or an effort go down. Aren’t competitive auctions held to increase the price of an object or effort?